Cover Image: The Mostly True Story of Tanner & Louise

The Mostly True Story of Tanner & Louise

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The perfect oddball couple. A teenager and an octogenarian. A sweet tale of two people that don't understand each other forced to work together and figure out they aren't what they thought they were.

I loved both Tanner and Louise and how they came to understand the other. A little bit heartwarming and a little bit heartbreaking, but always entertaining. It is both goofy and a little nuts as these two work to solve their mistakes.

There is never any doubt where this one is headed but it is the journey where Tanner and Louise connect and understand each other that is the gem of this story. Part hijinks. part humor and a whole lot of touching moments made me love these characters. Flaws and all.

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This was a heart warming and funny book. I love a good road trip book and the running from the law part added an extra bit of fun. I loved the back and forth between Tanner and Louise. This book made me smile.

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This story is the MOST fun! Tanner, a young college student comes to care for Louise who, according to her, does NOT need care. Their ensuing adventure is hilarious and lovely all at the same time. I loved this story!

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4 stars, I really enjoyed this very charming and quirky novel. I loved both the MC's a lot - their bond was so sweet and heart-warming. Nothing is quite what it seems on the surface & their road trip was a real hoot . My sincere thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the complimentary advanced digital review copy. My review is voluntary and the opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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I liked following the adventures of Tanner and Louise, and their friendship story. We love a grumpy old person who befriends a quiet young adult. This read was cute, but lacked a lot of emotional depth where I think that would’ve worked better for me.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC.

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The Mostly True Story of Tanner and Louise was an incredibly fun story to read. I enjoyed getting to know the main characters, 21 year old Tanner and 83 year old Louise, and seeing what adventures they embark on.

**Thanks to NetGally and the publisher for an electronic ARC and the opportunity to provide feedback about this book.

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This book was the most heartwarming. I love a stand-in grandparent, I love a road trip, and I love a friendship version of opposites attract! Tanner and Louise's banter was incredible--neither one of them wanted to be stuck with the other, but eventually they learned to admit they needed help. I was cracking up at the conclusions Tanner jumped to and at the truth of Louise's background. Oakley does a great job of balancing humor with a deeper lesson.

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I absolutely loved this book. Tanner is in her twenties, and Louise is in her eighties. Tanner is hired as Louise’s caretaker; however, Louise didn’t really want - or need- a caretaker. Tanner slowly begins to notice odd things about Louise- things as a reader I never would have expected either! One night Louise is in Tanner’s room and says they have to leave right away, and off they go on an adventure of sorts.

Their story is so much more than that journey. The author touches on so many important issues like elder care, the need for independence for the aged, the dynamics between children and their aging parents, Parkinson’s Disease (wow, did this ever hit close to home, and I was so grateful to see it featured in this book), friendship, and second chances. There’s a zaniness to the story that keeps it fun and far from serious, but that’s countered with the heart and goodness in the story and its characters. Once again, Colleen Oakley has knocked it out of the park.

I received a gifted copy.

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Louise and Tanner are such an odd, fun pair! Louise is an 83 year old woman who has broken her hip and Tanner is the girl hired to watch over the cranky old woman.

They come to a mutual agreement of ignoring each other until they end up headed on a road trip together! Because why does a notorious jewelry thief look exactly like Louise? Tanner drives her to her destination with both of them living like outlaws for a few days! Boy is it a trip.

I loved the witty banter between these two characters. It was a fun book and different from what I would normally grab for. Overall it was an enjoyable read.

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Is there a (non-romance) genre for books about two people who learn to like each other and bring out the best in each other? It often involves one character being much older than the other. Maybe a curmudgeon and brat genre? I'm not complaining because I have enjoyed a great many of these books. The Mostly True Story of Tanner & Louise is another book that fits right into this genre. However, I found the plot to be completely unexpected. I enjoyed the misunderstandings and the twists. It gave the story a unique place in the genre and I truly appreciated its originality. I grew to really like both of the main characters, just as they both begrudgingly began to realize that the other had a few good qualities. It ties up with a big happily-ever-after bow, and who can complain about that with this fun, easy to read novel. I recommend that you read this book, even if you are not a big fan of the curmudgeon and brat genre. I believe that book clubs will find plenty to discuss with this title, so I also recommend it to any book clubs looking for a light, pleasurable read. Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Thelma and Louise but one is younger and the other older, and, you got this book. It felt expertly crafted, witty and engaging; making it a joy to read.

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The Mostly True Story of Tanner & Louise is such a delightful ride. I loved the interactions between Tanner and Mrs. Wilt and how they came to be a team and grew based on the brief number of days that they were together. This book made me laugh out loud on a few occasions and I loved the twist with George and how it leads you into thinking one thing several times along the way only to surprise you at the end. I also really enjoyed the portions of the book that break up the narrative on occasion as Mrs. Wilt's family comes to terms with her disappearance and the investigation. I recommended this book all summer long. Thank you to Berkley and NetGalley for the early access in exchange for my honest opinion. 4.5 big stars

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Absolutely hilarious. I loved Louise. I want to be Louise when I grow up (minus the rap-sheet!) What a wonderful multi-generational story! Highly recommend!

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This was such a heartwarming story. I fell in love with both Tanner and Louise and found myself wanting to spend more time with them.

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I love love love Tanner and Louise. I wanted to hide under a blanket in the back of the car and go on the adventure with them!

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“Books are a uniquely portable magic.” – Stephen King

Mr. King is right. Books are a uniquely portable magic.

Pick a story, any story. Crack the spine (or don’t, I know how some of you feel about that) and let the words on the page cast a spell on you to bring you to another time and place. “The Mostly True Story of Tanner and Louise” by Colleen Oakley is just the story to rip you from your current worries and transport you into another life. It’s not fantasy or sci-fi, but it is based in a different reality than the one I live in, and I was excited to spend time getting to know Tanner and Louise. Their unconventional friendship reminds me of my best friends. We are very different people, and we’re following very different paths in life, but we’re on the journey together and ready for the unexpected adventures along the way.

“In life, there were two kinds of friends: friends who would wish you well on your journey to battle, and friends who would jump in the trenches with you.”

never judge a book by its cover
Never Judge a Book By it’s Cover
This may shock some of you… I wanted to read this book solely from the cover. A beautiful blue background like the wide open sky, and a car with two people driving off into the sunset. You had me at hello, Berkley! Reading is a way to escape the everyday rat race monotony. I knew that there was an adventure waiting for me between these pages and I was not disappointed. Tanner and Louise get up to hijinks that made me hold my breath: a jewel heist, hidden guns, picking up strangers in hotel bars… and that’s from the octogenarian!

“People always said life was short, but it wasn’t. Not really. You could cram so many different lives into one. Be so many different people. Louise would know. She’d been at least three.”

“The Mostly True Story of Tanner and Louise” is about personal connection, the story of getting older (but maybe not wiser) and how to adapt when your plan changes on the spot. Oakley finds the perfect recipe for success in this novel: laughter, adventure, intrigue, love, and respect. I hope that, like me, you’ll be thinking about this story and these characters days after finishing the book.

Also, just for fun, drop a comment and share your favorite road trip memory. Or, if you’d prefer, your favorite road trip snack.

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The Mostly True Story of Tanner and Louise by Colleen Oakley was pure joy. I love this trope in fiction when an elderly person is suddenly stuck with a younger person. Watching their relationship grow was pure joy! Tanner figuring out who Louise really is was also lots of fun.

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Well, this book is pure fun. An unlikely bond forms between 21 year old Tanner and elderly Louise. Tanner takes a job as a caretaker for Louise. Tanner doesn’t necessarily wants this job but she’s limited on options and Louise certainly doesn’t want a caretaker but her daughter demands it.
Tanner just assumes that Louise is a sweet elderly woman, until she realizes her shed is locked up like Fort Knox, there’s a jewelry heist on the run and before she knows it Louise shows up with a Go Bag. I need to see this one on the screen! It would be so fun and it’s out today!

Huge thank you to @berkleypub @berittalksbooks @thephdivabooks @dg_reads @prhaudio and @netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was utterly fantastic, and I loved it! Tanner and Louise are such a great pair. I loved their separate stories, and how the author wove them together. It was beautiful right to the end. I can't stop talking about this one!

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When college dropout Tanner agreed to be a live-in caregiver to Louise, she never imagined they’d end up on a road trip running from the law.

I loved this - it kept me guessing! I feel like I can’t get into specifics without giving anything away, but its part women’s fiction, part romance, part mystery/thriller. It’s a quick read, and I loved the audiobook.

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