Member Reviews

I am a huge fan of Darcy Coates and have read many of her stories. The Twisted Dead is Book 3 the Gravekeeper series. I was unaware when I requested this book that it was Book 3 in the series, so I of course had to get the first 2 books before I read this book. I love this quirky series. Of course I love the ghosts, but I also love the friendship between the characters. This is definitely another winner from Darcy Coates.

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4 stars!
Release Date: February 7, 2023
This book is for all the morbid kids who love tragic ghost stories, magical cats, and fun-and-fright-filled adventures with your friends.
In book #3 of the Gravekeeper series, we follow Keira as she gets closer to unraveling the truth of her mysterious past. Aided by her two best friends, they investigate a murder, an ancient haunted mansion, and discover a sinister cemetery with a dark secret. A secret that might have everything to do with her.
The spookiness factor is elevated in this installment, by the way, and I loved it!
Darcy Coates might just be one of my new favorite authors! Her ability to make my hair stand on end with her creepy descriptions while also keeping me laughing at the characters’ antics is delightful.
If you like ghost shows, mysteries, and stories that center on a charming group of BFFs, check out this series!

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Happy Publishing Day!!! Finding a series that I can Buddy Read with my teenager seems to be a bit challenging, but this series is definitely it. This book definitely served up a big helping of spooky. We loved the relationship that Keira has with her friends and her longing to always help those around her. Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Keira and her gang are back and they’re cooler than ever! Yes, I said that and I don’t care how cringy it sounds because it’s true.

The Twisted Dead is the third installment in Darcy Coates’ Gravekeeper series and, honestly, it keeps getting better.

There are no new characters but we get to know more about each of them. The bond between Keira and her friends strengthens with each adventure and I love seeing that. Plus, the slow burn romance is finally starting to show! The author is making us wait, but I’m sure the next book will be more fulfilling in that department.

This book has:
-a badass Keira kicking ghostly ass
-some long awaited answers
-funny banter
-a road trip
-some of Zoe’s funniest lines
-a highly tense and suspenseful pursuit
-more cuteness for cat lovers
-a happy but cliffhanger-y ending

Veredict: read it! As long as you’ve read the first two and liked them, that is.

If you’re on the fence about giving this series a chance, I wholeheartedly encourage you to do so. Don’t do so with the expectation of finding terrifying horror, because that’s not what this series is about. Read it expecting a cozy mysterious paranormal small town story and if that’s your thing, you will enjoy it for sure.

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Over the last month I have read the first two Gravekeeper books in anticipation of this release, and I have absolutely fallen in love with these characters!

The Gravekeeper series centers around Kiera, who in book one (The Whispering Dead) finds herself in a forest, running for her life and with no memory of who she is or why she’s been hunted by a group of terrifying men. She hides out in a small town cemetery, eventually making friends and a place for herself, while also realizing she has some very unique abilities when it comes to interacting with the dead.

The Twisted Dead was my favorite book yet! I loved the balance between Kiera’s latest spooky mission and the reveals you get about her backstory. The friendship between Keira, Zoe, and Mason is sarcastic and fun and true and I was so happy to have another opportunity to spend time with them. The ghost stories were both spooky and emotional and I absolutely loved the touching resolution to a horrifying haunting at the end.

Looking for ghost stories that sometimes feel like spy thrillers? An eclectic found family and a witchy AF cat? I definitely recommend checking out this series, I can’t wait for the next one!

Thank you @netgalley and Black Owl Books for the advanced digital copy, and to @francinewonders for some really fun buddy reads!

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One can never go wrong with a Darcy Coates read! The Gravekeeper series is so good but this 3rd installment is my favorite! If you like a good cozy horror read, this one is for you!

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The Twisted Dead by Darcy Coates is a paranormal mystery novel, and the third in the Gravekeeper series.  I wouldn't call it horror, but it is definitely creepy.

First, let me thank NetGalley, the publisher Poisoned Pen Press, and of course the author, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Series Background:    (Warning – May contain spoilers from previous books)
Keira knows little about her past, but she has discovered she has a talent.  She can talk to ghosts -- and if she discovers why they are still on this plane, she is determined to help them move on.  She has new friends...Adage who is a clergyman,  Zoe who is a conspiracy  theory nut, and Mason, who is supposed to be studying to become a doctor.  She has recently been hired by Adage to be the new groundskeeper at Blighty Graveyard.

My Synopsis:    (No major reveals, but if concerned, skip to My Opinions)
Although Dane Crispin tried to kill Kiera when she trespassed on his land, he now wants her help.  He believes that his home is haunted. She can't believe what she finds, and she isn't sure how to help.

Mason finally opens up to Keira and Zoe as to why he left medical school when he was so near the top of his class.  This will send them all on a road trip, with some very unexpected results.

Keira is still trying to find out who has been hunting her, and why.  She's about to get one step closer.

Everywhere she turns, there is danger.

My Opinions:
I am still really enjoying this series.  Yes, you have to read them in order.  I can't imagine jumping in without knowing how Keira met Zoe and Mason, and came to be living in a cemetery. 

I like how Keira is gaining friends as she goes.

The characters are all a little wacky (Zoe in particular), and the plots are a little dark (and sometimes sad), but overall, every book in this series has been a fast and entertaining read. There is humour when you least expect it, and it really lightens what could be a dark and disturbing book.  Even with the topic of ghosts chained to this world, this was a fun read.

Again, I'm looking forward to the next in the series, because there is so much unfinished business.

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Keira is once again back in action dealing with spirits in The Twisted Dead, the third book in Darcy Coates Gravekeeper series. This time around Keira gets an invitation to dinner at the family estate of Dane Crispin. It’s an invitation she should likely decline, after all the last time she saw him was when he tried to kill her. Things are definitely different now because this time around he’s asking for her help. Like the previous books in the series (which aren’t totally required reading to enjoy this book, though I’d definitely recommend them…just try not to do what I did originally and read them in the wrong order, lol) this isn’t so much straight up horror, more like mystery/horror-lite. It’s features a great cast of characters and an excellent story, and it builds upon the past books, revealing more of Keira’s past. Definitely a worthy addition to the series, and I look forward to seeing where the next book takes us. I’d like to thank Poisoned Pen Press and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review an eARC of The Twisted Dead.

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The Gravekeeper Series is really growing in strength, book #3 The Twisted dead is by far the best of the lot. This is perfectly good as a standalone as the author touches upon the main events of the past 2 books but if you want to understand Keira, her arrival in Blighty, and the warm and true friendship she shares with mason and Zoe then go ahead and download the previous 2 books from Kindle Unlimited.

I have read quite a few of the author’s books and mostly agree that her books are not always scare the living daylights of anyone kind but can be classified as mild horror. In the Gravekeeper series, she has layered the story with multiple plotlines, involving Keira’s amnesia about her past, Mason’s reluctance in revealing his reasons for quitting med school, Keira’s psychic ability in seeing ghosts and the shadowy organization that seems to be hell-bent on killing Keira.

The Twisted Dead opens up all these plot points and enhances them on a larger scale with the readers getting a clear picture about why Keira is being targeted, The reason behind Mason’s med school drama, the ghosts not one but countless number of them in Dane Crispin’s house, the serial killer lurking amongst them, and the witchy cat called Daisy are all touched upon brilliantly by the author.

Keira is an excellent character so sure of her abilities and her inherent goodness in wanting to help the dead makes you root for her, Mason once again remains strong and capable and is the rock that holds Keira steady but if I would choose one character that I want to hold on and cuddle up to, it would be the crazy and quirky and paranoid Zoe. Her cracker one liners in the story are some of the best the author comes up with and I simply loved every scene in the story. The events in Keira’s life seem to be happening one after another without much gap in between but now I want to know about Keira and her past and her witchy powers.

Many thanks to Net Galley, Poisoned Pen Press, and the author Darcy Coates for a chance to read and review this book. All opinions are expressed voluntarily.

This review is published in my blog <a href="">Rain'n'Books</a>, ##<a href="">Goodreads</a>, ##<a href="">Amazon India</a>, ##<a href="">Book Bub</a>, ##<a href=""></a>, ##<a href="">Facebook</a>, ##<a href="">Twitter</a>.

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The Twisted Dead | Darcy Coates
Gravekeeper #3
4 ⭐️

Kiera and her friends are on a mission to help the town recluse Dane, the last in his family line who is being haunted by the ghosts of his prolific family. As the third book in the series, The Twisted Dead also continues to unravel Kiera's past while she struggles with amnesia.

I did not read the first two books in this series as didn't know it was a series when I saw this on NetGalley, but I will be going back to read them as soon as possible.

This was a fun read and I would consider it a cozy and comfortable horror mystery. It was fast paced, and even without the backstory I could follow along pretty easily.

Read this if you like:
- Cozy Horror
- Shorter books in a larger series
- Protagonist with psychic abilities

Can't wait for the next one!

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I requested this book without realizing that it was part of a series (I thought Darcy Coates only wrote stand-alone novels). I had to read the first two books before I could get to this one. The series isn’t what I expected but it’s so good! In book number 3 Keira is beginning to put some things from her past life together. She also feels like she has a home and true friends for the first time in her life. Dane Crispin, the town recluse, has heard a rumor that Keira can talk to ghosts. He requests her company for dinner, along with Mason and Zoe, because he thinks his house is full of ghosts! Can Keira help him with his ghost problem? While she is trying to find a solution to Dane’s problem, Mason reveals that he has one of his own. Keira will do anything to help Mason, even drive 8 hours to where he used to go to medical school. Will Mason finally reveal the reason why left medical school? Somewhere along the way Artec finds her again. Why are they trying so hard to get rid of her? Keira will soon find out as more memories begin to surface.

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The Twisted Dead by Darcy Coates is book three in the Gravekeeper series, and while I had every intention of reading the first two before this one I just didn’t get to it with all the other books on my TBR. Because of that I can confidently say that this book can be read without having read the first two, but as with any series it’s always more enjoyable to read them in order so you can get the inside jokes and join along in the characters' growth.

The Twisted Dead is what I consider a cozy paranormal read. While the book is filled with the supernatural you won’t be afraid to turn the lights off if you stay up reading this one past your bedtime.

Coates’ characters are very well developed, and she has a great mix of humor and determination in them. I really enjoyed the gothic vibe with the mansion owner and Harry. Zoe’s sense of self was fun, no running away from anything with her need to experience all of life. And it’s always a good thing to have a level headed and medically inclined person in the group, like Mason. Keira is still struggling with her amnesia, but the way she is slowly remembering things is a great way to keep the mystery going at a good pace. And, of course, I loved Daisy, the (perhaps) cat familiar.

I’m looking forward to seeing how Keira and the gang deal with the evil corporation and what other small mysteries they solve along the way.

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Another great instalment in the GraveKeeper series. I am loving this series the more it goes on. The characters are loveable with so much personality and I just want to be their friend.
This book you got more insight into Keira’s past before she lost her memory and I just can’t wait to read the next book.

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I didn't realize this was the third book in a series when I requested it, but the book gives a nice little summary to catch the reader up. I've seen Darcy's books described as "cozy horror" and I'm inclined to agree. The book was suspenseful, spooky and fun. I've only read one of her books before this but I will read more. I would love to read the next book in the series, and I might read the previous two. The only thing that really bothered me was some of the dialogue. It could be super cheesy, but I think that's intentional so it's just a matter of preference

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I absolutely love this series. At the end of every book I'm wishing for more! Keira, Mason, and Zoe are such a good group. Now that I have a real glimpse into Keira's past I'm dying to know how she will deal with Artec. I'm not a story regurgitator, so please believe The Twisted Dead and its predecessors are fun, reads full of both intrigue and a sly sense of humor. Can't wait for the next book!

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This is the third book in the Graveyard Book series, and it is absolutely fabulous!

Keira, Mason and Zoe are back and this time they are in more danger than ever before. The story begins with Keira cleaning up the cottage she lives in after it was set on fire as a threat by a local. Shortly after, all three of them receive a letter from a local recluse, Dane Crispin. His family founded the town, and he is the last remaining relative. They decide to go because no one has been in his house in decades and he's very reclusive, often wandering at night through the town.

When they arrive, Dane asks Keira for a favor. It seems a local boy who has befriended Dane, has told him that Keira has experience with ghosts. Dane feels his house is haunted and when Keira uses her second sight what she sees is very disturbing. The ghosts from his family are feeding on him, feeding on his energy. Keira tries to banish them only to find she can't and she's not sure exactly how to go about doing it. But she's not willing to give up just yet.

Mason also has a favor for her. He reveals the reason he left the university he was at. He was too focused on being the best and when he heard a scream on the campus he was on, he ignored it and it ended up being one of the most liked students on the campus being murdered. He wants Keira to go to the campus and see if his spirit is still there. They head off to the campus and Keira uses her second sight and finds that while his spirit is not there, she was able to feel the area and see through a vision who killed him. They then head off to the cemetery where he is buried to see if his spirit is there.

Once they arrive at the cemetery, Keira is immediately on high alert as the symbol on the gates leading to the cemetery is the exact symbol of the people that are hunting her. What she discovers at the cemetery is more disturbing than she could have ever imagined. She also begins to discover part of her past and some of her amnesia is clearing. She does however gather enough energy from the cemetery to defeat the ghosts at Dane house.

I think that is all I am going to reveal for this review. Suffice it to say, this series is a must read if you love a good paranormal mystery. I really like the slow reveal of why Keira has amnesia, why she's being hunted and why she has this gift. This book does not wrap up all the questions, but it does a good job of starting to. The characters continue to develop and I'm happy to see Harry continuing to make an appearance and hopefully Dane will now that Keira has helped him with his ghost problem. Overall, this is one book that I literally could not put down, a real page turner with a lot of suspense mixed in, I received this book free from Netgalley for an honest review.

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Darcy Coates strikes again (in a good way, as usual). When I received The Twisted Dead as an ARC from Netgalley, I didn’t know it was 3rd in the Gravekeeper series. Luckily, I was still able to understand/enjoy it without having read the first two books. The story follows Keira — who can see/interact with ghosts — and her two best friends as they try to help Dane, the reclusive owner of their town’s largest estate, tackle a very prickly ghost problem. The story, which I would classify as “light horror,” has plenty of other sub-plots and threads running through it, which were equally as interesting, and I think we’ll get more on those in the next book in the series. I did feel that the dialogue, specifically from Keira’s friend Zoe, felt a bit forced and juvenile. I also wished that I learned more about the characters, but I understand this may have been included in the first two books, which I haven’t read. All in all, The Twisted Dead was an easy, engaging read and I’ll be looking out for the next book in the series.

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So I’ll preface this by saying I did not realize this was the 3rd book in a series. I liked the friendship between Zoe, Mason and Keira. This book felt YA at times and although it was less than 300 pages I also felt it dragged at times. I loved the humorous moments and how Mason and Zoe would do anything for Keira. I may have needed to read the first two books to really understand what was going on as there is a lot of reference to them in this one.

Thank you to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for access to this digital ARC.

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The Twisted Dead
(Gravekeeper #3)
By: Darcy Coates

eARC & Book Review
Pub Date: February 7, 2023

In the 3rd installment in the Gravekeeper series, Keira is back and having to put her *gift* to work once again!

After receiving an invitation to dinner at Dane Crispin’s crumbling estate, she is tasked with a new job: helping Dane free himself of the ghosts that live throughout the estate. Not to mention, his mansion is full of eerie history and restless spirits.

Once again, Darcy Coates has sucked me in and written a book that I just can’t put down! His books are equal parts cozy and creepy, jam packed full of ghosts and her awesome friends — Zoe and Mason. I love how her books are almost “lighter” than your typical horror/mystery, but still full of excitement. I also love how there’s clearly some slow-burn romance happening between Keira and Mason, but it doesn’t take over the plot at all! She’s still clearly the main character and it is just a subplot

I am looking forward to the next installment in this series!

Thank you NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for this eARC in exchange for my honest review!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for an eARC for review.

This is the 3rd installment of The Gravekeeper series. We are thrust back into the world of Keira, Mason, and Zoe as they work to exterminate more devious ghosts.

I absolutely love Darcy Coates’s books. She is like a mistress of wholesome horror. This book won’t make you want to sleep with the lights on but it will give you enough of the paranormal and loyalty of friends to keep coming back for the next installment.

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