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The London Séance Society

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A well-written story of Victorian deception and revenge, told in alternating points of view. Two murders, no answers from the living, and mediumship. Sarah Penner's sophomore offering is an engaging read that drew me in and kept me on pins and needles.

I'm really impressed by authors who put effort into crafting their story. Penner obviously spent a great deal of time getting the details of English spiritualism in its Victorian heyday. The ritual, the ways that some tried to trick others, the way some preyed on families left behind. She weaved it all into the story in a way that left me wanting more.

The cast of characters in this story is just the right mix. All have secrets, all have their own motives. Lenna is seeking answers for her sister's murder. While she is already stepping out into her own disbelief to work with a spritulist (Vaudeline), she is unprepared for what she learns about her sister. Vaudeline is written as if she's exotic, and after leaving London in fear of her own life, she has returned to uncover the secret of her mentor and friend's death. Mr. Morley has asked for her help, Their interactions and the events of this story are darker than I could have imagined.

This is not a repeat of The Lost Apothecary, despite being set in London in days gone by. I enjoyed Penner's debut, but found The London Seance Society to be a much more satisfying read. I look forward to what Sarah Penner brings us next.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the review copy.

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Atmospheric and lovely! This book was all the feelings I was hoping it would be after reading and loving the authors other book!

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I adored Sarah Penner’s first book. She knows how to write dark, witchy, historic fiction that appeals to a broad range of readers. She brings her game again for her sophomore novel about two brave women who conjure the dead in the 1800s. I’d say this goes a bit darker than her first book, and might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but for fans of dark and mystical fiction it should hit the right notes

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It started slow then the story developed into an interesting story.
The cover is fantastic and to be honest is what drew me to it.

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I don’t usually reach for mystery/thriller books, but I adored Sarah Penner’s debut novel, The Lost Apothecary, so I had to give this book a shot too. It takes place in the Victorian era, so if you like that sort of timeline then by all means give The London Seance Society a chance. I was quite intrigued by the gothic elements and spiritual practices, and although the “mystery” part didn’t take much sleuthing to figure out, I did enjoy the build-up that led to it. Also, this book doesn’t have a dual timeline, like The Lost Apothecary, and that made me very happy, because sometimes all that jumping back and forth can be too confusing for my poor little old brain to handle. I do wish Sarah had included more paranormal activity in this story, but overall it’s still a great read, and I would recommend it.

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“Had they any idea that the illusionist at the society was me?”

Supernatural, seances and secrets!

Perfect for fans of Penner’s “Lost Apothecary”, this historical novel takes place during the height of the spiritualist movement in Victorian London. In this story, Vaudeline, a famed medium (accompanied by her student Lenna) is called in to help investigate a murder. The reader is led through spiritualist practices as well as the practices of shysters taking advantage of grieving widows. It’s not a difficult mystery to solve, but it still kept me interested through the narration of 2 POVs. And I was very thankful for the departure from the duo timeline format so prevalent with historical fiction…I liked spending the whole book in the same time period.

I was hoping for more seances, conjurings and paranormal throughout the book. It’s really more of a murder investigation and fraud uncovering. But the subject was interesting and made for a quick read.

And bravo on another gorgeous cover for Penner’s book!

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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Set during the séance obsessed Victorian era, two mediums set out to investigate and uncover the deaths of one’s sister and the highest ranking member if London’s Séance Society. What they discover is a web of deceit and murder and the only way to solve the crime is to call on the dead themselves.

Loaded with Victorian era culture and spirits, the London Séance Society is a great read.

Themes: 🔮☠️👻💂‍♀️🇬🇧

My thought: 🤓🥸😊😎


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I love this book, love the adventures it is.
Things you don't see, it doesn't mean that does not exist.
Relax and jump to the spells and magic that society will bring to you. Mystic London is waiting for a new commer.

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The London Seance Society was exactly what I wanted, it had everything. Gothic elements, Victorian London, murder, seances - a perfect mixture.

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First, I want to thank every for this gifted copy in return for my honest review.

I was really looking forward to reading this book when I saw that it came available, but unfortunately it just didn’t do it for me. I couldn’t get into it—it felt very flat, boring and disconnected. It honestly sent me into a major book slump, and I chose to DNF after a while.

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3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

I enjoyed this book a lot. The world building was good and I really felt like I was in London and Paris in the 1800s. the magic was subtle but ever present. I also really enjoyed the two points of view. I will say, the book had some peaks and valleys in terms of the plot and it made the big reveal at the end a little less *shocking* because there were so many other reveals throughout the book. However, the vibes of this book are fun enough that I did not mind too much. Additionally, Lenna was such a compelling narrator that I just loved seeing things through her point of view.

Also, I loved the conversations about the afterlife. specifically how fossils prove that we will always have leave our mark, it was surprisingly sweet and incredibly deep.

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Penner's The London Séance Society is a page-turner. It escapes the sophomore slump, following her huge hit The Lost Apothecary. This is a mystical whodunit and a perfect vacation read.

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3.5 stars! A very unique and intriguing book - this is a fantastic mix of historical fiction and magical realism/spiritualism. The story lagged a bit at times (a bit slow and repetitive) but it was very atmospheric and I felt immersed into the world the entire time. A great ending & loved the feminist themes!

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Thank you NetGalley for providing a free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Wasn’t dazzled but intrigued enough to find who murdered the head of the London Seance Society and main character Lenna’s sister, who we find had a completely hidden life and motivations for her association with the Society.

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The London Seance Society:

It’s not you, it’s me. The London Seance Society was one I had major high hopes for, but it just didn’t work out. It may have been the timing, but for now, it’s a DNFFN.

I honestly don’t think I’ve heard the word “ectoplasm” this much since my child went through her Ghostbusters phase. The concept was wicked and I was totally engrossed in it for a little bit. But, the execution left me wanting more. Much more.

I did enjoy the dual POVs of what was happening. I found myself more interested in Lena’s POV. The read was completely atmospheric and I felt like I was in the 1800s in their homes easily.

The part I didn’t like was how many breadcrumbs were thrown are way. This is hard to make sense, but it felt like the author couldn’t trust us enough to make up the decision on who the bad guy was? Listen, my Nancy Drew skills may be a bit rusty, but throw me a bone here, I know a bad guy when I see one. (Except Hans, he got me too Anna. I was shocked) I was hoping for a slew of seances and interesting medium things, but I got one. One.

This was a miss for me. Now it may be a hit for you and I hope you loved it. Thank you Harper for my copy. The London Seance Society is out now.

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Lenna, age 30 was considered a first stage of seance; studying with Vaudeline, after her sister Evie was murdered. Lenna moved to France in order to study with Vaudeline. However, Lenna did not buy into the afterlife or contact the dead. Shortly after arriving in Paris, Lenna and Vaudeline were dispatched to London.
Vaudeline was known for her skills in bringing up the spirit of murder victims in order to ascertain the identity of their killer. These skills make her the go to for both the grieving and investigators. While in London, her skills were called up to solve the murder of Mr. Volkman, the president of the Seance Society.
The author did a great deal of research with Victorian England and seance. Although I appreciated the writing, I did not enjoy this novel as much as her previous book
Thank you Sarah Penner, Parkrow Books, and NetGalley for the privilege of reading the novel, and I’ve written an honest review.

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DNF @ 50%

This is one of those books that just exists. It didn’t entice me, and I didn’t hate it…it just exists.

This is really disappointing because I was really looking forward to this one. It had so many potential elements that I absolutely adore:

* historical fiction ✅
* seances ✅
* Murder mystery ✅
* Victorian era ✅

So what went wrong?

There was absolutely no atmosphere. For historical fiction, I NEED the atmospheric setting. I want to feel it.

The characters all fell incredibly flat.

The pacing…what even happened for most of this book?

Overall, it was just flat and lifeless. Sigh.

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I loved Ms. Penner's first novel The Lost Apothecary and The London Séance Society is a solid follow up. I always enjoy stories that give me multiple POVs especially when they are diabolically different. Lenna is a character that is torn between what she can see, which makes it easy to believe and what she can't see and can't understand. It wasn't too hard to figure out the villain of the story but I enjoyed the story and learning about some history I wasn't knowledgeable about.

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I received this book for free via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review; however, since I was unable to read it on my kindle at the time and the audiobook was available at my library, I checked out the audiobook and listened to the entire audiobook.

The London Seance Society was a very good read. I really enjoyed the characters and the mystery throughout the book. I was a huge fan of The Lost Apothecary, so when I saw this one, I knew I had to read it. And it was really good! I did enjoy this one a lot. Sarah Penner is an amazing writer and knows how to suck you into the world she has created. I love how this was loosely based off how people did seances during this time period.

I do believe I would have enjoyed this one more though if I had not listened to the audiobook. The female narrator was very good. I enjoyed her sections of the book. The male narrator was awful. There were times that I needed emotion from his voice and he just sounded bored and unemotional. I mean imagine a character saying that they are lying in agony with the most unenthusiastic and disinterested voice you can imagine. That's what the narrator did!

My advice is that if you want to read this book, don't listen to the audio. But I do recommend it otherwise.

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This book had a very slow start and because I don’t have much time nowadays I DNF it.

The narrative was split, with Lenna’s (3rd person) and Mr Morley (1st person). I liked Lenna’s POV but Mr Morley was just too much, too much to say without getting to the point.

The explanation of Victorian era was well done at least.

I’m quite disappointed as I enjoyed The Lost Apothecary

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