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A Novel Proposal

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This is one of my favorites by her! It was lovely trying to figure out the mystery of the story and loved how the book library was interwoven throughout the story.
It was a relaxing and fun read.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

A Novel Proposal by Denise Hunter captured my attention right away. I am always a fan of the opposites attract, slow burn story lines. Especially when you throw in the humor of such contrasting personalities causing great friction-leading to charming sparks of chemistry, as Sadie and Sam experienced. Throw in a good little mystery to solve, and what’s not to love?
Sadie has avoided relationships due to her childhood home life. A home life I could definitely understand.
Sam is coming off heartbreak and betrayal, trust is in short supply.
When those sparks fly and they find themselves drawn towards one another, will the problems that rise, the problems we all expect in a great romance, will their past hurts and survival mechanisms draw them apart, or will they allow healing to take place so their relationship has a chance? Make sure to dig into this beautiful story and find out!

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This is a sweet & wholesome romance. I enjoyed how each chapter started with a rule for writing a romance novel & having that particular plot point happen in that chapter. It was fun to think of it as kind of a novel within a novel since Sadie was writing her romance novel based on what was happening in her life. The setting of Tucker Island sounds amazing. Sam is a great foil for Sadie's bubbly personality. He's not quite as gruff as he initially comes off when they first meet but it 's fun to see the sparks fly throughout the book. Highly recommend reading this one.

Thanks to the publisher & NetGalley for advanced copy in exchange for my honest review

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Very enjoyable book. Sweet story for most anyone to read. Denise always gives a good story Heart warming

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A beach read for sure. Dog lovers in particular will be able to identify with the main character. Rio is very important to Sadie, and she refers to herself as “mommy” while speaking to him. I struggled with the language. Droll is a relatively little used word, but when you run across it 6 times, it’s starting to stare you in the face. “Palm” also comes back frequently, especially when she (or he) “palmed” his/her face. Sam is either about to step into the shower, is in the shower, or is just getting out, but his hair is always wet when he makes an appearance. He obviously loves to shower and Sadie catches him every time (with wet hair that is!) New characters are very briefly introduced and during their next encounter are practically best friends with Sadie. I had to look back to see if I hadn’t missed something. The story is told from both Sadie’s and Sam’s perspective, which gives you an insight into both of their minds, I like that. It’s always nice to have a contribution from an older generation. Sam’s parents are doling out a bit of wisdom with, “Trust is earned when our actions line up with our words.” Good one! Love the free library. Easy, clean and enjoyable if this is your favorite genre. Although I prefer my books thicker, with more substance, occasionally I like a light, relaxing and contemporary read. If that is how you feel, look no further. You’ve found it!

Many thanks to Thomas Nelson and NetGalley for providing me with a free complimentary copy. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. I will be posting this on Amazon.

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This is the perfect beach/ vacation book! Sadie is an elementary art teacher in NYC, as well as an author who writes Western novels. Not a big seller, so her publisher wants her to try writing a romance novel instead. One big problem... Sadie has never been in love. The stress of trying to write a new genre, has her bff's mom letting her stay at her house in a South Carolina beach. This is where she hopes to get inspiration and quiet so she can brainstorm. She meets her handsome neighbor, sets up a Little Free Library on the beach, and gets involved in a mystery involving a ring! The story moves well. Each chapter begins with a tip for writing a romance . I Highly recommend this book and can't wait to read more by Denise Hunter!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This is your next great beach read! Sadie is an elementary art teacher in NYC, who also writes Western novels. One big problem - her publisher wants something different. A romance novel. One bigger problem - Sadie has never even been in love. This prompts Sadie to travel to a South Carolina beach for inspiration and quiet so she can brainstorm. Add in a brooding (handsome!) neighbor, a Little Free Library on the beach, and a mystery involving a ring - you’ve got some page-turning events. The plot moves well. Each chapter starts with a tip for writing a romance (which I love!). Sadie is quirky and lovable. Highly recommend!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I received a free copy of, A Novel Proposal by Denise Hunter, from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Sade is an author, who needs some inspiration. She sets up a lending library and finds some personal property she wants to return. I really enjoyed this book. Sadie is a great character.

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The romance in this novel is clean and leaves plenty to the imagination. What I'm saying is that it is not over done or goes too far. The characters are likeable and quirky. The plot kept you coming back for more, but didn't leave you feeling like all you wanted to do was read. I enjoy a book like this that can be a leisurely read and enjoyed. I learned a lot about writing a romance novel from the epigraphs at the beginning of each chapter. They also gave you a clue as to what to expect in that chapter. And, of course, it had a happy ending.

Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC for an honest review.

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This was a cute story about a mid-twenties female author who has never been in love attempting to write a romance novel. It's set at the beach and has the requisite hunk staying on the other half of the duplex. As if to prove how formulaic it will be, each chapter begins with a tip from Romance Writing 101.

Even though there is nothing new here, the story is sweet. The author does a nice job of showing why these two people fall for each other.

Overall I enjoyed it, and lovers of Hallmark movies will find it in their wheelhouse.

Family friendly.

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I will leave a review on Amazon and B&N on Mar 21st

I found this to be a fun read, and I enjoyed the setting of the storyline. I wasn't crazy over Sadie, but did enjoy Sam and her dog. I would call this a good read but not a great one, but that is only my opinion. I realize not everyone enjoys the same books so I would still recommend it to others.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and Thomas Nelson Fiction, I am under no obligation to leave a favorable review I am leaving this review voluntarily and the opinion expressed are mine.

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Cute story! I liked Sadie's outgoing personality and friendliness to everyone. Talking to her dog like a child was annoying though. I loved Sam's relationship with his family, especially his sister. Although the story was predictable about Sadie and Sam, I really enjoyed the mystery of the ring in the book.

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In the acknowledgements at the end of the book, the author thanks Harper Collins Christian. I wish I had read that in the book summary or the beginning of the book so I knew what I was getting into.

Sadie Goodwin teaches grade school during the school year and writes westerns in the summer. But not this summer, this summer her western book series has been cancelled and writing a romance is the only way forward for her writing career. She lives in New York City, but what kind of location is that to write a romance? Instead, Sadie finds herself at a beach house in South Carolina. But the house is split into two apartments, and her neighbor is an age appropriate, handsome, recently single man.

Each chapter starts with an excerpt from an imaginary "Romance Writing 101". This could be a fun commentary of the various standard romance tropes but it felt to me a little too on the nose - we know we are reading a formulaic romance novel, but this calls that out at the beginning of each chapter.

I'm giving this book three stars because it gets the romance job done, but the Christian side really shows through. Of course Sadie gets involved with her neighbor, but there is only chaste kisses, no hand up the shirt or skinny dipping not to mention sleep overs. On a side note, how can someone spend the summer in a beach house and never swim? I guess there are people who don't like swimming in the ocean, but those are the sort of people who talk in the theater, don't like any of the original Star Wars trilogy, and never tip more than 15% no matter how good the service is.

This book has the normal romance feelings, but they seem muted and reality feels a little off. A character in the book actually calls The Firm a cult classic without any disagreement from other characters. The movie has an average 6.8 rating on IMDB, but a cult classic? Wikipedia says "The Firm has been described as a cult classic", but that was on the page for a 1989 film of the same name with Gary Oldman and not the 1993 film with Tom Cruise. Read the book the Tom Cruise film is based on, it's much better than the movie.

If you want a chaste by-the-numbers romance, this book probably won't disappoint.

I received a copy of this book from Netgalley in return for an honest review.

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~No Spoilers~
This is such a cleverly written, cute story—and a novel within a novel if that makes any sense. It will when you read it! I typically don't care for humorous books, however, I not only found myself laughing out loud, but also crying fat ugly tears because, know all about that angst Denise Hunter has such a talent for writing.

I totally identified with the heroine, Sadie, because we have so much in common. She loves the SC beach, books, kids, dogs, and never meets a stranger. Me neither—and many times like Sadie it's "open mouth - insert foot" time. lol She even built a free library on the beach and included a few of my favorite authors' books! Gotta love Sadie.

And then, there's Sam. Perfect gentleman (albeit a bit on the crabby side), easy on the eyes, Sam. However, neither he nor Sadie are interested in anything other than friendship. They team up together to solve a mystery, Sam needs a date to his cousin's wedding, and that's it. Or is it?

This is a perfect beach novel to devour when you need a light, fun read. I especially enjoyed the romance writers' epigraphs at the beginning of each chapter! Be sure to put this romantic page-turner at the top of your wishlist!

*I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley and was under no obligation to write a favorable review.*

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I LOVED this book!

At first, I’ll admit, I was a little unsure. Sadie grated on me a tiny bit. But after awhile she grew on me—in fact, she wound up reminding me of a friend I haven’t seen in awhile! I loved, loved the Little Library mentions throughout the book and how it helped make so many connections.

I can’t go into too much detail without spoilers, but the satisfaction at the end of the subplot was just…*chef’s kiss*. As was the main plot!!

This book was so much fun and reminded me why I love Denise Hunter’s books. I may have to go on a re-read binge soon.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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The protagonist of this book, Sadie, has to write a romance, which is not only not her genre but she’s never even been in love, so there are some obviously parallels here about the book itself. Which is even more compounded by the author choosing to have chapters begin with excerpts from how to write a romance. Unfortunately it feels like the author had her own case of writer’s block about halfway through this novel, which is later matched by the character herself. While both Sadie and her romantic interest Sam are good people there’s never any spark to be found anywhere between them. If anything far too much page time is given to how awfully Sam was wronged by his ex and just expected to accept it. Likewise we get far too much about Sadie’s troubled parents. I did not realize this was a Christian Romance but there’s about as much religion here as there is romance. A couple of references to church is about it. There’s no prayer to get through troubled characters through trying times or anything so I’m not sure if this book will please anyone since there’s no romance going on. It’s more about damaged people finding each other and needing to get over their issues to be happy. I found myself bored by the mid point and had to make an effort to finish it and probably shouldn’t have bothered. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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What a fun, emotional, and uplifting story! Denise Hunter’s, A Novel Proposal, starts out a little slow but keep reading because it is well worth the read. Sadie is an author of westerns whose contract ends mid series. In order not to have to pay back the advance she had received, she is instructed to write a romance novel. She knows nothing about romance novels let alone romance in general, never having been in love. She ends up on the beach in South Carolina for the summer to garner inspiration (and to get out of the noise and distractions of NYC). Sam, her neighbor in the duplex she rents, is there to heal his heart after being betrayed by his girlfriend and his cousin. The story gives them both the opportunity to learn to trust themselves and others, to forgive, to forge ahead and move on with their lives. This is a heartwarming story with two people who have a lot of love to give if they can only figure out how to forgive and trust again. I loved the story and highly recommend it.

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This book was such a fun read. I can definitely see readers packing it up in a beach bag and enjoying it knee deep in sand.

I am a dog lover so adding dogs into the mix of this story added to the cute story for me. I loved that her best friend runs a dog walking business and could identify with her completely.

The best part of the story for me was the mystery of the engagement ring in the book. This was clever and original and it really kept my interest while the two main characters went on their journey to find the owner of the ring.

This was my first book from this author but I would love to read more!

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I have a few conflicting feelings. I love the emphasis on the publishing world and how much effort it takes to publish a book. I love the way it centres around a little free library. I love that Sadie has never been into romance and goes against her the typical expectations. I couldn’t stand Sadie as a perspective and the scenes with her dog. I know I am not a dog person so that might be the main factor as I cringed every time she called herself Mommy to her dog. I also didn’t like how Sam was so “strong and silent” while Sadie talked all the time. I enjoyed the plot but struggled to enjoy characters. This was a story I enjoyed reading at the same time as I couldn’t wait to finish so I would done with certain characters. I think this comes down to the fact that there are certain tropes and character quirks that aren’t my thing. I still recommend it as this will be a fantastic book for others but just not me.

I received an arc via Netgalley in exchange for a honest review.

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Denise Hunter has long been one of my favorites, and I always look forward to getting to dive into her new titles. This one sounded especially intriguing because I love getting to read "bookish" books. The plot revolving around a writer who is forced to change from her regular genre of westerns to writing romance sounded intriguing and original, and I had a feeling that I wouldn't end up being disappointed.

This author has such a talent for writing stories that draw the reader right in, and give them an escape from all the craziness of the real world. With a beachy setting, a romance that starts off on all the wrong feet, and a mystery that begins from a little library of all things, this one pretty much had everything I love in a romance book all rolled into one.

Sam and Sadie's romance is a little bit crazy, a little bit hysterical, and all types of swoon worthy, and I loved every single moment of it. I especially loved how they both had to learn how to let go of past hurts before being able to find their own way to a happily ever after, and I appreciated how this is illustrated both realistically and authentically to the reader.

While I loved many bits about this one, my personal favorites ended up being the quest that our two main characters go on to solve the mystery of who the engagement ring belongs to that ended up inside Sadie's little library. And the wonderful tidbits that start out each chapter showcasing the process that goes into an author writing a successful romance novel.

This was such a wonderful and sweet romance, and while I wouldn't say it's my personal favorite by this author, it was definitely a worthy contender, and I highly enjoyed it.

My only complaint was that Sadie was a bit too much to handle at the start of the book, but as more of her story came known to the reader, I started to feel more for her, and by the end of the story I was definitely rooting for her to find her own happily ever after.

Final Rating: 4/5.

Definitely recommended to anyone who enjoys sweet and clean romances, or to anyone who has enjoyed books by this author previously.

Thanks so much to Thomas Nelson for allowing me to advance read and review this one!

I voluntarily read and reviewed a complimentary advance reader copy of this novel from the publisher (Thomas Nelson) via Netgalley. I was not required to give a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own, and this is my honest review.

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