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I usually don't read too many historical novels but this one was really good.. There were a lot of twists and turns. The ending was better than i thought it would be. I am grateful that netgalley and the publishers let me read this in exchange for an honest review.

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A sweeping work of love, betrayal, loss, and of course, loyalty. A look at history mixed with a bit of fiction and I am here for this one! Scottoline is one of the best storytellers of our generation and she has not let us down on this one!

The Story:

We follow Franco, a good-looking lemon-grower who wants more. More than what men in his class should be happy with. As he sets out to ingratiate himself with his boss, Baron Zito, he is asked to do some underhanded and downright nasty stuff. Which he does. Climbing out of the class you were born in takes a certain hardness and I think Franco achieved that when he is asked to get rid of a boy. Just a little boy whose existence is causing the Baron problems. Although he doesn’t kill the boy, he has him deposited in an insane asylum.

With this act, he sets into motion what will become the first Mafia family.

On the other side of the coin is Gaetano Catalano. A young lawyer passionate about the law and justice. Himself a member of a secret society, the Beati Paoli, and yes it is their job to investigate crime. Crime and Corruption are rampant in Sicily. Gaetano will risk everything for this cause to find the boy and bring him home.

The boy, Dante, is left to grow up in the insane asylum, not knowing who he is or why he is there. Is he mad? He thinks he may be. But when he meets someone with another tragedy, they fall in love and team up to find out who did this to Dante and most importantly who he is!

I loved this book and I hope you will too.

NetGalley/March 28th, 2023 by G.P. Putnam’s Sons

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As a huge Lisa Scottoline fan, I was eager to read this book. It is historical fiction with elements of several mysteries, family dramas, betrayals, injustices and love stories running together that do not fully connect until the last chapters. There were numerous characters - some to love and some to despise.. Two beautiful characters starring in this novel included the lovely area of Sicily and the lemon industry... I enjoyed it but did not love it primarily due to a very simple writing style that detracted from the flow of the story and from my engagement.

Thanks to NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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The Mafia, kidnappings, angelic appearances with demonic accusations, wealth, power, and Italy. Loyalty gives a glimpse into the beginnings of the Mafia. Centered predominantly in Palermo on the island of Sicily, a large host of characters tell their backstory in the first part of the book. In fact, the groundwork for the culmination of the novel takes the first half of the book. We meet Dante, a young boy who is kidnapped at a young age and placed in a madhouse for reasons unknown about the last third of the book. We meet Gaetano who becomes obsessed with finding out what happened to young Dante. Lucia is born with a brightness to her that causes the religious of her small town to led her mother to take her and live in the wilds of Sicily to protect her daughter. Alfredo is a Jew who has been taught to stay hidden since his people were run out of Sicily, so he make cheese that villagers believe is magical in curing what ails you. There is also Franco who starts as the foreman of a lemon grove for a Baron, but desires his own wealth and power. Along with a supporting cast for each main character, well, it takes some time to keep who is with whom and start to link their stories.

The character of Gaetano was my favorite due to being the definition of the book’s title: loyal. He is loyal to his wife, his beliefs, and his determination to uncover what happened the day that Dante was taken from his family. He is loyal to his cause and finding the root of the evil that is affecting so many families of lost children on the island. He is a father figure to Dante who remembers very little of his childhood before his kidnapping.

Scottoline’s novels are usually a quick hook and never let go for me. This one was more like taking the first steps into a pool in the early part of summer when it still holds a chill. It took me some time to get into it. Did I enjoy it, yes. Was it phenomenal? No. If you loved the Sopranos, this would be your speed. I enjoyed the setting and learning some background of the start of the Mafia, but the amount of characters to keep straight held me back a bit from jumping in.

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for the advanced copy. Opinions expressed are my own. This book is set for publication on March 27, 2023. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

#netgalley #arc #lisascottoline #loyalty #penguingroupputnam

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me an advance copy of this book. Unfortunately, it was not for me! I did manage to finish it, but this was just not one of hers I cared for. Lisa Scottoline is an excellent author and I have always been a huge fan of her books! This book was super hard for me to read. The story is set in the 1800, and tells Dante, a young boy who is kidnapped and hidden in a madhouse. I guess this happened all the time. Then you have Gaetano, a lawyer who is trying to rescue the boys. Then we are told of fisherman , while is out to sea, everyone in his family is killed but him. This happens on the night that his wife gives birth to a translucent baby girl. Then we have twins that want to improve their lives. The hard part for me was that the connections between the stories did not happen until much later in the book.


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Wow! A historical mafia story based in Sicily. There are many characters and storylines in this book. The book kept my interest and I wanted to find out more about what’s going on with the characters. There is kidnapping, a madhouse, lemon groves, lawyers and a baby born that leaves people stunned. Interesting book!

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Loyalty is a novel set during the rise of the Mafia in Sicily. Not her usual topic to write and not my usual type of book to read, it was hard to get into it. There are so many characters and it switched back and forth. The characters do ALL have some connection to the each other. I never got into it but did finish it!
Thanks to Lisa Scottoline and Penguin Group Putnam for the ARD

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This is my second book of Scottoline and it will be my last. I slogged through 49% of the book and finally quit because it was going nowhere and in my estimation the writing was very poor. I seemed more like an attempt by a new author rather than by a best selling one! It begins in Sicily in the early 1800's with the kidnapping of Dante, a young boy from an upper crust family. Dante was dumped in a "madhouse" and we don't hear too much about him for the next half of the book. We have glimpses of his life there, but more about the 7 or 8 other characters that are introduced. I liked none of the other characters and liked their stories even less! It was taking way too long for the threads to come together! In addition to all that, the author uses way too many Italian words with no English equivalent! I do not recommend this book!

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I have traveled to Sicily numerous times and am intrigued by its history. I did finish the book although it seemed somewhat implausible in parts. I did enjoy the historical context of the book but wished this could be expanded somewhat. Character development was somewhat weak. Definitely a book centered around plot.. interesting twists and turns resulting in the embryonic beginnings of the Mafia.

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I got this book from #NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.This is a historical fiction book and not Lisa Scottoline's typical book.This book will keep you wanting to read and not put it down.

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This is a powerful book, not easy, but (like life itself) worth the travail. Description is beautiful, a way to travel to Palermo “the island of the world” with its rich and varied culture, splendid orchards, and incredible food.
LOYALTY is rich in lessons of law and justice, family, loyalty, and honor.
Lucia, counting her blessings, Dante, deciding what sort of man to be, and wonderfully dedicated Gaetano were my favorites among the kind people who softened the harshness of an unjust and hard world. I’m inclined to agree with Lucia that “women had so much more sense,” but there are good and sensible men as well.
This book will release in March, and while it’s a stand-alone, you might fill the time by reading ETERNAL and other Lisa Scottoline books while you wait for it.

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The book was interesting enough for me to keep reading and finish it but it was a bit confusing at times. The chapters jumped around too much. There was also parts that were unnecessary and made the book too wordy. I would not really recommend this book to most people.

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I love historical fiction and I also love books set in Italy. Sicily in particular! It has a special place in my heart. It is where my father was born.
Loyalty by @lisascottoline takes place in Sicily during the 1800’s. It’s about a fictional family that takes its issues into its own hands. I found it very entertaining and I loved all the beautiful names and cities that I am so familiar with. I love me a good mafia story!
Thank you to @netgalley and @penguinbooks and @lisascottoline for the opportunity to read this gem before it’s publication day

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Loyalty by Lisa Scottoline
Rating (5/5) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Genre - Historic Fiction
Release date - March 23rd 2023
Thank you Netgalley, Penguin Random House LLC, and G.P. Putnam’s Sons for the ARC. I’m a big fan of Lisa Scottoline’s Rosato series and stand alones. This is not your typical Lisa Scottoline legal thriller. I love how she can transition from legal thrillers to historical fiction. This book is filled with the history of Sicily! It is clear similar to her 1st historical fiction novel , Eternal , Lisa has done a lot of research!! I found the story engrossing from beginning to the end. Highly recommend this one!

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A novel set during the rise of the Mafia in Sicily. Not my usual type of book to read so was hard to get started. There were so many characters and it switched back and forth. It took awhile to start to see that they all had some connection to the each other. Never did get into it but did finish it!

Thanks to Lisa Scottoline and Penguin Group Putnam for the book

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I sit here writing my review while the music from the Godfather plays in the background. It's 1810 in Palermo, Sicily Italy in the lemon giardino, and this may have been the origin of the mafia.

I love this cast of characters that are so well written, and beautifully weaved together that places Loyalty above everything:
Renzo a vile inhuman piece of garbage.
Dante a six year old boy that is a survivor, I feel so very sorry for (Prince Pinocchio).
Gaetano the lawyer and his wife Maria are delt a bad hand, but their love & loyalty help them through it.
Franco the power hungry older twin brother (by 5 mintues) of Roberto. He'll stop at nothing to get what he wants.
Alfredo the wizard, and his daughters the magical goats & their cheese 🧀. He has a secret that no magic will fix.
Mafalda & her daughter Lucia, two very strong women that have only each other and the land they learn to live off of.

The story has you transported 15 years after the kidnapping and each of these people play a special role in each others lives as you will see that Loyalty does come with a price. The ending is perfect. The authors note is wonderful, where things are explained between facts and fiction, and you learn so much.

Lisa Scottoline has created a masterpiece in literature. This novel has all the elements a reader seeks to find in a story that will remain with you after your last page. I have read many of the authors past writings, and I love them all. I praise Scottoline first historical fiction "Eternal", and "Loyalty" is also a must have book to have in your library.

I was born in Italy, and own Scopa cards, and every morning I play the game with my 88 old dad. I highly recommend reading "Loyalty", and learning the game of Scopa, you'll love them both. Enjoy ❤️

Thank you so much G.P. Putnam/Penguin Group, NetGalley, and Lisa Scottoline for allowing me to have an advanced readers copy of this awesome book in exchange for an honest review.

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Historical thriller! It was good but had a few too many storylines for me. I had to really concentrate.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC.

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Thanks to Lisa Scottoline for the best book I have read of 2002 and will be my recommend to readers for my column for December 2022, which will be out in several print publications all over the north eastern part of Ohio, including Cleveland and will be viewed online, as well. **This will not be my review, only some of what may be used in the future. And, though I could have put the review out this month, wanted to save this one for the holidays and, to wrap up the year with a bang, just like this book. My Tea Time With A Good Book, Pick of the Year. Though its quite a new column, only several months since its creation, its to be on-going and hopefully popular, helping with authors sales and giving readers the ability to pick the best books out there to read.

Being middle aged, there was a time when I went through my "mafioso" phase, in which all the material about gangs and gangsters was quite popular with me. But, that time ended a decade ago and, while I like gangster movies still, the interest is not as prevalent in me as it once was. And, while this tale was no Godfather type, the gangsters weren't well defined in structure, more of a creation story, it was still a tale in which mafia lore is prevalent, if only at its very beginning.

Two twin brothers bind themselves with other men, for money, protection, to be "better then", be like the men who have money and control. We are shown what and how they do this, how this affected life for the others, even the relationship for the two twin brothers. Intertwined with the mafioso actions of the brothers (one, more prevalent than the other)in this book, as in all of Italy (this tale is set in and around Palermo)are the problems that some face. Many come out of the life and times of the people then, many problems arising from the brothers actions. There are several characters with their own story line that, in the end, merge to make a perfect ending for a perfect book. While many bad experiences have been had, people have died along the way, life works out as you would hope it does, and those who are able to move on, find the best way to do so.

I fear that the new expense of buying this authors hardbacks the day they are released will now forever burden me (with the expense) but, I know the greatest tales will be inside that cover, by Scottoline, and that makes the cost every penny well worth it! This is the only purchase of a hardback I know I will never have to regret! LOL!

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I was so excited to read this book! Lisa Scottoline is an excellent author and I have always been a huge fan of her books! This book was not my favorite of hers.  

This book was super hard for me. The book starts out telling the story of five different people who may or may not be connected. One is the story of Dante, a young boy who is kidnapped and hidden in a madhouse. The second story is of Gaetano, a lawyer who is trying to rescue the boys. The third story is about Alfredo who has goats and makes cheese. The fourth story is about a fisherman's family, while the fisherman is out to sea, everyone is killed but him on the same night that his wife gives birth to a translucent baby girl. The last story is about two twins who want to improve their lives. As the book progresses, the stories develops further and further. The book was enjoyable. The hard part for me was that the connections between the stories did not happen until much later in the book. The characters are well developed, but I didn't particularly love any of them. I particularly enjoyed the last portion of the book where the author shared that this is a story of the mafia in Sicily and the research that led her to writing this book. Overall this was a good read!  

I am very grateful to G.P. Putnam/Penguin Group and NetGalley for providing an advanced readers copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This book! Just the accuracy of the history of Sicily and the making of the Mafia was enough to keep me interested. Little Dante, 6 years old, is kidnapped and sent to live in a madhouse back in the 1800’s. This was happening to young boys back then. As they got older they were sent to a sulfur mine as slave labor.. A group of men began meeting in a secret location and formed a pact. They began to take matters into their own hands and right the wrongs that were happening. (The birth of the Mafia)

Many families are connected in this story but we don’t know exactly how until the story progresses. Every once in a while I got a little lost with each family’s story but it all comes together nicely later in the book and it all makes sense. Gaetano is an amazing character. The strength and determination of this lawyer and his will to save Dante is heartwarming. The book gives us closure in the end as Dante wants nothing more than to find his family, specifically his father, because he is sure his father was the one who wanted him to be kidnapped in the first place.

Great historical novel by Scottoline. The food, people, stories, locations, and even goats described in this book are so engrossing! Thank you to NetGalley, Penguin Random House LLC and G.P. Putnam’s Sons for the ARC.

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