Member Reviews

**Many thanks to NetGalley, Grand Central Publishing, and Robyn Harding for an ARC of this book!**

Exciting, edgy, and UTTERLY enthralling, the latest from Robyn Harding is nothing short of a summertime smash!

You never think it could happen to you...until it does. Lee Gulliver has had to come to terms with the fact that she had almost everything...and now her successful restaurant and comfortable life are nothing more than a memory. Lee's restaurant couldn't withstand the pandemic, and she's fallen further and further into debt...and desperation. Living out of her Toyota Corolla, she finds free showers where she can and sleeps with a knife at the ready under the front seat...just in case.

Isolated from family and with her friends in the rear view, Lee pulls into a ritzier beach side neighborhood one day for at least a bit more security, but she hears a disturbing sound: the sound of a woman sobbing and then drowning. Lee races to her rescue, but the woman, Hazel, is far from grateful. Hazel is trapped in an abusive and dangerous marriage, locked in a Total Power Exchange with a rich and dominant man, Benjamin, who is also a powerful attorney...and her attempted drowning was, in her mind, the only way out.

Lee figures this will be the last she will ever see of Hazel...until the next morning, when Hazel surprises her with coffee, food...and a proposition. As the two become fast friends despite their disparate life circumstances, their desperation and determination bond them together, and Hazel has a DIFFERENT plan up her sleeve to escape her domineering husband. But this one involves Lee...and if all DOESN'T go according to plan, the consequences could be deadly...for BOTH of them. Is Lee the answer to all of Hazel's silent prayers...or has Hazel cleverly found a way to remove herself from Benjamin's wrath...but leave LEE to take the final, deadly fall?

I've only had the good fortune to read one of Harding's other books so far, and I would ABSOLUTELY classify myself as a fast fan. She checks so many of the boxes for me in terms of favorite thriller devices done well: short chapters, quick pacing, interesting plotting, and those TWISTS...the kind where your mouth ACTUALLY falls open while reading. I remember blasting through The Swap quickly, and I kid you not, this may be the first book in a YEAR or longer (outside from graphic novels that I've read IN ONE DAY.

To call it unputdownable, even? Feels like a HUGE understatement!

If there's one thing Harding does consistently and without fail, it is THAT. I could not stop reading this book, thinking about this book, or doing anything other than scheme and plan when I could pick it up again during the ~26 hours or so between when I started and finished it. So few authors are able to create that inextricable pull, but Harding ALWAYS does it. Were some of the plot points implausible? Maybe. But when the events unfolding are so intriguing, so interesting, and so gets to a point where the logic police take a holiday and you can just buckle in for the FUN.

And both of these ladies (not to mention the other characters) are intricate, flawed, and REAL. They both COULD be unreliable narrators...but again, this isn't something you even need to focus on while reading. The reveals and the shocking secrets unfolding do all of the work for you, and allow you to just observe from the sidelines, popcorn and ice cold beverage in hand, racing to flip the pages while your heart is pounding double-time. When I am enjoying a thriller this much, I usually try to keep from racing towards the end so I can savor it for just a bit longer...but in this case? I don't think ANYTHING could have slowed me down!

Robyn Harding has put out 3 books in the past three years, and all 3 have landed on my best of the year lists AND my favorite thrillers list. And if the third time is USUALLY the charm...there's no telling what my fourth might bring!

4.5 stars

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I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and felt that it showcased the author's best writing yet. While the plot had its ups and downs and a few gaps were left unfilled, I was pleasantly surprised by the unexpected plot twists. The dramatic beginning immediately draws you in, but the parts consisting of prolonged conversations that add to the story didn't engage me as much. The major unexpected turns, however, kept me hooked. The ending left me feeling perplexed as there were numerous loose ends left unresolved, and it was unclear if a sequel was in the works. I was confused about Lee's boyfriend since he never resurfaced, and the lack of resolution on Ben's trial was disappointing.

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Lee Gulliver is living in her car. Lee has always worked hard and never in a million years imagined herself being homeless, but here she is in her Toyota Corolla across the country in Seattle, far from everyone and everything she has ever known. Her restaurant failed miserably and her family has all but disowned her. Lee has no-one except herself to depend on and she is determined to survive. Working under the radar at a greasy diner Lee dreads the late night hours when there is nowhere to hide. Danger lurks around every corner. She decides it is safer to start parking (sleeping) in an upscale neighborhood near the beach. Early one morning she hears a woman crying and witnesses her going under the ocean and not coming up. Lee jumps in and drags her to safety. The water is frigid and as the women sit quietly under a blanket to warm up they begin an unexpected friendship. Hazel confides in Lee about her abusive husband and the trapped life she can no longer endure. She would rather be dead. Once Hazel establishes that Lee is harmless but down on her luck she begins to bring her treats and little items to make her more comfortable. Establishing a strange feeling of debt for helping one another, Lee is shocked when Hazel asks for help to get away from her husband. Hazel plans to disappear. Absolutely loved my first twisted thriller of the summer! This page turner had me on the edge of my beach chair!

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Another amazing book from Robyn Harding! This was one of my most anticipated books of the year and it didn’t disappoint. This thriller is multilayered and fast paced. Lee is currently down on her luck and living in her car. One day she hears a woman in distresss in the ocean and Lee races to save her from downing. After saving Hazel the two women slowly build a friendship and it turns out they both have major problems in their lives. I don’t want to give much away but Lee and Hazel devise a plan to help Hazel disappear. With the money Hazel offers her Lee can also outrun her past. As it turns out there are a lot of twists and turns coming and it is unknown who is completely trustworthy. The characters are well developed and interesting. I loved the great twists and turns and this story kept me guessing and on edge. I definitely recommend you add this to your TBR.

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Thank you to @thrillerbookloverspromotions @grandcentralpub @netgalley for the #gifted copy.

Robyn Harding is a new to me author and I can tell you that I am now anxious to read her backlist. WOW! I could not put it down. I was all in from the beginning. Lee Gulliver was homeless and living in her car after covid left her jobless. I immediately felt for her. She was running from her old life to start over. The next thing you know she is saving a crying woman from the ocean. Although their lives are very different, Lee connects with Hazel immediately. Hazel is in an abusive marriage and is a prisoner in her own home. She wants out!

This was the ultimate betrayal of friendships and relationships that had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. Sit back and enjoy the ride.

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This book had me from the first page. I empathized immediately with Lee, and was on edge for half of the book for her safety. When Hazel was introduced, I wasn’t sure if I could trust her. But, the unlikely friendship between these women gave me a little sigh of relief Lee had someone that cared. Although Lee did come off naive, I did understand her need to feel human, which made her character that more real to me. The things we use everyday without a second thought, it was a luxury for Lee.

I could not put this book down, and read it within 24 hours. I really did not see the twists coming, and I was so sure I had everything figured out. I thought for sure I had one twist clocked, but I was pleasantly surprised I was wrong. Every step of the way I wanted to know how the story would play out. The men in this one were all trash, and I enjoyed seeing both women fight to survive another day even though they wanted to give up. This was a gripping tale about betrayal, toxic relationships and survival, and this is why Robyn Harding is an auto buy author for me.

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Lee Gulliver had just opened a restaurant and was doing well when the Covid pandemic hit. She was forced to shut down while the country went on lockdown, and then her business never recovered once they were able to reopen, Lee ended up not only losing everything, but having to go on the run to stay one step ahead of the ones she owed money to. Now she is on the opposite side of the country, living out of her car, and wondering how she will ever manage to get some semblance of her life back. Early one morning, while she is sleeping in her car at the beach, she hears a yell, and sees a sobbing woman throw herself into the ocean, fully clothed. As she starts to go under, Lee jumps in to save her. The drowning woman, Hazel, tells Lee she is trapped in a toxic marriage to abusive man and she doesn't see any other way out. Lee and Hazel strike up a friendship and as Hazel helps Lee get back the confidence she needs, she promises to help her get back on her feet in exchange for Lee helping her escape her husband. Unfortunately, Lee soon learns that nothing is as it seems, and that Hazel may not be the friend Lee thought she was.

I am a huge fan of this author, and I think this is her best book yet. It seemed straightforward until about halfway through the book, when I got dumped on my head, and everything I thought I knew was wrong. From there on out, it was non-stop twists and turns....enough to keep me dizzy. I am always a sucker for the underdog, so I really liked Lee. It was easy to see how someone could have it all, and then have it all yanked away by something that was completely out of their control. Top that with a myriad of bad choices fueled by desperation for money, and yes, she made bad choices, but they were done for the right reason. There were a couple of people in the story who were so twisted that it kept me on edge, waiting to see what they would do next, and that along with all of the twists is what really made the book. If you are a fan of thrillers, then you will definitely want to check this one out!

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A deeply twisty story filled with trigger warning subjects - so tread carefully. It is a psychological domestic thriller based around two women from different backgrounds destined to be friends. Circumstances throw them together and in their own way each helps the other. Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for this thriller that makes you wonder where someone comes up with this stuff!

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4.5 out of 5 stars (4.5 / 5) This has everything I love in a thriller!

“A masterpiece of misdirection, double meaning and carefully placed clues. Brava.” Stacy Willingham

That quote is the best way for me to describe this book. The misdirection was done brilliantly. I could not guess or predict, but I really didn’t have time because I was reading it so fast. I loved it. Truly, it’s expertly done.

The story was told in 4 parts. We hear from two women which include the past and the present. This information is crucial to the story and I’m amazed Harding paced it so flawlessly. I was never confused and just kept picking up tiny pieces along the way.

I didn’t trust a single character and I assumed everyone as some point or another. That is good writing. It was a story that hooked me from page one and ended up surprising me at the end. The end was flawless. I’m still reeling from the twist and where everything landed. If you love a great twisty thriller, you need this one!

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Fast-paced, engaging and entertaining, A recommended purchase for collections where thrillers are popular.

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I really loved what part that I read and I was really getting into the book. But my copy was missing a lot of pages, so I decided not to continue with the book until the publication date. I can’t wait until the book comes out and I can finally go back to reading it. I have a feeling it’s going to be 4 or 5 stars.

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A twisty psychological suspense thriller about two completely opposite women - one rich and one homeless - each drowning from life struggles in different ways.

For Hazel it's a controlling, psychopathic husband who she swears is going to kill her unless she can escape first and Lee is living out of her car after her restaurant closed and she was forced to declare bankruptcy, bilking a dangerous loan shark who wants to exact his pound of flesh. A fateful night brings these two women together and their lives are never the same again, one trying to help the other while the other tries to use her as a scapegoat.

Told in alternating POVs this one kept me on my toes and was great on audio read by new to me narrators, Brittany Wilkerson and Henriette Zoutomou. Hands down this is my new favorite book by Canadian mystery author Robyn Harding! Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and Librofm for early digital and audio copies in exchange for my honest review!

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The book I had the pleasure of reading is a thrilling tale of friendship born from a shared experience of deep pain and turmoil. From the outset, the author expertly captivates readers with a narrative that is as haunting as it is inspiring.

The story centers around two individuals, each carrying their own burdens and scars from a troubled past. Their lives intersect in the aftermath of a suicide attempt, and an unlikely bond forms between them. As the plot unfolds, we witness the development of a unique and intricate friendship, built upon a foundation of mutual understanding and support.

One of the most intriguing aspects of this book is the theme of trust. Despite their troubled backgrounds, the characters find solace in each other's presence and gradually learn to trust one another. This trust becomes a driving force as they embark on a collaborative journey, united by a common purpose. The author skillfully explores the complexities of trust and its transformative power, keeping readers engrossed in the evolving dynamics between the characters.

The story takes unexpected twists and turns, leaving readers constantly on the edge of their seats. The author skillfully maintains a sense of suspense and mystery throughout, creating a narrative that is as thrilling as it is emotionally resonant. As the characters navigate their individual struggles and confront their past traumas, the reader is taken on a rollercoaster of emotions, feeling their pain, loneliness, and ultimately their unyielding desire to never be alone again.

The author's writing style is evocative and powerful, painting vivid imagery and immersing the reader in the characters' tumultuous world. The raw emotions conveyed through the prose are both gripping and thought-provoking, resonating long after the final page is turned.

In conclusion, this book is a compelling exploration of friendship, trust, and the resilience of the human spirit. It takes readers on a twisty and emotional journey that will leave them deeply moved and questioning the power of genuine connections. Whether you are a fan of thrillers or simply appreciate a thought-provoking story, this book is a must-read. Its ability to delve into the darkest corners of the human experience while offering a glimmer of hope is a testament to the author's storytelling prowess.

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The Drowning Woman by Robyn Harding is my first book by this incredible author. If I were you, I would pick this book up but you better drop everything else because you won’t be able to put it down. A heart pounding story with many twists, my jaw was sore from it dropping on the floor so many times. An extremely well written suspenseful story told in dual point of views. This is one you really don’t want to try and figure out, just sit back……..well try and sit back…….and just enjoy the ride. Ms. Harding will keep you on the edge of your seat. I highly recommend this one and will look for more by this awesome author.

Thank you NetGalley, Grand Central Publishing and Robyn Harding for this incredible thriller to read and review. The opinions expressed are strictly my own.
#netgalley. #grandcentralpublishing. #robynharding. #thedrowningwoman. #arc

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I fell in love with Robyn Harding's books a few years ago when I read The Arrangement. This book did not disappoint! I flew through it and couldn't put it down.
This book mostly follows the main character, Lee who is homeless and living in her car, on the run, and literally has no one. One day, while parked on the beach, she hears a woman's cries and spots her drowning in the water. Lee rescues the woman, Hazel, and finds that although Hazel looks perfect from the outside, she has a scary, troubled marriage. The two become close, and from here the twists begin!
The Drowning Woman is broken up into four parts, told through alternating perspectives, and the twists are GOOD! This books is the perfect binge-worthy read! It has everything you want in a thriller, twists, suspense, and betrayal.

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The Drowning Woman
4 stars
After reading The Swap and devouring it in ~1 day I was SO excited to get my hands on Robyn Harding’s latest domestic thriller!

Overall loved this, especially the first 75%, it kept my attention and I was so intrigued and couldn’t wait to find out what happened next!

After one of the big twists, the story seemed to go in circles slightly for me. There was a lot going on but at the same time it felt a little redundant? Still good/very exciting but I personally thought from ~the 75-90% portion gave me a little pause, however in no way should that deter you from picking this one up!

Fast paced right from the start!
Unique, and very realistic MC perspective
Short-ish Chapters
Multiple POV

This was a classic domestic thriller, with so many twists and turns! I’d totally recommend it for a summer beach thriller read

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This book was just okay. Honestly, I wasn’t as intrigued as I would have liked. I didn’t love the ending. I felt like there was a lot left out and the pieces weren’t tied up. Some of the plots were left unfinished.

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Thank you NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing for this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

There has been so much hype going around about The Drowning Woman, that I had to read it! And...WOW!!
I was so drawn to Lee's character and admired her determination to get herself through the difficult circumstances life was throwing her way. And then there's Hazel...the woman that Lee "saves."
I was definitely sucked into this thrilling story. The story twists at one point and I didn't know who to believe.

Couldn't put this book down!! Highly recommend reading and it definitely lived up to the hype!!

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The Drowning Woman is a grab you right from the start thrill ride, but It's Robyn Harding, and so I wasn't at all surprised. I've loved everything she's published. Robyn's ability to build the plot, adding layer upon carefully constructed layer, speaks to me as a reader, but just when I think I know where's she's going, she throws a pivot, and I'm left frantically flipping pages in a race to the finish, Although the two main characters are at times unlikeable, they're always relatable, and I couldn't help but root for them to succeed. In short, another Robyn Harding masterpiece!

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I really enjoyed this one! It kept me interested through the entire book and I really felt a connection with the characters. Lee and Hazel both had me feeling so empathetic to their situation and I kept wishing that they would find a way out. And as for the male characters, I never expected the twists at the end…you just wait. And the ending (chefs kiss), perfection! This book was full of twists that kept me guessing and reading late into the night. Well worth the read and I highly recommend! 4.5 out of 5 stars, rounding up to 5 on goodreads.

A big thank you to NetGalley, Grand Central Publishing, and Robyn Harding for providing me with this gifted copy in exchange for my honest review.

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