Member Reviews

I signed up with NetGalley nearly a year ago but this is the first book I have actually downloaded and reviewed. I thought it was a really adorable story; though I do have to warn you that it is definitely a bit racy. I didn't mind though since it worked in the context of this cute little love story. Cassie is desperate for a job but can't see going back to her old job at OnlyFans when she stumbles upon a job for a full time live in nanny. Aiden, her would be employer, turns out to be a drop dead gorgeous chef and while Cassie can see that living with him and his daughter could be trouble for her she just can't resist. Though Cassie would swear that she's never met Aiden before, something about him does remind her of something... she just can't place her finger on what or where she might know Aiden from. I did think this was fairly a predictable story, but the chemistry was off the charts and the whole cast of characters was great.

*review scheduled to post on March 11th

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Steamy contemporary romance starring a former OnlyFans camgirl, and a chef/DILF who hires her as his nanny. Already loving the sound of that. And then we realize he was her best customer on OnlyFans...but has no idea it's her.

Spice? 4/5 peppers. Really, really, enjoyable. The characters are open with each other, there's consent, and they have a LOT of sex. Fun positions, fun toys, fun for everyone.

Characters? Cassie is a determined go-getter who advocates for herself, works so hard, and finds family for herself when hers sucks. Aiden is the DILF chef of literally everyone's dreams. Sophie reminds me a lot of my own kid--tenacious, fierce, determined, and ridiculously smart. Bruno? We don't talk about him. The three of them instantly have a family connection--and it's so, so obvious to the reader--just not to the characters.

The connection between Cassie & Aiden is undeniable from their first (nanny-related) meeting. I loved the dual POV, and also the back story snippets included from their OnlyFans connection.

Highly recommend picking this one up. I binged it in a night and plan to was so good. Thanks to NetGalley, Berkley, and the author for a review copy!

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4.5 Stars!

The Nanny by Lana Ferguson is a delightful and fun read.

At first, I wasn't sure what I had gotten myself into with this book, but I'm happy to report that this book surprised me in the best possible way. The Nanny is well-written and entertaining. The characters are likable and have amazing chemistry. This story had the perfect balance of sweet and sexy and does not disappoint. The Nanny does have its fair share of drama, some of it was predictable but no less entertaining. I loved every second of this book and look forward to checking out more from this author in the future.

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📚✨Book Review✨📚

The Nanny
Author: Lana Ferguson


Notes: I received a copy of this book as an advanced reader but all thoughts and opinions are my own.

What I Liked:
💻What a debut! This book was steamy, funny, and surprisingly full of heart. The scenes between Cassie and Aiden are 🔥🔥🔥. I even love the way the flashbacks are strewn throughout. I wish there were even more!

💻Sophie is a delight! She was the star of the show. And apparently a VERY sound sleeper. 😏

💻Any book that manages to visit a Disney theme park OR accurately represents Disney in general is a hit in my book. This one knocks it out of the park!

What I Didn’t Like:
💻 I wish we saw their friends a bit more. We get glimpses, but it would be nice to see them get some more support from friends. Especially Cassie. I felt that she was so alone in the world aside from Wanda.

💻Cassie was such a great communicator and was so intuitive to the needs of others…until it came to herself. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Final Thoughts:
💻 Who would have thought that a story about a couple who meets in OnlyFans would make me swoon?? I’m really looking forward to seeing what Lana Ferguson comes out with next!

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I think this is already blowing up on social media and is going to be a book tok darling. I think it’s just ok overall and a very slow start.

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I was obviously drawn by the synopsis: the heroine ends up nannying for one of her OnlyFans clients, but he doesn’t remember her. The synopsis leaves out certain details about their online relationship, which I appreciated because that made the discovery moment that much more fun. I also liked the tidbits of flashback that we got before each chapter, which show how they met online and how their relationship progressed.

To be honest, this book actually started off well. But I started losing interest when the heroine kept going around in circles. One day, she’s determined to keep things professional and not cross any lines with Aiden. But the next day, she basically asks him if he finds her attractive. And of course, she immediately regrets asking him these dumb questions. Rinse and repeat. She just kept going around in circle, repeating the same thing over and over again.

Both Cassie and Aiden are delightfully awkward. They’re always making blunders and accidental innuendos are common during their conversations. I had a good laugh here and there, but these blunders eventually became forced, to the point where the conversational turn-taking does not make logical sense. On top of being awkward, Cassie and Aiden are also disastrous overthinkers, which I can 100% relate to. But the issue that I had here is that the author relied too much on awkwardness, accidental innuendos, and overthinking to create tension and push and pull between Aiden and Cassie. It became repetitive and in my opinion, there are much better ways to create organic tension between two characters.

The whole revelation moment was very anticlimactic and the climax is just so dumb. I’m over martyr characters. Cassie continues to be a martyr even after Wanda talks some sense into her. Speaking of Wanda, she is easily the best character in this book. Cassie had better banter with Wanda than she did with Aiden. Anyway, I have a lot of difficulty liking martyr characters, especially the ones who refuse to communicate. I’m not saying Aiden is the King of Communication, but at least he actually put some effort in reconciling and tried to start a conversation with martyr Cassie.

In conclusion, Wanda is the highlight of this book. If you’re looking for a fun grandma type of character, Wanda is your girl.

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Obviously, I should have read the summary of this book before requesting but I couldn't connect from the beginning and really struggled to enjoy the characters. It focuses a ton on looks more than actually depth of a character, and didn't flow very naturally.

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Cassie, a OT grad student, finds herself desperate for a new job and a place to live after losing her hospital job. Luckily, Aiden is desperate for a new live-in nanny for his daughter. Only once Cassie has moved in with the hunky dad and spunky kid does she realize that Aiden was her top subscriber to her previous OnlyFans account... the same one she caught feelings for. But even once Cassie realizes this, she can't possibly tell Aiden and risk losing Sophie, his daughter, and the job that she needs so badly.

This one surpassed my expectations and then some. This one is going to be widely loved – quote me. I loved the dual POV and the snippets from their past OF conversations to add a lil dual timeline spice too. And while talking about spice... hi, hello, yup. Obviously with a big theme being her previous OnlyFans work, you know there is going to be some spice and Lana Ferguson didn't disappoint. She also did a great job at showing their chemistry/connection. I am notoriously hard to please with third act drama but this one felt well done. Cassie's reasons for withholding her realization felt legit, the reason for the drama felt legit, and then even more so, the way reconciliation came about felt legit. AND WANDA? AND SOPHIE? Loved them. There really isn't anything that I can say I didn't like. Maybe only that our DILF who is a chef never cooked? Is that even a real complaint though?! LOL. Tell me this sexy single dad, forced prox, boss/nanny/workplace?, found family story doesn't already have your attention and I'll call you a liar.

This author is also super sweet and I can't wait to read more of her stuff.

Special thanks to NetGalley, Berkley Publishing and Lana Ferguson for my copy in exchange for my honest review! <3

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Solid premise but a lacking execution for one of my most anticipated reads of 2023

Grad student Cassie is in for a rude awakening when she realizes the man who just hired her to be his live in nanny is also her #1 subscriber of her sexy OnlyFans account.

I feel very lukewarm about this read.

Although I find the premise so fun and smutty, the actual read left much to be desired.
I enjoyed the dual POVs and the fun, spicy flashbacks, but that's where my enjoyment ended.

Overall, The Nanny felt very repetitive and drawn out. We don't get to the main conflict until almost 30% in and once it's discovered, it's resolved so immediately. The stakes feel unbearably low which is fine for cute romances, but make for a tough read when this one is over 400 pages long.

While the smut is good, I found the MCs frustrating and the dramatic miscommunication even more so. I didn't buy into their romance outside of the physical chemistry. They don't have similar interests or talk about anything besides sex and Sophie.

I'd say Wanda and Sophie are the best characters, but even they didn't always sound like a 70 year old or 10 year old respectively. The characterization of most of the character just didn't feel fully fleshed out, so static characters, drawn out text, and an easily resolved conflict made this one miss the mark for me.

Thank you Berkley Romance for an advance reader e-copy in exchange for my honest review.

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I forgot the premises of this book and didn't read it before starting. Some life advice? Don't read this book while on a plane sitting next to an LDS missionary. Makes for an awkward ride and yet I could have switched books but didn't want to.
It was cute and sweet and the relationship between Cassie and Sophia is adorable.

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This book was incredibly sexy. Hot single dad? Chef? Live-in nanny? Only Fans relationship? Age-gap? All of the above, check! The chemistry between the main characters was palpable. This definitely wasn't a rom com and the cover is very deceiving. If you're in the mood for a steamy read, then this is it!

Thanks Berkley and Netgalley for my copy.

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This book was so hot 🥵. This is probably the spiciest book I’ve read and I’m not mad about it. Honestly, Aiden Reid could shoot me and I would say thank you sir. I had no idea that chefs could be so hot.

Cassie and Aiden’s first encounter definitely wasn’t a meet-cute since they met on OnlyFans. The second time they met was when she became the nanny for his daughter (though they had no idea they had met before). I really liked Cassie, she was relatable and confident. Though some of her choice at the end of the book were questionable, I enjoyed her POV a lot. I loved how content and smiley she was, and how she dedicated herself to Sophie. Aiden’s POVs were much rarer, but they were in excellent moments. Honestly, I’m convinced Aiden is a perfect man and I would have no problems working as a nanny for him. He and his daughter, Sophie, are so adorable. I loved how Aiden, Sophie and Cassie made a little family so quickly.

I read this book in two days, and I would definitely recommend it as a relaxing, spicy romance. Though be warned – there are a lot of spicy scenes so if they are not your thing, this book is probably not for you. If you don’t mind spicy scenes, definitely read it. Aiden Reid and his dirty mouth are definitely worth it.

Thank you for the free book PRH International.

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Thank you for the opportunity to read The Nanny. I have real concerns about this book.
Firstly, the cover is completely wrong for the content of the story.
This isn't a rom-com. Erotic romance maybe.
Secondly, I found the relationship to be very problematic. The characters had no emotional connection other than the sexual one. I quickly grew tired of the very "seventies porn" language in all the sex scenes. I don't mind role play, a little dom-sub action between the characters, but there was absolutely no tenderness there that stood out to me. It was very risky for her to be a camgirl and attempt a relationship - that's content for an erotic thriller, not a rom-com.

I read a lot of erotica, erotic romance, but this novel supposedly part of the genre left me with a bad taste in my mouth.

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I really enjoyed the Nanny - it was a one-sitting read with so many things I love about romance and how it helps me escape the daily grind. I love how the two had met before, I love how Cassie is unapologetic about her choices from the past, though she understands society may not be so forgiving. And I love how Aiden doesn't judge, as he shouldn't seeing how his history has unknowingly intertwined with hers. And finally, I love the relationship growth of the family (including Wanda). The daughter Sophie, her they all come together in the end in a way that is realistic. And the chemistry is soooo squee-worthy. Definitely want to read more Lana Ferguson!!

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As soon as I heard The Nanny's premise of a woman taking on a nanny position for a man she soon realizes followed her on an old OnlyFans account, I knew I had to read this immediately. This is the epitome of modern romance, people! Kidding aside, this premise sounded so fun, and it absolutely was.

Cassie is working her way through school and finds herself needing a new job after deciding to delete her OnlyFans account after falling for someone she shouldn't have. When she interviews for a nanny position, she pretty much gets the job on the spot. Cassie falls into the work easily as Sophie, the girl she is nannying, is absolutely adorable. Cassie has a slight crush on Aiden, Sophie's father (who is a chef) but when Cassie realizes she knows Aiden from her days on OnlyFans, things get more complicated.

This is such a fun and cute romance! The plot of a man falling for his nanny could be problematic or unethical, but I think the author handles this very well. As someone who has read a lot of romance, I kept expecting aspects of the plot to become the "conflict" moments and was unsure of how things were going to be handled but I was pleasantly surprised every single time. The author handled everything so well. Cassie and Aiden are great at communication and working through things, and when they aren't it is more because the two characters are still learning about each other and less because the author is just trying to lengthen the plot.

The Nanny is great and I'd recommend it to any romance lover. I am looking forward to picking up whatever Lana Ferguson writes next!

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thank you Berkley for the arc!

a book about a girl becoming a nanny for a hot single dad, who also happens to be A CHEF, just to realize he was her top fan on onlyfans?? yeah it wasn’t a want, it was a NEED

truthfully the OF aspect is what made me want to read the book because i just needed to know how that would play out

this book was so fun and truly had so many sweet moments, all the small hidden moments between cass and aiden, watching aiden and sophie build their relationship more, cassie getting sophie to come out of her shell, the list goes on

aside from the sweet, loving moments, you can’t have a book talk about OF and not expect there to be spice, and boy oh boy did it deliver, chapter 22 had me by my neck😭didn’t know if i wanted cassie or aiden more in that moment

also wanda slayed the entire book, best comedic relief , i actually let out plenty of loud ass cackles while reading this book💀

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am DNFing at 58%. Aidan and Cassie’s behavior feels really unacceptable while Sophie is in the house. They aren’t considering how their actions would affect her and it’s very unsettling.

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Okay, I have some mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, I really liked the character development and what felt like positive representation of consensual sex work, and I loved Sophie, the 9/10 year old girl whose need for a nanny is at the center of the whole thing. On the other hand, I always feel kind of weird about workplace romances that are boss/employee pairings. This is slightly different than your typical one, because the employee is also a live-in nanny, so in a lot of ways, her boss/love interest has even more power over her than a typical boss would. But anyway, if I put that aside, I did really like Cassie, Aiden, and Sophie. Cassie is a grad student studying occupational therapy and a former cam girl with a successful OnlyFans presence that helped her pay tuition, but she shut down her account after getting too close to a... client? viewer? I'm not totally sure the right nomenclature? Since then she's worked at a children's hospital to pay her bills, but she's laid off due to funding cuts (too real), so she applies for a job as a nanny. She meets Aiden, the father who is hiring, at the restaurant where he works as an executive chef, and they have an instant attraction, but Cassie is way more qualified than anyone else who has applied and he really needs a nanny, so she moves in a few days later. She's caring for Sophie, who has been living with Aiden full time for about a year, since her mother died. Aiden and Rebecca, Sophie's mom, were never actually together, so this has been a big shift for everyone, and Sophie has run off a couple of nannies before. Soon, Cassie realizes that Aiden is the client/viewer/dude that she got too close with, but she doesn't tell him immediately because this is a romance novel and there must be conflict! Other than the squick factor that I almost automatically get with boss/employee pairings, I really liked the almost immediate family dynamic that these three fall into, and I found Cassie to be really sharp and funny. Sophie was also a delight, and I liked that Cassie's former work on OnlyFans is not seen as anything bad or shameful.

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Thank you NetGalley and Berkley Romance for ARC in exchange for an honest review

I am loving this trend of sex positivity and confidence in romance books!! PLEASE NEVER EVER LET IT END! Cassie was such a sweet and relatable character. I love how passion she was in herself and her career. She was stood up for what was right and was unapologetic about her past, as she should be! And her chemistry was smoking hot both as herself and alter ego.

With one single book Lana Ferguson has become an new favorite romance writer. I am eager to read any and everything she writes next. 5/5 stars!!

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The Nanny by Lana Ferguson

⭐️: 3.5/5 (rounded to 4 on NetGalley & Goodreads)
🌶️: 2/5

Okay, so this was super predictable & at times a little corny but sweet and I was definitely in the mood for a cute insta-love with not a lot of drama & this one definitely delivered! It was a slow burn and then it wasn't, which wasn’t a bad thing!

I absolutely loveeeeed Wanda and Cassie’s relationship. It was probably my favorite cover to cover. I actually laughed out loud during most scenes between them. 😂 I also enjoyed how much her relationship with Sophie grew and I did wish we would’ve seen more of it.

I know this was supposed to be about Aiden & Cassie but if I’m being honest their story felt so secondary compared to everything else that was happening with all the other characters. The book was supposed to be a dual point of view but we only get 7 chapters from Aiden’s perspective and I just don’t feel like that was enough to really understand him or get to know him at all.

Also I can’t get over the real life references to social media and other things like movies and real life places. It wasn’t my favorite thing at all. I rolled my eyes every time. But overall, it was a cute & quick read and I enjoyed it but it left me wanting more.

✨Thank you to Lana Ferguson, NetGalley and Berkley Publishing Group for this ARC of The Nanny by Lana Ferguson in exchange for an honest review.

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