Member Reviews

Mariah Stewart's latest in the Wyndham Beach series, All That We Are, unfortunately is my least favorite of the three. I think I've decided what bothers me most....the lack of colloquialisms, using instead formal language between all of the characters constantly. This flaw makes the characters less likable, less believable, and stuffy and snobbish sounding. I think that if the characters would just relax a little, and most especially relax their dialog, the story would have much more appeal and enjoyability.

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I was given this book by NetGalley for an honest review
After Emma’s husband dies she discovers he had an affair, She is angry and hurt.
She decides to keep busy painting and updating her little cabins for artists in residence,
And then there is a knock on her door which is shocking and changes her life in a very emotional way.

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A new author for me and I loved this book! From the first page, I was all in. Beautifully written with real, complex character development, I felt like I'd known the main players forever. There were some that I loved instantly, some I wanted to but was really annoyed with and had to grow to love (some it took a really long time)! Mariah Stewart so skillfully paints with her words the area and physical locations, stores, businesses and homes so well that I could close my eyes and see it so clearly! I am absolutely hoping for another book in this series, I'm just not ready to say goodbye.

As always, many thanks to NetGalley, Montlake Publishing and author Mariah Stewart for an advance copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Wyndham Beach series. What a delightful story. Mariah Stewart I confess is one of my favorite authors. Every story she writes is full of good people who capture your heart. This is absolutely a heart-wrenching story of betrayal, new beginnings, and steadfast love. You won't want to miss out on reading this. Its authentic characters that we all can relate to, will warm your heart. Three ladies in their 50s with their challenges of family and life are fast friends. They share secrets and strengthen one another with love, laughter, and a glass of wine. This story in particular made my heart hurt because of abandonment, hurt, and betrayal but then it lightened my heart with the love, caring, and hope for the future. No matter your genre this is a great read. We all need these types of characters in our lives. I truly enjoyed this well-written story, Mariah Stewart does it again. Thank you, NetGalley, and publishers Montlake for this advanced read this is a great story.

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This is the third book in this series I love this series and sure hope there is more to come. I love this book, in fact I have loved the whole series. I love the characters. It’s a great story of love, hope and new beginnings. I would definitely recommend this book.

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wow how have i never read this authors books before!
i really enjoyed this book
and read it all in one day, i was emerged in the lives of the residents of Wyndham beach and can’t wait to see what happens next!

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This is the third book in a series, which I didn’t realise until after I finished it, but it works well as a standalone. It’s a sweet, easy read, with likeable characters - I especially enjoyed Emma’s relationship with her son.
However, this books isn’t really for me. I don’t expect dialogue to be ‘realistic’ (real conversations are too boring and rambling for the page) but I do expect it to read like a real person is speaking, and I was repeatedly taken out of the story by ‘dialogue as exposition’ - characters would give too many details mid-conversation that made it all a bit stilted. It was also quite slow in places, which I pretty much skimmed through.
A lovely enough story if it’s your sort of thing, it’s just not mine.

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This ARC was provided to me via Kindle, from Montlake and #NetGalley. Thank you for the opportunity to preview and review. Opinions expressed are completely my own..

A lovely story about friendship and how one endures.

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I pretty much love anything Mariah Stewart writes. This was no exception. I’ve been enjoying this series from the beginning. I highly recommend you read anything Mariah writes.

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Didn’t realize this was third book in a series and while it is a stand alone, I always feel i am missing info. There were lots of couples and names we knew nothing about.

I felt there were just too many things going on in Emmas life…finding out her dead husband had cheated on her; her rock star son’s young love child turning up on her doorstep; her on-again-off-again wealthy boyfriend who owns a mansion in town, a home in England and olive farm in Tuscany who occasionally shows up; and her opening of an artist’s retreat. In life there are a lot of things happening at once but in this book none of these things seemed to be resolved.

Sorry to say this book wasn’t for me. Thanks to NetGalley for allowing me to read this book.

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book. Emma lost her husband many years ago. While going through sine of his things, she learned he had an affair with a woman at work. She is both shocked and surprised andcus unsure of what to do. She is excited about having some artists staying fir the summer when she gets a surprise. I have read most of her books and l liked thus one too.

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Haven't read this author before. Emma's just found out a secret about her dead husband which throws her completely. Loved it

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Another great read by Mariah Stewart. I enjoyed the story and the characters. Stewart writes books that transport you to the beach and make you feel. Thank you netgalley for this arc.

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Emma Dean’s husband died ten years ago. She finds evidence of a longtime affair and cannot believe that he could break her heart after all these years. She takes solace in her life now and the artists that she sponsors. When her doorbell rings, her life is turned upside down again. With the help of family and friends Emma discovers the life she wants is within reach..

Thanks to Mariah Stewart and Montlake for the book!

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I will admit I didn’t realize this book was the third in a series, but that being said, I did not feel that I was confused or felt like I needed to catch up. I loved the way the author portrayed the bond between the friendship of the ladies and enjoyed getting to know Winnie! I now plan on going back to read the first two books in this series!

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Did not realise this was part of a series however it made sense as a stand-alone. This would be a great Palette cleanser between heavier books.

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Thank you Net Galley for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I didn’t realize this was the third book of a series until I started, but it worked well as a standalone - I didn’t feel like I was missing any insider info. I really enjoyed reading about Emma and especially her relationship with her son. I thought most of the characters were all well developed and likable. I was most interested in the story behind Winnie’s appearance and how the family reacted. It was a really interesting storyline and I found myself thinking about it even when I wasn’t reading the book!

The book did seem to drag at times, and there were so many threads of conflict that ultimately didn’t seem super developed. For example the artists at the retreat - this subplot could have been removed, I thought, and the thriller moment was short lived and didn’t add anything to the main story.

Ultimately it was a sweet story and an easy read. It was a fun escape to the coast!

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I love this series. It was fun to catch up with the characters from the previous books and you really need to read them first. A great book of friendship and there are a lot of surprises that pop up for Emma. And of course her friends help her a long the way. I highly recommend this book and series. Loved it !

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This story was as I expected from Mariah Stewart. It was wonderful, surprising storyline that I loved. Familiar and heartwarming characters that the real world should emulate. I highly recommend this book.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I didn't realize this was the third book in a series that I had started, I was excited to read the second book so I could move on to this one!

I think that the character development in this book was decent. I wasn't a huge fan of the Winnie storyline after a while. I feel like it was a bit drawn out. Overall this 3rd book of the series really did a great job! the book left a lot of openings for future storylines and I can't wait to see where Mariah Stewart brings it!

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