Cover Image: Nobody Puts Romcoms In The Corner

Nobody Puts Romcoms In The Corner

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This book was perfect! If you're looking to break out of a slump or just want to be swept off your feet by the chemistry between these two MCs, then this book is for you.

Honestly, I loved these characters so much and it was genuinely bittersweet to turn the last page, knowing it was the end. I loved the emotional development, I adored the writing, the humour and just everything.

I was so deeply invested in this book that once I began reading, I could not put it down. I know for sure that this will be one that I'll come back and re-read time and time again. It's the sort of book that just makes you happy.

I'm so excited to see what Kathryn Freeman has in store for us next. If this book was anything to go by, I know it'll be amazing.

Thank you to the publisher for kindly providing me with an ARC via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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This book made me smile, laugh and get a bit hot under the collar. I loved the concept of acting out film scenes for TikTok, especially with Harry not having a clue what they were about. Feelgood is the way to describe this book. It's truly lovely to watch the developing relationship between Sally and Harry and to know Harry is well and truly hooked long before he does. Sally has a view of love based on romcoms and her late parent's relationship. Harry's is also based on his parent's marriage - which has made him a cynic with no idea of what love is. When Harry becomes Sally's lodger and they begin making fun TikTok videos - where will ir lead. Lovely. #netgalley #nobodyputsromcomsinthecorner

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This story was so much fun to read! I loved Harry and Sally and all their little moments together, I think I may have smiled more reading this book than any book before.

Highly recommend!

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Didn’t like this one but will definitely read from this author in the future! And would recommend her books to friends! Just not for me :)

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She was looking for a flat mate. He was looking for a place to live after his girlfriend refused to leave the house he owns. They rarely saw one another, it was the perfect situation for them both. Until it got complicated.
I really enjoyed this strangers to lovers romcom. It was a fresh take in a romantic comedy and I appreciated that the author brought up the old favorites, such as Dirty Dancing to tell the story. I'd highly suggest you pick this one up for yourself.

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Okay. I’m such a sucker for a cheesy, romantic book. This checked all the boxes and more!

Sally is a hopeless romantic who simply wants to find her true love and a HEA like the women in romcoms tend to do. Harry is a cynic when it comes to the fact that true love could exist. When his fiancé cheats on him, Harry begins renting a room from Sally. The two find themselves drunk one night and attempt to reenact the lift scene from “Dirty Dancing” and upload it to TikTok. When the video goes viral, Sally finds a way to monetize their chemistry through sponsorships and bring in extra money for both of them. Through the process of recreated popular romcom scenes, both Harry and Sally discover truly what romcoms were meant to be for both of them.

The banter? Immaculate! I know a ton of people who will find this book too cheesy, but I LOVED every second of it! I loved picturing these awkward people reenacting these scenes in a public place strictly for social media views. The side character surrounding Harry and Sally only added to the atmosphere and made it even better! I loved this from the beginning to the very end!

Thank you to #NetGalley, HarperCollins UK, and One More Chapter for an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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The following review was posted on my blog two days ago, on Tuesday, February 28th, one day after publication. It was shared on Instagram twice, once yesterday and once today, and has already been posted on Goodreads. The blog post includes links to order the books and to its Goodreads page, so readers can add it to their to-be-read books.

“I get the feeling you’re not a fan of romcoms.”
“Not my thing, no.”
(…) “Love isn’t your thing?”
(…) “Funny thing, love. It’s like the pot of gold at the end of that whimsical rainbow. People want to believe it exists, but evidence shows it’s just a myth.”
(…) “Tens of millions, no wait, hundreds of millions of people would disagree with you.”
“Today, maybe. But tomorrow? I bet a good number of them would find themselves agreeing with me. And the next day, a good number more.”

Genre: Romance
Actual Rating: 4 stars
Spicy Meter: 2 fire emojis
Content Warnings: Discusses death of parent, abandonment, emotional abuse, toxic relationships and cheating, and severe gaslight. Contains sexual content.

“Nobody Puts Romcoms in the Corner” follows Sally Thornton and Harry Wilson as they embark on the weirdest of love quests—recreating iconic romcom scenes on social media. Sally is Harry’s landlord of sorts, and after they recreate the Dirty Dancing lift and go absolutely viral, they have no other option but to keep it going. What they did not account for was their in-real-life chemistry. But Harry doesn’t do love. He’s seen enough to know it doesn’t exist… or does it?

This is the romcom book to take on all other romcom books. This romance was all I wanted it to be. With funny and heartwarming romcom references and oh-so sweet scene reenactments, I absolutely fell in love with this book and it’s cluster of characters—I mean, the main characters are named Harry and Sally, need we say more?

This is the perfect romcom book for romcom movie lovers. If you’re looking for an emotional but hopeful romance and are a fan of that sweet close-proximity trope, then “Nobody Puts Romcoms in the Corner” is right for you.

If you click here, you’ll be redirected to Goodreads, so you can add the book to your TBR list.

Or you could click here, and be redirected to Amazon, so you can order the book.

ARC provided by NetGalley and One More Chapter in exchange for an honest review.

Publication Date: February 27, 2023

“You once talked to me about bells. Do you think it’s possible you could hear those bells with someone like me?”
(…) “Harry Wilson, what are you trying to say?”
“I don’t know. (…) I just know I care for you more than I’ve cared for anyone.”

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I loved all the movie references, and I definitely loved Harry, (always a sucker for lgrumpy sunshine). While I was so keen after reading the concept of this story, there were a couple of things along the way that irked me a little.

For one, the ease of which the videos were made. I am a social media manager / content creator and so many of the video creations had me confused. In reality they would require more than one camera for different angles, or at least more than one take... and the sound issues they would have had to dealt with. Maybe thats just some of my own experiences coming out, and sure, a romcom is supposed to take you out of reality just a little, but that's all I could think of.

Another thing was the money. I think this was a completely implausable part of the storyline that didnt really go anywhere anyway.

Also, I think Sally was a bit shallow, and a little bland tbh.

Overall the story was enjoyable, a little slow, and I feel a few key points brought up as plot points were not addressed later. A nice light read, but I did want more.

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DNF. The writing is too choppy for me. I’ve red other romances by this author and they are hit or miss. I didn’t have any investment in the characters lives — their problems seemed incredibly juvenile even though they are adults. Happy to move on to something more engaging.

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We'd like to thank One More Chapter and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a copy of this book in advance.

We're devoted romance readers and a romance based around the recreation of scenes from iconic romcoms is one we could never pass up on. Nobody Puts Romcoms in the Corner was a charming book, in addition to being quintessentially British. We enjoyed reading this book, however, we can't say it was our favourite. There wasn't anything incredibly original about it, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a good romance. There were points at which we thought the conversations showed lots of insight and maturity, which we appreciated.

However, one thing we didn't really appreciate was the conflict. The reaction to the conflict was unexplained by our previous impressions of the FMC. Additionally, there were chapters of the book that dragged quite a bit and felt like a repetitive recount of the events we'd just read about in previous chapters.

Overall, this was a cute romance novel for when you're craving something fluffy and feel-good.

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Sally is in need of a new roommate after her sister moves out, so Harry takes the spare room. One night the two decide to re-enact the lift from Dirty Dancing (and fail spectacularly!) and post it on TikTok and they become an instant hit so continue to make more “failed” RomCom re-enactments

This was cute! I thought the plot was unique and current and the characters were all likeable. I did think at some points it was a bit repetitive as lots of videos were posted with the same reaction each time, and parts of the plot were predictable. I did really like it thought and would highly recommend!

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This book was so much fun. I loved the ode to Dirty Dancing and thought the book was cute. I recommended to a friend who loved it as well. :)

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Read this book if you like: Dual POV, roommates, close proximity, Rom Com references, guy who doesn't believe in romance, steamy 🔥

Holy cow.. This book so so sexy, funny, and charming. I love the Rom-Com movie references. I love when they recreated scenes. I even love how grumpy Harry is. It did drag at times. Seems like it could have been a tad shorter. I was also practically screaming at the pages for Sally to stand up for herself. I still loved it. I highly recommend this one!

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and Harper Collins for the gifted e-book ❤️

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I really adore Harry & Sally in this book and watching their relationship develop. Harry doesn’t believe in love at all while Sally is a hopeless romantic. Harry is a confident “macho” male but with a soft side that he begins to explore with Sally slowly tearing down the walls he’s put up. It brought a smile to my face to read about them recreating some of my favorite rom com scenes for Tik Tok, with both of them having reasons for wanting to continue making these viral videos. It felt very realistic to how it would actually go if two amateurs attempted these scenes- lots of laughs but with some raw chemistry.

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What happens when a romantic gets a flatmate that doesn't believe in love? On a drunken dare, Sally challenges Harry to do "the lift" from Dirty Dancing and their video goes viral. Seeing a way to make some extra money, they agree to reenact iconic scenes fun site of Sally's favorite romantic comedies with hilarious results. But what happens when the romance begins to feel all too real?
These two were both so stubborn in their own views on love. They were so cute together and the reenactments with their own twist were hilarious. I loved this cute story. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I'd like to thank Netgalley and HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter, One More Chapter for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I liked this book so much. As a lover of romcom's this was perfect. Harry and Sally were amazing together and had such great chemistry. They are so lovable and you just want to see them together. I loved the premise of the book where they made TikTok's from the famous romantic scenes from our favorite rom com movies. I actually went to TikTok to see if there was anyone doing this so I could follow them. Such a fun, original idea.

Overall a great romance story. Harry and Sally are lovable characters, realistic, and just fun to read about.

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I absolutely adored this book. It was equal parts endearing, smoldering with angst and longing.

Sally is the ever romantic, searching for her soulmate. She loves rom-coms and is waiting for her happily ever after. And harry is a grump and total love cynic. Not that you could blame him, his family is definitely not the model for love.

After a night of drinking, Sally and Harry decide to re-enact the lift scene from Dirty Dancing. Thinking nothing will come of it besides some fun, Sally posts it on tiktok and they end up going viral. Now she has an idea to re-enact all these great love scenes from classic rom-com movies.

These re-enactments are hilarious with simmering attraction. I loved watching these two slowly start to meet in the middle. They learn that maybe there is some leeway in their perceived notions of love. So will these two enact on their feelings? You’ll have to one-click to find out.

Thank you to Netgalley and Harper Collins UK for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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This was an entertaining book. Fun, lighthearted and a little steamy, it held my interest and kept me reading. I enjoyed this book and would recommend it to others.

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Sally is bubbly and fun with a penchant for romcom movies. Harry is her blunt, sarcastic and 'what you see is what you get' lodger. When a night of romcoms leads to a reenactment of the lift scene from Dirty Dancing, a whole tiktok series is born. As the two post videos of reenacting famous romcom scenes, the chemistry between them sky rockets. The issue? Sally wants a fairytale perfect love like her deceased parents. Harry doesn't believe in love due to the toxic relationship with his ex and a loveless childhood. The heat between the two of them is undeniable, but their attitudes towards love creates heartbreaking conflict.

On the surface, Nobody Puts Romcoms In The Corner seems like a pretty straight forward contemporary romance. There's sexual tension, miscommunications, misunderstandings, and laughable moments. The main characters are very likable. The supporting characters hold their own as well with a nice mix of personalities, motives, and histories. Don't let this book fool you, though. There is plenty more than the steamy romance. The book touches on grief, family, friendship, and divorce. It makes for a well rounded story.

Overall, it's a fun read. I read it in one evening. I was emotionally invested in the characters. At times I felt frustrated with Sally's need to hold so tightly to her ideas of love, but in the end, she really showed some growth. Freeman did a wonderful job of creating flawed characters who had the potential to grow and change through the books. I also liked the nod to social media, though I wish it would have been developed a bit more. I did recognize that it worked more as a plot point than an actual theme in the story. I really hope that this becomes a series of sorts and we are able to see the other characters brought back for romance of their own.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an ARC.

This was such a fun and easy read as with all of Freeman's books!

I will say that I did think it started of a smidge cheesy but I was still hooked from the beginning. Harry and Sally were both brilliant characters and I loved having each POV. None of the side characters really wowed me but that kept my focus on Harry and Sally!

I'm always recommending Kathryn Freeman to friends and that definitely hasn't changed! Can't wait for the next one!

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