Cover Image: Mr. & Mrs. Witch

Mr. & Mrs. Witch

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Member Reviews

Gwenda Bond, Author
Fantasy Romance

When a the bride, a witch, and the groom, a witch hunter, find out at the altar that they are from very different sides of the fence very odd things start to happen. Just when they think they are done with each other forever a dangerous mission throws them back together.

I had never read this author before this book and absolutely loved her writing. This book had just the right amount of snark and spice to keep me wanting more. Once I picked it up I couldn’t put it down. Definitely a 5 out of 5 stars for me.

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Mr & Mrs Witch was a fun, light, cozy read. While the stakes weren't exactly low, the characters and story felt so heartwarming and believable. I was rooting for a happy ending, even when it wasn't clear where the plot was headed.

The story, a loose retelling of Mr & Mrs Smith, but instead as witch/witch-hunter operatives was creative and entertaining to read. I enjoyed the themes of mutual deceit and trust, found family, and fate. The only negative was that I found the pacing and jumping between timelines a little confusing at times, and wish we got a bit more depth into the side characters.

All in all, this was a great read and I would recommend it.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This book was everything it promised to be. A unique homage to the movie it's loosely based on, but it was so fun. I loved the acronyms for each agency C.R.O.N.E and H.U.N.T.E.R and that the book opened at the wedding and the big reveal. I feel like I also recall a little reference to The Godfather, which made me laugh outloud.

I have always loved this movie and wanted more novels to have this kind of style, so I was immediately sold. Bond's writing is funny and fresh, though I sometimes found the flashbacks took me out a little bit or were maybe too frequent. Overall this was a very fun and quick read, and I am looking for more. I would love more books in this universe from some of the other hunters/witches perspective. The side characters added so much enjoyment, especially some of Griffin's friends.

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“You have never been the good guys. You’re like the so-called good guys who mess with women’s heads and think rom-com stalking is sexy and who are actually the villains.”⁣

It is pouring here today, so of course we’re going to stay in and snuggle all day. @nutpods sent over White Chocolate creamer that I had to test out. (Spoiler: I highly approve) But the best news is I finally finished Mr. & Mrs. Witch! ⁣

There is a lot going on in the book, but the flashbacks were perfectly timed. I felt like I understood their relationship so well, and still didn’t feel like it muddled the present. I almost felt like this journey could have been two books in a series, but I’m so glad it was one fun and enjoyable book. ⁣

This sense of community and unity in the end.. I may have teared up a little. I really loved this unique cast of characters and all their familiars. I could easily see this on the big screen and it really just proves why Gwenda Bond knows how to write a cheeky romcom. Thank you @smpromance, Mr. & Mrs. Witch is out now!

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Cute story with a fun premise, I read it in one night!

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the advanced copy of the book.

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Cute book! I loved the movie Mr and Mrs Smith and this book reminded me of it soooo much! But with witchy vibes! It was overall a good book

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Cute supernatural reimagining of Mr. and Mrs. Smith. If you are looking for something light and fluffy if not a little fantastical at some points this is a great book for that. Maybe I'm getting prudish in my old age, but the bedroom scenes were just a little too uh...detailed for my taste. Fortunately there are only a couple and that's not what this book is centered on. Fun, wild ride with a good ending.

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This book wasn’t for me. I was not hooked from the beginning. I don’t think witch books are my forte so I should have taken that into consideration when applying.

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Magic, battles, debating agencies and covert identities combine perfectly in Ms. Bond's bewitching new novel, MR. & MRS. WITCH. Starring Savanah Wilde, a powerful witch who works with an undercover agency that keeps the world safe from magic. She is to wed Griffin Carter, a top notch agent of a secretive order. After a whirlwind romance, they are about to get married, without knowing each other's true identities. Chaos explodes at the alter and their true forms are revealed. What happens next?

Griffin and Savannah are intensely attracted to one another. Their love is tested when they both return to their homes, reorganize, battle a shake down of the highest order and learn the leaders of their councils have put a bounty on their heads. Plus, they are ordered to kill each other but at what cost? They each have devoted their life to their factions. Is there more at stake? Savannah and Griffin discover a plot that is hundreds of years in the making. Who is involved? Is their a two-faced trickster in the midst? Will love win out?

MR. & MRS. WITCH is an entertaining, amusing and disarming story filled with all things magical. Savannah is a mighty powerful witch and Griffin is a highly trained hunter operative. There agencies have battled against one another for years. They each kept their identities secret but all is revealed at the alter. Pandemonium reigns supreme, each are given strict orders to wipe out each other, but inklings of a dastardly plot sink in, but why? What happened? Who is behind it? Macho, manly Griffin and beautiful, buxom Savannah haven't a clue but are determined to uncover the devious, detailed deed. This is a spirited, vengeful, sizzling story with heat. This is a supernatural shakedown you don't want to miss!

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A fantasy version of Mr & Mrs Smith...oh my GAWD YES PLEASE. I literally loved this book so much. It was perfection. I'm looking forward to rereading this book

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4 stars

Thank you to Netgalley, SMPRomance, and Gwenda Bond for the gifted copy!

This witchy take on Mr. and Mrs. Smith was super cute! I loved getting to know this witchy world. This was the first book I read for Gwenda Bond and I already went and added the others to my list as I really enjoyed her writing!

Things I liked:
- Witch vs. Hunter
- love the way familiars were addressed
- good balance of spice and adventure
- this was very plot driven and less character development

Things that I didn't enjoy:
- I would have liked to learn more about the different types of magic in this world. Different species were mentioned throughout the story, but the strengths of witches weren't elaborated
- it was so plot driven it was a lot to digest as it was constantly on the go
- it did get confusing at times
- also? the cover creeped me out lol. I think they could have done a better job with it. Looking at her other covers they're so fun, and I think the illustration

Overall, I really enjoyed this story. If you like romcoms with a witchy twist and a side of action, this is definitely for you.

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It's Mr and Mrs Smith meet Samantha and Darren Stevens in a witch-hunter group. A wedding that is a complete disaster, relatives who all know better and supernatural hunters who just want a prize. What a great book!
Thank you NetGalley for providing this copy. The opinion here is solely my own.

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I really enjoyed reading this book! I was a little confused by the chapter breakdowns, but it started to make sense very quickly. The plot twists never ended, keeping me engaged the whole time I was reading. I love Savvy and Griffin! Their story is one that I’ll remember.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this action packed fantasy romance thriller! It was a fun and entertaining read.
Many thanks to St. Martin’s Press and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Adore this action-packed, emotionally thrilling, dangerously clever magical adventure! This is a sweetly sexy, heart-racing and exciting journey filled with engaging charters, witty dialog, unexpected twists, thrilling passion and lots of magical goodness.

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It's Bewitched meets Mr. & Mrs. Smith when a witch and a hunter's secret identities are revealed just as they reach the altar. Hurt and angry, they do what witches and hunters do: fight. But it soon becomes clear that all is not as it seems, and they must work together to right an old wrong and save their future. This witchy romantic adventure had me on the edge of my seat and then falling off my chair laughing by turns! Our lead's are equally appealing together and apart, and they're surrounded by loyal and hilariously colorful friends and family. I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with all of them and highly recommend Mr. and Mrs. Witch for fun and swoony read. My thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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4 stars = Great! Might re-read.

This was fun! I enjoyed the rival-spies-in-love plot, and the characters are great. The author uses time jumps to keep the reader in the action while filling in some of the background of the romance - and it works really well. I would definitely read more stories from this world - I found myself wanting more details on the world as I read this. There's a fun friend group here that could lead to spin off stories. Good for fans of romance stories with a side of fantasy/magic. (Language, sex - Magical elements include spells, broomsticks, familiars, glamours, necromancy.)

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3.5 stars

This was a fun one, and although I don't think I've seen Mr. and Mrs. Smith, I've seen clips of it and I know the general story. This was absolutely a nod to that movie and I loved the spin that the author took on the story to create the two spy organizations in the supernatural world. The story was told in flashbacks to how their relationship developed and what happened during the wedding when their identities were revealed and it all went to pot. Overall, I thought this worked quite well and it showed us that their relationship was real despite what had to feel like a betrayal when everything came crashing down. Overall, I liked the side characters, especially Griffin's parents, as well as Saavy's best friends and Diego as well.

The sex scenes were fine and obviously showed the attraction between the two of them, but the writing just made me laugh--it read kind of like a juvenile's wet dream. It often pulled me out of the fact that they were all fighting for their lives and for a better future, and often took place when their friends and family were waiting for them to get it out of their system so they could plan the next steps. It was just kind of odd and pulled one out of the action.

Overall, this was a quick read (I read it in one sitting) and it was silly fun and just what I needed as a break after several long and serious reads. If you enjoy lighthearted spy adventures with some romance thrown in, or you're already a fan of this author, you'll probably enjoy this one.

I received an advance review copy for free from NetGalley, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Slow in the beginning and sometimes the switching to the past does break up the story but I had fun reading this!
A second chance romance of 2 agents from opposite sides of thought (one technical the other magic) and rival companies are on the cusp of getting married when their occupations are revealed and chaos ensues.
The action does picks up and the little twists and turns made it fun and entertaining.
The familiars are great, nothing like a good looks can be deceiving action.
Do love a nerdy professor type who is also savvy sexy man of mystery. All in all a fun, weekend read.

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I loved this delightful book, it’s a fun supernatural story.
Savannah (Savvy) is a powerful witch. She keeps that fact under wraps. She has a whirlwind relationship with Griffin, and they decide to get married. Savvy has no intention of telling her husband she’s a witch.
Griffin is an agent for a secret organization that goes after witches and other supernatural beings. He was raised to believe that witches are horrible. Griffin has no intention of telling Savvy about this job.
When the wedding arrives, their identities are revealed and they’re ordered to take the other one out. Something isn’t quite right, and they have to join together so they both can survive.
I loved this well written and entertaining book, 5 stars.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed as in this review are completely my own.

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