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4.25+ stars

I really love the choices this writer frequently makes to highlight queer characters and relationships in realistic (ish) historical settings; they do a great job of putting a much-needed twist on the traditions of this type of romance novel.

For the most part, I liked the protagonist, and even though some of her choices were a bit frustrating, naive, and short-sighted, it wasn’t hard to imagine why she acted the way she did. I also liked the range of characters included in the story. As with the last novel I read by this author, there were definitely some examples of blatantly anachronistic language, but for the most part, they were enjoyable and didn’t take away from the story. I do still have some big questions about the fate of one of the characters…I’ll have to reread part of the ending, I think, in case I somehow missed finding out whether or not he was safe.

Previously, I really enjoyed Reputation quite a bit, and I actually think I liked Infamous even more. I’m looking forward to what this writer creates next, and I can’t wait to read my ARC of their upcoming YA novel as well.

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On the whole, I appreciated the representation of a bisexual awakening for the main character and a lesbian love interest, as well as a diverse set of supporting characters, but outside of that, there wasn’t much that held my interest in the story. I was not at all invested in where the story was going until about 60%, and even then I was still kind of indifferent and could have stopped reading at any time and would not have minded not knowing how the story ends. I found Eddie relatively unlikeable and a lot of times was annoyed how she chose to handle a situation, especially given she's 22 for the majority of the book but seemed as though she was acting younger than her age. I also thought the book was a bit too long and just tried to include a bit too much. It's definitely more historical fiction than romance so I hope it doesn’t get marketed too hard as a historical romance because I think that will mislead readers!

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the early copy in exchange for an honest review!

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I didn't like this one as much as I liked Croucher's previous book but this one was still a good time! And unfortunately I too would fall for Nash's obnoxious, troubled, poetic artiste routine so I can really sympathize with Eddie here!

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You can definitely tell this was inspired by Dickinson and I say that with love because that shoe is so good. I wouldn’t say this is a typical romance book because it was more of a coming of age/out story. I still liked it though!

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This was cute!! Think... Eloise and Benedict from Bridgerton. The vibes, the teasing, the sibling-like bond between our two main characters all are so eloquently tied together in this novel.

Lex Croucher did a fantastic job of characterizing and taking us along Eddie’s journey specifically from ignorance (often portrayed as innocence) to a more well-rounded understanding in a classic Bildungsroman style. We as readers are taken along this journey and I personally felt as though I grew alongside Eddie as the story progressed.

There was nothing particularly "new" or exciting about the events portrayed in this novel, but because of that it was an easy read, and it allowed me to more fully enjoy the novel and the journey that we were taking. Eddie as a character is flawed; often self-absorbed and far too quick to make uninformed decisions. However, that allows us as readers to more fully connect with her, as we don't feel that she is unreachable and "too perfect" as MCs tend to be.

Overall, I enjoyed this quite a bit, and would be happy to recommend to my friend's who enjoy this style of novel. Infamous is set to be published on March 21, 2023. Thank you to St. Martin's Press, St. Martin's Griffin, NetGalley and the author for the digital advanced copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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INFAMOUS was so cute, and so exactly what I needed, that I preordered a copy as soon I finished reading. I just know that it's going to be one of those books that I read again and again. It was so gosh darn cute.! A definite trigger warning for sexual assault on-page (by the villain), so readers be duly warned., but if you're looking for a queer regency romance, I highly recommend! Eddie's journey to realizing her sexuality was oh so painfully relatable.

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I was drawn into the story of Eddie, a young woman with firm goals of becoming a writer.

Her childhood friend Rose, her constant companion and true champion quickly stole my heart. As I assumed she had done with Eddie.

Despite the catchy and hilarious banter and prose Lex Croucher served up in the first half of this book, I quickly grew weary as the book played out.

Eddie’s “quirky” behavior soon grew dull and tiring as she muddled her way through writing her debut book and fawning over her grotesque idle, poet Nash Nicholson.

Her constant need to overlook his cruel behavior in favor of getting her manuscript sent to his editor turned me off from her character completely. In the end she definitely wasn’t deserving of Rose who offered her nothing but support from the very beginning.

It’s hard for me to describe this as a sapphic (maybe bisexual?) romance when it felt like a better part of the plot was focused on Eddie’s feelings for Nash. She only truly comes around to her affections for Eddie when she’s made known of Nash’s ultimate betrayal. Only seeing how vacant he truly was despite all the terrible acts he displayed against various characters in the story.

Thank you to St Martin’s Press and NetGalley for this digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Queer love set in Victorian era
This is a cute story about Edith “Eddie” finding her place in the world. Both in love and in herself. It was funny and sweet. I did feel like I had questions at the end though.
However, this is the first book I’ve read from the author and will probably read more

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the arc in exchange for my honest review

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This book wasn’t for me. I liked the cover. The plot will be appealing to many readers. I couldn’t immerse myself in the characters or the dialogue..
It was a miss for me.

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It took me a bit to settle into Infamous. The story had promise but was moving towards it slowly, in my opinion. Yet, I stuck with it and did reap the rewards when it all began to gel.

Rose and Eddie have been best friends since childhood. As they are older now and on the "marriage market," things are changing and Eddie definitely isn't happy about it. Rose is moving forward and embracing it while Eddie is dragging her feet and wants things to stay the same. Then Eddie meets one of her literary idols, Nash Nicholson. a renowned poet of the time. He takes a liking to Eddie and starts to include her in his artistic gatherings. Eventually, she's invited to a house party with many of his other "artsy" friends to work on her novel in the country. That's where things truly come undone.

Even though there were a few things in the plot that I found predictable, there were several that I didn't see coming. The path that this author took to deliver the storyline was clever and well-written and it was an overall enjoyable read.

AUDIOBOOK: I was also fortunate enough to receive an early copy of the audiobook. The narration of this was spot on. It lent itself to the time period and area so I was able to really feel as if I was in regency England. Such a fun book to listen to. 4 stars

Thank you to NetGalley for early copies of both the ebook and audiobook.

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I hated this so much. Eddie and I are the same age but she is so immature and dumb. She never understood what was happening around her and it was so annoying. Rose was too good for her and never should have forgave her.

I received an arc through netgalley.

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Delightful sapphic romp with regency sensibilities. You will fall completely in love with Eddie and Rose and even the motley crew in which they find themselves embroiled. A promising extension of Croucher’s world; I can’t wait to see who we meet next.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my free copy. These opinions are my own.

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Nobody writes humor and compelling characters quite like Lex Croucher. Lex drops us into the lives of Eddie (Edith) and Rose as they're confronted with coming out in society, changes in their childhood friendship when they find themselves no longer doing everything together, and trying to understand who they are. This book is laugh-out-loud funny, clever, and engrossing. Croucher does a fantastic job of creating an immersive world and a sweet friends-to-lovers lesbian romance. I loved this one even more than Reputation and highly recommend it for fans of historical romance.

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A very different sort of Regency romance! This fun and often funny read follows Edith (Eddie) and Rose, BFFS who pledged never to marry. But here's the thing - they're in their 20s now and well, Rose is going to marry and Edith is bereft. She's a writer who wants to publish so when Nash, a poet, and his wife seem to take up her efforts, it seems wonderful. But is it? There are some delightful twists here so no spoilers from me. Thanks to netgalley for the ARC. A good read.

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Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the ARC!

Infamous by Lex Croucher follows aspiring writer Eddie as she's thrown into the world of her favorite poet Nash Nicholson while coming to terms with her best friend Rose's seemingly abandoning her in favor of marriage and polite society.

This novel is marked with the witty writing that characterizes Croucher's novels. The characters are diverse and well-developed, with Eddie, Rose, and Nash all being flawed while still extremely likeable. Once again, Croucher delivers on the banter.

My criticisms of the book are that it seemed to drag. While there were hijinx happening all around, it wasn't enough to keep me captivated and was starting to feel unnecessarily long. The first few chapters also seem like a bit of info-dump, where we're told about Eddie and Rose's friendship but we don't really get to see it on the page.

Overall, Infamous is a sparkling historical romcom for fans of Booksmart, though I would recommend it more for everything other than the main romance.

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After that however, the story was fairly lackluster. While beautifully written, it wasn’t the most interesting or surprising storyline and every plot twist was predictable from the beginning. I also think it was trying to do a little too much; there were so many little storyline and twists that didn’t seem to add to the main plot and were never really explained too well.

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I really, really liked this book. I had so much fun with it, and it did get pretty dark toward the ending but I thought it was overall really well done. The main thing I loved in this book was the characters. It was such an excentric cast of characters and I loved seeing their dynamics play out. Rose and Eddie were also absolutely amazing. I immediately fell in love with them and I adored seeing their relationship developed throughout the book. Honestly, this made me squeel so many times because I thought they were just so cute together. The story also just took me on a ride and the last quarter of this book just did not let me go because it was so full of twists and reveals. It was addictive. The reason this isn't a five star for me is because I do have some questions left over about some things that happened that I just would like more explenation on than we got. However, overall this was absolutely amazing and I can't wait to read more by this author.

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I gave this a valiant effort, but I don't think this book is for me. I'm not a huge fan of friends-to-lovers, but I liked the premise of Infamous so I wanted to give it a chance.

I didn't make it very far into the story, but I was getting a lot of Jo March vibes from Eddie––between her dreams of being a writer/author, her independence, her extreme disdain for anything social, and being stuck wishing childhood would last forever while others are longing to grow up. All of that seemed interesting. But she is very far from being Jo March and her personality got annoying very fast. I think Eddie's problem lies in that she's not immature, she just doesn't know how to put others first and not be rude. She's used to getting her way and not having to adhere to societal expectations because of the way she's been raised, and she expects everyone to feel the same. She kept putting Rose on the back burner and wasn't willing to be nice or TRY to participate in things Rose wanted, like attending parties. If they're such best friends and will eventually turn into something more, why not at least put in some effort? I found that ironic because when Nash mentioned having a party, Eddie didn't even hesitate; she was excited, and I wish she had shown that same energy towards her friend/crush. I really felt bad for Rose.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for this eARC!

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3.5 stars

Eddie (Edith) is so over propriety and polite society. She just wants to hang out in her tree house with her bff, Rose, and write stories. Unfortunately, she’s 22-years-old living in regency era London…so that’s a no-go. Around the same time that Rose announces her intention to marry a boring, older man, Eddie meets the famous poet, Nash Nicholson.

Eddie is continually pulled between her admiration for Nash and her complicated feelings for Rose. Everything comes to a point when their group absconds to Nash’s haunted estate in the countryside for the fall. Mysteries are unearthed, relationships are tested, parties are thrown.

I had fun reading this historical sapphic romance (something I haven’t really discovered before) but I felt like the plot needed to be trimmed a bit. Lose a few early parties, cut down on the haunted vibes in the country and get our girls together more quickly!

And I mean - the biggest question of all is just left unanswered: what the heck happened to Henry?!? Was he a hallucination? Did Eddie subconsciously provide details into Henry’s mother’s murder? Or was he actually shot and Nash buried him somewhere on the island?

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

CW/TW: gaslighting, sexual assault, murder, misogyny, infidelity, gun violence, toxic relationships, theft

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Thank you to Netgalley & SMP for this copy of Infamous by Lex Croucher! This is out 03/21.

Sometimes I feel like the word Bridgerton is now being used as click bait for books. Sometimes stories are just a regency romp and we don't need to compare it lol. I liked Eddie, but definitely did not like Nash as much.
I found this story fun, but not memorable. I will still listen to Croucher's next release because I do like her witty writing style and characters, this one just wasn't for me.

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