Cover Image: Crossing the Line

Crossing the Line

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for giving me an ARC copy of this book to read and review. All of these thoughts are my own!

I really love Aiden and Claire. I love the grump/cheerful couple trope. I love how protective and jealous Aiden is of Claire. I also love that he doesn’t let her run from her problem. I do think however that neither of them were ready or even mature enough for a relationship will how quickly they jump the gun on each other thinking the other is cheating. This would have been perfect instead of great, if the whole “I thought you were cheating” wasn’t in the book.

Over all I do think this is a cute little read. I’ll be buying an actual copy because I really did enjoy this book.

4 stars!

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Wow. wow. wow. I absolutely devoured this book. As soon as I started reading this book I knew I would love it. I think the author done an absolutely incredible job writing these characters as I absolutely fell in love with them! From the second I met Aiden in the bar I fell in love with him, he had the classic grumpy sunshine attitude that I am OBSESSED with and I found him hilarious, there was also a lot of depth to this character which I really appreciate the author delving into. And Claire she was EVERYTHING she had it soo rough in the beginning but throughout the book I feel like she really grew from her past experiences and developed into this strong loveable character that I will never be able to forget. The plot of this book had me absolutely hooked from the get go and I could not stop reading until I had finished the book and now I want more! I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone who needs a light hearted fast paced and enjoyable read!

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Tropes: good girl x bad boy, grumpy x sunshine

This is a new adult romance with the second chance romance trope between two former high school classmates, Claire and Aiden. It took me a while to get into this book, mostly because the pacing was really quick and we weren’t given the chance to get to know the leads as individuals (they take off to Florida together on the same night that they run into each other). The third act breakup was due to a major miscommunication and it led to my least favourite trope ever, cheating. IMO this trope is always used so unnecessarily and it’s frustrating because the miscommunication would’ve been conflict enough without adding that element to it.

Overall, some aspects of this book were enjoyable but by the end of the story I wasn’t rooting for the couple so this book definitely didn’t do it for me.

2 stars

Thank you to Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Ahhh. Okay, I struggled with the 2 or 3 star situation here. I read the book in one sitting - it was short and the chapters were stupidly short and it was a very easy read. However - very little of the interactions between the two MC made much sense to me. So much miscommunication, I had no idea why they cared at all - the high school flashback showed that they really didn't know each other at all but had one non-romantic interaction a long time ago. I didn't think anything was gained by the two POVs, and it switched so often and such a short amount at any time so you never got to settle in and feel what they were feeling. I can forgive a lot storywise if I can feel the chemistry but I didn't get any from these two.

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This was entertaining but also predictable. I love reading romcoms, but for me the ones where if the couple had just communicated it would eliminated 60% of the book aren’t my favorite.

I liked the adventure. I liked their history. But this didn’t do it for me.

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I loved this book. It was a super quick easy read despite being a slow burn, the short chapters made it easy to get through the book and the dual POV really helped to understand both of the characters a lot more.

The chemistry between Aiden and Claire is obvious from the start and I love the tension that creates throughout the book, which is the perfect will they, won’t they? Right until the very end. I loved that there was a previous connection between the two through high school, however wish that had been explored a little more in order to give us a further character backstory.
I think Claire is a great female character, I love that she is strong willed and assertive and it is very obvious that at no point during the adventure did she need the company or protection of a man, Aiden went with her out of his own desires rather than the typical damsel in distress you see regularly in romances.

Overall I thought this was a great read, I absolutely could not put it down and finished it within a matter of hours. I would love to read more from this author.

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I devoured this in one night when I was unable to sleep. It's instalove, which isn't always my favourite but this was done perfectly. Claire and Aiden are an absolute dream, I just wish we'd had a little more of their backstory, as I found the little flashback wasn't quite enough to give us an idea of the bond that they had in that short space of time. However, the most gorgeous book. I adored the other characters in Florida and will definitely be looking for more from Heather in the future

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This book took longer to hook me so it was easy for me to put down. But overall I really enjoyed this novel! It was such a cute story. I loved the main characters -Claire and Aiden. I just wish it would have been longer to develop more of their story— I needed more.
Overall 3.5 ⭐️

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Some of my favourite tropes - slow burn, miscommunication and add a little bit of spice! Aiden and Claire are extremely well fleshed out characters, and I loved their unexpected journey to Florida.

Would highly recommend this book!

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Crossing The Line by Heather Garvin is a new adult romance, and you follow the story of Claire and Aiden.
Claire recently experienced things with her now ex that ripped out the rug from under her. Now she needs some time and space to figure out how to continue and that’s what brings her to her hometown of Beacon. Her first stop is the bar and firstly she just wants to forget what happens. But she hasn’t accounted for Aiden who doesn’t want to see her this way.
Aiden is rather lost himself and very closed off from the world. That made it a bit difficult for me to connect to him. But the more you see him caring for Claire, the more I also liked him.
Their reunion is rather unexpected, and it brings a lot of adventure for both of them as they decide to go on a little trip. I always like forced proximity situations and this one was truly beneficial for their story. The book takes place a few years after high school and for almost everyone in their twenties that is the time to find and explore yourself. The story showed that very well and at the same time it’s a bit messy as both characters haven’t fully concluded their past relationships. While this was definitely realistic, it also bothered me as it distracts from the actual romance and causes drama that could have been easily resolved if the characters communicated openly.
Overall, Crossing The Line combines a coming-of-age story with romantic elements and it was definitely enjoyable. 3,5 stars.
(ARC kindly provided in exchange for a review.)

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What drew me to this book was definitely the cover because I love the style and picked up books with covers by that artist before and I know that says nothing about the book but it still made me want to pick it up - and I’m really happy I did because it was such a cute romance!
I read the book basically in one sitting, mostly because the chapters were so short. I actually wanted to just read a few pages and get a feel for the story and read the book later because I had this huge monthly TBR I wanted to get through but then I just couldn't stop reading, I was always like “just one more chapter” and then I was done - whoops. But I don't regret it at all because I really enjoyed the book.
I really liked Claire and Aidens relationship - they hadn't seen each other in a few years and they didn't really knew each other but they also had this moment in high school and I just really liked how they began to really get to know each other and open up to each other. The story encompasses just a few days and I was really happy that Aiden and Claire had this little bit of past together because it made how fast they were falling for each other a lot more realistic for me.
»Crossing the Line« is also one of the rare occasions where I didn't mind the third act break up or the miscommunication/not communication that led to it because Aiden and Claire didn't really knew each other that well and they both had bad experiences with getting cheated on and the misunderstanding just made sense. But I was still happy it got resolved quickly and they got their happy end.
Overall a really cute story and totally a page turner that I would absolutely recommend!

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Rating: 4.75⭐️/5

Okay I genuinely LOVED this book!!
It was so easy to read, it has short chapters that kept my attention span high😂 and it was amazing to see the characters’ development throughout the story!

Aiden and Claire had so much chemistry and also unresolved business from the past and they happen to casually meet again.
Aiden is a grumpy moody 21 yo who hides a soft spot and a genuine caring and sincere personality just like Claire, who on the other hand has no trouble showing her sunshin-y personality.
They both have unresolved childood trauma and a troublesome relationship with their parents that made them bond over were they were younger but didn’t eventually bring to anything at the time, things will change a few years after high school in the local bar on a random night when they decide to embark on a trip together.

This is basically a 5 stars lol, but i’m still pissed at Aiden for assuming things out of the blue and handling the whole thing by being a d**k to Claire (my baby).
However i get where his trust issues come from and i know that guys my age can be quite immature so i’m gonna forgive him😂

Read this if you’d like:
☀️Grumpy x sunshine
☀️Second chance romance
☀️Sudden trip to Florida
☀️Open door romance (one 🌶 scene)

Overall I definitely recommend this book, especially if you’re having a bad reading month like me and need a lovely romance book that keeps you glued to the pages!!❤️

Also i love the cover, i just wish that Claire had her green sundress on!!😍💚

Thanks a lot to the author, NetGalley and the editor for a free earc in exchange for an honest review!!

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I read this in one sitting and it wasn’t even short. It was SO cute that I will allow the miscommunication trope (just TALK TO EACH OTHER, PEOPLE). The genuine chemistry (as people, friends, and more) was apparent from the start even when they were hardly speaking.

Also, they have great friends that aren’t afraid to call each other out. Everyone needs that.

There was enough tension to make it feel like more than just a fluffy romance, but not so much that you couldn’t enjoy it. I loved it!

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I wanted to love this book. I so wanted to love this book. I loved the quick chapters. I loved the simple, easy to read writing. I loved Clair. She was trying to rebuild herself after a horrible relationship and find her strength and sense of self through a spontaneous adventure. All of these things are favourites for me. My issues really stem from Aiden. I just found him toxic. I mean Clair’s ex was the definition of toxic but I didn’t feel that Aiden was really that much better. Aiden’s friends? Fantastic. The beach setting? Lovely. I just couldn’t manage to root for Aiden. Even with the fact that we got both of their POVs it didn’t redeem him in my mind.

I mean this is solely my opinion and it could very well be my own hang ups so please judge for yourself. Though Clair? That girl deserves the best.

-second chance romance
-friends to lovers
-found family

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ / 5
🌶 🌶️ 🌶️ /5

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Thank you Netgalley for providing me this arc for an honest review.

Trigger warning: abusive parent

This books was really interesting. Especially in the beginning. It was really cute and funny. Aiden and Claire were adorable together. The two POVs from Aiden and Claire were really good and it made you connect to them better. But after awhile their decisions were a bit juvenile for me.

Aiden can't trust someone due to his past because he got hurt. But to make these assumptions about Claire without confronting her, it's a juvenile and immature attitude.

Both of them had really shitty experiences with exes and they had to find themselves first and jump to the relationship later. This relationship didn't evolve much, at least for me, and it kinda reminded me a rebound relationship.

How can you jump on a relationship without trusting someone or at least try to trust them?

Also I did not like the fact that Aiden's abusive father wasn't addressed much. The way it was addressed, it felt like it was just an info to feel sorry for Aiden, and not analysed enough.

Overall it was an enjoyable read but it lacked on some departments hence the 3.5 ⭐

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This book was so amazing! I loved the short chapters and that it is dual point of view. I loved all the little things the author included for example when she mentioned that the female main character had purchased a Colleen Hoover book, I liked that we knew they had a history from high school but we did not know what it was. I couldn't put it down and I loved the epilogue.

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Some books have the magic of making their characters come alive on the pages. Authors write them in a way that has you thinking of them as your friends… a couple you know or an experience you’ve had. That’s what I felt reading “Crossing the Line.” When Aiden was hurt, I felt it. When Claire was lonely, I felt that, too. They weren’t just fictional characters and that happens very early on in the book. So when the book ended I was sorta bummed because I wanted even more! That’s a great book for me! There is nothing like fiction coming alive!

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I’ll start thanking NetGalley and Tuskan Publishing for giving me the opportunity to read this eARC in exchange of an honest review.

I love an easy romance and this one is such a good love story. I was a little scared when I saw it was around 90 chapters but plot twist THEY ARE SHORT CHAPTERS (sometimes waaay to short tho) and the book was really fast-paced which made stop reading almost impossible. It's also a dual POV story and I usually hate dual POV but I honestly didn’t mind it here since it made me understand Aiden better.

This is a quick and easy read with a slow burn that is not so slow that you want to scream at the book; it has the spicy scenes people always request in romance books and they don’t overshadow the development of the story/characters, and the third act break up which was painful (aiden, you ass.) but thankfully (bless the short chapters) it wasn’t dragged out for too long.

It has been my first time reading something by this author and let me just say that it did not disappoint, I definitely want to read more by her (just added Take What You Can to my TBR 😉).

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It’s been a long time since I’ve read a book that I wanted to read every break I had. This was one of those books and now I’m extremely excited to read more from this author. I loved the cover that’s what drew me to this book, and then reading the description just sinched it for me. So, believe me when I say, I was happy when netgally, publishers and author allowed me to review this book.

I was thoroughly entertained from the very first word till the very end. I didn’t want it to end at all. I wouldn’t even mind reading more about the other characters in the book if this became a series. Especially Violet, the roommate. Such an enigma that one and her duct tape art. Regardless this book is about Aiden and Claire. The two had a connection way back when, and it was just kismet that bought them together. The way they were reintroduced into one other’s lives was not usual, but so very memorable.

They both have tremendous trust issues, but for some reason they feel at ease with one another. Their train ride down to the beautiful sunshine state was entertaining and their experiences there was even more. I couldn’t get enough of the two of them, the slow burn until it was a marathon was simply perfect. But again, the trust issues are big with them.

I don’t want to give too much more away but this book I couldn’t put it down and would recommend it to anyone. Love this story, characters, setting and just everything in general about it.

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This was a quick and easy read. It's a dual POV with short chapters, which made the reading really fast. The synopsis of the book made it seem as though the characters had a history, but it was mainly just one interaction in high school. I know it's fiction, but the love between the characters felt too rushed. I had a hard time accepting the feelings and drama when their time together was so short.

Thank you for the ARC, NetGalley!

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