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Yours Truly

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5 ⭐️
Thank you so much to NetGalley and Forever Publishing for the e-ARC of this book! I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Another hit out of the park for Abby!

Yours Truly is the fifth book in Abby's The Friend Zone universe. Featuring the best friend from her last book, Part of Your World, this story focuses on Dr. Briana Ortiz, an ER doctor fresh off of a divorce and just looking to work as much as she can to avoid the heartbreak she's still navigating. That all changes when a new ER Doc joins the team, Dr. Jacob Maddox, who is quickly labeled "Dr. Death" after losing seven patients in his very first day on the job. While Jacob is trying to get over the betrayal of his ex girlfriend getting together with his brother only three months after they broke up, he tries to navigate his anxiety in his new job but is instantly attracted to his new co-worker. When family drama and some heath issues arise, these two opposites wind up connecting in a way neither of them ever would've expected.

This is probably the most personal of all of Abby's books so far and is the first to feature a divorced heroine. CW: It deals with someone who was cheated on, clinical anxiety, organ donation, a flashback to a pregnancy issue, and few other heavy discussions. You can check out the Author's Note for more about why this particular story is so personal - no spoilers! Even with all those themes included, it is a hysterical tale of two doctors who fall for the old fake dating trope and you just know they belong together from the first letters they write to one another (yes, real letters! On paper and everything!) Briana and Jacob both have a lot of baggage from past relationships, but something about them makes them a perfect balance for each other. There are, of course, plenty of little easter eggs to other books in the FZ universe and it features a dog you'll instantly fall in love with, Lieutenant Dan, the three-legged rescue pup! But that's only the beginning.

This romance is totally magnetic and I feel like a re-read is pretty imminent for me! I just love how Abby's characters feel like they could live in the real world as fully formed people with actual trials and tribulations instead of being perfect people. Even side characters like Grandpa have reasons for their relationships that play out over the entire story. Once again, I feel so lucky to have been in the first group of folks to read it and I already can't wait for book #6!

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I haven’t read a romance novel before Yours Truly where I felt so seen.
I stopped in the middle of to let my husband know I think he would love and appreciate this book. He is a sweet, quiet, funny, intelligent, kind introverted man with clinical anxiety. We’ve been married forever and I feel like I gained insight into how to love and honor him even better through Jacob’s perspective. I’m a happy spirited extrovert with a chronic illness and tricky dad. Bri journey to really love and trust tugged my heart. This book is an ode to strong men and woman in all forms, honoring each other, recharging “alone” together, kindness, lovely/hilarious pets, and showing up. I feel a better person and partner for knowing Jacob and Bri (and Benny). Plus, the book is just super juicy dripping UST and so enjoyable.

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I have been obsessed with Abby Jiminez's writing since I first read The Friend Zone. I look forward to her upcoming books with an extreme excitement and when they come my way, I always drop everything to read them. That being said, I really think she has outdone herself with Yours Truly. Jacob and Briana's story was so incredibly special and I loved every minute of it.

This leaves me with one lingering question - where do I find a Jacob of my own?

Thank you to Forever for an advanced copy. All opinions are my own.

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I've been following Abby since before her first book and have loved every one of them. They are must buy for me always. But this book you guys, this book is my favorite so far!
Briana and Jacob are the most real characters to me. Jacob with his anxiety and Briana being so scared to be hurt again. I love the two sides you get to the story as you see Jacob fall in love with her and vice versa. It is frustrating though how much of this could have been easily talked about between the two of them, but that would not make for a good book I suppose :) The humor in the book is just as expected from Abby. Perfectly timed and wonderfully hilarious. I cannot wait to read again in real book form when it releases!
Thank you Abby's team and NetGalley for the ARC!

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Bri is an ER doctor coming out of a traumatic divorce and struggling with her brother's health challenges. Jacob is an ER doctor coming out of a relationship where his brother is now marrying his ex. After a rough start, these two strike up an unlikely friendship. As they exchange letters back and forth, they get to know each other before even spending time together. When it starts to feel like something more, can they work through their past relationship traumas to make it work?

I love this book so much. I have been a fan of Abby Jimenez for a while and this book might be my favorite one yet. I laughed out loud multiple times, welled up with tears, and mostly couldn't stop smiling the whole time I was reading it. I relate to Jacob's struggle with anxiety in so many ways. And the letter writing just made me melt. If you have dealt with anxiety for you personally or someone you love, please read this book. Even if you haven't and you just love a love story, read this book. This one made my heart so happy.

Thank you to Abby Jimenez, NetGalley, and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for the ARC of this book.

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Do you ever read a book that just sticks with you? Yours Truly is one of those books. I thought Abby Jimenez had a tough act to follow with the perfection that is Part of Your World, and somehow, she upped the ante.

Jimenez does an amazing job of taking a super serious topic (anxiety, autoimmune disease), educating others, and bringing much needed levity and humor to the table. The story of Bri and Jacob is phenomenal. There's humor, and there's so much love and family in this book.

I wish I could read this book for the first time again. That's how amazing it is.

Thanks to NetGalley, Abby Jimenez, and Forever publishing for this advance copy.

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Thank you, NetGalley and Forever, for my advance reader’s copy in exchange for my honest opinion. Abby Jimenez once again penned a contemporary romance that is sure to appeal to readers of all genres. We first met Bri as Alexis’ friend in Part of Your World. In Yours Truly, we learn her story. Bri and Jacob met as co-workers, developed a complicated friendship, and navigated difficult issues like mental health and illness.

Bri was a perfect protagonist. I admired her tenacity and her kindness. Jacob was my favorite character. He did not fit any of the stereotypes of this genre, and I loved him all the more for it. Yours Truly was romantic and refreshing. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good rom com, but tires of the usual tropes. Yours Truly is swoonworthy, smart, and destined for success.

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** ARC provided by NetGalley and Forever. Thank you!! **

I don’t even know where to begin. This book was beautiful, laugh out loud funny, and deftly handled anxiety at a time where I really, really needed to read it. This is Abby Jimenez’s best yet. This book kept me up two nights in a row… I could not put it down.

I will say that I wish the last 10% happened sooner or that this portion was longer. The freak out makes PERFECT sense but it played out too quickly. Or maybe I just didn’t want this to end…

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Abby Jimenez writes such amazing, real stories. I love each one more than the last! This book is dripping with heart, it pulls out all the feels! I can relate to the main characters so well, it makes the book personal. I struggle with anxiety and the inner dialogue and second guessing, insecurity were spot on. I feel like Jacob and Briana could be living right down the road! There’s always plenty of witty banter and hilarious situations. I can’t say enough good things! It’s worth every star! ❤️🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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"Yours Truly" included, tears, hope, love and happiness. My favorite author has graced us with another amazing book and yet again, so did the characters. Bri and Jacob captured my heart and soul. I laughed, cried, and related to the characters in more ways than none. Abby Jimenez's books NEVER disappoint. Such a fun read the ended way too quick.

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If someone asked me to compare Abby Jimenez's books to any others, I couldn't do it, because Abby Jimenez's voice is uniquely her own. You don't just read an Abby Jimenez book; You immerse yourself in her world, one filled with realistic people with realistic problems. Her books are peppered with wisdom and humor, and sorrow and joy. Yours Truly was no different. The author tackled the subjects of depression and anxiety flawlessly, and I rooted for Briana and Jacob from the moment they met. Abby Jimenez has become one of my favorite romance authors and I look forward to reading more from her in the future.

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Abby Jimenez knocks it out the park again. Bri was a lovable character from Part of Your World and she is just someone you want as your best friend in real life when you get done with this book. Abby can make you laugh and cry on the same page.

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I was so excited when I got to read this book early and I couldn’t wait to dive right in. I’ve loved all of Abby’s books and this one did not disappoint at all. Abby has such an easy flow to her stories so it’s easy to get sucked in from the start. The characters are so love able and relatable that you just love finding out more about them and how they connect. There’s so much quick witted humor and many laugh out loud moments that make you want more and more. I love all the connections between other books and their characters. I really loved this book and I can’t wait for as many future books as we can get from Abby Jimenez.

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I have loved all of Abby’s books, but this has become my favorite. I immediately noticed her “Content Guidance” page. Because her books often cover heavy topics, I LOVE that she addresses this immediately to help people decide if it will be harmful for their own mental health to read.

Jacob’s character is written amazingly well. He suffers from anxiety (referred to as social anxiety, but may also be Generalized Anxiety Disorder). His inner dialogue resonated so strongly with me and I think is helpful for people who have’t dealt with anxiety to read (I’m debating asking my husband to read this one for that aspect alone - sometimes it’s hard to explain in words, but Abby documented it so well).

If you’ve read other Abby books, you know the romance is going to come to a screeching halt one way or another and this one is no different, but I also appreciated that it wasn’t as drawn our or heart wrenching as other storylines.

I HIGHLY recommend this book.

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The best book I have read all year! Abby knows how to write characters, as I have LOVED every character in every book she has written. Jacob and Bri are my new 2 favorites! And so fun to see Alexis and Daniel again too. Yours Truly is a love story that shows up. I laughed, I cried, I yelled at them to just get together already! You will not be disappointed in this read. I want more! 5 stars!

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Bri and Jacob's story was such a pleasure to read. I've never truly related to a character more then Jacob with his struggles with social anxiety. I loved the way the characters complemented each other so well. I could not wait to read this book and feel so blessed to have gotten the opportunity to read it early. Abby continues to write books the wreck me in the best way. Every time I read one of Abby's books it immediately becomes my favorite and Yours Truly followed suit. By far my favorite book of the year! I cannot wait to read it again and again.

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Yours Truly is Bri’s book from Part of Your World. She is at a stage in her life after her divorce when she has no faith in the opposite sex until she literally stumbles or more like runs over Jacob. The story of their friendship evolving from best friends to lovers was well written. Loved Brianna and Jacob’s banter, Bri’s diabolical questions to learn the true psych of Jacob within his responses. I never knew how much anxiety can run someone’s life as is does with Jacob and how he manages his coping mechanisms. Abby’s telling of this condition brings awareness that kindness goes a long way to some that suffers from anxiety . It’s a lovely story with all the feels a of a new relationship, the does he like, does he not. I highly recommend this book.

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I have no chill when it comes to a new Abby Jimenez book! One of my absolute favorite authors, this newest book did not disappoint. Deeply personal for the author, this story features Brianna Ortiz, a recently divorced ER doctor whose brother is suffering from kidney failure and in need of an organ donor.

Enter Doctor Jacob Maddox, her new ER co-worker who is also recovering from a recent break-up and suffers from debilitating anxiety. Jacob and Brianna get off to a rough start in the beginning but then start exchanging letters, eventually becoming the friend neither knew they needed.

I couldn't get enough of this book to be perfectly honest and did not want it to end. Full of a great cast of secondary characters, including Jacob's big, quirky family, and Brianna's best friend Alexis (from Part of your world). There was also an emotional support dog, a parrot who curses and an old persnickety cat.

The mental health rep in this book was amazing!! From the coping strategies Jacob uses to handle his anxiety (meds, therapy, journaling, etc.) to Brianna's own mental health struggles (depression over her brother's declining health and trauma from her divorce and a miscarriage).

Abby Jimenez doesn't hold back, this book made me laugh out loud and sob like a baby. I fell in love with these characters and their beautiful slow-burn, friends to lovers/fake dating romance. Highly recommended for fans of other organ transplant romances like Would you rather by Allison Ashley or Unlikely match by Laura Bradbury.

I can't recommend this book enough and am so grateful to NetGalley and Forever for the opportunity to read an early digital copy in exchange for my honest review! Make sure to mark this down and get your pre-orders in for April 11, 2023.

CW: divorce, chronic illness, kidney failure, organ donation, infidelity, miscarriage, anxiety, depression

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Thank you so much to Abby and Netgalley for the ARC!

Can Abby write anything that I won't love? Unlikely at this point. They just keep getting better.

I was so excited to get to know Bri from Part of Your World and meet Jacob. I truly connected to this book due to Jacob's social anxiety (hello, same) and Bri's brothers struggle with kidney failure (something I personally went through with my Mom).

I devoured this one and can't wait for her next.

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I loved this book! I was lucky to get a copy and tried my best to read it slowly so I could enjoy every minute of it. Abby Jimenez writes real characters, and I really identified with the social anxiety issues that Jacob experienced. There were so many laugh out loud moments, but the parrot was the absolute best. I wish I could go to dinner at the Maddox house! Loved, loved his book and all of the characters in it. I’ve already preordered a copy so I can read it again when it comes out!

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