Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley and Alcove Press for an early copy of Forever Hold Your Peace. A definite feel good book but lots of sappiness. Of course life does need these types of books so I’m not going to knock it, it was refreshing. You KNOW exactly what’s going to happen.

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This is a very sweet story of two people who fall in love on vacation in italy and decide to get married as a result of their whirlwind romance. When they come back home, both of their parents are worried it's all happening too soon until they meet and realize they know each other from a past life.

Chaos ensues.

Until the chaos touches the two kids whom they love with all their hearts and brings the parents back to their senses.

It's sweet, predictable but kind with lots of laughs. It was a lovely book to read during the rainy and dark winter days.

with gratitude to netgalley and Alcove Press for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

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Too much suspended disbelief for me and the writing was very information-heavy - I stopped at 10%. However, it definitely has broad appeal.

Thanks to NetGalley and Alcove Press for the ARC.

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I'll try not to go overboard with my praise, but I absolutely loved this book! Forever Hold Your Peace, the latest rom-com by Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke, is hilarious, endearing and entertaining with a whole host of lovable characters. The book is centered around Olivia and Zach, two love-struck singles who find themselves in a whirlwind Italian romance that leads to a proposal within weeks upon meeting. What happens after they return home to California is what makes this book absorbing and (for lack of a better term) "un-put-downable". For those who love a good wedding, or just a great love-story, Forever Hold Your Peace, is the perfect book for you.

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Read 1 of Winter Break and 154 of 2022 is the new book by this author duo that will be released in 2023. Thanks @netgalley for the read. This was the perfect, light holiday book: a romantic comedy of sorts, in book form. It seemed to drag a bit at parts, but I did appreciate the character development. I was invested. No big surprises in this book, but if you’re looking for a light, enjoyable read, this one might be for you. A ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 read in my books.

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New Spin On Wedding Wars. Fenton and Steinke manage to craft a new, much more dramatic yet still hilarious, spin on the Wedding Wars trope, this time by introducing quite a bit of explosive drama between three of the four parents involved. Yes, the drama itself takes up more of the pages than those who prefer a less dramatic romcom will probably like, but overall it works here to elevate the trope and provide a good bit of "meat" for those who are looking for something a bit sturdier than yet another vapid romcom whose details will be forgotten seconds after finishing it. Instead, this one will challenge you without putting *too* much pressure and will show you things you might not have otherwise considered - particularly if you're one of the not-small population that can readily identify with much of the drama herein. And yet, ultimately this is more Lifetime meets Hallmark than anything *truly* dark and foreboding - it *is*, still, at its heart, a romantic comedy. Just one with a bit more bite than usual, which helps elevate it over so many of its genre siblings. Very much recommended.

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A romance set in Southern Italy and California, mostly in the present time. Olivia meets Zach while they are on holiday in Southern Italy. They fall in love and get engaged. Things get complicated when it is revealed that Olivia’s mother June was once engaged to Zach’s father.
This was a romance full of twists and turns, family relationships, friendships and lots of secrets.

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I got through meeting parent set number two, and realized this story was just going to drag on. DNF.

A case of just not connecting the vibe of the. Book.

Thank you to the publisher for the ARC.

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From the minute I started this book it just seemed ridiculous, unbelievable, at best a romantic fantasy. Way too much coincidental happenings for me. Sorry I just couldn’t take the characters seriously when the circumstances were beyond ridiculous. Simply not a fan.

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Rating: 4★
I absolutely devoured this novel. It was engrossing, amusing, unique & messy.

This book was unlike anything I have ever read before. It felt like a plot of an iconic rom-com movie.

While there was sweet & silly romance, there was also unraveling of secrets, twists & turns and crazy humor.

I highly recommend this book if you like rom-coms with mysterious touch.

Thank you netgally for sending me the review copy.

Pub date: July 11, 2023

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This was a fun and cute read! At times it felt a bit wordy and I found myself drifting and not really missing much. I did like it though and was happy with the outcome. I love wedding details and planning and the writers did an excellent job with depicting the many opinions of family members when a bride and groom are planning a wedding!

Thanks to NetGalley for the advanced copy of the book for the purpose of the review.

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Family drama and weddings. They go hand in hand. This reminds me so much of the Bride Wars. I was rooting for the characters right from the beginning.
I just reviewed Forever Hold Your Peace by Liz Fenton; Lisa Steinke. #ForeverHoldYourPeace #NetGalley
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Absolutely fantastic plot! Could not put the book down once I began reading it. Cannot wait for it to be released. Will recommend it to everyone I know!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this ARC.
I loved this book. Characters are funny and relatable.
Highly recommend this book and other books written by Liz and Lisa.

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Another winner by Liz Fenton! The best way to describe every relationship in this story is: 'It's complicated. At times almost hilarious at the level of pettiness, self-absorbed narcissism, and selfishness, the story twists and turns its way through life. The end result? I won't ruin it for you, but it's worth reading to find out.

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This book was really cute. It had Father of the Bride vibes, but mixed with something else that I can't quite put my finger on. It read like a cute rom-com from prime rom-com Reese Witherspoon/Kate Hudson days. We have new college graduates Olivia and Zach who just happen to both be vacationing in Italy before beginning their adult lives, for her law school, for him real estate. Boy and girl meet and fall in love and realize they actually live close to one another in California. Upon return to the states, the couple informs both set of parents they are engaged to be married. Both sets of parents, who are all divorced, think their kids are rushing into marriage and plan to meet at a brunch to hopefully get the kids to wait a while before tying the knot. However, as soon as all 4 parents are in the restaurant they realize they all know one another. The two mothers were once friends, but fell out after one of the women slept with the other woman's then fiancé. Well now we have 2 ex friend mothers who are set on one upping one another at every turn in the wedding planning process. This book was a quick, enjoyable read that will have you cheering for love the whole way through.

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A marvelously packed novel with old loves, new love, friends at war, secrets, and so much more. Olivia and Zach are in love. Their mothers are at war. His father is the reason. Relationships are tricky and the one between the mothers is the trickiest. Once friends but friends no longer, the mothers work hard against each other to plan a wedding. Absolute chaos ensues and disaster is on the horizon. A very enjoyable and engaging novel.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I was delighted when I discovered on Instagram my favorite dynamic due, Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke had a new novel coming up. When Net Gallery granted me early access to “Forever Hold Your Peace,” it was an early Christmas gift indeed.

I never know what to expect when reading this duo’s novels. Will this be a thriller or a rom com or something completely new? Here, we meet Olivia and Zach who fall in love during a trip to Italy. But there are a few hurdles in order to get to happily ever after. Back in the states, they discovers their moms have an ugly history. Can a vacation romance survive when real life rears its ugly head? Will the mothers’ indignation toward each other tar the brand-new romance of their kids?

I continue to ponder the writing process of Liza Fenton and Lisa Steinke. Because there are multiple narrators, does each writer get a certain set of characters to voice? How did the writers keep track of what information was revealed in one narrative versus in the second one? How many Zoom calls and glasses of wine are involved? Regardless, the writing is compelling, vivid, and thought provoking. I thought this novel did a good point of showing how important it can be to step away from old grudges, no matter how deep the scars are.

Thank you to NetGalley for a copy of this book in return for my honest review.

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Thank you Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.

I’ve read all the books by Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke. I was really excited to see a new novel on the horizon. I really liked their other books. This one - was ok. Nothing spectacular. I was really hoping for more.

It’s not an awful read, I did finish it fairly quickly, it just wasn’t their best.

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Its like the story of my life.....minus the major character points, but gee I could be June.... And a little Amy.... with a dash of Troy's stalker tendencies but please don't let my daughter find the one just yet. I'm not ready to be a mother of the bride just yet.

Seriously - what an adorable rom-com and I swear I'll never look at the Rose Parade the same way again. Congrats on an amazing book!!!

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