Cover Image: Picking up the Pieces

Picking up the Pieces

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Member Reviews

Another Amanda Prowse book to dive into? Don't mind if I do! I am a huge fan of her magnificent writing, and I was not disappointed at all by the beautiful story that is Picking Up the Pieces.
Nora is a military wife, used to accompanying her well-decorated husband Gordy wherever he is stationed, but life is beginning to feel tiresome. She's lost all sense of roots.
They are on the brink of collapse when a phone call shatters what was her life, as she rushes to be a support for her sister, Kiki, and little nephew, Ted.
I don't want to reiterate the story to you. What kind of review would that be?
But what I will say is that Amanda Prowse has sensitively dealt with the fragility of mental health here as well as delving into how childhood experiences can shape your thinking and way of life more than you know.
Nora and Gordy are two people you could be friends with. Kiki and her masquerade as a happy single mum remind you that you should never judge a book by its cover.
And I have to mention the little diversion to the story that comes in several snippets from Spain, that weaves another layer of magic into the inevitable ending.
Beautiful story. I read it in a day, and I have to admit to being a little sad when it ended, too!
Many thanks to NetGalley and Amazon Publishing for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was sent to me electronically by Netgalley for review. This is a character driven novel written by a talented author. The setting, of course, adds to the story in a positive way. What will happen next? Will the main character find herself or forever be lost in her family life? Enjoy this book. It does go slowly at times…

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I couldn’t wait to get stuck into the latest Amanda prowse book and read this in one sitting as usual this author gets right to the heart of human emotion and also brings the topic of mental health out into the open with sensitivity and feeling. and reiterates the message that it’s ok to not be ok and no shame in asking for or needing help

This author has a way of writing about everyday experiences and real people in such a beautiful and heartfelt way and addresses topics and situations that lots of people are able to relate to and this book was no exception. It was also a story of rebuilding relationships and finding happiness and a way to find peace with the past and move forwards.

I read this in a day a couldn’t put it down and was like being on an emotional rollercoaster. I cried a lot and laughed at other times as there was also the odd bit of humour thrown in to break up the sadness.

Am already eagerly awaiting this authors next read.

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A powerful story as we meet Nora and in some way we all can relate to her.
A husband in the military, life with the endless temporary homes. The hours of being alone, the formal ceremonies to attend to. Now things change within her when a new challenge, and responsibility came. The doubts of how does one raise her nephew. To finding within herself the walls she had to protect
herself with all the changes. A heartwarming story, well written, readers will enjoy
Given Net Galley and Amazon UK for my voluntary review and my honest opinion

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