Cover Image: Not Here to Stay Friends

Not Here to Stay Friends

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This is a very cute romcom about a girl who ends up on a teen celebrity version of the bachelor and ends up falling for her best friend. The only problem with it was that I kept comparing it to We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together by Sophie Gonzales, which did the teen dating show story but better.

I wish that this had just been in Sloan’s POV. It got a little annoying knowing that both Liam & Sloan liked each other but were ambivalent that the other felt the same way.

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I loved this book! Kaitlyn wrote such a fun and fresh friends to lovers story, and I can't wait for readers to find this one!

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Whilst hanging out with her long distance bestie Liam, Sloane finds herself persuaded to take part in a Batchelor-style reality show with one of her favourite TV stars as the "prize". But as the competition progresses, maybe Sloane is actually more interested in a relationship with Liam ...

Not Here To Stay Friends was a quick, easy read with a cute romance and a brilliant ending. I loved Sloane and Liam, although a bit more of their background friendship would have been even better!

Thank you to the publisher for providing a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved loved loved this book. it had me hooked from the very beginning. I liked the relationship development & the ending was so adorable!

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Kaitlyn Hill's follow up to LOVE FROM SCRATCH is just plain adorable. YA Friends to lovers and she gives you everything you want including reality show hijinks!

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A really cute teen friends to lovers with the bachelor vibes. YA romcoms usually aren't my type that's why i rated it a 3 stars but n It was super cute and entertaining.

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The premise of this story was cute and I was excited to peek behind the curtain of a reality show. But the reality of this novel was that it was predictable and felt like it jumped around. It felt hard to be invested because the story didn't seem to flow enough

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Sloane is spending the summer in LA with her best friend Liam. She ends up being talked into being a contestant on a reality dating show. The bachelor just happens to be Aspen - the heartthrob from her favorite show, The Cove. But Sloane finds herself falling for Liam.
I thought it was a good read however at times I found myself a little bored. It was also a little predictable. Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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Another great one from KHill! The fact that she came up with the greatest acronym of all time blows my mind.

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This was such an adorable book!!! The relationship between Liam and Sloane is just 😍😍😍. I couldn’t put this book down! I felt like my heart was breaking when Liam agreed to help Aspen lol. The ending was absolutely perfect.

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This was such a cute YA book! From the first chapter when the MC Sloane references Miley’s Party in the USA, I knew I was going to enjoy this pop culture filled novel.

MC Sloane meets up with her BFF Liam for the summer in LA and ends up getting roped into being a contestant on a reality show. The “Bachelor” in this scenario is a popular actor from a teen drama series. Drama ensues from there!

I loved the friendship between Sloane and Liam and how it develops throughout the book. There was strong character development as each of them ponders their relationship with each other and the future.

Would highly recommend this book, especially to those like me who love the Bachelor, One Tree Hill, Degrassi, Riverdale, the OC, and all those other fun teen dramas. It was a quick and very entertaining read! Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC.

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I received this book complimentary from NetGalley but all opinions are my own.

This was sweet. I would have preferred a spicier version but this is about 17 year olds so it tracked and that part was fine. I really liked the premise so I was good with reading it though I did not initially realize it was about teens (damn my lack of desire to read blurbs and only look at covers). The characters were well-written and enjoyable. I really liked the plot.

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For fans of The OC meets The Bachelor comes literally one of the funniest, most charming and authentic books I’ve read. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

Sloan, Liam, Aspen and co are honest, relatable characters who I genuinely fell in love with while reading this book. From Sloan’s inner monologue to Liam’s smitten thoughts to Aspen’s total Hollywood vibe, the characters were so real I could not put this down.

Kaitlyn Hill’s use of trending language like “low key funny” and true heartwarming moments could bring any reader to tears. I found myself clutching my heart, turning page after page reading this, wishing it would never end.

For those of us who grew up on shows like One Tree Hill, The OC, Gossip Girl and more, you’ll totally feel yourself thinking about your favorite episodes with Brooke and Payton or Adam Brody surfing beachside in the OC as you read this amazing book.

I absolutely ADORED “Not Here To Stay Friends” and will read it again once published. What an incredible novel that made my love of fictional TV shows meet my love of fictional plots, tropes and more.

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Totally loved the Friends to Lovers aspect of this book. It's also He Falls First !

In this cute love story of Sloane and Liam we have two best friends. Sloane, is coming to LA to visit Liam for the summer and when she gets there she has a ton of plans for them. But little does she know her whole world is about to be totally flipped upside down when she hears of the new plans Liam's producer father has for her.

He's hosting a dating show for the star of her favorite TV series The Cove, and is down one female contestant. Mr. Daniels, Liam's father has offered Sloane the chance to meet with some screenwriters to further her career and chances of getting into a good screenwriting program for college. She reluctantly agrees. Upon hearing all of this happen so fast Liam is slammed with the realization that he may be in love with is best friend.

As we follow Sloane go through the motions of this reality show will Liam be able to express the way he feels for her before it's too late ? I absolutely loved this book and recommend it to any YA romance lovers.

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I think it would be SO awesome to actually have a reality show turn out like this one did! There were parts that seemed unrealistic but I liked how the romance progressed and, ultimately, the ending was pretty adorable.

Sloane and Liam have been best friends since they were little. Now that Liam lives in California they haven’t seen each other for awhile and it’s finally time for them to spend a whole summer together. Immediately upon seeing each other they both start to recognize there might be more than friendship there.
When Sloane gets roped into a TV drama where the guests try to win over the host romantically, it puts their feelings to the test. Liam spills his heart but for Sloane the show must go on.
When Sloane makes the top 4, the girls really get to talking and secrets are revealed. They plan a very special ending for their host, where no one is his prize. The best part? It allows Sloane to finally tell Liam how she feels.

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I don't really have a complete opinion on this book, but I did like it.
First of all, friends-to-lovers superiority in contemporary. One thing I love about Kaitlyn Hill is her own love for healthy relationships and female empowerment. Her books make me disappointed with the world and then I'm really happy because there are women like hers who do good things. I don't have a really long review in me right now, but this reminded me a lot of Never Ever Getting Back Together because of the Bachelor vibes and themes of "ugh rich men who like looking good for cameras".

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It was decent. The main characters were cute although I feel like most supporting characters were a little two dimensional. The plot was predictable, but e enjoyable. A good fluff read

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As someone who has watched the bachelor, I couldn't get over the concept of this novel. Apparently these kids aren't even age 18 and are filming a dating reality show? I thought this would have worked much better if they were 10 years older to avoid the squick factor

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This is one of my favorite reads of 2022. Easily.

Not Here to Stay Friends was exactly the book I needed and I am so happy I picked it up. I'm currently in the midst of finals week as I write this and I decided to start this book on a whim because it sounded cute. I was instantly sucked into this incredible story and I finished it within two sittings.

This book was the friends to lovers YA romcom I've been dreaming off. It's full of all the mutual pining I could dream of split between two POVs. The added tension of the film set and having the characters be part of a reality TV show was *chef's kiss*.

While reading this book I frequently found myself giggling, gasping, and wiping tears off my cheeks. My emotional investment in these characters is unreal. I adore Liam and Sloane. I would read fan fiction about them if it was available. Their romance and relationship was so beautifully written and reading their scenes gave me butterflies.

Their first kiss scene was also a trope I adore and I about screamed when it happened.

This book was incredible and I can't recommend it enough. If you're a fan of friends-to-lovers, The Bachelor, mutual pining, or" one of the characters gets sick and the other takes care of them" trope... then this book belongs on your TBR!

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Sloane is visiting her best friend Liam for the summer, her best friend who she’s starting to realize that she may have more-than-friends feelings for. The only problem is that she’s been invited to be part of a reality dating show that Liam is a production assistant on. What could possibly go wrong? Well, a lot is wrong with this book. While there were a few surprising and creative scenes and fun dual points of view, the majority of this book was extremely predictable. While most romance books follow a similar formula, this one follows it with highly unlikeable main characters and very few developed side characters. This book was a cringey mess.

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