Member Reviews

Skeptical about this book as I’m not a fan of books with actual people on the covers, but I was intrigued by the description so I got over it and took a chance on the book. I’m glad I did, it was an entertaining read!

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Running away from her stalker and straight into a tree in a snowstorm, then being rescued by former military man Riggs is the start of of new life for our heroine Carlise This book had suspense, intrigue, mystery such a great story. Looking forward to the next in series, June and Cal’s story.

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This was an amazing start to a new series but one of my favorites authors. This book was a lot less military ,or of the after effect of service. The close bond between Chappy, JJ, Cal and Bob are both heartbreaking and heartwarming. I can’t wait for the rest of the guys books. Chappy and Carlise story is so sweet. It was great to watch Chappy win Carlisle over with just being a good guy. This was a wonderful story.

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I'm a huge fan of Susan Stoker and love her military romances. Even though the core characters have military background this book has a different feel about it there's still plenty of intrigue and danger twist and turns to the plot but she focused more on building a relationship of love and trust Between Chappy and Carlise. This is a great start to a new series and I can't wait to see where she goes with future books . I received a ARC copy of this book and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I enjoyed this but knew who the stalker was from the very beginning, I although I didn’t guess the twist that came with it. I found a lot of it predictable with this book and I don’t understand why some reasons were fade to black and a few weren’t, seemed inconsistent.

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Every time I read this book it just gets better. The author put so much detail into the characters and their emotions and just the story in general. This book is so intense that you hardly see the pages go by. Definitely a good book worth reading.

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Yet again, this author has turned some things on their ear. Yes, we have ex-military men. Yes, there is danger out there. And yes, there is definitely heat between Riggs and Carlise. Heck, there’s even a beloved four legged friend to be had, but I have the distinct feeling that this series just might turn out to be something utterly unlike any she’s written before. And I mean that in a good way.

Riggs and his friends have lived through torture. Literally. And they want peace now. The way they chose their current lives is actually a little amusing, if a tad morbid at the time. But that’s okay because it fits perfectly with the humor and personalities of these men. So when Riggs needs it the most, a stranger comes along to help him out. All while he helps her, too. The forced time together in a smallish space causes a friendship, comfort, desire, and so much more to flourish for him and Carlise. But she’s got some problems hounding her. And the root of those problems is a tad surprising.

I adored this book because Susan doesn’t shy away from the grit and grime. She also doesn’t give us wallflower damsels, waiting for saving. Oh, no. She always gives us strong women who are able to handle their business but who also are made 100x better with a partner. And the same is true of her men. Riggs can handle himself just fine, but he’s also a truly good man who sees exactly who Carlise is at her core and wants his chance with her. He’s not afraid of emotion or communication. And she isn’t either. So while it seems unlikely at first, the relationship building is actually perfectly paced for our couple. It helps that they’re both smart and resourceful, and a dog loves them both. So it’s a little bit of “save me, save you” and a lot of love in the end. So much that I’m wondering about Cal and his story. I have a feeling there’s quite a bit of heartache coming ahead, and I’m definitely here for whatever happens next.

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The Protector (Game of Chance #1) by Susan Stoker
Published: Montlake
Genre: General Fiction (Adult), Romance
Expected Publication Date: March 14, 2023

The Protector is the first book in the new Game of Chance series by Susan Stoker and I am here for it! I thought this book was absolutely amazing and I can't wait to see what's to come!!!

This book grabbed me on page one and did not let go, even after I finished the book (& read the preview for the next book)! I found the characters to be captivating and the story to be absolutely fascinating!

I loved getting to know Chappy and Carlise. They are so sweet and such wonderful people. Watching them come together made me so happy!

With all of Susan Stoker's books, there was such intensity running throughout the story. Between Carlise's stalker and the weather, I was on the edge of my seat. AMAZING!

I can't wait to see what's to come in the next books! I want all of the guys to get their "happily ever afters". I highly recommend this book!!!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me the eARC to review.

I just found this so boring. I read most of it in one sitting and then had to force myself to read the rest. Then I had a break and just didn't want to go back to it at all. I found that I didn't like just how protective the hero was as sometimes it felt like the heroine couldn't do anything and I did not care about the ex in the story at all which I feel like I should have considering the ex is so important to the motivations of the heroine.

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I loved the story for its unique setting and the way the characters met and fell in love. And extra points for Baxter. But (potential spoiler alert) it wasn’t a five-star read for me because I could predict the ending pretty much down to the last detail, including who her true stalker was. I love Susan Stoker books, and although it didn’t take away from my enjoyment, I do feel like she telegraphed the final conflict a little too much this time around.

I received a free ARC of this book on NetGalley in exchange for my honest feedback.

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4.5 Stars
This is the first time I have read a book by author Susan Stoker. Suspense romance fiction.
The plot was not too over the top. The story had tenderness. There was some predictability. I usually do not like it when the characters fall for each other too fast, in this case, the nightingale syndrome fits well. For those who want the hot and race bits, there are a couple. I like stories where the guy is truly a nice guy like Riggs. We need more guys that ask for permission in novels. There is one thing I don’t understand in the cabin, how does the pipes not freeze with out electricity or gas for heat? Is the fireplace enough to have running water and no other heat source? Burst pipes is a real issue.

The story starts with Riggs and three other special force team members held captive. Once rescued they decided to start over in Maine together. Still hunted by the past Riggs needs his annual break to isolate himself at the cabin in the middle of nowhere.

Plague by childhood trauma, abusive ex, and an unknown stalker Carlise is running. Little did she know she was running into a big snowstorm. She crashes during white-out conditions and has no choice but to start walking.

Riggs starts to feel something coming on when he was preparing for the storm. Just as he was about to settle in he finds a skinny dog scratching at the door. In hopes of rescuing the dog, he follows it out. That is how he came upon Carlise walking in the storm.

With nowhere to go and a way to contact anyone, Carlise follows Riggs to his cabin. Riggs falls ill and is delirious for days. Grateful that Carlise did her best to nurse a stranger back to health Riggs promises to protect her.

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I absolutely love anything Susan Stoker writes and this book does not disappoint. The main characters Chappy and Carlise are well written relatable and memorable. Chappy back story is heart breaking and I’m glad he gets his HEA he definitely deserves it. Carlisle is hiding from a stalker when she gets lost in a storm Baxter my favourite little hero saves her life and helps Chappy find her. Baxter is an abused half starved abandoned dog his story was so sad he was my favourite character he’s a little hero and adorable. I actually didn’t see the twist coming so I was shocked. The plot was well written and enjoyable I actually read this book in 6 hours. It’s a nice read and keeps your interested. I can’t wait to read Chappy’s friends stories I know they will be just as good. I feel Susan never really has side characters as they all feel like main characters they feel like actual people and I enjoy reading about them and I love when they pop up in her other books. Thankyou Susan for yet another brilliant book

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I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked this book! I used to only read romance novels but now for some reason I can only read thriller murder mystery books! I saw this book and I know that I have liked this author work! So I decided why not try?! Well I'm so glad I did! This book had suspense, intrigue, murder, mystery even romance and a great story! The storyline was very interesting and kept me glued to my Kindle! I will definitely recommend reading this book as it was well worth reading! The next book in the series sounds awesome too! Can't wait for more! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me! A big thank you to Susan Stoker for your amazing words! Great book!

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This was a somewhat interesting read. Woman escapes abusive ex. Gets lost in a snow storm. Ends up bunking with a retired military man with the help of a stray dog. (Baxter, the dog, was actually my favorite character.) There was a twist re the stalker that I didn’t predict. But I didn’t feel invested in Carlise’s and Rigg’s emotional development. Maybe because everything took place in such a short period of time. I thought the sexual attraction worked well but given Carlise’s history with violence, I would have thought her to be more wary of a fast relationship. I liked the camaraderie of Rigg’s friends. The indoor camera setup was weird.

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I absolutely loved this one!
Highly recommend!
Extremely ready for the next stories in this series.

Riggs is at his cabin in the woods when a dog comes knocking on his door. Almost literally! Although he isn’t feeling well, he decides to follow the dog and he finds a woman in need. He quickly brings her to his home, tells her to warm up and then he promptly gets more sick and falls asleep.
Carlise takes great care of him. And once he’s all better their quick friendship soon becomes more. These two are meant for each other! Soulmates.
Now add in a stalker and you have the making of a great suspenseful love story!

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I volunteered to read and review an advanced readers copy through Net Galley of The Protector . This is book one in the Game of Chance series . I really enjoyed reading this story . It's so well written and the characters are fantastic . The story is wonderful from start to finish . Jackson (JJ) Justice and his team Riggs (Chappy) Chapman , Kendrick (Bob) Evans and Callum (Cal) Redmon find themselves held captive by terrorists . They decide they will retire from Special Forces and move and work together if they survive and escape or get rescued . Three years later Riggs (Chappy ) Chapman and his team find themselves living in Maine and having their own company Jack's Lumber . Chappy decides to head to his cabin for a two weeks vacation . Chappy finds himself sick in a snowstorm with a stray dog and a stranded woman . Carlise Edwards finds herself on the run from a stalker , stranded
With a stranger and stray dog in a snowstorm . As they get to know each other
they grow close but danger is closing in . I highly recommend taking the time to read , this sensational suspense romance .

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An adorable romance with an intriguing plot.

Beginning a new series, this book doesn’t suffer from a lack of story depth in exchange for setting up the wider series. In fact the premise behind the series main characters was simple yet clever. (And I learnt that rock, paper, scissors is also called Rochambeau). A very simple set up that leads to very interesting outcomes it appears.

Riggs is first up and we happen along him when he is taking his downtime and ready for a break from life. Naturally that means he heads to a cabin in the middle of nowhere with barely any amenities….
Circumstances being such the weather (obviously!) takes a turn for the worst and happily our heroine happens along said cabin with the help of my favourite character, Baxter.
An interesting start to what will be a flipped on its head storyline. Carlise (yes I constantly read that as Carlisle..) and Riggs then spend days in the cabin alone trapped due to weather, yet the twist is that she does the protecting in the first instance. A refreshing change for a main MC to “falter” and weakness to show.
From there we meander through instalove (on his part first!!) and secrets being told to introductions to friends and family and longer term promises and plans being made.
Of course intrigue, suspense and drama are never far in this authors books and so we wrap up with an exciting conclusion with a twist.

I have to say I suspected early on who the stalker might be, though how the story unfolded was still a surprise and it didn’t make me enjoy this book any less

A fun read from an established author, you know what you are getting with her books but it’s always an enjoyable ride.

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Riggs and three buddies were held captive while in the army. As soon as they were rescued, they left the army, moved to Maine, and started a tree cutting business. Three years later he has a little cabin in the middle of nowhere where he goes to get away and be alone. A big snow storm is coming and as he is getting everything in, he starts to feel sick. He lies down on the couch when he hears a noise. He goes out to see what it is and its a skinny dog. He follows the dog and finds someone walking towards him. He sees its a woman and takes her back to his cabin with him where he promptly passes out.
Carlise left Cleveland to get away from a stalker.Carlise is weary of men because her father was abusive and her ex pushed her down and she hits her head. She left the same day but started getting emails, texts, and her tires were slashed. She's been driving and the snow storm gets worse and she hits a tree. She starts walking hoping to come across a house or something she can stay in until the storm passes. She finds a dog who stays with her and leads her to Riggs cabin. After he passes out she cares for him for three days. He runs a high fever and is delirious but she manages to get him to drink and take meds.
Riggs fever finally breaks and he can't believe his luck. This gorgeous woman has been taking care of him. They get to know each other and Carlise is still afraid to believe he is as good as he seems. But he is and they fall in love. Somehow her stalker finds her and its a race for her life.

Great story. Action. Stalker. Sex. A scared, skinny dog. Two people who's past has made them not very trusting. I knew who the stalker was from almost the beginning. Riggs is sexy and so very protective. While Carlise is stronger than she knows.

* Received a copy from Netgalley and voluntarily reviewed *

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3 ⭑
Every time i start a romance book with a mystery plot i think i definitely need to read more because they’re so fun to read and this is a great example i liked the romance and really enjoyed the mystery plot but i need to say they fell in love way to quickly for me and i wish there would’ve been more sexual tension between the mc’s.

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Snowbound romance with a bit of mystery and yes, a dog that gets saved and saves the day. A quick and entertaining read with more plot than the typical romance, which keeps things interesting.

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