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How I'll Kill You

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I was excited to read this one - the premise of the triplets taking turn killing people immediately sucked me in. It ended up being really boring and lacked any sort of tension or suspense. It took sooo long for anything at all to happen!

The romance part of the book was SOOO incredibly cheesy. I was constantly rolling my eyes. Also, given the premise, I thought there would be a lot more murder in this book. This felt like a young adult romance book, not sure why it was classified otherwise. It did not feel like a thriller or suspense novel to me. it was just plain silly and the writing style was very juvenile.

This was not the book I signed up for - I would not recommend it at all.

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How I’ll Kill You by Ren DeStefano is one of those books that’s tougher to label, we have a serial killer thriller mixed with some family drama and then a contemporary romance to set up the next kill. Just my cup of tea really! The story is told from the main character’s prospective in the present timeline with a bit of flashes back to their past.

Sissy is the youngest of triplet girls with her sisters, Iris and Moody, beating her out by minutes at birth. The three sister have only had each other their entire lives with not the greatest upbringings being abandones early on in life. This has brought the girls extremely close together, close enough to kill for one another.

Iris and Moody have already had their turns taking someone’s life and now they expect it’s Sissy’s turn. Sissy has always been the more level headed and the clean up member of their crew and isn’t totally sure she’s ready to kill but Iris and Moody are pushing her hard after arriving in Arizona. Sissy does meet a young man named Edison who would be her perfect victim if only she weren’t falling in love with him.

How I’ll Kill You by Ren DeStefano is a debut novel so I had no idea what to expect from this author but what I found was a creative and intriguing read. This one may not be for everyone with the romance side to a thriller story but I love crossing genres so it didn’t bother me as the relationship build between Sissy and her target. I also enjoyed getting to know all the triplets back stories and then the twisty thrill ride of an ending. Would definitely return to this author again if they continue writing.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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Maybe I'm too cynical with this one. or perhaps I read one too many like this one. It was entirely too predictable for me to say I enjoyed it. Thank you for letting me have the early copy.

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In How I’ll Kill You by Ren DeStefano 3 triplet sisters, abandoned at birth and raised in a series of foster and group homes, become serial killers after Lisa, the oldest, has her heart broken by her college counselor and kills him. Their strategy is to enjoy the men they meet, have short relationships with them, and then kill them before they can hurt the sisters.

Lisa is the oldest and the most practical and analytical; Moody is the middle sister and the most cunning in her methods of murder; and Sissy is the youngest and has not killed anyone yet, but she is the expert in disposing of the body and cleansing the crime scene of the presence of the sisters.

Also, there is no way to verify which sister is actually the oldest.

It is now Sissy’s turn to seduce and kill a mark.

Sissy chooses a mark, Edison, meets him in church, and begins to develop a short, but intense, relationship with him, while contemplating how she will kill him.

As the relationship between Sissy and Edison develops Sissy starts developing deeper feelings for Edison. Soon her sisters start losing patience with her and want her to get the job done.

The story eventually leads to Lisa and Moody kidnapping Edison’s stepdaughter as a test for Sissy to kill.

The story ends with Lisa killed by the police, Moody under arrest, but Sissy cleared of all charges and free to live her life as she chooses.

This story is as much a romance story as a crime story. All 3 sisters have conspired to kill and dispose of at least 6 men. Most of the story is about Sissy and her developing relationship with Edison; the actual crime scenes are few and far between. It also is a story of how identical triplets each choose their own destinies.

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This book sounds perfect for all of us thriller lovers looking for something captivating and unique!

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Wow oh Wow...this book is astounding...out of this world...extraordinary....marvelous....and any other adjective you can think of to convey remarkable! It is the best kind of that will leave you scratching your head long after reading, but with a mischievous smile because it all fit together so cunningly beautiful!

So...imagine all of that, and then put together that this was Ren DeStefano's debut novel and you've got yourself a masterpiece and an author's name you definitely don't want to forget! DeStefano seems to have the perfect mix and just what it takes for literary greatness! It won't be long before she will be compared to the likes of Lisa Gardner, Chelsea Cain and all of the other mystery greats! I cannot wait to see what else this girl comes out with, because if her debut novel was that good...WHOA! This girl is going places...mark my words!

The premise of this book is something like I've never read before and I ate that crap up! I think that's part of what I loved the most about it! It was unique and intriguing and just the very best of psychological thriller!

How I'll Kill You is narrated by the uber talented Karissa Vacker! Pair an excellent book with an even better narrator, and what you've got my friends, is literally genius!

If you haven't read this book your self a favor, stop what you're doing right now, and get you a copy, and just soak up all the goodness of How I'll Kill You. I promise you, you won't regret it a bit and it just might knock your socks off [probably will ;-)]!

I would like to thank Ren DeStefano, Berkley Publishing Group, and Netgalley for providing me a copy of How I'll Kill You, which allowed me to contribute this honest and unbiased review!!

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I’m not sure how I feel about this one still. I liked it while I was reading it but I found it very forgettable. I did really like the characters and the story line.

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"How I'll Kill You" by Ren DeStefano is a gripping psychological thriller that keeps readers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. DeStefano masterfully weaves a web of suspense and intrigue, drawing readers into the mind of a complex and chilling protagonist. With twists and turns at every corner, this novel keeps you guessing until the very end. A must-read for fans of dark and suspenseful storytelling.

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This book had me hook, line, and sinker and I'm not mad about it! I was hooked just reading the Synopsis.

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How I’ll Kill You was a very interesting premise, but I wish there was more. More being in the head of these killers. Most past and present pov to get into their heads. It felt pretty surface level trying to do too many things but not doing one thing that was mind blowing.

Overall, it wasn’t a bad book, it was enjoyable and had interesting characters. I would say this book falls into the palette cleaner, easy read category.

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Talk about the strong woman empowerment-this book is just that. It centers around three identical sisters who are serial killers feasting on the men who did them wrong. This book was fun to read, but overall I was hoping for more than what I got. I also struggled to pinpoint which genre this book really is, as it bounced back and fourth from romance to thriller. I feel like it fits more into the romance genre for me, and I am not a big fan of romance in my thriller books. Overall, this was fun and if you are looking for a good popcorn thriller then pick this one up!

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Sissy, Moody, and Iris are identical triplets, and serial killers. Moody and Iris have each killed a few men, and now it’s Sissy’s turn.

How I’ll Kill You is told from Sissy’s point of view. Sissy hasn’t killed anyone before, but she does the clean up for the murders her sisters commit. Her sisters say it is now her turn to kill, but she ends up falling in love with her target. This is obviously unacceptable to the sisters.

A wickedly fun thriller. Dark, clever, and intense.

I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Traveling With T’s Thoughts:

Debut authors- love to hear about new authors, but because they are new- it’s tough to know what to expect. But when a book talks about triplets who like to murder the men they are involved with- and the cover looks as cool as this one does- well, it’s a no brainer to accept the Netgalley request.

What I liked:

This cover is pretty cool. I love the colors and the silhouette of the triplets.

The murdering triplets angle. I found that to be interesting.

Bottom line: Overall, I enjoyed this book. I felt a good part of it was 3.5 stars with some parts being more just straight up 3 stars. Will I read another book by Ren DeStefano? Yes, if her next one sounds good. Is she on my auto-buy list? No, but time will tell if I will add her to my auto-buy list.

*This book was sent to Traveling With T for review consideration. All thoughts and opinions are mine alone.*

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Dark and addicting. I love a thriller and the triplet twist was SO unique and fun. Very different than anything I've read before- in a good way.

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How I’ll Kill You was a quick read, interesting enough but not really significant or a book I would recommend to my friends.

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I picked the right spooky month to listen/read this macabre and dark romance. I didn’t know romantic thrillers were a thing but this was definitely fitting into that genre. As someone who loves thrillers and often doesn’t like romance, this was an interesting mash up for me .

Sissy is a triplet with a troubled upbringing. Her sisters, Moody and Iris make up the other 2/3rds of this trio of murderers. They pick their love interests and make them their marks and then hunt them down. But what happens when Sissy starts to fall for her intended victim, Edison?

I couldn’t stop reading , even when it got pretty dark and sinister 👀

I thought the story was good, but had some questionable plot points. You will need to suspend disbelief for this one a bit. It also got a bit too gruesome at times so I wouldn’t recommend it for those that couldn’t handle someone getting their teeth pulled out and pulverized or their body parts severed after they’ve been murdered. Hmmm was that too gruesome for my review. Perhaps. 😂

Anywho, I’m giving this one 4 stars. Entertainingly dark and gruesome, but perhaps a HEA ending ❤️ 😆

Pick this up for Halloween!

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In this gripping thriller by Ren DeStefano, three psychopathic identical triplets who have a history of committing heinous crimes team up to wreak havoc.
The sisters, known by false names Sissy, Moody, and Iris, have always followed a strict rule - to seduce their targets, fulfill their fantasies, and then brutally murder them. But when they settle in a quiet town in Arizona and target a grieving widower named Edison, things become complicated. Sissy develops feelings for Edison, which forces her to choose between loyalty to her sisters or betrayal. As the story unfolds, shocking revelations emerge, making the decision more difficult.
The author skillfully portrays the disturbed psyche of the triplets, creating a dark and suspenseful narrative that is impossible to put down.

This book is a must-read for fans of thrilling and chilling tales of malicious mayhem.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for sending a digital copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Dark and disturbing, this devious debut is a killer and make that a triple threat! I have read lots of thriller novels at this point, but this one blew my mind. It is exceptional and a true stand-out and entertaining read that is hard to put down. So sit back and enjoy – this was truly a fun read.

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Oh Ren DeStefano, what a unique premise you have with How I'll Kill You. This book caught my attention immediately because it's not too often you will come across triplets who are into killing. It reminded me a little bit of another book I read with twins, but for the most part, this was a very fresh thriller that I absolutely loved. The entire book is told through Sissy's (AKA Jade) viewpoint, and the audiobook was spectacular with Karissa Vacker at the helm. I feel like you 100% need to listen to the audio for this book and will fully stand behind my next statement: the story and characters will get to you SO much more by listening to Vacker narrate. I also happened to quite like Sissy, and she was a wealth of knowledge when it comes to cleaning up a crime scene.

I do think the story ended up getting a little bogged down with Sissy's inner monologue, and there is a lot of it that becomes quite repetitive after a while causing the book to become a little too slow toward the middle. For this reason, it was missing some of that pizzazz for me, but I loved the first half of the book along with the last 25% where things get especially crazy. How I'll Kill You also put tears in my eyes which I was absolutely NOT expecting, so well done DeStefano! I didn't know it at the time, but this author only slightly changed her name to write this thriller, and her other books are under her actual name Lauren DeStefano. She is no stranger to writing if you check that out, and I can't wait to see what she writes next using this pen name.

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Thank you, NetGalley, for this book.

I had no idea what this book was about when I picked it up but assumed it had something to do with murder, given the title and the fact that a woman on the cover is holding a knife. Turns out those women are identical triplets! Although this book was repetitive in parts, at least it was something I’d never read before.

From GoodReads: Sissy has an…interesting family. Always the careful one, always the cautious one, she has handled the cleanup while her serial killer sisters have carved a path of carnage across the U.S. Now, as they arrive in the Arizona heat, Sissy must step up and embrace the family pastime of making a man fall in love and then murdering him. Her first target? A young widower named Edison—and their mutual attraction is instant. While their relationship progresses, and most couples would be thinking about picking out china patterns and moving in together, Sissy’s family is reminding her to think about picking out burial sites and moving on.

Then something happens that Sissy never anticipated: She begins to feel protective of Edison, and before she can help it, she’s fallen in love. But the clock is ticking, and her sisters are growing restless. It becomes clear that the gravesite she chooses will hide a body no matter what happens; but if she betrays her family, will it be hers?

The story is told from Sissy’s perspective, so you never get to know her sisters all that well, which makes the story more interesting. You are guessing what they are up to just as much as she is. Her love for Edison seems plausible, even though she’s being someone she’s not toward him. But the mystery of what her sisters do when Sissy isn’t around is the best part of the plot. Sissy trusts them entirely, but can they actually be trusted? I thought this book needed a bit of an edit to condense some redundancy, but overall, I really enjoyed it and had no idea where the plot was heading.

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