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The London Séance Society

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The Lost Apothecary was *so* good, I was so excited to dive into The London Seance Society. While I didn't enjoy it as much as TLA, I did still enjoy this winding Victorian mystery mixed with the paranormal and spiritualist movement of the time. A must read author for me!

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I loved this author's first book. I absolutely adored it. However, this one was a challenge for me. I started and stopped this book multiple times because I simply wasn't engaged. I recently tried again, and I finally finished the book. Sadly, my opinion didn't change. The story just didn't grab me. The writing was fine, but the story itself felt like a really stretched out short story (e.g., repetitiveness, the plot wasn't moving along at a pace that kept me interested). It might have been better as a short story actually.

I really thought I'd enjoy this one, since I loved The Lost Apothecary so much.... but I just didn't. I do, however, look forward to her next book.

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WHAT HAPPENED. The Lost Apothecary was so good! Why was this one such a slog to get through?? I kept putting it down, hoping it was just a case of right book, wrong time but every time I went back, I was suddenly so invested in doing ANYTHING else.

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I loved this book! The way the author is telling the story, keeps you wondering what’s next. It’s not my usual thriller but brought the suspense. Can not wait to read more from this author in future.

Thanks NetGalley for this advance readers copy.

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I was intrigued by the blurb but was ultimately disappointed by the delivery. The characters started off strong but fell flat. The plot became a little muddled.

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Unfortunately this book wasn't what i was hoping for. I feel like if Séance is in the title then there needs to be more ghost-y's and witchy things. This book did not have those things.

Sarah Penner's previous book was fabulous I think maybe I just had to high of expectations.

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I loved the Lost Apothecary and was so excited to read this!

The synopsis of the London Seance Society is incredible, and it sounds SO good. The spooky vibe and aesthetic were very well drawn out, and I loved Lenna & her character development, but I felt a little let down reading this, it wasn't very thrilling and unfortunately this fell flat. I had a really hard time getting through this, I almost DNF'd it several times. I think the plot was very scattered and didn't quite fit together. I also think the male's POV was unnecessary, and it should've just been told in the other.

The last quarter of the book really just came out of no where.

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So I can see how this would be a good premise. But just like this authors first book, I didn't like the multiple perspectives. It didn't add to the story and if anything it made the story more frustrating.
I had to keep re reading parts because I kept forgetting what was going on.

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I really enjoyed Sarah Penner's debut book, The Lost Apothecary. I was excited to read The London Séance Society and wanted to love it, but is wasn't for me. The story is set in 1873 in Paris where Lenna Wickes meets acclaimed spiritualist Vaudeline D’Allaire. Vaudeline is known for conjuring the spirits of murder victims to determine who killed them. She is highly sought after by widows and investigators alike. Lenna has come to Paris to find out what happened to her sister, who is dead and Lenna is sure she was murdered. She must embrace the occult in order to find answers. When Vaudeline is summoned to England to solve a high-profile murder, Lenna accompanies her as an understudy. But as the women team up with the powerful men of London’s exclusive Séance Society to solve the mystery, they begin to suspect there is an ulterior motive to bringing them there.

I found this was a very slow moving story, and at times, I was confused. I had both the book and the audiobook and often had to check the book to verify something, which meant I didn't get into the flow of the story until the last third to quarter of the book. The plot was interesting, a famous spiritualist who came out of her reclusive state to help find out about her friend. There was also the story about the Séance Society and what they were hiding. I am not a big fan of the occult, so that was another reason this book wasn't for me. Overall, there was an interesting storyline, some well-developed characters and a good mystery that I'm sure will appeal to many people, but it was just okay for me. Lauren Irwin and Alex Wyndham do a good job with the narration. I always enjoy when there is both a male and female narrator when both genders have POVs in the book.

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This was a DNF for me. I read Sarah Penner's previous book which I found enjoyable, however this book really plodded for me. The characters were unappealing and I didn't connect with any of them. I liked the premise of the book but felt it did not deliver.

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This book was so hyped up because of her debut novel the lost apothecary which I absolutely adored. I really wanted to love this book and fall into the story like I did her first novel but this one fell short for me.

I had to put it down a few times then try again with it, I had to do this many times and still didn’t get hooked into it.

I look forward to her next book and hope it can stand alone!

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Spent a few days in the 1800s and let me just say, I had a good time! I don't usually like books set in a different era, but I really enjoy Penner's writing. My favourite thing about this book is that it takes place over the course of like 5 days, and we don't miss a thing. The events are unfolding in real time (you know what I mean) and we get the POVs of two main characters so we really do know everything going on.

I've seen some reviews peg this as a thriller-- in my opinion, it's more of a mystery to solve. Penner makes it so easy to follow along and the mystery unfolds and it's like a lightbulb moment.

If you like strong female characters, sprinkled with a little romance, and escaping to a different time, this book is for you! Thank you Harlequin and Park Row for my advanced copy in exchange for an honest review!

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This historical fantasy follows Lenna Wickes as she tries to solve her sister's mysterious death. Lenna travels to Paris and visits the renowned spiritualist Vaudeline D'Allaire, who claims to have the ability to speak to the dead and solve their murders. Lenna and Vaudeline become entangled in the high society of London's most powerful men and begin to realize there is much more to the story of Lenna's sister.

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It may be that I read Weyward right before reading this book that caused it to not pack as big of a punch that I was hoping for. Story was great but I did not connect with the character as much as I would have liked.

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After her sister was murdered on Halloween, Lenna Wickes travels to Paris to study with Vaudeline D'Allaire, a well-known medium who specializes in conjuring the ghosts of murder victims to solve their cases. In London, the head of the London Seance Society (a men's club) was coincidentally also murdered on Halloween. The club vice president asks the two women to travel to London to conduct a seance to solve the man's murder. Lenna and Vaudeline agree, planning to conduct another seance to discover who murdered Lenna's sister. But the more they dig around, the more they suspect that the society is a fraud.
I started with the print version of this book but switched to the audiobook, which I preferred. The London Seance Society is loosely based on The Ghost Club that still exists in London today. It took a long time to get to the seance and the narrative dragged at times - it would have benefited from 50-75 pages of description being edited out. Anyone reading it hoping for ghosts and seances will be disappointed, although there are some explanations about the frauds and deceptions during seances.

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I thought this was a perfect October read. I loved all the spookiness and spirits and secret society background. I wasn’t sure since the reviews have been so mixed but I probably liked it better than The Lost Apothecary… maybe the spooky season adds to the ambiance.

This book takes place in 1873 in London, where Lenna works to solve the mystery of what happened to her sister Evie. Along with an accomplished seance spiritualist Vaudeline, she goes to the London Seance Society to ask questions about the death of the leader of the organization.

— from the author’s note (I thought it was interesting it is based on a real society)
“The Séance Society in my novel was based loosely on The Ghost Club, which was founded in London in 1862 and counted Charles Dickens and Arthur Conan Doyle among its members. The Club still exists today and continues to investigate hauntings and other spiritual phenomena.”

“I am convinced the spirit world quite enjoys chipping away at reluctance. When given the chance, ghosts are more cooperative with disbelievers.” Ch 5

“Who wants to be neglected or disregarded, whether in life or in death? None of us.” Ch 8

“The Department of Spiritualism was mine to steer, after all, and the Society’s mission stated peace and satisfying curiosity.
No one said anything about truth.” Ch 19

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I knew very little about this book going into reading it. This book was wonderful! Kept my attention and I would definitely recommend to others.

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I did want to like this book but it took too long to get into the plot. I did not finish this book but do not put it against the author. There are times when I think a book will be perfect for me, but it turns out not to be the case. That said, I always give authors another chance, so I'll look forward to her next work.

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I really wanted to love this book because I like the author. However, this book was not as good as The Lost Apothecary. The characters seemed one-dimensional and did not have much development. Thus, I had a hard time connecting with them. The mystery was predictable with no twists and turns. Thus, this was a great idea, but was not executed well. Sarah Penner is an excellent writer and it was very atmospheric. I guess I was expecting more since The Lost Apothecary was a splendid debut. Nevertheless, I recommend this for fans of M. J. Rose, Karen Odden, and Jane Steen!

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Sarah Penner writes fun, spooky historical fiction that is readable and a great palate cleanser. I think her debut was stronger but this will appeal to many readers.

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