Member Reviews

You Can Hide takes place a couple months after the first book in the series ended. FBI Special Agent Laurel Snow is back in Genesis Valley, dealing with another serial killer. She’s once again paired up with Huck Rivers, the Fish and Wildlife captain and love interest. Also in the mix again is Laurel’s recently discovered half-sister, Dr. Abigail Craine, who claims she’s a potential victim of the killer.

The author does a great job of keeping readers guessing who the killer is. There are plenty of potential suspects, making it hard for readers to pin down who exactly is involved. It makes for a fun and interesting read that’s never boring.

It was nice to see Laurel and Huck’s relationship become a little deeper in this book. They start to become more like friends in this book, compared to the first book where they were simply co-workers who had a one-night stand.

Laurel’s sister is a wildcard. Is she a victim? Is she involved? Did she somehow encourage the killer to commit his crimes to bring Laurel back to town? What is her ultimate endgame? At times she genuinely seems to want to help Laurel, and at other times it feels like she’s playing mind-games with her. I’m looking forward to seeing how this all eventually plays out.

While it can be read as a standalone, I would recommend reading the previous book first, as it gives the background of Huck and Laurel’s budding relationship, and it explains how Laurel and Abigail initially met.

Fans of romantic suspense are in for a fast-paced, gripping story that will keep them guessing until the very end.

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5 stars★

A story full of twists and an investigation with many dead ends, makes this second installment of the Laurel Snow series be an all consuming and page turner book, leaving the reader guessing until the very end on the killer’s identity.

With a sociopath as a half-sister, a new serial killer that plagues the snow with bodies and black dahlias, Laurel Snow has her agenda full; this without taking into account her unconventional relationship with Captain Huck Rivers, who helped her in the last case she worked on Genesis Valley and received a bullet trying to solve the case with her.

I must say I love this series: keeping you on the edge of your seat is Mrs Zanetti’s signature mark, however, add to that her ability to create this complex and interesting characters, who give this series it’s unique trait and drives the reader more into trying to figure out alongside Laurel, who fits better the ever changing profile of the killer. Watching Huck and Laurel’s attraction for each other develop is another part of the story, nevertheless, this is not the main focus of this series. Having a newly discovered half sister and her missing father, will keep Laurel on her toes and the reader guessing what will come next. Can’t wait for what’s next in this series.

***Disclaimer: I’ve applied and received this book as an ARC via NetGalley and this is my honest review***

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Laurel Snow is such an awesome heroine to follow. I love how unique she is. She's super smart, not emotionally driven, a bit awkward, and just plain amazing! I like how she keeps surprising Huck because she doesn't react like a woman usually does. He needs to get his head out of his "you know what" though. He's can have a great thing with Laurel if he would stop being so stubborn.

I'm also enjoying the cases in each book of the series. It's fun to investigate and guess who might be the killer. There are also a lot of great side characters that bring more to this series. We got introduced to a few more in this book.

Laurel sister has me stumped. I can't tell if she will end up being a good sister or not. I kind of like that unpredictability of that as well. I can't wait for book 3!

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WoW I did not see that coming! Oh sorry you will have to read the book! Couldn’t put it down. FBI agent Laurel returns home. When women start turning up dead it’s her job to find the killer, if that means working with handsome and so sexy Captain Huck, well what’s a girl to do?

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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You Can Hide is book two in the Laurel Snow thriller series. FBI Special Agent Laurel SnowIs still profiling in the Pacific Northwest with a small temporary FBI office after taking down a serial killer in her small hometown. Struggling with the decision to stay or to move on, Laurel finds herself hunting another serial killer in her hometown and trying to define her relationship with Fish and Wildlife Captain Huck. Female doctors are being murdered and black dahlias scattered on the murder scene. Laurel’s twisted half sister is drawn into the case and Laurel finds herself in danger and struggling to stop a killer. The story will keep you guessing and a little bit in love with the gruff Huck. Laurel is a unique and interesting heroine that always keeps the pages turning late into the night. My voluntary, unbiased review is based upon a review copy from NetGalley.

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This wasn't my favorite Rebecca Z book, but I still enjoyed it! I felt like the mystery and reasoning could have been fleshed out a little bit more. Some parts felt rushed and like I had missed something. I'm wondering what's up with Walter and will he end up with the office admin??!!

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Rebecca Zanetti’s works are a thing of beauty! Every book has exactly what I want in a great read: fantastic characters, great world building and one heck of an adventure ride. I love the mystery and romance and cannot wait for more to come!

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I thoroughly enjoyed reading You Can Hide by Rebecca Zanetti, the second installment of a murder mystery series that reads well as a standalone. We follow Laurel Snow and Huck Rivers as they investigate a string of brutal murders, while also navigating complicated personal relationships with family and each other.

I especially liked the interplay between Laurel and Huck as their relationship deepens as both professional partners and lovers. The novel offers just the right touch of romance to the mystery, which is a difficult balance to master. The romantic elements of the story never eclipse the murder mystery.

I don't often review more than one book in a series, but I'm tempted to review book three when it's ready. A recommended read. Many thanks to NetGalley and Kensington Zebra Books for offering an ARC to read and review. This review will appear on Bayside Book Reviews at on release day.

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What an amazing book! There are so many twists to the plot that I definitely didn't see the end coming. I really like Laurel and Huck - the way they work together as partners, their outlook and dedication to finding the bad guy and their chemistry is off the charts. I'm so hoping from the ending that there will be another book to come, but it can't come fast enough for me. Rebecca Zanetti is a wonderful author. I received an advance copy to read and review from Netgalley and I'm leaving my honest review.

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Fantastic book. I was utterly engrossed from the first page. Great addition to an addictive series. Highly recommend. Full review on socials and Amazon.

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I really connected with the character of Laurel in the previous book, so I was excited to have the opportunity to read this second book, and I'm already looking forward to the next one. Laurel is a strong, intriguing heroine, and I found myself riveted as the story unfolded. I'm still on the fence about my feelings toward Huck. I wanted to throttle him for even giving his reporter ex the time of day, no matter what the reason. Nonetheless, it seems as though he's starting to come around, and I think he's going to win me over in the next installment. Presently, the only thing I love about him is his dog.

As was the case in the first book of this series, this romantic suspense novel is heavy on the suspense and light on the romance. I typically like at least equal parts of both, but I find that I'm so mesmerized by Ms. Zanetti's stories and characters that I don't mind that it leans more toward the suspense aspect. If you like suspense, you'll want to read this one.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for providing an ARC for review.

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As usual Rebecca Zanetti hit it out of the park with this book. I love mystery/thriller books and have recently found Rebecca Zanetti's books. This is a 2nd book in the Laurel Snow series. It can easily be read as a stand alone book, I do think you get more out of it if your read the 1st book of the series "You Can Run". The main character Laurel Snow is an FBI agent that again is sent to her hometown Genesis Valley to investigate another serial killer. She works with the Fish & Wildlife officer Huck to find the killer before he/she murders again.. Her sister Dr. Abigail Caine is a thorn in everyone's side with her manipulations. I found the book to be fast paced and enough twists/turns and humor to keep me wanting to read the next page until I was finished.

I appreciate the opportunity for the Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) from NetGalley and Kensington Books. My reviews are my own opinions.

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Laurel and Huck are back working together in book 2 of the Laurel Snow series. Once again there is a serial killer on the loose in Washington State and they must race against the clock before another body is found naked in the icy snow.. Someone is murdering very intelligent doctors in their small town.

I really enjoyed reading this book which picks up months after book one ended. You don't really need to read book one to enjoy this book but I would advise you to do so. I love the romance between Laurel and Huck and their conversations are always a blast to read. I really wish they would connect more and the series had a little more romance to it but it was still a great book. I can't wait to find out if Laurel's crazy half sister is really as crazy as both Huck and Laurel believe she is or is she just messing with Laurel's head to a degree that even the highly intelligent Laurel can't comprehend. The secondary characters are just as fun to read about as well and again I can't wait to read more about them.

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FBI profilers! Serial killers! Here we go.....

There is a serial killer on the loose in the ice and snow of Northern Washington State. At the scene of each crime scene he/she leaves a victim beaten to a pulp as well as black dahlias spread out everywhere. Sent to investigate is FBI agent Laurel Snow. Ms. Snow is a genius who attended college at the age of 13 and graduated with just about every degree offered. (Yes, she is one of those...... Very smart and devoid of any emotion. Or so everyone thinks.) She is helped by Fish and Wildlife Captain Huck Rivers. (Yes, Huck Rivers. You read that right and he is not a astronaut like the name suggests) He was a former sniper with PTSD who is always accompanied by his loyal work/support dog Aeneas.

What follows is a great FBI profiler and procedural book. There are the usual twists and turns but what makes this one really good is the chemistry between Snow and Rivers (Yes, you also read that right) Author Rebecca Zanetti really nails their personalities and it's easy to really like those characters. Especially Laurel Snow who tries to navigate this case and life with her no nonsense / analytical mindset. Those two characters work so well together that I think those crazy kids may just fall in love one day. We also have a cast of other characters including Abigail, Laurel Snow's half sister who may be just as smart as she is.

On the whole this book is highly recommended if you like FBI/Serial Killer procedurals. Note it's Book 2 in the series and full disclosure I did not read book 1. However, it works as a standalone and I never felt like I was missing anything. I was totally drawn into this one and did not guess the ending.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. This one has a publication date of November 2022 and thank you Kensington Books for the ARC to review.

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A big favorite like the previous book !

What I particularly liked :
- the description of the icy atmosphere of a creepy little village with such tension throughout the pages ... It's so well written! (the style of this series has less humor than her other books but it's just as addictive !)
- the plot which is AWESOME ! Very twisted and I had absolutely no idea who the culprit was (AND THIS REVELATION AT THE END !! It changes EVERYTHING !!)
- the characters who are super endearing and very human ! I especially love the heroine who is very atypical with a highly analytical mind but without being cold / robotic ... In fact, she is very human and endearing ! (and I adore her mother !) And of course, I adore her sister (even if she gives me the creeps >< (and OK I must admit that I totally agreed with the way she "handled" Rachel ... xD))
- the very slowburn romance but also so sweet ! There's something sweet and fragile about their relationship even though they're also so sexy (ohhhh the angry sex scenes <3) and the ending gives me a lot of hope =)

In short, for fans of suspense romances and the Unforgettable TV series, I recommend it !

PS: to the publisher and Netgalley, thank you so much for the ARC =D

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This book was absolutely fantastic. The action started right away and was fast-paced throughout the whole book. I did not guess who the killer was, so I felt like the author did an excellent job with that! The killings were creepy and I have had a few nightmares after reading this book. I love Laurel's character so much!!

My thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the digital ARC in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are completely my own.

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Rebecca Zanetti has done it again! This story is book two in the Laurel Snow series. I do believe you can read this as a standalone- however, I suggest reading "You Can Run" first. Laurel is an intriguing character who is incredibly intelligent to the point that she could easily live in her own world. Working for the FBI from her hometown, Laurel is balancing a line between solving a series of gruesome murders working in conjunction with the Fish and Wildlife department and her love interest Huck Rivers while trying to get a handle on her new found half sister Abigail Cain. Why is the murderer leaving Black Dahlias at each sight and how does Abigail fit into this haunting case. I will admit that Abigail is truly creepy!!! Highly recommend this book for mystery lovers.

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Special Agent Laurel Snow, FBI profiler extraordinaire, is back in her hometown once again faced with what looks like a serial killer; however, those are not all of her problems. Laurel recently discovered a half-sister, Abigail, who may have Laurel’s extreme intelligence, but her moral compass seems to be missing. Abigail just might also have something to do with the disappearance of a father Laurel never met or even knew about until recently. The body count starts to pill up and the creep factor is all the women have advanced degrees just like Laurel and her very demanding college professor sister.

Captain Huck Rivers of Fish and Wildlife assisted Laurel on her last case in the area when things between them went beyond just business. Huck has a lot of issues with relationships and when his old fiancée forces her way into the investigation as a nosy reporter, things get more complicated for him and Laurel as well. Laurel has a genus level brilliance but little understands the dynamics of interpersonal associations. Abigail insists she is one of the women who is being stalked; however, the question is how far does her involvement go and which side of the is line is she on: prey or predator? Abigail, who really seems like a real nut-job, amps up the disturbing vibe in this story.

Second in the Laurel Snow series, Laurel and Huck spend time together trying to solve the puzzling and deadly murders while doing a complex dance of possibly continuing something more between them. Having Laurel’s family in the area complicates matters especially with Abigail who seems the most dangerous one of all. Her mind games and attempts to get Laurel’s attention go beyond the pale especially because the likelihood of another serial killer in this remote geographic area does not make sense so perhaps something else even more sinister is happening in this remote area. There are several possible suspects so readers will be kept guessing to the end who the killer is and what is the motive. I enjoy Ms. Zanetti’s writing and look forward to the next book in the series. I highly recommend reading the first book prior to this one YOU CAN RUN to get the most out of this story.

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“I voluntarily read an ARC of this book which was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.”

Second in the Laurel Snow Thriller series, we are once again in Genesis Valley, hometown of FBI Special Agent Laurel Snow, and the hunting ground for a second serial killer within months. Laurel’s half-sister and her mother both seem to be on the suspect’s list, adding to her worries- and suspicions. Is this the work of her brilliant, slightly deranged sister?

A murderer is stalking women doctors, leaving Black Dahlias like macabre gifts in the snow, stealing intimate apparel, and, finally, lives in horrendous ways. Fish and Wildlife Captain Huck Rivers is frustrated by the lack of clues and the game the killer seems to be playing with them. When the stakes rise, members of the team are endangered, and he is scared for Abigail’s safety.

This is a smartly written thriller with a list of suspects laid out like the Black Dahlias the author uses as a metaphor for this murderer’s evil heart.

I’m loving this series!

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On the one side, I really like Zanetti's writing and this book was also finished in less than three days, on the other I think that to write good detective stories there is no need to look for the plot twist at all costs, but okay, I am not a writer.
Again the characters are Laurel and Hunk and of course the sister who remains in the shadows, but up to a point.
I hope, however, that the next book will bring this arc to conclusion because it seems to me to be getting more and more "stretched out."

Da una parte, la scrittura della Zanetti mi piace molto e anche questo libro é finito in meno di tre giorni, dall'altra ritengo che per scrivere dei buoni gialli non c'é bisogno di cercare a tutti i costi il plot twist, ma ok, io non faccio la scrittrice.
Anche stavolta i personaggi sono Laurel e Hunk e ovviamente la sorella che rimane nell'ombra, ma fino ad un certo punto.
Mi auguro comunque che il prossimo libro porti questa arc alla conclusione perché mi sembra sempre piú "stiracchiata".

I received from the Publisher a complimentary digital advanced review copy of the book in exchange for a honest review.

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