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Five Survive

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I can see what Jackson is going for here. An extreme situation and the things regular people might do to survive. It just goes too far and lacks charming characters to make it compelling. Even the basic scenario - a sniper with a mysterious vendetta - is a bit extreme but the ultimate reveal is over the top. Jackson is really reaching in the explanation and the characters are a mess.

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3.5 stars.

Okay, the last 40% of this book really picked up. But, overall this book was a bit of a slog with absolutely horrible characters. Truly, truly, truly, ____ needed to die about 10% into the book (if you've read you get it). The ending was great and was what I was looking for throughout the entire book. It's hard not to compare this to A Good Girl's Guide to Murder because I absolutely loved that book and thought it was perfect.

Five Survive felt very repetitive for the first 50ish%. Narcissistic, abusive character makes poor decision, can't take any responsibility, railroads every decision, and everyone around just cowers and gives in. That was really frustrating for a lot of the story. However, the last third did pick up and from that point on I couldn't stop listening.

This book was fine. I think if you haven't read AGGGTM yet and this is your first Holly D. Jackson book then you'll really like it. But, if you've read and loved AGGGTM then this one might miss the mark and miss the magic.

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YA is not usually my genre but I devoured this book. The imagery and writing were great - I could picture exactly what Jackson wanted us to. I think this book made me a die-hard Jackson fan, she is such an excellent writer and really knows how to keep a reader engaged.

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Soooo unfortunately, I didn't like this book at all. I don't know how to say this tactfully so I'm just going to copy and paste what I sent to my bestie. "I'm actually highly disappointed, I loved her last trilogy, but she tried to shove way too much into the last quarter of this book, and the one character was a douchebag, and the whole thing was a mess. 2 stars."

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Based on Holly Jackson's previous works, we have students awaiting the arrival of her newest book. The life and death consequences the characters face in less than 24 hours will appeal to many readers of this genre. Some may be disappointed, but most will be grateful for this YA Thriller. Thank You #NetGalley and

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The story line made sense and had a lot of purpose but the delivery in this book fell flat for a good bit of the book. While I wanted to find out what happened next, I was relieved when I got to the end of the book. I usually don't want any Holly Jackson book to end. I do believe my students who are teenagers will enjoy this book because of the fast pace and some surprises.

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I really, really wanted to love this one! I'm a huge holly Jackson fan and unfortunately this just fell a little flat for me. I can see many people liking this one ( and they have!), However I don't think I was the target audience for this one.

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turns into a nightmare for 6 friends.
Red Kenny is travelling with her bestie, Maddy, Maddy's brother Oliver and his girlfriend, Reyna along with Simon and Arthur. The RV breaks down in the middle of nowhere and soon, it looks like this may not be accidental. With no cell service, the group attempts to leave the RV when they discover they're not alone out on this deserted road. A sniper has them in their sights and they're looking for a secret but what secret?
Seems like suddenly almost everyone has something to hide.
Told via Red, it gives insight into the story and her perspective of each person's ability to not only handle the stress of the situation but also, who she thinks is hiding the biggest secret - news flash, she thinks it's herself but could she be wrong?
The sniper manages to contact them and gives them an ultimatum and soon the ugliest of behaviours emerge and more truths come out, separating friends and family.
This is the tensest of stories and really shows just how desperate some will become and the lengths they will go to in order to save themselves ... or someone they love. It has the twistiest of plots and gasp-out-loud moments - the descriptive writing put me in the situation of all the characters - each richly portrayed in such a short amount of time.

A page-turner of a book.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for sending a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Holly Jackson does it again! I really enjoyed this book! It was a good read! Thank you so much for the arc!

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I absolutely love this author. Another great book . Great characters, great writing, must read story.

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it’s hard to properly review this book, because even though i read it months ago, i still grasp at straws to explain in. the characters may be a little one dimensional, but holly jackson did it again with an excellent outstanding mystery. the plot twist literally had me on the edge of my seat (bed, technically). and not to spoil anyone who still hasn’t read, but there an excellence romance involved that’ll get you in your pip & ravi feels. thank you so much to netgalley and the publishers for giving me access to this e-arc in exchange for a honest review!

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I really like Holly Jackson as an author, and Five Survive is no exception. Maybe not as good as her other books, but good nonetheless.
The characters were great and well fleshed out. Lovable and hateable. Each had their own little problems, flaws and quirks.
The pacing at the beginning was a tad slow, but after the first quarter quite good.
The tension and atmosphere built up very well.
The only thing bothering me was that the plot was a bit predictable and the twist didn't come as too much of a surprise.
Still, it was an exciting book with a dark-ish atmosphere.

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This book was exciting, engaging and a very excellent who-done-it piece of writing! I have been a major fan of Holly Jackson after I read the Good Girl’s Guide to Murder series.

Initially I thought this was part of the series because the covers of her others looks like this but I’m starting to take that as a design style and not specific to a series!

I very much enjoyed the characters, the plot twists, and the way it kept me so engaged!

Would recommend to others!

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holly jackson is the queen of the ya thriller and like, you can see it in every book. they're pulse pounding, compulsively readable books that keep you addicted to turning the page

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I'm a huge fan of Holly Jackson so it comes as no surprise that I loved this one! This one hooks you immediately and the plot is intense but interesting. This one is action packed! Keep in mind this is technically a YA novel so if that aspect bugs you then you will not enjoy this

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While I love Holly Jackson, this book felt like an every loving mess. Why does the the mafia need to be in every story??? I hated this because of that. The writing was messy, I hated alllll of the characters, and it was just .... not good. I'M SORRY, don't hate me.

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I'm so sorry. I tried. I really did. I loved the Good Girl's Guide series SO SO MUCH, and I was so excited for this book--set in a single location in quote-unquote real time? Sign me up.

Unfortunately, I couldn't do it. I plodded through this, and hated every character, had no interest in the plot, and just couldn't figure out what was going on or why I was supposed to care. I genuinely can't tell if this book was localized to be set in the US the same was AGGGTM was--I've heard it wasn't, but it's so poorly set that I really thought it had been. It being set in the US intentionally makes the politics of this book absolutely baffling, especially its idolization of the police. This book is, inexplicably, copaganda, and I am exhausted.

There will be people who love this book! I'm not one of them. I'm curious to see what Holly Jackson does next, because she can write, but something in Five Survive broke me.

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Five Survive takes place over the course of one night after 6 friends get lost on a rural road on the way to a Spring Break trip. Only it turns out that it was all planned.

This book was YA and so exciting, fast paced, and the characters, despite being younger than me, were relatable and I was invested in what was happening to them. I look forward to reading more of this author!

A huge thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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This is another super fun YA thriller from Holly Jackson, and I will continue to read whatever she writes! While I will say that I didn't love it quite as much as A Good Girl's Guide To Murder, it was an excellent premise that kept me turning the pages, trying to find out the mysterious secret that one of the six people caught in a claustrophobic RV was trying to hide. And knowing that only five of them will survive - which is stated as soon as the title -- is a brilliant hook for mystery fans.
I can't say that I fully connected with the characters in this one the way I did with the A Good Girl's Guide series, but the dynamics between them all were high stakes and constantly shifting, which made for a lot of drama, tension and some good twists.
For anyone who loves YA mysteries and thrillers, this is a can't miss.
Thank you Delacorte Press for the ARC!

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A well developed YA locked room thriller that has high stakes, complicated relationships, and a darker plot line. I loved the Jackson took this book to the next step by not only raising the stakes but giving the reader a well thought out underlying story. You are reading a top line plot with a sub plot in the background. Both of these plots are intertwined beautifully to the point where you are equally invested in them.

Jackson writes in a way where you can feel the tension in the RV. This was such a fantastic plot driver but it also felt like its weakness. As you follow the main characters POV it keeps you biased to everyones reactions which works well, but I would have loved a few oposing POV's to keep us tethered to story.

Overall, I think that this is a fantastic book for anybody who loves locked room thrillers. Lovers of Jackson's very popular series A Good Girl's Guide to Murder would also find this book just as entertaining.

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