Cover Image: Someone Is Always Watching

Someone Is Always Watching

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This book threw me a bit. I was expecting a thriller, but I didn’t expect a slightly dystopian vibe. The plot was interesting and there were some nice curves throughout the story. Anyone who reads a lot of thrillers will probably see them coming, but I’m confident my students will enjoy the ride.

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In a tale of trust and turmoil, 17-year-old Blythe Warren is thrust into a perplexing mystery at her parents' STEM school. When a friend's breakdown leads to a shocking discovery of a crime scene, Blythe's own memory loss complicates matters. As she unravels the tangled web of secrets among her peers and family, the story unfolds into a gripping thriller, enticing readers with its twists and layers of intrigue. With its blend of drama and mystery, this plot-driven narrative promises a captivating read, especially for those drawn to suspenseful tales of youth in turmoil. A mental feast of twists and turns awaits in this compelling thriller.

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This is one of those YA thrillers that you read and think “is this allowed in YA” lol. It’s fast paced toward the end and I absolutely had no idea what twists and turns were headed my way when I picked this one up. It’s not my absolute favorite YA thriller I’ve read, but it was very enjoyable on audio and it allowed me to get in some reading time. I couldn’t connect with any of the characters and because i’ve been in such a slump I think this was just right book wrong time personally. The writing was great and the twists and plot were unique and entertaining! If you’re looking for a new YA thriller to try I suggest giving it a shot!

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This book started off pretty well but then it just was downhill from there!. Unfortunately, I did not care for or like any of the characters. That makes any book really difficult to read. The pacing was pretty slow and I was quite bored at times. I found myself skimming at many spots.

I also felt that the plot was really obvious, which again, took away from my enjoyment of reading the book.

Maybe my mistake picking a young adult read. Perhaps those who are truly young adults might enjoy this one, but otherwise, probably not for the adult reader.

I THINK I understand where Armstrong was trying to go with this book, but the execution was incredibly poor.

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The story kept me invested throughout as I tried to figure out who had done what. I found the relationship between Tucker and Blythe to be interesting. Some of the story, though, I found to be predictable.

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Someone Is Always Watching by Kelley Armstrong is a mystery with a bit of a dystopian feel to it. When a group of high school friends start doubting their own memories, they start investigating their pasts. What they find is a whole lot more than what they expected. This was a quick, enthralling read, just like all of Armstrong's books. I have read so many of this author's books, and they've all been great. Definitely recommend! Thanks to NetGalley for the free digital review copy. All opinions are my own.

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I want to start out by saying I wish there was a different synopsis. I feel like based on the synopsis of the story there are just not many hidden elements to the story. With that being said it’s a good thing that I picked this book based on the cover! I don’t know that I would have given this a 4 star had I read what the book was about. Not knowing the description left some things a surprise for me. Had I not had those surprises I would have wanted way more out of this book. I enjoyed the character development and getting to actually find out what was in all their files. I really liked Blythe and tuckers characters and the way the story unfolded for them and what you find out about the incident you discover in the opening of the book. I also really liked her younger w character and the bond they had felt relatable. There was some nice twists I didn’t see coming. Overall I really enjoyed this book I just wish the book description didn’t give so much of the story line away to the reader.

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I’m not sure how I feel about this one still. I liked it while I was reading it but I found it very forgettable. I did really like the characters and the story line.

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I was surprised by this one. I actually struggled to get into it, though I have enjoyed Kelley Armstrong's books in the past. It felt kind of slow, like the pacing was dragging a bit. I am a mood reader, so I may just have to come back to it at a later time and give it another shot.

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At the beginning of this book, I was not sure how I was going to feel. I also did get a bit confused, but that was honestly on me. The more we got into the story the more I could not put the book down and was very interested in how the story was progressing.

I honestly did not expect to devour this book as fast as I did. I think it is mostly that I have not read YA in a while and the pacing is just faster than what I have been reading lately. Honestly not complaining because I greatly enjoyed this book.

I read this book in three days and honestly can't wait to read more by this author.

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This was an amazing book that had me on the edge of my seat the entire time! I read this in one sitting, I could not put it down.

5/5 stars for sure! Kelley Armstrong delivers again!

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I loved how unique the idea behind this book was. The story kept me on the edge of my seat as I tried to figure out what was coming next.

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Due to this being published by an imprint in the the SMP brand I will not be leaving a review until they choose to take a better stance.

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This was a typical ya thriller book, with a a group of high school kids. I kinda expected more by just reading the description but I didn’t get it.

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"Someone Is Always Watching" by Kelley Armstrong presents a thrilling narrative centered around Blythe and her close-knit group of friends, whose lives take a dark turn after an act of violence strains their relationships. The novel skillfully explores themes of trust, memory, and the unraveling of long-buried secrets.

Armstrong adeptly builds tension throughout the story, keeping readers engaged with the mystery surrounding the violent incident at school and Gabrielle's unsettling state. The exploration of unexpected bursts of aggression and disturbing nightmares adds a psychological layer to the narrative, heightening the suspense.

The author excels in portraying the complexities of friendships and the impact of traumatic events on relationships. The strained dynamic between Blythe and Tucker, as well as the cracks appearing in their collective memories, creates a sense of unease that permeates the narrative.

However, the novel has its drawbacks. The pacing, particularly in the middle portion, can feel sluggish, hindering the overall momentum of the story. Additionally, some plot points and revelations may come across as predictable to readers familiar with the genre, detracting from the element of surprise.

While the concept of questioning one's own memories and the theme of trust within the friend group are intriguing, the execution occasionally lacks the finesse needed to elevate the story to its full potential. The resolution of the mysteries, while satisfying, may leave some readers craving a more profound exploration of the psychological and emotional ramifications.

In summary, "Someone Is Always Watching" offers a compelling exploration of friendship, trust, and memory within the context of a mysterious and suspenseful plot. Despite its shortcomings in pacing and predictability, the novel succeeds in delivering an engaging thriller with moments of genuine tension and emotional resonance.

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An amazingly wild ride. Another great YA thriller from Kelly Armstrong. You’ll have fun reading this one.

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I always love a book set with a high school group of friends when there's mystery involved. Kelley Armstrong delivers with Someone Is Always Watching. This one is a slow burn that delivers at the end.

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for sharing this book with me.

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This book is a whirlwind to say the least. This story follows Blythe and her group of friends who find themselves on the wrong end of tragedy. As Blythe and her friends work through what happened and try to figure out the truth, they find more lies and secrets amongst one another. I found myself questioning reality at multiple points throughout this book which I absolutely loved and found unique to this read. I read through this quickly and eagerly trying to find the resolution for myself and all of these characters.
Thank you NetGalley and Penguin Random House Canada for this ARC in exchange for an honest review..

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This was an interesting story about family, home, and trust. Told from Blythe's perspective, there is a small band of friends who are just on the brink of being out of high school and moving on. Thinking about college and last days of homework, they are shocked when one of them starts acting odd.

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I have not read Kelley Armstrong in a hot minute, and while this isn't my favorite of hers, it's definitely one that has me wondering why I let her keep getting pushed down the TBR. This book was WILD from beginning to end. I really liked the concept, and it kept me guessing the whole time. Super good.

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