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A Hard Day for a Hangover

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I was excited to read the most recent book in this series, and it did not disappoint! There are definitely some predictable parts of the book, but it is well written and the reader will continue to fall in love with the characters. Have you ever wondered will Levi and Sunshine get together, what will happen to her daughter, what about the crime family?? Lots of answers in this third installment!

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This one kept me up way past my bedtime because I couldn’t wait to see how it ended, and the lack of sleep was well worth it. I loved Darynda Jones Charley series, and maybe love this one a tiny bit more. Mystery, humor, handsome and smart detectives, and Auri, Sheriff Sunshine Vicrams’ sassy, intelligent 15 year old daughter. This latest installment is a mix of family drama, romance, a wiley raccoon, friendship and suspense, all with a huge amount of humor mixed in throughout. What’s not to love? I strongly recommend you read the series from the beginning as the back stories come into play for the various story lines in this latest book.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy, I hope the author reconsiders and gives us more books.

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Another winner from Darynda.
The relationship Sunshine has with her daughter is amazing. Her friendship with Quince is one everyone would be lucky to have in their own life.

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***Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review***
All I can say is "I want more!!!!" Sunshine, the Sheriff of a small town, is dealing with escaped convicts, a possible serial killer, a secret society of townspeople that "deals with crime," and a runaway raccoon. The characters are so fun and loveable I want to be their best friends. Please, let there be more in this series!!!!!

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Oh my,my,my. So many things running thru my head after finishing this latest in the series. Things are getting on track for Sun and Levi. Auri knows who he really is now. And there is a crazy murderer after young girls. There are a few clues along the way that hints at the creepy behavior of the person I thought it was doing the crimes. My guess was right. I think the main focus really this book was getting sun and Levi on track. So now that seems like it’s going to go ok, I wonder what will happen next. This series gives me Charley Davidson vibes but it’s different but similar at the same time, if that makes sense. To say I enjoy reading them is a understatement. I devour them the first moment I can, and I am counting down the days until the next comes out.

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A wonderful continuation of a series worth waiting for! Sunny is on point as always and I really enjoy visiting with characters I feel I've come to know. I can't wait for the next one!

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Thank you Netgalley for the advance reader copy of A Hard Day for a Hangover by Darynda Jones in exchange for an honest review. I have never read another author that so captured my sense of humor. All of Darynda Jones' books have such a wonderful, dry wit that has me cracking smiles and giggling even when I'm reading a really tense scene. I truly love her books and this third book in the series made me love all the characters even more. I wish I had known a girl like Auri in highschool, or was friends with someone like Quincy and Sunshine. Amazing character development and a wonderful plotline that winds from book to book. Please keep writing Darynda Jones, your books bring me much joy and a fabulous distraction from life.
#AHardDayForAHangover #DaryndaJones #SunshineVicram #StMartinsPress

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Cute, adorable, and fun rolled up into one book. (a bit of suspense too!)

Sheriff Sunshine Vicram is back along with her cast of mostly lovable friends, family, and that lovable hunk, Levi Ravender, who Sunshine has loved since the beginning of time. With her very rambunctious daughter, Auri, they are knee deep in a new crime as girls have disappeared. Auri is off on her own trying to solve the crime single-handedly at the despair of her mom, Sunshine.

Then there is Levi, who sets Sun's blood boiling and takes her breath away and his very questionable family, some of which want to see the end of both Levi and Sun. The two of them plus Auri's rebelliousness sends them round the bend and gives them all many moments of breathless danger and death.

Auri is just like her mother, but Sun tries to protect her as she treads on dangerous ground and also has herself a main crush and they seem to be headed down the same path as Sun and Levi.

This series always provides a great amount of fun, quips, and of course danger. It's always a hilarious ride but also provides a fine amount of murder and mayhem. Always enjoy my time spent with Sunshine, her wonderful family, and the people of her small town, especially Levi and his hoodlum family.

Thank you to Darynda Jones, St Martin's Press, and NetGalley for a copy of this stunning and action packed story. Looking for a fun story that will keep you engaged from cover to cover get a hold of this one and if you haven't read the first two, better get busy.

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I loved this third installment from Darynda Jones. Sunshine and Auri are quite a pair. Excellent suspense and action and a little romance. I enjoyed every minute of this book and I highly recommend it to all.

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A Hard Day for a Hangover is the latest installment in Darynda Jones's wine mystery series. This book is laugh-out-loud funny, intensely suspenseful, page-turning fun. Sheriff Sunshine Vicram would rather give the day a hearty shove and get back into bed, because there's just too much going on right now. There's a series of women going missing, and Sunny feels powerless to stop it. There's her persistent and awesomely-rebellious daughter Auri, who's out to singlehandedly become Del Sol's youngest and fiercest investigator.

This book is not a standalone and you should definitely read the first two before reading this one.

One of the things that makes this series so addictive is the author's ability to create believable and suspenseful plotlines. In A Hard Day for a Hangover, Jones does an excellent job of balancing the light-hearted humor with darker, more suspenseful scenes. The result is a page-turner that is both laugh-out-loud funny and compulsively readable.

Simply put, A Hard Day for a Hangover is another roaring success from Darynda Jones. This series is a must read for fans of cozy mysteries and Law and Order alike.

tw: sa, suicide, depression, ptsd

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Funny and entertaining throughout the entire story. Sunshine is always quick with the comebacks and wit along with her deputy/bestfriend Quincy. All through the story your rooting for her and Levi to be together but the story is so much more than just her and Levi. Trying to find out who is hurting the girl/girls they have found and trying to keep up with her daughter Auri and her antics. Not to mention the town senior citizens, they are a hoot. Hoping this isn't the end to this series its just too enjoyable not to get more.

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This book was SO much fun! It had me laughing out loud and flipping the pages so quickly. I'm glad I recognized that this was book 3 in a series and read the previous two before jumping in. Reading all three novels right in a row was so much fun! And this was a wonderful wrap up to the trilogy. I can't wait to see what this author comes up with next!

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A action packed finale. This is book three in the series, and I believe the last. You will need to read the books in order to fully understand what's going on and the characters and their relationships to one another. Each book has a crime that gets solved within it, but there are a few storylines that run throughout the series. While there are some serious subject matters included, it has a lightness about it, thanks to the humor the characters bring. Speaking of characters, they are all written brilliantly. Even if you don't care for the plot in the book (which you will,) the characters bring enough joy that will make this worth the read. All sass and attitude. ;) Since this book is the finale, the secrets are revealed and all loose ends get tied up with a pretty little ribbon. There is no sexual content (other than a birds and bees talk between the characters, and mention of assault.) There is some violence. There is also mention of suicide. I'd say this is suitable for teens and up. I'll miss these characters and hope that maybe someday we'll get to see them again. ;)

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Sunshine is tackling several items both professionally and personally. A young woman is found beaten on a hilltop and it appears that this is not the first time a woman was hurt. Sifting through clues has Sunshine and Quince pointing to a person who should have known better. Another case is who impaled Doug, the flasher? Third is how to keep Auri safe – this is harder than one thinks. The author did a great job in putting this all together weaving in and out of various stories that had me immersed in all every little detail. Laughter abounds and romance is in the cards. The visually descriptive narrative put me in the middle of this fast-paced and action-packed drama with engaging dialogue and a great cast of characters. Don’t miss this all the fun in this exciting conclusion to the series.

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Sunshine Vicram returns!
This is the third book in the trilogy and picks up a couple of days after the second book. This book refreshes the past incidents so I did not feel the need to go back and re-read, which makes it a viable standalone.

This book was fast paced with all the fun and quirky characters and odd incidents of Del Sol, New Mexico from the first two books.

Sunshine Vicram is off her game… due to that hangover mentioned in the title. Unfinished mysteries from the previous books continue and new nefarious incidents surfaced. Mix all that with the jumbled personal issues of not only Sunshine but Auri, Cruz, Levi and even Quincy, and you get an extremely busy plot line.

The author handles it all with wit and skill. At the end of the book all the mysteries are dealt with and nothing is overlooked.

That being said, at the end I can’t even believe that Levi AND Sunshine’s parents were aware that she hadn’t been raped. All that time (15 years!) and they let her believe that Auri was conceived in a rape that never happened. Levi had a semi-viable excuse for several years at least. He was young and injured and then for awhile he thought the story of the make believe father/husband who died in Afghanistan was real. Once he figured it all out… and that Sunshine really had NO memory of the month leading up to the abduction… no excuses.

And I’m sorry but as a parent that is unfathomable!! I get the whole “let their memory return naturally” but SERIOUSLY! The moment they found out about the pregnancy (since it was medically obvious that no non-consensual sex had taken place). They certainly could have told her something to let her know the abductor wasn’t the sperm donor. I mean an “you were seeing someone but never told us who”; easily done to save your daughter major mental and emotional trauma. Of course…. Then all 3 books would have different happenings. So I think that this one thing was a plot line mishap

Otherwise a 4.5 Star read rounded up to 5 because it is a really good book and a really good trilogy. I hope the author revisits DelSol. So many interesting deputies to focus on, or even Auri and Cruz perhaps as young adults.

***My thanks to the Publisher and NetGalley. This is my honest review given in exchange for the ARC of this book.

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This is the third book in the Sunshine Vicram series by Darynda Jones. It’s starts with Sunshine, Del Sol’s sheriff processing what happened at the end of book 2 and thinking her hangover is going to be the worst part of her day, unfortunately that is not the case. Sunshine get called to a crime scene , where the victim has been raped, beaten and clinging to life. From then on Sunshine and to her dismay her daughter Auri try to figure out who the perpetrator is and if it connected to string of other missing girls.

I enjoyed this book in the series, it is filled with the snark and sarcasm we Jones fans love! Loose ends and Sunshine finally gets her HEA, the awesome bit is it ends in a way that’s sets up for book 4 but not on a cliffhanger, thankfully. I enjoyed a Hard Day for a Hangover and am excited to see how the series progressed. Thank you to St. Martins Press and NetGalley for the eARC.

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A Hard Day For A Hangover is the third and final release in the fan favorite Sunshine Vicram series by Darynda Jones. As much as I lament the fact that this book ends the trilogy, the good news is Jones saved the best for last! A Hard Day For A Hangover has it all - fast paced over-the-top action, a killer mystery, roll-in-the-aisle humor, sizzling romance, a serial killer, and several well-deserved hangovers - you name it, it's all rolled up in this mesmerizing tale. I'm serious as a heart attack when I say I opened this book, fell off a don't-speak-to-me-while-I'm-reading marathon cliff and didn't crawl back out until the final line on the last page. It's that good.

Del Sol, New Mexico Sheriff Sunshine Vicram and her entire flamboyant gang have their hands full in A Hard Day For A Hangover. An unidentified teenage girl is discovered brutally beaten and violated, her body tossed over a guard rail like road trash and left for dead in a canyon. Lucky for her, a hunter spots her in time and a rescue ensues. As Sunshine begins working the case, similar cold cases surface leading to suspicions of a serial killer. With the help of her sidekick Deputy Quincy, Sunshine begins the daunting task of untangling a web of lies and deadly secrets while meticulously piecing together tidbits of information until a dark, disturbing picture begins forming. As always, Sunshine's daughter Auri, an amateur sleuth in her own right, gets involved stealing the show as things quickly escalate from dire to deadly. Not to be left behind, the armed, quirky secret society of senior citizens who police the town incognito throw in their two cents worth until Sunshine finds herself with a big old complicated mess to untangle. If that's not enough to drive her to drink, Levi Ravinder is back and things pick up right where they left off at the end of book two when Sunshine dropped a bomb in his lap and skedaddled. On top of that, Levi's life has been threatened by his Uncle Clay in an attempt to take possession of Levi’s distillery business. Really, sometimes it's just too much for a woman to handle so Sunshine succumbs to a party-for-one night of self-pity where she consumes copious amounts of alcohol awakening the next morning with a killer hangover thinking how much worse can it possibly get? Unfortunately, as another day dawns in Del Sol, she's about to find out.

A Hard Day For A Hangover is first and foremost . . . hilarious. Seldom does a book make me physically laugh out loud, but the witty, snarky banter and shenanigans perpetrated by these wacko characters kept me in stitches. Seriously, I snickered and snorted my way through this story in record speed. But fear not, this book is not all sassy one-liners although the comic relief is timely and spot-on. Fans looking for a good detective mystery won't be disappointed as the main plot line is riddled with danger, betrayals and uncommon-for-this-series graphic violence. There's a viper pit of red herrings that include some prominent people as well as most of Levi Ravinder’s family tree for readers to sift through. While I felt confident early on I was on the right track in sleuthing out the identity of the real villain, the path taken to get there is tension laden and page burning worthy.

Jones's expert, crazy good skills at getting just the right blend of mystery and humor are never more evident than in A Hard Day For A Hangover. She's rendered another sensational story line that bridges the comic scenes with the deadly serious ones with just the right amount of each. She then sweetens the pot with a pinch of swoon-worthy romance including a spicy scene or two. For fans of the series, this book dots the i's and crosses the t's bringing all the overall story arcs to a satisfying closure. If you haven't read the first two books in this series, do yourself a favor and read them before diving into this one. While A Hard Day For A Hangover stands alone, everything that goes down in this one is set up in previous books.

A Hard Day For A Hangover is full of snark, sizzle and pop from beginning to end. It's highly entertaining and readable with page after page of laughter, tears and suspense. There's so much I haven't mentioned in this review - Doug the flasher, Randi the raccoon, etc. - but rest assured they all make film-worthy appearances. If you haven't figured it out by now, I’m totally sold on this finale. While it saddens me to see this series end, I have my fingers crossed Jones may entertain a spin-off featuring Auri, Cruz and the gang as there's certainly plenty of fodder to work with. Highly recommended to anyone who enjoys mystery, suspense and romance with a great big ole southern helping of laughter.

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Beautiful cover to a complex book. Thank you for this arc and the opportunity to read it. I loved everything about it.

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The series is just so much fun! I absolutely love these characters.. The plots are crazily intricate and involved, everyone is hiding something, and there's more madcap mayhem than should be allowed by law - and the blend of it all is just delicious. This latest installment could feel like a series end but I really truly hope it isn't. A lot of big questions have been resolved, but I desperately hope we see more of Sun the Ravinders,, one and all!!

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A ARC NetGalley book -A suspenseful story! Sunshine the Sheriff of Del Sol, Texas and her young daughter Auri seem to always get into trouble. Auri interferes with Sunshine's cases that turns into dangerous outcomes with lots of excitement to the end of the book.

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