Member Reviews

Dirty Laundry was very high on my list, and for the most part I enjoyed the book. It had some parts that were slow, but the premise had me interested. Once I got to the middle I was fully invested. A very unique story, good writing, and an ending I wasn’t expecting. Many thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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Unfortunately, I feel a little disappointed with this book. It was very slow and really about nothing. The last 15% is when the story takes off and gets interesting. There was a potential to make this great but it was not quite executed right to be called a thriller.

Thank you NetGalley, Random House Ballantine and the author for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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One of 3 women is dead but is it the perfect Instagram mom, the flower child mom or the arranged marriage mom. Honestly the only mom I liked was Mishti. Although she was miserable in her arranged marriage she was still a nice human. Lauren thought laid back mom meant being a doormat. And Ciara’s perfection was maintained by being a jerk to everyone around her, including her kids. It isn’t a huge mystery who dies but figuring out the how and why is a ride through the dirty laundry of a small village. I would have enjoyed this story more if I found a character to root for.

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This one was a tough one for me to review; I have so little respect for "social influencers" and almost anything related to social media that I went into the book with a somewhat tainted opinion to begin with. I think there was a lot of potential here, but the characters were a bit of a bust. There is absolutely nothing likeable or relatable about Ciara. She was nothing but a spoiled bitch with zero redeemable qualities. The other main characters, Mishti and Lauren, had some sympathetic sparks, but were ultimately just weak for me, in different ways. And the male characters were incredibly unlikable as well. Without good characters, there's not a lot left for me in a book. Parts of the story were interesting - the dynamic between the three women was entertaining at times, in a "mean girls" sort of way. But ultimately, my issue with the characters wasn't enough to elevate this one for me.

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Ciara is the social leader of the moms in the small Irish village where she lives. With an immense Instagram following, she sets the tone for the women around her.

Mishti moved to Ireland after her arranged marriage. She doesn't love the country--or her husband, for that matter. But Ciara's acceptance paves the way for acceptance by others. If Ciara's interest in Mishti's handsome successful husband seems inappropriate, Mishti is willing to try to ignore it.

Lauren is a native of the village, but finds acceptance as an adult--with a common-law husband and three wild children--no easier than she did as a child. It doesn't help that Ciara is her closest neighbor, giving her easy viewing of the drama in Lauren's household. Lauren knows her partner, Sean, is not faithful, but doesn't suspect who his lover is.

When Ciara turns up dead, there's no shortage of suspects, but each of them is trying to protect both themselves and others. An all-too-accurate portrayal of the type of mean girl tactics that often persist long into adulthood, when children are the pawns in projecting one's perfect life. #DirtyLaundry #NetGalley

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This book is a domestic thriller. It dives into the lives of neighbors and the twists their lives take. This book is a quick read the ending was just ok for me. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book.

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This book kind of reminded me of Big Little Lies, where everyone seems perfect but is hiding something. It was a fun fast read and I would definitely recommend it! I received a free copy of this book from netgalley and the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

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If you like domestic mysteries like Big Little Lies, this is a must-read. Ciara Dunphy lives in small-town Ireland, and is the perfect mommy influencer with the great house and the perfect kids. Lauren Doyle is the social outcast earth mama next door with the messy kids and do-nothing husband. Mishti is the transplant from Calcutta, in an unloving arranged marriage. And then Ciara is found dead in her own home. Compelling storytelling- I flew through this. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Thank you so much for the opportunity to read Dirty Laundry! Overall, I felt like this novel was wonderfully written. I would agree that it does read as more of a Women's Fiction;General Fiction piece over that of a Thriller. The characters were fleshed out beautifully and I appreciated the backstories associated with each. I did feel as though the ending was a bit rushed and a bit unsettling, though perhaps that is what the author intended? Ending aside, if you're looking for well-constructed characters and interpersonal/relationship conflict, you've got to give this book a read.

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Dirty Laundry, by Disha Bose, tells the story of a group of housewives, living in a small Irish village. A few of the characters are well-drawn and nuanced. For the most part, however, this is a story of "mean girls" grown up, only in Ireland. There is a limited amount of suspense, and an abundance of deplorable behavior, sufficient to cause transatlantic concern about the state of marriage and friendship. This is a generous two-star read for me. Thanks to NetGalley and Random House Publishing for the opportunity to read a digital ARC.

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Dirty Laundry is Mean Girls – all grown up. The story centers around three women in an Irish village. Ciara, Misthi, and Lauren. Ciara seems to have it all. A loving husband, two beautiful children and a rising career as an influencer. Misthi is from India. She is in an arranged marriage with one child. Misthi is questioning a past decision that would have changed her life. Lauren is the misfit. She always has been the outcast. She grew up in the village and has a history with some of the other moms. The storyline was difficult for me to enjoy. The characters made decisions that I felt no rational person would make. The husbands were basically wimps. The ending, however, did surprise me.

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this book was ridiculous! I hated the characters from the very beginning.... I could not even finish this one. they were all snobby and just not pleasant. DNF at 30%

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Dirty Laundry...

Now that's something I have a lot of...

Just Kidding

Isn't it funny how we put a play on words. "I have mountains of dirty laundry to do" vs. "Don't air out your dirty laundry". Neither phrase sounds very appealing to me BUT this book sure did!!!

Disha Bose, you are my spirit animal!

I don't know how you did it but you completely left me speechless. Lets me try to get my thoughts together so I can do this book some justice.

First, it's a 5 star and don't let anyone else tell you different. They would be lying, and we don't like liars.

This book right here has every key component of an incredible thriller in addition to a wild mystery. The characters are multi-dimensional and incredibly realistic. The plot was realistic and genuinely believable and the the chapters flowed like hot lava!!

Give me more Disha Bose!

Here is a little teaser about Dirty Laundry :

She was the perfect wife, with the perfect life. You would kill to have it.

Ciara Dunphy has it all—a loving husband, well-behaved children, and a beautiful home. Her circle of friends in their small Irish village go to her for tips about mothering, style, and influencer success—a picture-perfect life is easy money on Instagram. But behind the filters, reality is less polished.

Enter Mishti Guha: Ciara’s best friend. Ciara welcomed Mishti into her inner circle for being . . . unlike the other mothers in the group. Discontent in a marriage arranged for her by her parents back in Calcutta, Mishti now raises her young daughter in a country that is too cold, among children who look nothing like her. She wants what Ciara has—the ease with which she moves through the world—and, in that sense, Mishti might be exactly like the other mothers.

And there’s earth mother Lauren Doyle: born, bred, and the butt of jokes in their village. With her disheveled partner and children who run naked in the yard, they’re mostly a happy lot, though ostracized for being the singular dysfunction in Ciara’s immaculate world. When Lauren finds an unlikely ally in Mishti, she decides that her days of ridicule are over.

Then Ciara is found murdered in her own pristine home, and the house of cards she’d worked so hard to build comes crumbling down. Everyone seems to have something to gain from Ciara’s death, so if they don’t want the blame, it may be the perfect time to air their enemies’ dirty laundry.

In this dazzling debut novel, Disha Bose revolutionizes age-old ideas of love and deceit. What ensues is the delicious unspooling of a group of women desperate to preserve themselves.

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Wow when they say don’t air your dirty laundry they really mean it! It’s a great book and one you don’t want to put down! It’s so good!

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"Dirty Laundry" by Disha Bose is steamy, turbulent story of friends, neighbors, spouses, infidelity, insecurity and jealousy. A nice neighborhood, stirred by the new neighbors and the drama they dish. A fun murder mystery! Thank you NetGalley, the author and publisher for the review copy. All opinions are my own.

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Three smart women and their rather tedious husbands live on a residential estate in Ireland . Ciara, Mishti and Lauren suffer a transactional type of friendship built on power, prestige, and necessity. The three women are well written and you feel for two of them and dislike one until a murder happens and we are reading intently to discover who murdered her. Fast read, good ending,

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Ciara, Mishti and Lauren are neighbors in a small Irish village. They have different backgrounds - Ciara gives the impression of having the perfect life and family; Mishti and Parth have a picture-perfect immigrant story and Lauren is ostracized for being 'weird' and having an apparent dysfunctional family. Then Ciara is found murdered in her pristine home and there's no one to blame.

Mishti and Ciara are best friends whose friendship is on the brink of collapse because of Lauren while Lauren and Ciara started their relationship in the most wrong way. Their dynamic felt like Pit bulls having fierce and wild fights and this book was delicious to read. DIRTY LAUNDRY unapologetically captures the expectations about motherhood and wife - there are moments of "better parenting" and Bose digs deep into the despair about lack of time and self-care.

For this mother and wife, some struggles were very relatable and I was nodding in agreement. The bitterness, jealousy, animosity and helplessness felt so tangible, balanced by hilarious and unbelievable instances. This book shines a spotlight on the needs, lack of privacy x physical and emotional appreciation. The most interesting part is immersing in the characters' backstory and for someone judging Lauren at first, you even feel bad for her after learning more about her past.

This novel also has sharp observations on the marriage, branching into love and deceit. Bose provides a close look into arranged marriage and the way marriage can deteriorate over the time. Furthermore, some unique aspects of this book are the exploration of Indian family (culture) and the sneak peek into the mind of a social media influencer. This is a literary thriller heavy on literary, when the mystery (surrounding the murder) becomes backdrop. I thought the ending felt rushed and wouldn't have minded reading 50+ pages.

DIRTY LAUNDRY is a domestic drama about imperfect lives that readers will want to read when feeling petty. I overall had a 'fun/satisfying' reading experience and I am excited for Bose's future works. A solid debut!

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I loved the writing style of the author and really enjoyed this book from start to finish. I’m already looking forward to her next book.

Dirty Laundry by Disha Bose

She was the perfect wife, with the perfect life. You would kill to have it.

Ciara Dunphy has it all—a loving husband, well-behaved children, and a beautiful home. Her circle of friends in their small Irish village go to her for tips about mothering, style, and influencer success—a picture-perfect life is easy money on Instagram. But behind the filters, reality is less polished.

Enter Mishti Guha: Ciara’s best friend. Ciara welcomed Mishti into her inner circle for being . . . unlike the other mothers in the group. Discontent in a marriage arranged for her by her parents back in Calcutta, Mishti now raises her young daughter in a country that is too cold, among children who look nothing like her. She wants what Ciara has—the ease with which she moves through the world—and, in that sense, Mishti might be exactly like the other mothers.

And there’s earth mother Lauren Doyle: born, bred, and the butt of jokes in their village. With her disheveled partner and children who run naked in the yard, they’re mostly a happy lot, though ostracized for being the singular dysfunction in Ciara’s immaculate world. When Lauren finds an unlikely ally in Mishti, she decides that her days of ridicule are over.

Then Ciara is found murdered in her own pristine home, and the house of cards she’d worked so hard to build comes crumbling down. Everyone seems to have something to gain from Ciara’s death, so if they don’t want the blame, it may be the perfect time to air their enemies’ dirty laundry.

Out now!

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When Ciara, a mother and social influencer, is discovered murdered, everyone’s secrets are fair game. Bose focuses on Ciara, but also on Mishti and Lauren, two other mothers in the neighborhood. Mishti, who Ciara claims as her best friend, is from India and living in an unhappy arranged marriage, while Lauren is looked down upon as a mother and ostracized because of Ciara’s opinion of her. All three have crucial things to hide.

I really enjoyed this book. The characters all felt very real, even Ciara when we got glimpses behind her perfect facade. The mystery of who killed Ciara was really suspenseful as well-there were so many possible suspects. The ending was a real shocker and has stayed with me. I would recommend this book.

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This book sounded so interesting…. Perfect life you’d kill to have. Friendships, relationships and love are tested in this book. The book was hard for me to get in to and didn’t draw me in as I had hoped it would. Overall, the book was just ok for me.

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