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Killing Me

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I thank the author, Penguin Group Putnam and NetGalley for offering this arc. I thought the premise was intriguing, and it was. This was a good romp. The suspense was good and the flip/flops were satisfying. The author displays a dispassionate harshness toward her characters that I admire. Really.

It is, however, completely unhinged from reality, which is part of the fun. Does anyone else wonder how our heroine is constantly being hurt and manages to find healthcare despite serious injuries? That seems to be a real meme in thrillers these days. . . don't these people worry about fake indentities and no insurance cards? No deductibles? No copay? (But I digress. . . you can tell what my year has been like.) And then there's the "Oh, here's a positive surprise that you had no idea was coming that will change your life. Don't misplace it!"

So, an enjoyable romp like a frothy souffle that you can pretend you didn't love and ignore the calories. I will read the blurb on the upcoming sequel and maybe give it a whirl. And I'll check out the author's other series.

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Sex workers, drug addicts, con artists, and serial killers. What an incredibly diverse cast of kooky characters. The humor is dry and quirky just like I like it and everyone is flawed yet a few are still lovable. I had no idea where this book was going to take me but it was an enjoyable psychological thriller/dark comedy. Some of it was a bit cheesy and clichéd but it added to the charm overall. If you love books about female relationships (friends, family, and lovers), serial killer thrillers, and supremely flawed heroines, then this is a book for you.

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I wish I had more stars to give this wonderful book! Actually, 100 wouldn’t be enough! I was expecting a thriller/murder mystery, but I didn’t expect it to be laugh out loud FUNNY! I even read passages to my husband, out of context, & he laughed, too! She writes like we think, and says the internal stuff out loud. It’s real, poignant & thought provoking. But mostly, it’s a fun ride!

You can read the book’s description above, so I’ll just say that even though some of the elements were a little far fetched, I could suspend my disbelief for this book. The characters were all likable, well except for the murders, but even then, this author gave reasonable, interesting descriptions of them. To think I was almost scared off in the first 5 pages! I would’ve missed one of the best, funniest, & well-written books I’ve ever read!

I couldn’t put this book down, & at the same time, I didn’t want it to end. I look forward to the sequel, & I’m going to look up her other books & read them. I highly recommend this book!

Thank you to #NetGalley for giving me an ARC copy of #KillingMe by #MichelleGagnon. I appreciate the opportunity to read it in exchange for my honest review.

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Amber has been kidnapped. She's come to terms with her fate, realizing she's going to become the next victim, left at the mercy of the Pokemon Go Killer. Aside from the crushing reality of death being on the, RIGHT NOW, it's especially disheartening since she's done everything she could to rebuild her life. Her sordid past is all but behind her and she was so close to finishing up her degree, living her new life. Until she's saved. A mysterious woman swoops in, freeing Amber. But why is she chasing serial killers? Why did she choose to save Amber? Either way, the cops are involved and Amber has not choice but to flee, choosing Vegas to lay low and dodge the law. She can run but, she can't hide: someone far more sinister is hot on her heels.

Killing Me has a different energy than typical thrillers, perfectly meshing action and giggles, resulting in an over-the-top story that is consistently in motion. The foolery reeled me in immediately. I internally cackled at the Pokemon Go killer, Amber's thoughts, literally every conversation between Dot and Jess. The imagery is exciting, the text lit up in neon, I can't imagine another setting but Vegas for the plot to unfold.

Every character and relationship glows, their strength not inherently stated but, shining through nonetheless. I'm a sucker for women-centric works, and even more so when they're unabashedly themselves. There's no question each of the main characters here are bold and brazen in their own rite, a force when put together.

While some of the plot points are far fetched, the absurdity works. If Amber, Dot, and Marcella weren't depicted in the way Gagnon did, I wouldn't have believed the situations they got into (and Dot got them out of) throughout but, because of how daring they are, I didn't question it. This allowed for insane twists that had me guessing until the last 90% of the book, questioning all I'd learned up until that point.

Reminiscent of the setting itself, every story element is abuzz and over the top: campy characters, colorful dialogue, inconceivable situations. Does some of it seem unimaginable? Yes but, who cares! It's FUN! Highly recommend this when you're in a silly goofy mood but make it murder.

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Round up to 4.5

First time I read a book by this author and it won't be my last time! I read this book in one setting so fast paced and twisty and thrilling. Highly recommend ! Thank you to the publishers and netgalley for my complementary E Arc.

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Loved this book !! It’s a crazy spin on the serial killer craze. From the first page the story takes you on a wild and sometimes hard to believe ride. Lots of dry humor mixed in with murder and unexpected friendships. I’m looking for to a sequel.
Thanks to NetGalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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This book was better than I had expected to be honest. It was really fast-paced, hilarious and intense throughout the entire thing. I loved it.
Amber was kidnapped and on her way to a gruesome death when out of nowhere she was saved. When she thought it was all over, she was afraid of her past coming out so instead of letting that happen, she fled from her life to Las Vegas where she realized there was no escaping what was trying to take her down. With her new ragtag team of friends, she tries to escape a serial killer who isn't willing to let her go.
If you like thrillers and comedic one-liners, you definitely want to pick this up. I absolutely loved it. It has just enough comedy to make it entertaining without being too over the top. Definitely one of my favorite books that I have read this year. Do yourself a favor and just read it.

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An odd read in the best possible way. I was constantly on my toes and couldn't guess what was coming! As someone who reads a good amount of thrillers and mysteries, it's hard to not see some plot twists coming. This book is a little ridiculous, but in such a fun way! For example, we open up with the Pikachu Killer, a guy who wears a Pikachu masks and paints girls like Pokemon characters before killing them. Yes, you read that right. This book is hilarious and a welcome change of pace from the rest of the genre.

If you love a cozy mystery for the humor and relationships, but you're also not opposed to a little more of the fast-paced excitement that get your heart racing, pick this up right away! I loved how the tension was balanced out by great depth of characters and relatioship-building between them. Sometimes that gets sacrificed for the sake of the plot, but Killing Me manages to include both well.

TL;DR: you need this book. It's really that simple.

Thanks to NetGalley and Penguin Group Publishing for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I loved this book!! Humor mixed with serial killers! Suspenseful but also fun! It kept me guessing until the end, the characters were enjoyable. Finished it in one day because it really draws you in.

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When I first read the description of Michelle Gagnon’s Killing Me, I couldn’t wait to jump in. As someone who primarily reads true crime, mysteries, thrillers or comedies, I thought it would be the perfect read.

Let’s start with the pros. This book is a quick, easy read with a fun premise and a female lead. It never feels dull or sluggish. I’d liken it to an 80s power ballad, fervent and dramatic.

However, like many 80s power ballads, it feels like it’s trying a bit too hard at times… well most of the time, really. In the first chapter, readers are introduced to the Pikachu killer, a peculiar man who kidnaps women and paints their bodies to look like Pokémon characters before murdering them and disposing of their bodies. And from there, it gets quirkier and quirkier (and not in a fun Grady Hendrix or Chuck Palahniuk kind of way). Now, I’m up for a good quirk or strange revelation… but this was a bit too much.

I also struggled to connect with the characters, especially the heroine, who I found to be a bit nauseating (literally). I wish I would have counted how many times she pukes in the book. Too much to drink? Puke. Something scary happens? Puke. Shares her deepest, darkest secret? Puke. Seriously, who pukes that much?!

Flaws aside, this book did keep my attention throughout, and I had a fantastic time summarizing its madness to my husband.

Thank you to Penguin Group Putnam and NetGalley for an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This book is a wild ride crossing so many genres. Is it a thriller, a mystery, chick lit, lesbian romance? I don't mind what its label is - I enjoyed it. Thanks to the author and NetGalley for sending me an ARC. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I enjoyed reading this book. It left me in suspense. the ending was not what I expected and had me second guessing myself as well. I do hope there is a sequel where Amber, Dot, and Grace can work together again. There was a phrase the author used throughout the book that I could do without, “honest to god”, she says it a few times throughout the book. I felt we would have gotten the feel without the phrase.

I enjoyed how all the main characters were women and they were able to get things done on their own. Men were there to help, but with no big attributes.

I would recommend this book to others. It was a quick and easy read. I could follow along well.

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This book is a perfect read for the spooky season that is right upon us. This book was suspenseful and kept me on my toes at all times. I was rooting for the main character the whole time. This book was amazing.

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Killing Me by Michelle Gagnon is labeled as a thriller but it's more than that. It's a road trip across the U.S., a book about female friendships, second chances, and of course, a murder mystery. The story opens with the narrator, Amber, being abducted: the latest victim in a string of murders. As the blurb describes, Amber escapes the serial killer and begins a cross-country first to escape this latest tragic incident clouding her past. During her journey, she gets caught up in a convoluted goose chase (no spoilers) that takes many twists and turns. Each character, Amber included, is a caricature of the role they are playing, over the top in every way (e.g. a serial killer that pains his victims like pokemon so that the police are playing a real life version of pokemon go). As a reader, you really have to immerse yourself in the story and suspend belief in certain elements of reality for a bit because the details at times are so theatrical. In her acknowledgments, Gagnon says more than anything she wanted the book to be fun and it is certainly so! Fun, light, and quick read, this would make a good beach or vacation read.

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This book started out really funny and bizarre and I was enjoying it. It all fell kind of flat in Las Vegas. The second serial killer line didn't really take off for me and I was not at all interested in a gay romance and sex book. So, I left it at about half way through and wish the author much success with her readers.

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Who knew a book involving a serial killer could be so enjoyable and fun?  A bizarre statement but you’ll agree when you meet this snarky, wisecracking, kindhearted cast of characters.
   This Thriller/Mystery starts with a hilarious kidnapping then being saved by a serial killer.  A strange “friendship" ensues between the victim and her rescuer and they then take the reader on a strange road trip with a final destination in Las Vegas.
   Your preconceived ideas of the darker side of this glamorous city are obliterated when the souls that reside in this lesser community all collaborate and become scouts, spies, handlers; all to help locate a dangerous killer. They are a family and it shows.
   There’s another family interaction that is really the basis of the story and is abounding in twists and turns till the final page.
   Totally entertaining in spite of the subject matter.

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I had not previously heard of this author and went into the book pretty blind. What I found was a really good mystery/thriller. It was at times dark and a bit twisted, but also laugh out loud funny. I really loved these characters and the story was a bit of a different take on a thriller. The noir vibe was perfect for this time of year as well. Thank you NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for this advanced copy. Highly recommend this wild ride of a story!

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Oh. My. God.

(I received this ebook as a NetGalley ARC! Thank you for this opportunity!)

I will be talking about this book for the rest of my goddamned life because I think I'm in love. If you told me a few months ago that one of my favourite reads of 2022 was a Mystery/Thriller as well as a Comedy, I would have laughed. But this? This is brilliant.

This book starts with our main character kidnapped. And I was already fighting a smile because how on Earth am I one page in and already finding it hilarious? Every moment of this book was put together so well and the climax had my nervous as I ate my bagel. Applause to Gagnon because bagel-eating time is supposed to be relaxed.

I adore Amber and Ski Mask and holy hell I am ready and waiting for the sequel!

Can't wait for everyone to read this in May. It's incredible.

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An absolute page turner with so many plot twists and turns that made me laugh often. Amber, Dot, and Marcella were such lovable characters. While the subject matter was heavy and dark, the dry humor and personalities of the characters balanced it out perfectly. It kept me on my toes and I wasn’t ever able to predict what would happen next, which is something I really value in a thriller/mystery.

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I could not enjoy this book at all. It was fun, but the writing felt childish and unpolished like I was reading an adult's book written by a children's writer. The plot was insane: a murder victim who used to be a scam artist gets embroiled in schemes in Las Vegas. Drama and twists ensue, all of which gave me whiplash, but less in a wow-I-never-saw-that-coming way, and more in a that-makes-no-sense-what-is-she-talking-about-way. I gave this two stars instead of one, because I got into the plot just a little towards the last 10% of the book, with all the incredulity of it all, but it wasn't enough to rescue it. A Wattpad murder-comedy, if you will.

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