Member Reviews

Abduction Cold Case

This was my first time to red any thing written by this author. I enjoyed it very much and the characters were well thought out. Lots of action and danger going on that keeps you glued to the pages. I didn’t know who the murderer was or who was behind the attacks until the very end. That makes a great book for me!

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Abduction Cold Case by Connie Queen pulls you right in. Kennedy Wells finds a mysterious case file on her desk about a child abducted 26 years ago. Texas Ranger Silas Boone hears a call for help. As he investigates, he runs off an intruder and rescues Kennedy. This is the start of some long intense few days where Kennedy and Silas have to lean on their faith and their skills to survive. Not only survive, but hopefully figure out who was behind this abduction and who is after them now. It's a mystery that keeps you guessing and keeps you on your toes. There is a never a dull moment. You won't be able to let your guard down until the very end. If you love action, suspense, and a storyline that knocks your socks off then this book is for you. You will fall in love with Silas and pray that Ranger Randolph gets his own story next. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this will be a series. I started the book late at night and finished it early the next morning. It was just so good! There was a beautiful epilogue and tears at the end plus a cute dog named Soloman! This was my first book from Connie Queen, but you can bet it won't be my last! I really hope you give it a chance. It's just that good! I was given a copy of this book, but all opinions are my very own.

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This is a new to me author and I wasn't sure what I was going to get, what I got was a great read and a new author to follow. Silas and Kennedy's story is full of action, suspense, drama and romance. This book hooks you on the first page and doesn't let go. If you enjoy inspirational romantic suspense, you will love this book. 5 star read!
I received a complimentary copy from HARLEQUIN - Romance (U.S. & Canada), Love Inspired Suspense via NetGalley and was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I always enjoy this author’s books and Abduction Cold Case was no exception. Well written with a fast paced plot. I definitely recommend this book. My thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for my advance ebook. This is my unbiased review.

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Kennedy Wells finds a file of a twenty-six-year-old kidnapping on her desk. She has no idea who put it there. No one claims responsibility for it. While she tracks down clears to the missing child, she runs into Texas Ranger Silas Boone. It seems that people that were connected to the case have either been hurt or are dead. Her life has also been threatened. Her emotions are all over when it is suggested that she is the missing child. She knows she was adopted but she doesn't want to believe her parents would have kidnapped her.

This is an intriguing story that I had trouble putting down. If you like a good mystery, then this is the book for you.

I was given this book by Love Inspired Suspense via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I was not compensated in any way.

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I have read other books by this author and have always enjoyed her clean suspense stories! I like that there’s nothing graphic in this child abduction story along with good, steady suspense that kept me riveted from beginning to end!

Texas Ranger Silas Boone and his working dog comes to psychologist Kennedy’s rescue when she is attacked after investigating a twenty-six-year-old kidnapping child case. He continues to protect her throughout the story as she’s trying to figure out why someone would be trying to harm her. Kennedy is at a loss as to whether her attacks are related to a current adoption case or completely unrelated.

This story had great characters, interesting story line with some definite twists I didn’t see coming. I was bummed that I felt like the book ended too fast and wished there was more time for Silas and Kennedy to develop a relationship.

I still Highly recommend this quick, easy to read, suspenseful read!

I received a copy of this book complimentary for blog and social media review. All opinions are my own.

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I enjoyed this book. I liked how you didn’t know who was behind the attacks until the end. I liked how there was a lot of misdirection so you were left guessing until the end. I liked watching Kennedy grow as she dealt with the truth of her past. i also liked seeing Silas heal as he found closer. I liked the relationship between Kennedy and Silas. I liked how the romance with them developed and that it was based on more then physical appearance. I thought the author did a great job with handling the topic of children being kidnapped. I thought she treat it with the respect it deserved. Overall I really liked the book.
I received a complimentary book from publishers, publicists, and or authors.  A review was not required and all opinions and ideas expressed are my own.

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Kennedy is a psychologist who helps out family of missing children when she comes across a kidnapping cold case file. Upon meeting the missing child's family she stumbles upon an attempted murder and finds herself on the run. Silas Boone is a neighbor who is also a Texas ranger who hear Kennedys cry for help and its like a blast from the past when she looking familiar to him. Now after a couple attempts its clear something is up and will do everything can can to protect her and figure out what's really going on.

This was such a fun ride there was so much going on that it was just hard to put this book down. But I will say that it was pretty corny that from pretty much the moment he met her Silas finding familiarity to Kennedy from the moment he met her was kinda corny but it was still interesting seeing as he worked his way to figure out about Kennedy and her situation what he feels might be a situation. I loved that the person kept popping up here and there keeping the two on their toes and I loved seeing everything piece together as they find clues to what could be her past. I did like while there was a spark between the two this book did remain clean, I wouldn't say this book is a romance but there was a bit of it to keep things interesting. Overall great book I really enjoyed it.

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Clean Suspense with a Bit of Romance
This book is part of Harlequin's Love-Inspired Suspense. It is a clean story and faith-filled. This story has a psychologist who works with a missing children's organization being stalked and attacked as she researches a very old, cold case. It seems like her attacker is always one step ahead of her and her Texas Ranger. This is a book that is hard to put down. The action is nearly non-stop and unpredictable. Like all of the books in the series, it leaves you wanting more.

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Abduction Cold Case was a book that I could hardly set down. I ended up reading the story in one day! It was packed with action and the main characters were constantly in danger as they tried to find out the truth behind a little girl’s abduction twenty-six years earlier. And things got even stranger at the possibility that the main character, Kennedy, might be that girl.

Someone definitely did not want Kennedy and Silas investigating this cold case. I was amazed at how the danger seemed to keep following them. The romance was light in this one, taking place mainly at the very end of the story, but that seemed to work fine for this novel. I really liked the way things turned out for these two.

(4.5 stars)

I received a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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This is a Romantic Suspense. This book has a lot of suspense and action. There is a mystery going on throughout this book, and I really loved trying to figure out the mystery in this book. The romance was not a big part of this book. I really loved the characters in this book. I really loved the ending of this book. I was kindly provided an e-copy of this book by the publisher (Love Inspired Suspense) or author (Connie Queen) via NetGalley, so I can give an honest review about how I feel about this book. I want to send a big Thank you to them for that.

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“Truth.  Such a simple little word, but so destructive when we don’t have it.”  Such truth in such a simple statement.

Kennedy believes she is on a normal call to the home of a woman who had her three-year-old daughter abducted from a park over 20 years ago, the case so cold it’s practically frozen.  When she walks through the door her life changes more than she can ever imagine, instantly becoming the target of a madman, and she is clueless as to know why.  All she’s trying to do is her job: reuniting families with their missing children and helping grieving victims cope with such an unimaginable loss.

Texas Ranger Silas Boone lives next door to the grieving mother, and was actually present with this precious little girl was abducted, and thus feels responsible, holding onto guilt that should not be on his shoulders.  Protecting Kennedy and the girl’s mother from this faceless attacker becomes Silas’s top priority in hopes to atone for the past, and to get answers for Mrs. Barclay.

Out of all the books I’ve read in my lifetime, I cannot remember one being set around the Red River.  Being from north Texas myself, I enjoyed the relatable scenery and though this isn’t a major plot point, as this is more of a character-driven tale, I still appreciated it nonetheless, and feel like it made this read all the sweeter.

Abduction Cold Case is the perfect balance of heartfelt moments and heart-pounding situations, the simmering chemistry between the two main characters unmistakable, and the suspense constant.  This is truly the stuff of nightmares, especially when something like this could actually happen, and though that is a fearful thought, it also made for quite the entertaining read.

These are wonderful characters you can’t help but love and root for.  One of the sweetest moments occurred between Kennedy and Mrs. Barclay, the mother of the abducted daughter, and there are several lines in this scene that made my heart ache, the words resonating within my own soul, hearing the hearts cry of the character in her words.  It was a truly powerful moment that was quickly followed by a twist that kicks the suspense back in, taking you back on the heart-stopping rollercoaster of evil.

This was a read that went by way too fast, was full of twists and turns that were predictable, but still entertaining and I adored every moment.  This novel truly has it all!

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Abduction Cold Case is written by Connie Queen. This is a Love Inspired Suspense book. This book starts out with a ton of action and there is not many breaks in between. The author will draw you in within the first few pages.

Kennedy Wells assists with missing children cases. One day a case file appears on her desk. There is no return address. Her boss allows her to investigate the cold case of a three year old named Harper. She goes to speak to Harper’s mother and when she arrives the door is jarred open and she suddenly finds herself running for her life. Harper’s mother has been injured.

Texas Ranger Silas Boone happens to hear all the commotion. He lives next door and was present the day that Harper went missing. He still blames himself. He is confused to why Kennedy is there. He starts to have suspicions that Kennedy is actually Harper. Kennedy tells him that she has a loving father, and her mother has passed.

If you are looking for a book that has heart pounding action, attempted murder, kidnappings, dementia care, and fraud - then this is the book for you!
Thank you to the author, publisher and JustRead Publicity Tours for allowing me to read a copy of this book - all thoughts are my own.

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» Kennedy Wells is a psychologist at the Bring the Children Home Project.
» Silas Boone is a Texas Ranger on medical leave.
And the cold-case file Kennedy finds on her desk has her looking into a little girl abducted years ago. Her first stop becomes a violent assault.

Silas actually witnessed the abduction; he was a child but he never forgot. And in his spare time, he continues to check the law enforcement files for any clue. Anything he might have missed. The aging software of the little girl has a striking semblance to the woman, Kennedy Wells.

My review …
Zoom! Zap! Pow!
This book takes off at high speed from the beginning. And doesn’t let up.
You feel like if you stop reading, whoever is trying to kill Kennedy will do so due to your inattention.

The plot …
A little three-year-old girl, Harper Barclay, is kidnapped in a local park. No ransom note. No clues. And twenty years plus go by. Just a rusty tricycle laying in the weeds when Kennedy pulls into the driveway to interview Mrs. Barclay. Thus the “haunting and perfect” cover. And Kennedy is now a target.

Add in a Texas Ranger wearing a patch over his eye who is Mrs. Barclay’s neighbor and dear friend. A Texas Ranger stands by while Kennedy and Mrs. Barclay are in danger? Are you kidding?

Want a read with lots of action? Then “Abduction Cold Case” is definitely for you.

Christian Aspects …
The best Christian novels are those where the characters are Christians and live their beliefs. They show their love of God through how they live. How they talk. How they act when alone or with others. And the author, Connie Queen, did this beautifully.

I think by now you can tell, I liked this book. A lot. A five-star lot. And it didn’t hurt that the university mentioned once in the story is my alma mater. And no, that did not factor in the rating.

I received a complimentary DRC (digital review copy) of “Abduction Cold Case” via NetGalley from the publisher, HARLEQUIN – Romance (U.S. & Canada), Love Inspired Suspense. A positive review was not required; the opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

Rating: 5 stars
#AbductionColdCase #NetGalley #ConnieQueen

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Someone wants to keep the truth hidden...

I've read all of Connie Queen's Love Inspired Suspense novels, well except for her first and I hope to find that one too, and Abduction Cold Case features all of the reasons why. To start with it's exciting, fast-paced, full of secrets, romantic sparks, and danger is at every turn...

When I said danger, I meant it! Someone will stop at nothing to prevent Kennedy from finding out the truth about the 3 decade old kidnapping and about her own history – they also will do whatever it takes to keep Silas from helping her. And then there's the emotional fallout that has to be dealt with as dark secrets come to light and the bad guys never seem to stop coming. Does that sound edge of your seat? Well, that's only the beginning...

I'm always up for a good Love Inspired Suspense novel. They are small, quick reads that you can carry around with you to snatch a page or two here and there or finish in almost a single sitting. Connie Queen has continued to deliver real page-turners in a small package that are perfectly enjoyable for this romantic suspense loving heart. Abduction Cold Case was her best yet and I can't wait to see how she will top even this one with her next release...

(I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are entirely my own.)

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I loved meeting Kennedy and Silas in this one and felt the mystery was well done! I love how Connie balances the romance and suspense in this one. The mystery kept me guessing and I look forward to reading more LIS titles from her in the future! I found myself flying through this one, and absolutely loved how this one was full of surprise twists! The premise of this one was so intriguing and really kept me reading from the start!

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Abduction Cold Case by Connie Queen is a Love Inspired Suspense.

I love the premise of this book! What a unique idea to bring the two main characters together. I’m not sure how much to share in my review because I don’t want to spoil the story, but the premise made me hope for a happily ever after for everyone involved.

I also like Silas and the way his past informed the present situation. I wish Kennedy could have trusted him better from the start, but I liked how he showed her she could trust him. And then there was Solomon, the Mastiff mix who appeared occasionally in the story. I liked him, too!

Overall, this was a wonderful story and intriguing mystery. If you enjoy Love Inspired Suspense, then give this one a read.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley and JustRead Tours. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC guidelines.

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A fun, twisty suspense novel that turns character lives upside down and puts them in danger that'll have you on the edge of your seat from page one. Kennedy and Silas are a wonderful pair, and I loved their interactions and the immediate sense of protectiveness that Silas shows. It goes beyond attraction, which is good, because the danger and mystery are definitely top of the line in this story. I never knew what to expect on the next page, and the added adrenaline kept me reading from start to finish. I would've loved to see more of Solomon on the page since I love animals in stories, but I'm thrilled with how the book played out and how the author brought everything together at the end. Sign me up for the next one!
I received a copy of this book from JustRead Tours. I was not required to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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Cold Case Abduction by Connie Queen was an interesting twist on a missing person case. Kennedy is a psychologist who is researching a case that was put on her desk. She is assaulted when she goes to interview the mother of the missing child from the cold case.

Texas Ranger Silas realizes that Kennedy looks a lot like the age progression photo of the missing girl. It was also interesting how Silas was impacted by the missing girl.

This was a very action packed mystery with some romance. I will definitely read more stories by Connie Queen.

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I received a complimentary copy and all opinions expressed are entirely my own.

This was my first book by Connie Queen but most definitely will not be my last. The book is a mystery/suspense that follows Kennedy who is a psychologist that works with an organization called Bring the Children Home Project. The sole purpose of her job is to reunite families and one day she goes on her first cold case about a missing child. Upon her arrival everything that could go wrong does and she suddenly also starts fearing for her life but hope stumbles in in the form of Texas Ranger Silas. Silas upon gazing on her finds a seemingly link between her and the missing child. The psychologist and the ranger end up working together to determine why why someone wants to kill her and of course try to solve the case. Abduction cold case has the right dose of suspense and a tad bit of romance and the book is a wonderful read . Perfect for fans of cold cases and Texas.

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