Member Reviews

Cold Light of Day is a suspense novel written by Elizabeth Goddard. It is book one in the Missing in Alaska series.

Summary: Police Chief Autumn Long only wants the best for her small sleepy little town of Shadow Gap, Alaska. But there are some that aren’t so happy she is the chief and are just looking for an excuse to get her fired.

When a sudden crime wave occurs, Autumn is not sure who to trust. Can Grier Brenner, a newcomer to town, be someone she can lean on to help?

Or will his secrets threaten to destroy them all?

My Thoughts: I really liked Autumn and Grier. They are well-written characters and have a good dynamic. I liked the quirky town characters as well. It’s always nice when a small town starts to feel like one of the characters in the story.

The plot is filled with action and mystery that keep the story going at a break-neck pace. I liked the story overall, felt it was well-written, and would recommend it as a quick and enjoyable read.

It’s not one I would buy, but I did enjoy it, and will probably read the next one because I really liked the characters.

I would like to thank Revell for providing me with a free digital copy of this book in exchange for my review. Thank you.

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Elizabeth Goddard is on my short list of favorite romantic suspense writers for a reason. With Cold Light of Day, she once again provides a captivating story with root-worthy characters that kept me up late reading.

Autumn’s tenacity paired with Grier’s protectiveness make them a delightful duo. I enjoyed reading their exchanges. Grier’s secrets added intrigue to the tale, as well as Autumn’s uncertainty when it came to trusting him.

Autumn and Grier’s relationship was well-developed. I loved seeing the romantic tension grow throughout the book, especially knowing Grier had a secret. Grier might very well be my favorite hero from Goddard’s books. I haven’t read her whole backlist yet, though, so I may change my mind. He’ll stay high on the list, though. The way he looks out for Autumn and supports her made me fall in love with him.

But the suspense really made this book a winner. With a mix of small town drama and law enforcement-related danger, there’s plenty that kept me turning pages. There are several surprises and plot twists I didn’t see coming.

Overall, Cold Light of Day is gripping suspense with an engaging romance. Romantic suspense fans will not only love the action but also the sweet relationship between the main characters.

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Elizabeth Goddard is one of my go-to authors when I want to read a good suspense story and Cold Light of Day did not disappoint. The main characters, Autumn, the police chief in small-town Alaska, and Grier, a newcomer trying to stay under the radar, are likable and relatable. They each have troubles to resolve and their collaborative efforts may be the answer or will it bring danger instead? I like how the author reveals the background of the characters, layer by layer. Edge-of-the-seat action, as situation after situation arises in the story, kept my attention from the first page to the last. And what is a good suspense story without a bit of romance blended in? Goddard has given readers a great romantic suspense story in this first book in the Missing in Alaska series. I can't wait to read the next book. I read a complimentary copy of the book and was not required to write a review. The opinions are my own.

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This story didn't have me turning the pages super fast. I was interested in what happened with the characters but I felt like a bit disconnected from the suspense.

Thanks so much to netgalley and the publisher for the arc. The opinions are my own.

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Heart-pounding action, international intrigue, and a crazy twisted plot that had my head spinning. All of this set against the incredible backdrop that is Alaska.

I felt like there was maybe a little bit missing from the wrap-up but Goddard had me turning proverbial pages as fast as I could!

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This is an author whose books I enjoy reading, but for some reason, I struggled with connecting to the characters which is a must for me when reading a novel. Even though this wasn't a must-read for me, I still plan on giving the rest of the series a try when it releases.

I received a complimentary copy of this book and was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine.

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I haven't read a book by Elizabeth Goddard in quite a while but Cold Light of Day was one adventure after another! I absolutely love books that are set in Alaska so this was quite fun for me. Autumn and Grier are great characters and if you're like me you'll find yourself rooting for them all the way through!

Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review. All opinions are my own.

Publishes 7 February 2023.

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Fast-paced from the first page! I read it in one sitting; I couldn't put it down! Can't wait to see what comes next in the series!

I received an ARC through Netgalley and all opinions are my own.

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I received an arc from NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.

Autumn notices a sudden spike in crime in Shadow Gap and enlists the help of local hero Grier to assist her in investigating. She questions herself about making the right choice in trusting him as she doesn’t know a lot about his past.

Grier reluctantly helps Autumn but knows the price he will pay if his past comes to light.

This book was like reading a more conservative Jack Ryan novel and I have to say one of my favorite action/suspense novels read recently. Definitely will recommend this author and Book!

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When beleaguered police chief Autumn Long faces a series of unsolved crimes in her small Alaskan town of Shadow Gap, she has no idea each case could connect to the others. A missing hiker, a drowning woman, a body anchored in a wrecked ship, and a police shooting. But despite a certain town council member who wants her fired, Autumn will do anything to protect the people who call Shadow Gap home.

As she and town newcomer Grier Brenner investigate, Autumn can’t shake the feeling that someone is watching her. Even worse, her first sight of the man triggers a memory of the worst day of her life—the day her mother drowned.

Grier Brenner disappeared to Shadow Gap to escape false accusations while his friend and fellow agent promised to find the evidence to exonerate him. Only Krueger hasn’t checked in for two weeks, and Grier doesn’t know what to do next. Despite Grier’s plan to stay under the radar, when he sees a woman struggling to swim in the frigid waters of Lewis Inlet, he swims to her rescue.

When the chief asks him to dive the scene with her the following day, they find a body anchored to an old shipwreck instead of the alleged boat of the woman who nearly drowned.

Grier knows God has placed him in Shadow Gap, but he doesn’t know who’s threatening the peace of the town or the safety of the police force. Will the beautiful police chief become the next victim?

What I Loved About this Book

Goddard creates a cast of quirky characters with relatable problems to people the fictional town along Alaska’s southeast shoreline. Readers will identify with Autumn, a woman seeking to honor her father despite his choices, and Grier, a man who doesn’t understand why someone framed him but who knows with certainty that God has him where he wants him.

Fans of inspirational suspense from authors such as Kelly Irvin and Cara Putman will enjoy Cold Light of Day and other books by Elizabeth Goddard.

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Grier needs to keep a low profile but when he saves a woman from drowning he gets anything but that low profile.
Autumn has taken over the position of town sheriff in the small town in Alaska but there are some on the council who do not want her in the position and will do anything to get her out of it. When bodies start dropping she asks for Griers help he has fallen for this small town sheriff and knows that he shouldn't help but can't help himself. When the body count rises and they both start to tell their secrets things start to come together but can Grier stick around to find out if they can have a future or does he just put Autumn and the whole town in more danger.

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Missing in Alaska book #1

This first installment set in Alaska weaves a gripping mystery dealing with a wave of murders. Autumn Long, Police chief of Shadow Gap, is the one to deal with all what went on in the town but her leadership is in question making her work more difficult. Then, Grier Brennan, a handsome stranger with an evasive past stepped into her life and soon they join force to track down the killer. Along the way an attraction builds between them.....awe the story tells all...

This story in under the umbrella of Revell Publishing and has all the marking of a Hallmark movie: smoothly said with a clean narrative and exciting dialogue. This is a tightly plotted romance mystery that knows how to tease us and keep us pin to the story and moving along till the final moment...the obligatory kiss ..This is so familiar to those who love this kind of stories and movies.

I was sucked into this drama from the start and couldn’t help flipping pages to know how Autumn would do with solving the murders, saving her job and of course with Grier. But with all the twists and turns thrown in I was kept guessing and flipping pages till I reached the last one. I was definitely held captive by the story...well-said and done. Another winner for Ms. Goddard

This is riveting and gripping page-turner

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A fast paced thriller set in beautiful, mysterious, and dangerous Alaska. Edge of your seat danger that keeps you glued to the story and wondering what is coming next. A story so masterful written that you devour it yet do not want it to end!

Chief Autumn Long loves her quiet small town of Shadow Gap, Alaska. When bodies start turning up bringing danger, she quickly finds herself as a target. Is there more going on then what appears and will her own past secrets come to light?

Grier Brenner has come to Shadow Gap to disappear like so many others do in Alaskan wilderness. He finds himself thrust into the middle of recent events in town and drawn to the Chief with the mysterious eyes. Can he continue to keep his distance and his reasoning for falling off the radar a secret as the danger increases?

Chief Long and Grier find themselves thrust together to find out what is happening both within the town threatening the Chief’s job and the danger descending on Shadow Gap. Can they learn to trust one another before it is too late?

One of my favorite Elizabeth Goddard books! A thrilling first book to this series full of danger, mystery, and romance. I am anxiously awaiting book two!

I was given a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are completely my own.

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I absolutely love this author’s books and Cold Light of Day was no exception.. Well written intense plot that drew me immediately into the action. I definitely recommend this book.. I received an advance ebook from the publisher and Netgalley. This is my unbiased review.

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Wow! Talk about an exciting read. Elizabeth Goddard has a sure fire winner with this one. No doubt about it at all.
I knew when I first saw the cover of this book months ago that it would be good.

Godard sets her book in Alaska and the locale is very interesting and beautiful. Add in a small town police force with a woman police chief who suspects someone is watching her, then toss into the mix a stranger who came to town months ago but has become like one of their own, but is oddly secretive and you have all the ingredients for a great read.

‘Sometimes it felt like the bad guys always won.’

I was immediately drawn into the book from the first page. I love when that happens. The characters came alive for me, even secondary ones. Goddard ramps up the suspense from page one and does not let up. The intensity of the suspense was powerful and attention grabbing. I was completely captivated throughout. When I wasn’t reading, I was thinking about how soon I could get back to my book.

Well written with a mind boggling suspenseful ride, this one is Elizabeth Goddard’s very best! This is a book I am proud to have on my keeper shelf! Well done!

My thanks to Revell for a copy of this book via Net Galley.

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What a thrill ride!! I loved every minute of this book and can't wait for the next read from this Author!! She never disappoints!! If I could give 10 stars I would!!

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Loved the setting in Alaska. Lots of the backstory is slowly revealed as Autumn tries to keep her job as Chief of Police and solve the murdered bodies that keep appearing. Grier has quite the story also. The author does a wonderful job weaving the two stories together. Lots of action and suspense in this beginning of a new series. Looking forward to the next book. Recommended.

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This is my first book by this author. I struggled starting this book because I kept feeling like I was missing a prior read. The author tells the backstory throughout and once I figured that out it made more sense. It was a very good read and I liked the Christianity inclusion. I would recommend and look forward to the next book.

Police Chief Autumn Long lives in the quiet little town of Shadow Gap, Alaska. She’s fighting to keep her job when crime in the small community drastically picks up. One of her officers is injured during the investigation. Her dad is hurt. Bodies keep showing up. What is happening in her town?

Grier Brenner is an outsider who came to Alaska to hide from his past, like many others. He has skills that can help the chief but can he risk it? Add to that, an attraction between the pair could complicate things for both of them. Will they discover the truth behind the events before the chief loses her job? 

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Cold Light of Day
by Elizabeth Goddard
Pub Date: Feb.7, 2023
Thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the ARC of this book.
#1 in a new series Missing in Alaska
Police Chief Autumn Long is fighting to keep her job in the quiet Alaska town of Shadow Gap when an unexpected string of criminal activity leaves her with a wounded officer, unexplained murders, and even an attack on her own father. Despite her mistrust of outsiders, she turns to Grier Brenner, a newcomer who seems to have the skills and training Autumn needs to face this threat to her community.
Great book! I have preordered it for our library because our patrons really enjoy Goddard.

5 stars

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In Cold Light of Day, Elizabeth Goddard has created a novel that immerses the reader in small town Alaska. From the first page it's a race to stay alive and solve a number of ever spiraling mysteries. From who the hero really is to why one body after another is found, the reader will be sucked into a story that presses forward from page to page at a rapid pace. I highly recommend this novel for readers who love a tightly plotted romantic suspense that immerse them in a fictional community.

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