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The London Séance Society

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Another outstanding novel from Sarah Penner. Set in late 1700s England during a time when spiritualism was at its height. Filled with mystery and suspense, I could not put this book down.

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4.5 stars. This was the perfect read for Halloween! It follows Lenna as she searches for answers about her sister’s murder and studies under the famous medium Vaudeline D’Allaire. Vaudeline is known for solving murders by holding seances where she summons the victim and finds out who killed them. When Vaudeline is invited to the London Seance Society to solve the murder of the society’s president, Lenna goes with her in hopes of finally finding out who killed her sister and finds herself in the midst of a much wider conspiracy.

The Victorian London setting made for the perfect spooky atmosphere and I loved following along as Lenna and Vaudeline snuck around looking for clues and questioning witnesses. It was really interesting to see Lenna struggle with her disbelief in the supernatural and her desire to see tangible evidence, while her sister and Vauldeline were both firm believers. This book kept me guessing the whole time and made me think one thing about someone and then twisted it all around. There’s also a second POV from Mr. Morley, a high ranking member of the Society, as he recounts how he met Evie and tries to get his sector of the Society in order - seeing both sides made it extra hard to know who to trust. I also loved how this book challenged the expectations for women in a conservative society and the romance was a nice touch. Overall this was a really exciting read and I would recommend it if you like historical settings, murder mysteries, and the paranormal.

Thank you to Harlequin Trade Publishing and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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“We gather around this table in a spirit of mourning and mystery
Seeking truth and light, fortify us against malice and malevolence
Defend us against rogue spirts and evil intentions…”

The London Seance Society written by Sarah Penner is the perfect read for Samhain/Halloween.
This book is filled with so many twists and turns - there’s a new surprise almost every chapter. This book keeps you on your toes - and just when you think you’ve figured one part out - there’s so much more that gets revealed.

Lenna Rebecca Wickes has recently experienced tragedy - her sister Evie has been murdered. Lenna knows that her sister has a deep interest with occult practices, and believes that seeking out the renowned spiritualist Vaudeline D’Allaire may help her find some answers… Vaudeline has been solving crimes by conjuring the spirits of murder victims in order to ascertain the killer! Lenna ends up finding out way more than she realized when she accompanies Vaudeline to solve a high-profile murder.. Mr. Volckman, the President of the GENTLEMEN’S ONLY London Seance Society.

We switch between the perspectives of Lenna and Mr. Morley. The two of them have more in common than they realize. I was worried that there would end up being a romance between Lenna and Mr. Morley, but thank goodness *SPOILER ALERT* that does not happen. The romance that actually unfolds within this story was much more satisfying than I imagined!

I love when the dead character ends up being your favorite. I loved discovering Evie’s secrets and learning more about her as the story went on.

I can’t say enough amazing things about this book - I had so much fun reading it, it was hard to stop! It was so captivating, the writing was superb. I would love to read more from Sarah Penner, and I will definitely be grabbing a copy once this book hits the shelves.

“May mercy be upon any man who finds himself the enemy of a vengeful medium.”

Thank you so much to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for honest feedback - I LOVE THIS BOOK!!

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I enjoyed reading this on a recent trip to London!

I liked that it had a little bit of everything - mystery, magic, romance, family drama/dynamics, social commentary on gender and sexuality, and suspense. It was well-balanced and I think most would find something they appreciate about it.

While I enjoyed the past romances, I didn't think the present-day romances added much to the story and the pacing felt a little bit off for the romance development.

4/5 stars

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I absolutely loved Sarah's debut novel, The Lost Apothecary, so I was so delighted that I received a copy of The London Seance Society. I was completely drawn into this story from the very beginning. Filled with murder, mystery and love I could not put this down! This novel is perfect for fans of historical fiction and mystery. Great job Sarah!

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Another wonderful novel by Sarah Penner. Any fan of the Lost Apothecary will love the London Seance Society.

The story starts as Lenna, trainee in the art of seances, unravels the story of her sister’s murder. Set in Victorian London, she meets many different characters, all connected by the mysterious London Seance Society. The more Lenna uncovers, the more she learns about what really goes on in the society and how everything is connected - in this world and the next.

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I like this book! Lenna Wickes doesn’t believe in the paranormal but teams up with a well known spiritualist (Vaudeline) to try and figure out who murdered her sister. I like the Victorian seance setting, very unique. While I felt that the plot was somewhat predictable (I guessed all twists and who dunnit moments) it had my interest the whole time and moved with a good pace. I thought the relationship between Vaudeline and Lenna was well written. I think I liked this one better than The Lost Apothecary - this had a more final and well-wrapped ending than the previous novel. What kept it from a 5 star for me is it lacked grit. I feel like even the deeper moments still felt a tad on the shallow side. Despite this though, it’s still a strong, lighter historical fiction I’d recommend to someone jumping into the genre to pick up.

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Wow! Sarah has done it again! Late 1800's and all the rage is speaking to the dead. The London Seance Society has a reputation of not resorting to trickery or misdirection during readings or seances. But then...Lenna's sister is murdered and she must enlist the help of a medium to find out what happened. Why was her sister visiting the Seance Society?
Enjoyed this read and a glimpse in 1873!

Read The Lost Apothacary too!

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I was thrilled to get an advanced reader copy of this book by Sarah Penner. As a huge fan of her debut novel, I felt like having to wait for her next book was going to be difficult. Like her first novel, this book is a page turner due to the easy-to-follow narration (not an easy feat when you are going back and forth with the narrators). If you're a fan of Victorian history and magic, this for sure is a spooky read that you will want to pick up. My one critical feedback is that it was a slower start than the first book and even though it had thriller elements, the ending was not difficult to predict. However, it keeps you on the hook!

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Lacking the magic of The Lost Apothecary.

I started The London Seance Society anticipating reading about the craft of a group of women. I was immediately drawn in - the first chapter inserting you directly into the middle of an active seance. Then, the plot quickly changed and I was no longer captivated. While Penner penned a masterful telling Victorian London, once again proving herself an adept researcher, I was unable to connect with any of the characters. I think this was partly due to the choice in prose and the fact that both POVs had a tendency to jump back and forth in time with little warning. I was intrigued enough to see the novel through, but it did take me longer to finish than normal and I never got overly invested in the conclusion. While The London Seance Society is an interesting historical fiction, it didn’t quite live up to my expectations having read The Lost Apothecary, which was a five star read for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing/Park Row for an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Sarah Penner did it disappoint! I loved the suspense and build up thought out this book. She grabbed our attention and I was hooked from page one. Penner’s research was evident in the smallest details that present in this book. She truly transported her readers to 19th century London.

Thank you so much Netgalley for harlequin for allowing me to read this in advance!

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Ghosts, spirits, two bloody and brutal murders’ connection, the spiritualists’ hard efforts to connect with the deadly souls to find the killers: I scream yes to all those elements! Who can resist the charm of another brilliant historical thriller created by Sarah Penner’s intelligent mind!

The story told by two POVs: Lenna ( apprentice of famous spiritualist Vaudeline D’Allaire even though she believes in science and concrete evidences. She’s desperate to find the killer of her sister Evie who was also an apprentice of Vaudeline and who also believed in spiritualism and was bold enough to risk her life to go too far to connect with the spirits.

Other POV is Mr. M. Morley of London, vice-
president of the Society's Department of Spiritualism. His predecessor Mr. Wolckman was killed brutally and he was the one who has found his corpse! The society members did everything to connect with his spirit and they also start to work with law enforcement but nothing helped them to find the identity of the killer.

That’s why Mr. Morley sends a letter to Ms. D’Allaire, requesting her service to solve this big mystery. Vaudeline was close friend of Wolckman and his wife. She was a member of Society's Department of Spiritualism till she suspected the fraudulent activities which were conducted by some of the members, sent away to Paris for protection.

Mr. Wolckman was too close to identify the people who were behind the scheming and fraudulent but unfortunately somebody shut him up before he reveals the truth.

Lenna’s sister died at the same day with Mr. Wolckman anc Vaudeline promises her to have a special séance to connect with her spirit at the place she’s died.

At first Lenna had hesitations because she had truly hard time to believe in conniving ways of spiritualism but when she accompanies Vaudeline throughout her trip, her encounter with Mr. Morley makes her think that mysterious man could be related with her sister and he may know more about her secrets that can help her to find who actually killed her. Eventually she accepts to work with Vaudeline to find the truth which may out both their lives into danger.

Well, even though it started a little slow burn, I loved the eccentric characters and tempting spiritualists’ world and the last quarter was absolutely smart, mind spinning, fast pacing!
It pushed me to add extra half star to my grading. I’m rounding up 4.5 to 5 brilliant, addictive, jaw dropping stars!

I advise you to read it! Full enjoyment and thrill are guaranteed!

Many thanks to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for sharing this amazing reviewer copy with me in exchange my honest opinions.

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Sarah Penner has done it again! This book was captivating from the very first page!

It follows the lives of 2 sisters. Leena is on a mission to find out who murdered her sister Evie. As the story unfolds there are so many twists and turns it takes. Once you think you have it figured out...bam...something adds to the suspense!
Penner is amazing at capturing your attention and the time period she writes about. She has become one of my favorite authors!

Thank you netgalley for a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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After reading Sarah Penner's debut novel, The Lost Apothecary, I immediately knew I would be interested in reading whatever she writes. When I found out her second novel was going to be darker, spookier and about seances, I was super excited to get my hands on this ARC.

This book is written from two POV's: Lenna Wickes and Mr. Morley. We are introduced to Lenna and her seance instructor, Vaudeline, from the beginning of the novel and we follow these two women as they uncover a sinister mystery that takes place at the London Seance Society where Mr. Morley is one of the men in charge.

This book started out interesting but I had trouble becoming absorbed with this one. I think I expected to be sucked in immediately, like I was with Penner's previous book. By about 25%, I was much more intrigued with the plot. The book moved rather slow and sinister until about the halfway point where the book takes off from there. The last quarter of the book I couldn't put it down and I was racing through the pages to find out what would happen. The ending felt a tad rushed and much too neatly concluded, but overall, I really enjoyed the unique premise, the darker feel and the eerie events. Loved the whole idea behind the seance and the connection with the dead. I also enjoyed seeing how the events unfolded and were explained. Without giving too much away, Penner has a creative imagination with how she wove the "behind the scenes" events of the London Seance Society and their motives.

If you enjoy dark magic, a look into the afterlife, sinister cult-like societies, dark academia, strong female leads and historical fantasy, this book is the perfect read.

4 stars

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for this ARC. I am posting my review to Goodreads and plan to post on my personal Instagram and Facebook accounts closer to publication.

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I love that Sarah Penner taps into these dark and mysterious topics of seances and apothecaries in her books while cloaked within a secret London society. Historical fiction at its finest. Well done!

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This ARC was provided to me via Kindle, from Harlequin Trade Publishing and #NetGalley. Thank you to the publishers, NetGalley and the author for the opportunity to preview and review. Opinions expressed are completely my own.

An entertaining read full of suspense and intrigue.

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This book was so good. I really enjoyed The Lost Apothecary last year, and The London Séance Society was even better. I kept thinking “seductive mystery” when trying to decide how to describe the overall vibe of the book.

Lenna has suffered great loss in her life and is doing everything she can to find out what happened to her sister, Evie. She’s brave, determined, and trying to open her tangible science mind to the intangible world of séance to study under spiritualist Vaudeline D’Allaire. There’s an underlying current between the two of them that you can feel in the pages as they work in Paris and then travel back to London. Vaudeline is asked to return and perform a séance to reveal who murdered the Society president. Through the perspective of Mr. Morley, vice president of the Society, more of Evie’s backstory is revealed and scandal in the Society begins to be exposed. The whole novel is a winding and weaving tale that comes to a dramatic conclusion with a twist I didn’t see coming. There’s an added finale moment that was unexpected, but so satisfying.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the eARC copy.

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First and foremost, I would like to thank NetGalley and the publishers for giving me the privilege of reading The London Séance Society in premiere.
This book was an incredible read. The ambiance that the author sets was – in my opinion – better than the first book. I also took a liking to this work more than The Lost Apothecary because it was sapphic, and everybody loves a good historical sapphic romance. I just wish the relationship between Lenna and Vaudeline had been more deepened because I just loved them so much. The scar scene was my favorite.
I also very much enjoyed the intrigue, and all my questions were answered, though it felt like it was little predictable.
Sarah Penner did it again and worte a masterpiece : her writing is simply beautiful. Once again, I am so flattered to have had such an honor.

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I enjoyed the base of the story and I did not see all of the twists coming. This definitely had a few surprises.

Thank you NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing, Park Row for this digital arc in exchange for my honest review which is not affiliated with any brand.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the ARC. Lenna Wikes has lost her sister, Evie. She was found murdered in their backyard. Evie had been an avid paranormal understudy to the famous spiritualist Vaudeline d'Allaire before she died. The sisters were close but didn't see eye to eye on the notion of an afterlife and ghosts. Evie was always writing in a journal and Lenna wanted to find it. Maybe that would help solve her murder.

Lenna travels to Paris to become an understudy to Vaudeline, hoping to learn more about what her sister was so obsessed with. Lenna is into rocks and science and the physical proof of something that existed, like a scarab. She is cynical about the seances that Vaudeline holds. Perhaps with proof, not only would she learn to believe in the paranormal but also help solve the murder of her sister.

Vaudeline was suddenly called back to London to solve a high profile murder at The London Seance Society. The club only allowed men in but as Vaudeline was popular for her skills and a friend of the deceased, the Vice President was able to sneak her in. Lenna decides to go with her to learn more about the occult and because she feels a personal pull to Vaudeline. The President of the Club was murdered on All Hallow's Eve, the same night as her sister's murder. As the mystery starts to unravel, they start to find connections to Evie and the club. Both Lenna and Vaudeline start to realize that the Vice President is hiding something and that something more sinister is afoot.

I found the book fast paced and exciting. It was interesting and surprising. While intense, I felt the ending dragged a little. I wasn't aware of the lesbian arc which I could have done without. Overall, I quit enjoyed it.

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