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Killing Me

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Member Reviews

I'd like to thank NetGalley and Michelle Gagnon for the opportunity for this e-arc. There were so many great aspects to this book. We have the sarcastic and savvy Amber that gathers a whole group of unexpected friends. The feel is more 'Ocean's 8' except to hunt down serial killers. I would have preferred more character development mixed with the snark, but after reading the authors note that she will see us in the sequel, I can see why she held off in certain areas.

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I've only ever read one other book by Michelle Gagnon and I didn't even realise it was the same author until I saw the "Also by . . ." at the beginning of the book. That book was The Gatekeeper and I remember really liking it. I know it was an adult title.

Let me tell you Killing Me gave me young adult vibes. I believe the main character is in her 20's, if I recall. It just didn't read as an older character. It wasn't even because Amber was "immature," since she wasn't. There were even moments of intimacy and mentions of drug use and prostitutes, etc. I can't find my words to explain it.

I liked the plot. Amber was kidnapped and escaped her victim and was rescued by a serial killer hunter. Then things I can't mention because of spoilers. However, there was a lot of unnecessarily fluff pages that I feel were irrelevant to the story.

There was some humor, which I found unexpected but perfectly timed. It was a good read but I just didn't feel any type of way while reading, sadly.

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I had really looked forward to reading this one but I ended up not enjoying it. The characters were just not likeable and the whole thing felt really weird and disjointed

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This was a really interesting take on a dark comedy thriller. I found all the different personalities very entertaining, although I still wish I knew more about Grace, who was such an enigma. A humorous and amusing read to break up the regular dread of other serial killer thrillers.

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Amber is a very fun character, and Killing Me is at times fun and thrilling. I'm excited to read more from Michelle Gagnon.

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This was a great comedy/thriller combo! I thoroughly enjoyed all of it! I was laughing out loud and on the edge of my seat waiting to find out what happened next.

Highly recommend!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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A comedy/thriller mix? SIGN ME TF UP!!!!!!! Thrillers have a special place in my heart, and the wittiness of this book was so dang charming.

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This book had me laughing out loud. I was not expecting such a humorous mystery novel but I’m so glad I was able to read this book.

The main character was constantly providing comic relief even though she was in a horrible situation and I couldn’t get enough. I definitely plan to read more from this author!

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I was given a copy of this book by the publisher in return for an honest review.

I mean this story starts with a Pokemon serial killer, how can you go wrong?! Our snarky MC is saved by a mystery woman before being tortured and slowly killed. However, this sets in motion a deadly chain of events and a road trip to Vegas.

Our MC to start is honestly a little annoying but she grows on you. Our mystery savior is still kinda a b!tch. But the cast is overall loveable.

We watch as our conwomen struggles with a past that is quite honestly not her fault. She learns to trust our ragtag group of misfits in Vegas and tries to save herself a second time.

The story was honestly enjoyable. I like the little twist thrown in to make you doubt yourself. Though there were no major surprises. It's fast paced witty, funny and snark filled. I give it 4.5 ⭐ Definitely read it!

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This was not for me, unfortunately! I have tried it a couple times -- and am going to say that I am not the target audience. I think people who enjoy more humorous mysteries will like it though!

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Omg this was a fun ride! Writing humor, especially within a thriller about serial killers, is incredibly difficult and Gagnon does it with a deft hand. I was legit laughing out loud during the opening scenes, which, subject matter speaking, were quite frightening. Making the reader laugh without being over the top or ridiculous requires some serious talent so props to Gagnon! The characters were nuanced, the storyline twisty without being unrealistic, and the pacing quick and engaging. My favorite parts were Amber’s internal dialogue and my least favorite were the spicy scenes. A quick read with a wonderful balance of gore, humor, and human connection, I enjoyed this from start to finish! I know the author came out of “retirement” for this and I hope she keeps writing because I look forward to more books from her!

Thank you to NetGalley and GP Putnam’s Sons for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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This was a fast paced story about a serial killer and a former(?) grifter who is in his sights.
The book starts with amber being grabbed by a serial killer outside her apartment and thrown in the back of a non-descript van. The stream of conscious story goes on from there. It takes us from the east coast to Las Vegas to California, with memorable quirky characters.
This was a fun read and it kept me turning pages way past bed-time.
I hope there is a sequel.

Thank you NetGalley for providing me this book for free in return for an unbiased review.

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I LOVED this book. The use of humor in a thriller is always appreciated. The character reminded me a bit of Finlay Donovan, which I absolutely enjoyed.

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be posting the review soon! on my good reads! very good ! The first part is really confusing, I might reread it...

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This was such a great, suspenseful thriller! I couldn't put this book down and I would love to read more by this author. You'll never guess the twist at the end!

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I really enjoyed the pacing of this book! Very entertaining and enthralling read. I enjoyed that this is a "serial killer book" but doesn't feel constantly heavy or dark. A great job by author Michelle Gagon.

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This is a fun mystery read for fans of the Finlay Donovan series.

The love interest lacked for me, but I know our main character needed something to fight for. It read as a fling more than a potential relationship. I had hoped the MC would get together with Grace instead. I did enjoy the characters throughout the story. .

From the beginning until just past the middle the book is nonstop with new characters and situations for our main character. The story lags a little after that, but does pick up to give the story a good ending. For me the story was longer than it felt necessary, but I understand what the author was doing with it. The story has a good flow and it isn't hard to follow what is going on.

Overall I did enjoy this book. I've been in a slump lately and this certainly helped.

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book.

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SYNOPSIS: The main character Amber can't believe her life rn.... she was literally kidnapped by a serial killer who paints his victims like... POKEMON CHARACTERS?! Just when she had accepted defeat, she is rescued by a someone who seems to be the Robin Hood vigilante slayer nemesis type of serial killers... aka they hunt them and kill them before they can continue to kill more people. Determined not to be left behind, she latches onto them, and the pair go on a series of... wildly unpredictable and highly entertaining adventures.

MY FEELS: I listened to the audiobook for a portion of this book and the narration really adds to the humor of the book. TBH, it seems weird to be laughing out loud while reading a serial killer thriller... but the main character is just so ridiculous and funny, you can't help it. As someone who reads a lot of thrillers, I enjoyed how unpredictable this book was - and found it to be a wild ride beginning to end.

4/5 Stars

[Gifted from G.P. Putnam's Sons and Netgalley - thank you! All opinions are my own.]

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Killing Me by Michelle Gagnon was a HOOT! This thriller had such endearing and quirky qualities, yet also got my heart racing at certain points, so it was the total unexpected package. From start to finish, this novel had twists and turns that I could never have predicted (I mean...the Pokemon fetish?? C'mon!!!). From the unreliable leading lady to our band of Vegas misfits, I found Killing Me to have so many qualities in a story that I didn't know I needed!

Thank you to NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam for the eARC!

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Rating of 3.5 stars.
I enjoyed the change in story telling from the traditional, "how someone got into a situation of being caught by a killer and just narrowly escaped." The focus on what happens afterward and how it was not a perfectly wrapped ending was enjoyably. I did not get how Amber could so easily just move past being kidnapped and almost murdered, and want to get back to her normal daily life. I loved the introduction of the characters in Vegas, and they were my favorite part honestly. I would have liked more of the little interludes that provided more background info of how the situation was escalating from Gunner's perspective.

***ending spoilers***

I think the twist of Grace actually being the killer instead of her brother would have been so much better than the actual ending. It was kind of lack luster as it was, and explaining the plan afterwards seemed more like a movie kind of move, and I didn't really appreciate that in a book.

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