Member Reviews

This is the third, and sadly final, book in the Sunshine Vicram trilogy, and was an absolutely wonderful finale. As much as I loved seeing a happy ending for Sunshine, Levi and Sunshine's family, I would love even more to see more stories featuring the wonderful town of Del Sol. The rest of the inhabitants and their lives (as written by Jones of course) could entertain me ages!

E-arc provided by net galley in exchange for an honest review.

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Sunshine starts her day with a hangover and things go downhill from there. Such a great book, interesting characters, and a story line that picks up where the last book left off. I love this series.

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Darynda Jones' brand new book A Hard Day for a Hangover is absolutely stunning. The plot is action packed and exciting. It's one of the most engaging thrillers I've read this year. The story has plenty of added romance, humor, and love sprinkled throughout the fast paced mystery. This is the third and final novel in the Sunshine Vicram trilogy. I enjoyed it as a stand-alone, but am excited to read the other two in the series.

Sunshine (Sun) Vicram is a hard-hitting female sheriff raising her 15-year-old daughter Auri. When women in her small community begin disappearing, Sun investigates to discover who is responsible. Auri, who takes after Sun, is determined to help her mom put an end to the attacks.

A Hard Day for a Hangover draws readers in from the first chapter. I read the book in one night. It does have some sexual content and may not be suitable for all audiences. Check the trigger warnings before proceeding.

A Hard Day for a Hangover is available on December 6th.

Thank you, NetGalley and St. Martin's Press, for sharing this novel with me. It is the perfect book to curl up in a cozy warm blanket and enjoy.

#AHardDayForAHangover, #SunshineVicram

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A Hard Day for a Hangover was the weakest of the trilogy, in my opinion. Auri is supposed to be a relatively intelligent 15 year old, but thinks she has a "submissive hemogoblin"? And Sun CONSTANTLY calling her "Bug" got old quickly. Looks like she says it 25 times throughout the book, so once every 11-12 pages or so. The bad guy was obvious from the beginning and overall it wasn't very satisfying. Bummer, because I rated the first couple of books 4 out of 5 stars.

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First I would like to say that since this is the third book of a trilogy to proceed with caution as there may be spoilers about the first two books. If you haven’t picked up this series yet starting with A Bad Day for Sunshine… I highly suggest you fix that! 🙂 Mystery, intrigue, humor, romance, jaw dropping action… the list goes on.

A Hard Day for a Hangover was my most anticipated release of 2022 so I had high expectations for it and Darynda Jones delivered. Everything and everyone in Del Sol was their perfectly quirky selves and throughout this series I have come to love every single one of them. There were a few characters that were more absent in this book than the previous installments which was a little disappointing but my main girl Sunshine got the ending I hoped for. I felt like there was a shift in the story that put a lot more focus on Sunshine’s daughter, Auri, so I’m almost wondering if Jones was making way for a new spin off series featuring her in the lead. Honestly I am SO game for that. I feel like there are so many more tales to tell for the citizens of Del Sol that I am absolutely dying for more! Any kind of spin off featuring these characters, even novellas, would be majorly appreciated by this reader. I very much loved this finale and am already wanting to go back in for a second read. This is a series I can see myself reading over and over again, especially considering I’ve already read the first book 3 times and the second book twice. My only complaint is that this is a trilogy and not a longer series.

5 Stars

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This was such a good finale to this series! As always I love the all the characters they are quirky and so much fun, I lovehow they interact with each other, the sass, and the banter is just (chefs kiss) perfect! Theres some real good romance, and all the feels. It had me laughing out loud, and on the edge of my seat when danger struck.

This series should definitely be read from the beginning to make sure you get all the proper feels, and all the puns you can handle. I want to say so much more but it would all spoil something, so you should absolutely pick this series up, you will have the best time reading it!

I can't wait to see what Darynda Jones will be coming out with next!

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My Review:

A Hard Day For A Hangover: Sunshine Vicram #3 by Darynda Jones is everything you thought you wanted and more!!

I love love love the way Ms Jones delivers all the suspense, while still making you laugh out loud.

Her wit and humor are off the charts, and just what I needed.

I love Sunshine, her sassy daughter Auri, and all the cast of characters that make this series outstanding.

And even though each book can be read as a standalone, I recommend reading in order list to absorb all the feels and connections.

Let’s not forget Levi Ravinder!! Just swoon. Be ready to have your heart melt.

Even young Cruz will have you smiling.

And this must be said … very loud and clear… I’m so grateful Ms Jones uses humor throughout, but she also tackles serious subjects like depression and mental health.

“I would beg him to use a semicolon. Not a period.” “Pause. Don’t end”.

This is one book you’ll be completely hooked on the minute you start.

5 Sunny Stars

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Ahhh endings are always bittersweet when you love a series! A Hard Day for a Hangover was exactly what I've come to expect out of the Sunshine books (and Jones' stories in general), action-packed excitment, barrels of laughs and fun, a dash of steamy romance and a solid plot that all results in compulsive read. I thoroughly enjoyed this one. I just want more! Del Sol is an endless fount of entertainment and I'm left needing more! It's truly a testament to how great the town and characters are written, there's just so much more left I'm wanting to see come to fruition. I can only hold on to hope that even though Sun's story is concluded, there's still more stories to be told within Del Sol.

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Amazon-December 6, 2022

Well, everyone finally decided on a date, and I'm happy to say that the wait was worthwhile. Unfortunately, this is not going to be a series as I had hoped. It seems only to be a trilogy. That is unfortunate because there is so much more that this family can do. From the publishers' synopsis: "The blockbuster conclusion to the bestselling Sunshine Vicram <b> trilogy</b>, A Hard Day for a Hangover will have readers laughing and cheering to the very last page."

For those lucky enough to have KindleUnlimited, the first book in this series is available.

This was a great ending to this trilogy (although I do wish that the author would turn this into a series). I see so much more happening in the town of Del Sol, with Auri and the Dangerous Daughters.

This book starts within days of the last books ending. Kind of odd that, since the last book ended on a cliffhanger. But there you have it.

If there is one problem I have is that Auri is always sticking her nose where it doesn't belong and her mother and grandparents think it is also cute. But that is all on me and has nothing to do with A Hard Day For a Hangover! I got a few giggles, although not as many as I had gotten from the first book. This book seems more serious, bloody, violent, and explicit than the first two books.

At times this book seemed to 'rush' a bit as far as the plots go, but with this not being a series, I can see why the author did have to rush a bit. There were just too many threads to tie up.

This book was well worth the wait, and I am going to keep my fingers crossed that Ms. Jones publisher understands that this should be a series! Well, at least, in my opinion, it should be!

*ARC was supplied by the publisher St. Martin's Press/Macmillan, the author, and Net

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You Gotta Love This Crew

They say “All’s well that ends well” but what a convoluted path to get there. To appreciate this book, you really need to have read the two previous books. Sunshine is the police chief in a small town in New Mexico. It’s a story in itself how that came to be, find out in book one. This is a well-written, witty, and fun series that you will love. I wish this wasn’t the last book in the series.

A young woman has been found, beaten and nearly dead, at the bottom of a cliff. Sun and her police crew, aided by Sun’s 15 year old daughter Auri, shuffle through the clues, ask innumerable questions, and stumble on some of the answers, finally solving this case and more. Sun’s heartthrob, Levi, is aloof as always but gets much more involved as the story unfurls. Auri’s antics and ever-presence in the investigation are a fun component of the story.

Thank you NetGalley and Darynda Jones for an advance copy of this wonderful book, this is my honest review.

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The Sunshine Vicram trilogy is here and she's better than ever!
A Hard Day for a Hangover Darynda Jones is snarky, humorous, bantering with some quirky characters.
An engaging story and mystery that will consume your every thoughts.
Sheriff Sunshine Vicram is a funny and interesting female character to follow.
With the adorable characters I was pulled into this story right from the start!
These characters are fun, I loved the mystery, with some awesome suspense.
I have not laughed out loud at a book in quite some time, but his book did the trick.
Laugh-out-loud funny, intensely suspenseful, page-turning fun this book is definitely going on my favorite list.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

St. Martin's Press,
Thank You for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!
I will post my review to my blog, platforms, BookBub, B&N, Kobo and Waterstone closer to pub date.

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Thank you for this ARC!!!

Being a die hard Darynda fan - I was super excited for this book! Then I saw the "last in a series". So sad.

This book - as all the others she's given us - has all the sass, charm, with and wisdom that we expect and love. The multiple - but overlapping cases and the back story romance make this a fun, read in one night page turner.

My only question is what now?? We need more!

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While Sheriff Sunshine Vicram has her hands full investigating a strange stabbing, a robbery, and an assault, a jail break occurs, and she finds herself dealing with old enemies and her long lost love Levi. Despite the sometimes heavy topics, Jones’s humor, quirky characters, rambunctious raccoon, and romantic elements keep the mood mostly light.

Besides Sunshine’s perspective, her young daughter Auri’s point of view is also provided. Auri not only does some investigation on her own, she becomes a target of desperate men. I liked that this installment didn’t focus as a much on the town’s secret society as the previous book. Having several cases kept the plot cooking.

The action-packed climax and the focus on friendship and family made the book equally pulse-pounding and heart-warming.

I look forward to see where Jones takes this series in future books.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Thanks to St. Martin’s Press, an imprint of St. Martin’s Publishing Group, for providing an Advance Reader Copy via NetGalley.

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I adore this series, in fact I adore all of Jones's writing but there is something about this series that I absolutely can't get enough of. I was so eager for this new installment and I both tried to savor it and read as quickly as I could.
It did not disappoint and reminded me all over again why Jones's is one of my most favorite authors and why I love this series and all it's quirky characters so very much. It truly has it all and I can't get enough of it.

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Can we just agree that it’s NEVER a good day for a hangover?🤣. My only hangover today is a book hangover. I absolutely love this Sunshine Vicram series and this was the last and final book 😭😭😭. Please Darynda Jones I need more Sunny and Levi, I need that camping trip.

If you haven’t read this series yet, why the heck not?!?! There’s mystery, drama, romance, humour and a loveable/quirky cast of characters that I just can’t get enough of. Like I said, super bummed this is the last book.

Set in a small village in New Mexico, Sheriff Vicram is dealing with a series of women who have gone missing, trying to keep her teenage daughter out of trouble and out of her police cases as well as all the drama with Levi whom she’s been in love with since forever. I’m not going to say much more on the plot because each book is connected and nobody likes spoilers. So you definitely need to start with book one, totally worth it BTW 😉. My only gripe would be that I wish the book was another 50 pages longer for maybe an epilogue? Everything was tied up well, I just needed more. I can see myself rereading these books at some point, they’re like a comfort food and so good for my soul.

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This is it! Mystery, emotion, friendship, secrets revealed, and non-stop action. And a good dose of humor and heat! You can't go wrong, a super end to a rollicking trilogy!

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First off I received an ARC of this book from the publisher free via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I am so glad that I have been approved for every ARC of this series from the first one. The characters and story arcs are so good! Auri and Sun have the best relationship. I will have to remember some of her boy talks even though I have a boy. To hear the truth come out about Levi and Sun was amazing. Watching several of the overall storylines get wrapped up makes me scared that this is the last one and I certainly hope not. I truly enjoy this series and this author. This book is not even out yet and I cannot wait until the next one (hopefully) comes out!

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Darynda Jones doesn't let you down on this book. I love the interaction with all the characters. This book has humor, snarky remarks, love, and family. Am I hoping this series continues. Sunshine is a great role model for women.

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Okay, this series has quickly become one of my favorites! I feel as if I am also best friends with the characters and we get to share witty banter. In addition to this, I can't look away from the plot - which is character driven - because I just need to know what happens next in this ridiculously fun town. I'm crossing my fingers for another book that will sweep me back into Del Sol, New Mexico!

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Another great book by Darynda Jones! I really love this series and look forward to reading the next book. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance copy.

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