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Killing Me

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The book's description sounded promising, but such an implausible premise only works if everything else is convincing enough, but the writing here is so bad and immature, and the humor too flippant for my taste (but also, just not funny). I'm glad so many people enjoyed this book, but it's not for me and I couldn't finish it.

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Killing Me, Amber Jamison. From a nice quiet town to a hunting ground for a serial killer, Amber thought she'd be safe but ended up in the hands of the serial killer. Tied up with a bag over her head, in the back of a van. The serial killer drove her to a warehouse and it seemed like that's where Amber's life was going to end. But it didn't. That's when things in her life got really weird. How'd she ended up getting out of the warehouse with her life? The first chapter brings you into the story quickly and doesn't let you go. The author, Michelle Gagnon, did an amazing job with Killing Me. I refuse to continue reading books that are full of filler words/information or when the story moves too slowly. The speed of Killing Me was great and kept my interest. You'll be rooting for Amber. I did!

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I enjoyed this book mostly because of the writing style. Fun read. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Thanks to NetGalley and Putnam Books for sending me an ARC of Killing Me in exchange for an honest review.

Twenty-something Amber Johnson is about to become the latest victim of the “Pikachu Killer” when she is rescued by a woman who wears a ski mask and hunts serial killers. She may have survived this latest brush with death, but the attention from law enforcement risks her past coming to light, so Amber goes on the run. Soon she’s in Las Vegas meeting new people, which is great, but she’s also drawn into the path of an even more dangerous serial killer, which is less great. Good thing she already knows a serial killer-killer….

As you should expect from a book with an opening scene involving a serial killer who paints his victims to look like Pokémon characters, Killing Me is going for both laughs and thrills. The laughs often come from Amber’s cynical, sarcastic perspective on each scene, though the reader slowly learns the darker secrets in her past. But there’s also a solid mystery/thriller here as Amber is drawn into the murders taking place in Las Vegas, unsure of who she can trust. Dot, Marcella, and Grace are all good secondary characters. In fact, nearly every character in the novel is a woman—complicated and flawed, but redeemable.

The acknowledgments for Killing Me state that this book is the start of a series. The book certainly works as a stand-alone, and fully wraps up the story, though the ending is a bit bittersweet. Presumably the sequel would reunite the surviving characters to take down another killer in another fun story while also giving some of them a shot at a happier ending. All of that sounds good to me. Recommended. 3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

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A fun and fast reading novel with sincere characters and good character development that highlights themes of trust, trauma, and friendship. If you are looking for something to keep your attention, that that has characters who are unpredictable and snarky but still likeable and kind this is a great pick. College student Amber can't believe her bad luck when she is picked up as the latest victim of the Pokemon killer - yes the Pokemon killer. Her life is not quite over yet, as something even more unexpected happens, leading to a cascading series of events that send her to Las Vegas. Not a cozy for the faint-hearted but not a dark noir-style thriller either - this is the type of twisty mystery that is a fun read for those who appreciate protagonists who flirt with the dark side.

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- Thriller
- Mystery
- Humor

Bullet plot: Amber Jamison never imagined her life would be cut short by a serial killer. As a lover of serial killer podcasts she was supposed to be smarter than this! Then, by an even stranger turn of events she survives. Only to try and start her life anew out west. On her voyage she soon becomes a pawn between a brother and sister’s killer game of “catch me if you can”. Teaming up with an unlikely group to try and end this deadly game before she falls prey to yet ANOTHER serial killer… because sooner or later everyone’s luck runs out.


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A huge thank you to the author and publisher, for providing me with an ARC copy of this book, in exchange for my honest review.
You want my honest review? This book was absolutely FANTASTIC! It hooked me from the first chapter and I devoured each and every one thereafter. We begin in Tennessee with Amber getting kidnapped by a serial killer and “rescued” by a ski mask wearing, cattle prod wielding, vigilante of sorts. “Ski mask” ends up being- a woman! She is reluctant to tell Amber how she found her and why she rescued her, she really just wants to move on. When the FBI comes around Ambers apartment, to discuss what happened to her, she knows the skeletons in her closet need to stay hidden. This leads to Amber skipping town and heading West to fabulous Las Vegas. When Amber is sent a file of recent kills in the area, “ski mask” and Amber are brought together once again and someone has a lot at stake.

I loved pretty much everything about this book. I read a lot of thrillers, and while I did guess one of the twists, there were plenty more to keep me guessing. This did have a lot of suspense, but the humor throughout made this a completely different reading experience than most. I will definitely be purchasing this book when it is released, as well as sharing my review then, and I could not recommend it more. I hope this becomes a series- I need to know what happens to Dot and Marcella! I need to know if Amber and “ski mask” reunite and use their skills to solve other crimes. Basically I just need more! So if Michelle Gagnon is reading this: please!

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This was a great book. I loved every paragraph, every sentence and every word of this masterpiece! I read it in 12 hours, which is a lot for me to do! It had everything and more laid out in the novel! I sure hope she writes more! I am totally hooked!

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I could not put this book down! It's the perfect cozy-ish mystery you need very campy and it balances having mystery/suspense and second guessing with humor and a touch of light heartedness. The writing was easy to get into and added to the easy way you can fly through this book. Like any other cozy mystery's I think it would be best to have a bit of suspension of belief while reading.
I will be looking for more Michelle Gagnon books in the future!

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This book drew me in with its premise and kept me reading with its humor and voice. It made me want to take a trip to Vegas and hang out with these characters. The narrator may not be entirely reliable, but as I reader I always felt that I was in good narrative hands. And I love a messy female main character. No spoilers here, but I will say the plot kept me guessing and I enjoyed every moment. This was my first book by Michelle Gagnon, but I will now be seeking out more of her work.

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In Killing Me, Amber starts out as the soon-to-be victim of a serial killer. She's rescued, but the woman who rescues her comes with her own set of complications--which instantly become Amber's problem, too. I can't say too much more than this without spoiling everything, but I can say I absolutely loved this! The humor was well-balanced, and despite having a funny edge, the book maintained tension, scariness, and delivered twists. Just when I thought I was one step ahead of the plot, nope, I was wrong. This was a great ride, and I highly recommend it.

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I stayed up way too late reading this one! A thriller about serial killers that’s also funny? A group of smart, crazy women running around Las Vegas trying to catch one of said serial killers? Psychological trauma, wild plot twists, huge grand plans to save the day? This book had so many things going on and it just all worked. I loved the whole Vegas group, the glimpses into the past, the interludes, and the fast pace at the end as everything came together. Every twist totally had me fooled, and I was smirking way more than you do reading a normal thriller. Such a good one…. and I was so excited to read “see you in the sequel” in the credits!

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Wasn't sure what to expect and was pleasantly surprised. I didn't know this author, and do like mysteries, so gave it a try. Some humor, pretty good pace and characters. Nice, fun book to read.

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The story starts off with Amber who is unlucky enough to be a victim of a serial killer but somehow happens to get away thanks to a mysterious woman. Darkly humorous with a lot of quirky situations shine despite the seriousness of serial murders.
I agree that the reader must suspend disbelief in plenty scenarios that are just too convenient and yes, a lot of puking puking by the main character.
The writing style reels you in though, it has a good flow and the personality of the twenty-something Amber feels believable. If you like serial killers, Las Vegas, and humor, this book is for you!

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What a fun book! It has the humor of Janet Evanovich, but I felt like the writing and story were more complex and the characters were better developed. The storyline was intriguing, the protagonist's voice was wry, but you could still feel some emotion. The book was a fast read and felt like it flowed easily. I didn't find myself bored and pushing through loads of exposition or side plots. I devoured the book in a day. If this ended up being a series, I would enjoy reading more.

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I loved the book and how it had so many twists and turns. I thought I had it all figured out but the easy the author wrote it, I had second guessed myself. The book could easily turn into a series that I would for sure read.

Great writing!

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I received an advance review copy of Killing Me via NetGalley, drawn by the playfulness of the cover and description. Despite being a thriller/murder mystery, the book offers such humor and quirkiness. The plot begins with the speaker/protagonist, Amber Jamison, facing a serial killer and somehow being saved by an unknown vigilante. These initial pages plodded along slowly with the unmistakable vibe that something more was about to happen.

I don't hand out five stars often, but I do for this book because it showed such easy prose, such fresh ideas and mixed everything into a blender and somehow spit out something palatable and cohesive. The characters have compelling back story. The side characters fall in and out of the text while somehow bringing stereotypes to three-dimensional life and gaining the reader's sympathy.

The book touches on queerness without making it a queer book, per se. The main character is a woman who dates women, and the book even offers mention of non-binary folks, but the novel itself remains mainstream.

If a murder mystery where the main character is set up to be a victim can be fun, this book is definitely fun.

The author does a magnificent job of building just the right amount of tension, danger and ridiculousness.

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I enjoyed the storyline of this book. There were a few surprises that I was not expecting! Especially at the end, it had me questioning if what I thought was wrong. I will definitely be checking out the Michelle Gagnon's other books!

Thank you to NetGalley and G.P. Putnam's Sons for the book and opportunity to share my thoughts.

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I absolutely loved this book! The voice is hilarious and I couldn't stop laughing at the bizarre situations the protagonist, Amber, found herself in. Normally I don't like serial killer books but a darkly comic one like this is right up my alley. I don't want to give too much away but it kept me guessing until the very end. Highly recommend to those who love wickedly funny thrillers.

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Killing Me
Genre: Thriller
Format: Kindle eBook
Date Published: 5/16/23
Author: Michelle Gagnon
Publisher: G.P. Putnam’s Sons
Pages: 336
GR: 4.25

I requested a digital advanced readers copy from NetGalley and G.P. Putnam’s Sons and providing my opinion voluntarily and unbiased.

Synopsis: Amber Jamison cannot believe she’s about to become the latest victim of a serial killer—she’s savvy and street smart, so when she gets pushed into, of all things, a white windowless van, she's more angry than afraid. Then she’s saved by a mysterious woman…who promptly disappears. Her close call has law enforcement circling a past she’s tried to outrun. So she’s forced to flee, ending up at a seedy motel in Las Vegas with a noir-obsessed manager and a sex worker as her unlikely companions...and danger right behind. To survive, she's forced to dust off her old playbook and partner with someone she can’t trust. The odds are against her, but sometimes you just have to roll the dice.

My Thoughts: Who knew that an epic suspenseful thriller could be so darn funny? Gagnon does it so well and gracefully. Amber is a bad ass heroine that is funny, bold, sarcastic while being a kind person. The plot was set so brilliantly, you really did not know what character to trust or what events to believe. I do not want to give too much away to not spoil it for readers. Just know this book is funny, suspenseful, and fast paced! The characters were developed well with depth, humor, twisted, intriguing, and creatively woven throughout the story. The author’s writing style was complex, dark, suspenseful, funny, and just brilliant. If you love the Finlay Donovan series like I do, you will love this, so go preorder NOW! I can see this being a best-seller.

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