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The Soulmate

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This started out with a bang and pulled me right in. I always love dual POV'S and timelines and this one was no exception. However, after reading the last line, I wasn't as impressed as I thought I would be. The ending fell a little flat and the epilogue just didn't add up with the characteristics of the protagonist. I can't really explain it without spoiling it but relating a little to her, I can say that you don't change your mindset that fast or easily. Not all is lost with this book though, I don't regret reading it and still enjoyed it the entire time. The concept was original and everything tied together beautifully in the end. The writing was also exceptional and keeps your interest. I just didn't love it. Three Stars.

Thank you as always to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for this ARC.

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This novel is full of intelligence and insight about women, husbands, love, family loyalty and the conflicts that arise. This story has so many levels and layers it is like an onion - the more you peel off, the more you find

This is a book not to be missed

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You have a seemingly perfect marriage, two beautiful children, a gorgeous cliff-side home, and a husband known as an angel for his habit of saving the people that come to that cliff to end their lives. What could go wrong?

When one of those jumpers can’t be saved and falls to her death, secrets start to surface that threaten everyone involved.

I started this on a Saturday and neglected all of my responsibilities until I was finished. Sally Hepworth is one of my must-buy authors for a reason.

I can’t wait until this is available in the US, so I can grab a copy with that beautiful cover.

This one is definitely worth a preorder. Thank you to @netgalley and @stmartinspress for the review copy.

#netgalley #thesoulmate #advancedreaderscopy #bookstagram #domesticthriller

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Thanks To Net Galley for this ARC of the Soulmate. I read this book quickly and really enjoyed it, but I guess I expect too much from Sally Hepworth to hit it out of the park every single time. Without exception her recent books have all been five stars for me. This one earned four stars. It was confusing because it kept jumping around from characters who were either in the present or not, dead or alive, and just was overall hard to follow. Other than that great story!

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I am a big Sally Hempworth fan. This book did not disappoint. I don’t want to give anything away, but it had so many fantastic twists and turns. This storyline was perfectly executed, and I loved the alternating POV of the 2 women. This book had me hooked right from the beginning. Definitely recommend picking this one up!

Huge thanks to St. Martin's Press and Netgalley for this copy!

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Finished this one in about 3 days - I couldn't put it down! The development of the story was great, with little twists along the way that kept you wondering, "what else am I going to find out?" I loved this one and can't wait to read more of her.

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I have really enjoyed every Sally Hepworth book I’ve read thus far. So when I saw the possibility to read this before it was released through NetGalley I jumped at the chance.

This book is told from the perspective of two women: Pippa and Amanda, and in two timelines: before and after. Pippa and her husband, Gabe, have recently purchased a house near The Drop, a cliff that is a popular location for people looking to commit suicide. Gabe is actually quite good at talking people down and has a great record of saving people until Amanda comes by and ends up dead.

Why was Amanda at The Drop? Why is her husband so sure that she would not have committed suicide? What are Gabe and Pippa hiding?

This was a book I did not want to put down. The chapters are short which keeps you jumping from people and timelines wondering what the heck is going on. I really enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone looking for a thriller. Thank you NetGalley for the advanced copy.

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My love for Sally Hepworth runs DEEP! She has become one of my very favorite authors and her latest, The Soulmate does not disappoint. As always, I could not put this book down. Loved it from the first page until the end and everything in the middle. Highly recommend!
Thank you to net galley for the arc in exchange for an honest review!

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Another Sally Hepworth book that I completed in one sitting. Hepworth seems to be masterful in introducing concepts on family drama that twists a bit deeper than most.
The way the two couple stories, Amanda/Max and Pippa/Gabe, builds up had me intrigued especially with the mystery of how Amanda died on the cliff and what exactly was Gabe's involvement.

If you are a fan of red herrings and slow burn unraveling of tidbits of clues - you will enjoy this. It takes a closer examination of the layers and definition of love and marriage. It's not fast paced or super thrilling but it satisfied and checked all the boxes of an enjoyable storyline with a surprise ending.

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Thank you NetGalley, St..Martin's amd Sally Hepworth for this ARC. This review is difficult to write because there is so much to say about this boom, but I don't want to give anything away. I will say that this book has multiple twists and was difficult to put down. I was drawn into the world that Pippa, Gabe, Max and Amanda lived in. It was interesting to get to know them and I really could relate to them supporting their husbands through some difficult times. They may appear to be weak women, but are really strong to put up with what they did especially Pippa. I definitely recommend this book if you want to be kept on your toes and need a good psychological thriller in your life.

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I can always count on Sally Hepworth’s books to be interesting and page-turning, and The Soulmate is no exception. This is a suspenseful look at marriage and family, and a reminder that things are never quite like they might appear. Thanks to NetGalley for the advance copy.

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This book was sent to me by Netgalley for review. Thanks to the publisher for the electronic copy. Murder and intrigue…secrets…love and romance…marriage and children…friends…this book is written by a talented and gifted author…although the story does move slowly at times, it comes to a resounding end…fiction that reads like true crime…I can imagine a television show with the cliff in fog…

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Hepworth is a master story teller. The Amanda chapters were interesting. Anything would be a spoiler.

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I had not read a Sally Hepworth book before being given an advanced copy of the Soulmate from Netgalley. But I will surely be reading more! The Soulmate sucked me in from the first page and I had a hard time putting it down. I read it within 24 hours. It is one of those books where I both dread and can’t wait for the ending. Dread because I don’t want it to end and anticipation of the plot twists. Definitely recommend this one.

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Sally Hepworth has given us another psychological thriller that is wrapped around family drama. This story will have you gripping the pages and losing sleep to finish. Drama, suspense, a little bit of a tear breaker as well!
5 radiating stars for The Soulmate! Be sure to add this one to your tbr!

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I doubt if I will ever not enjoy a book by Sally Hepworth. They are always well plotted and have great characters. But I enjoyed The Soulmate less than The Good Sister. I was waiting for the twists and turns of The Good Sister and instead I got a much more formulaic read. It was still enjoyable and still had great characters, but more predictable. If this was a different author I wouldn't be a bit disappointed, but it's Sally Hepworth and I expect a mystery/thriller that doesn't let me down for a second.

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Wow, this was such a twisty tale! I was so excited when I was approved to read an advance copy of Sally Hepworth’s upcoming novel-I moved it to the top of my TBR.
Hepworth has a gift for keeping readers on their toes. I read this one in one afternoon because I couldn’t put it down. I enjoyed the uniquely twist with the POVs of two characters being shared from both the past and present. A look into marriage, mental health, and the lies people tell their loved ones. The characters are flawed and intriguing. This may be my new favorite from Hepworth, I highly recommend this book! Thank you to St Martins Press and NetGalley for the advanced copy, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This book was excellent! It was a fast paced read that had interesting characters.

I liked that I was figuring out what was happening but didn’t have it all figured out. This was my first Sally Hepworth book and I would recommend it to anyone who likes a fast-paced suspense with different perspectives and jumps back in time!

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Oh my, what a story! It hooked me from the first page. I loved the alternating points of view (which were also in different time periods). It felt like each chapter gave you a piece or two of the puzzle, and I had fun making guesses throughout of what *really* happened and how the characters were connected. Turns out all my guesses were wrong, ha!

Highly recommend this one! 5/5

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I finished this book in a day. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time I was reading! The story is full of mystery, and each time I thought I was close to figuring something out, new information would completely surprise me! The character development was deep and left me feeling a closeness with each character. This book will end up on all the book club lists!

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