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The Soulmate

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A twisty read. A great read for fans of the author. With a beautiful house in a prime location, all seems perfect. However, the house is beside a known suicide spot. This story was a fascinating domestic thriller and ideal for fans of the genre.

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Another winning domestic thriller from
Author Sally Hepworth!

This plot jumps right into the moment a person is on the edge of a cliff, ready to end their life. This cliff has become a hot spot for suicide attempts and despite the stunning home that Pippa owns with her husband Gabe, the cliff has so far been much more than just a nuisance. Gabe spends night over night helping strangers thanks to his keen ability to talk them down from jumping. Until one day someone jumps while Gabe is there… but why do police suspect it might not be an accident?

Sally Hepworth is a genius with suspense. Her writing is always perfectly paced, creating sympathy for characters despite their sketchy behaviors. I find myself always questioning my opinion as the story moves along.

I also appreciated how atmospheric this book was. I could almost hear the waves crashing into the cliff and smell the salty air. The descriptions of the setting really pulls you in as a reader.

With plenty of twists, reveals, and some shocking betrayals, I would definitely consider this to be a page-turner! Perfect for the pool or beach.

I never have rated a Hepworth book poorly which just goes to show how talented she is. If you’ve loved her books before or if you’ve never read them, I think you would definitely enjoy this one!

Thank you @stmartinspress and @netgalley for my gifted e-galley in exchange for an honest review.

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I love a Sally Hepworth book! They are always interesting and twisty, with unique plots and this was no different. The history of the cliff and house was interesting, and I enjoyed learning about all the different characters. I didn’t quite connect as deeply with the main character as I wanted to? I can’t put my finger on as to why. Perhaps I am tired of books using mental illness as an excuse for unacceptable behavior. And there was a lot in this book. I know it can be genetic, but it seems nearly everyone had a mental illness, it was a bit draining in that sense. And while I didn’t see certain twists coming, the ending was a little anticlimactic. But I was satisfied how it ended for Pippa. Overall this one kept me engaged the entire time, I just didn’t love it as much as her others.

Bottom Line: Read it.

**I received a copy of The Soulmate from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are of my own.**

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Thank you so much to St Martin’s Press for a free digital copy in exchange for an honest review.

I love everything else I have ever read by Sally Hepworth and I will continue to read everything she writes, but unfortunately I did not love this book. The plot was very messy and the way each plot line resolved at the end was not very satisfying. I also hated the omniscient dead character’s point of view. I think this story would have been much better and the plot would have been far more cohesive if the entire book had been from Pippa’s perspective.

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Sally Hepworth is one of my favorites and The Soulmate maybe my favorite of hers.

Pippa and Gabriel, and their family move into the house of their dreams. But they never realized that there backyard is known as The Drop.

Gabriel (Gabe) becomes some sort of hero (I mean not really in the book) but he was saving many of the "jumpers" that he comes across.

I'm sure you can figure where this is going, that eventually he is not going to be able to convince all of them not to jump.
And that is the start of the ride.

As always with Hepworth books, this is a fast pace domenstic thriller. She is probably one of the only authors where I can never figure out her twists!!

Thank you so much to #NetGalley, Sally Hepworth and the publisher for the ARC

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This was my first book to read by this author but it won't be my last! This was a beautifully written novel that evokes so many emotions and keeps you on the edge of your seat. Don't miss out on this one!

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Normally, I am a huge Sally Hepworth fan. This time, though, The Soulmate, just couldn't hold my attention. There were a few twists and turns, which is always a good thing, but I guess I expected more.

A lot of issues were dealt with in this book: mental health, marriage, possible affairs. I just couldn't relate to the characters, and I wanted the book to end halfway through.

That being said, there are a lot of people that loved this book. I am still excited to read my next Sally Hepworth book.

I gave this book three stars out of five for my honest opinion.

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I am a big Sally Hepworth fan. As always, this book was like past novels I’ve read from her; it was a nice read. I didn’t find it the best I’ve ever read, but they always keep you intrigued, entertained and turning pages. Isn’t that the goal? The ending was my favorite part. It made me continue to contemplate if I actually understood what I’d just read.

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My favourite thriller of this year! So many unreliable characters, I had no idea where this one was going!!

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Another thriller and suspenseful book by Sally Hepworth! The book uses two POVS which I always enjoy, especially when one is from the perspective of the chapter who has passed. The family drama, secrets and lies kept me hook from start!

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This was fantastic. Such a page turner. I loved he short chapters and multiple POVs. Along with the twists I didn't see coming. 5 Stars

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2.5 Stars. Gabe and Pippa live in a picturesque cliffside home, seemingly perfect except for the fact that it’s been a popular destination for people choosing to end their lives. Gabe has become known for saving lives on the cliffside, until one day he doesn’t, and he also has a connection to the victim. Pippa begins to question what really happened that day, and if her perfect soulmate is not what he seems.

Overall, this book wasn’t my favorite of Sally Hepworth’s. It was not as suspenseful or thrilling as I had hoped based on the synopsis, and it felt a bit slow while reading. I didn’t feel super invested in any of the characters, and I also wasn’t a huge fan of the way mental illness was portrayed in the book. I’ve loved other books by Sally Hepworth, so I’ll definitely continue to read her future books, but this one in particular was a miss for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for my gifted e-book!

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Sally is back at it! This mystery gave me chills, had me questioning characters and motivations, and was down right delectable. I couldn't put it down!

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This book was full of twists and turns I never saw coming. There was family drama, secrets, and mysterious deaths that made this book a page turner. You never knew who to trust or what to think about any of the characters. As the book progressed the secrets of every character were exposed. Each chapter was a different point of view and it went back in time and then to the current day so you got to know the characters and how they are all related. The relationships between the characters are all kind of messy, but that makes it feel more realistic to read. It also included mental illness and the difficulties individuals and their families face when someone goes undiagnosed or doesn't want to get help.

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Whoa I loved this trip into some serious housewife type drama. So many spins to the story that I had no idea who was telling the truth and who wasn’t. Pippa and Gabe live in their dream house, which happens to be located next to a cliff known as
"The Drop", a local suicide spot. Gabe has become known for always being there and talking them out of it, until one night he doesn't. Did the woman jump? Or was she pushed? Just fantastic storytelling here and just when you think you know what’s up….you don’t! Thank you to #netgalley for a chance to review the Soulmate by #sallyhepworth #thrillerbooks #bookreview #booksaremylife

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This was one of my favourite books to come out this year and I’m so thankful for the arc of it and that it was chosen for book of the month so I could get a hard cover of it

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I am a big Sally Hepworth fan but this book was just not it for me. There were no twists. No turns. It was very boring. Nothing surprised me or even kept me up at night to read. This book was very eh to me. It was all very predictable.

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Another solid read from Sally Hepworth. Someone dies at a cliff behind a couple’s home. As the investigation unfolds, we don’t know who to trust.

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This was an addictive domestic suspense novel that had me flipping through the pages well past my bedtime. With a multitude of characters and POVs, this story will have you guessing at every twist and turn. Hang on for an awesome literary ride.

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This was a really compelling read. I was definitely guessing most of the way through and wanted to figure out who was behind it all.

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