Cover Image: The Time of Your Life

The Time of Your Life

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Starts off slow has some stagnant moments however the chemistry between Eden and Beck along with personality, connection and flair will have you wanting to know more.

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The Time of Your Life is an enchanting romantic read with a gradually blossoming relationship. I was pulled into this captivating read with its charming characters and heartwarming story from the beginning, and their story stayed with me long after reading. This is a steady-paced story of the unexpected meeting of two people coming together. The Time of Your Life was fun to read and entertaining.

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DNF. I tried but I couldn’t get past the first 30 pages, I just dont think this was the book for me. I may try again at another time.

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The journey of Beck Dennison and Eden Marsh begins when they learn of their inheritance from the late Everett Nicholls. The story moves at a slow pace, but it allows us to explore the backgrounds of the characters, revealing their vulnerabilities and past wounds. As the characters deal with family problems and strained relationships, they find solace and camaraderie in each other, despite initial suspicions and misunderstandings. Although the story may not be my favorite, it was still worth reading.

Voluntarily reviewed after receiving a free copy courtesy of NetGalley, the Publisher, and the author, Sandra Kitt.

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This book was...fine. It was definitely a slow-burn romance, but also the whole book seemed slow. It took me quite a long time to get through it. It starts off interesting, and the two MCs, Beck and Eden, have great chemistry at first, then things back off and the pace slowed down. A major issue for me is that I never felt like there was a good description of Beck. I could picture Eden because of the book's cover, but I couldn't picture them together because I have no idea what he looks like.
The MCs had interesting jobs, interesting families, met in an interesting way, and as the series title indicates, both come into quite a bit of money. Given all of that, I would say it was mostly boring. It's not poorly written, but it is just not the right style for me.

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Special thanks to Sourcebooks Casablanca for providing a digital ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 3 stars

TL;DR: My feelings on this vacillated greatly throughout my reading journey. There were moments when I enjoyed our characters and their burgeoning romance but the slow pace, lack of plot, and the total "what the heck is going on" moment of their final conflict almost made the not-so-enjoyable moments outweigh the good. As it is, I'd say this is a solid 3-star read—not bad but not great though I enjoyed it enough to want to possibly read other books by this author in the future.

What I liked:
- Eden was an admirable character. She's no-nonsense, hard-working (almost to a fault) and tough as heck! I loved how she spoke up for others and spoke her mind. The scene in the bathroom at the ball? *chef's kiss!* OML, I adored how she didn't let her insecurities engulf her, worked through her feelings, and stood up for herself because YES, QUEEN! I also enjoyed seeing her be her badass self defending people who can't defend themselves.
- Beck was charming and I enjoyed his backstory although it was heartbreaking. I wanted to see a little more emotion out of him, especially in relation to his mother but I found his arc touching. I also liked how thoughtful he was when it came to the people in his life, even his mother who he had a complicated relationship with. The way he took care of Eden when she has always been the one to take care of others was very sweet, too!
- Some of their romantic moments had the butterflies going in my chest. I loved how sweet they were with each other and how they clicked. Watching them catch feelings and have realisations about the strength of those feelings made me feel just as giddy as they felt! Although it was predictable and I could see it coming from the moment this element was introduced, I still loved a particular scene at the end between these two—if you read this, you'll definitely know what I mean!

What I struggled with:
- I felt like much of their romantic evolution was "told" and not "shown". They spent a good chunk of their time apart living their own lives, which is fair enough, but more of the times they spent together felt glossed over.
- Their lack of communication or should I say their lack of desire to communicate their feelings more was quite frustrating and I felt, led to unnecessary drama. Why couldn't they have just stated outright how they felt before they'd fight and have to make up when they could so easily do it after feeling guilty about a pointless argument? As much as I enjoyed that they just *got* what the other was feeling, this lack of communication felt incongruous with their natures.
- Holly. Straight up, I did not like this woman. She was spoiled, entitled, bratty and wildly immature. Even though I know from personal experience that sister relationships are complicated, I lowkey hated how Eden would let Holly walk all over her even until the end! Holly did not deserve it and I'm not taking these words back, I don't care, lol.
- I don't know if it was just the writing of the characters that was occasionally confusing to me but the resolution of some of their conflicts, both personal and romantic, felt off at times? I don't know how to describe it. It was almost as if these important moments were written passively and I struggled to understand why certain characters acted or reacted in ways that were very blasé. I think it again comes down to the lack of communicativeness...

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I hadn't read one of Sandra Kitt's books in a while, so diving into this one was a treat. I've always enjoyed her writing style, and this latest story with Eden and Beck was thoroughly enjoyable!

The plot unfolds in Washington D.C., and Kitt adeptly incorporates numerous references to local places and elements of the D.C. area. As a fan of Washington D.C., I appreciated this aspect; it added depth to both the characters and the plot, enhancing my overall reading experience.

In the story, Eden and Beck mistakenly identify each other at a memorial service for Everett Nicholls, a person with connections to both. Their initial meeting is marked by mutual attraction, a passing moment. However, their paths cross again at an attorney's office during the reading of Everett Nicholls' will, sparking both positive and challenging emotions. Both characters are intriguing, especially after Kitt later reveals each of their unique connections to Everett. From there, their romance begins to blossom.

Sandra Kitt's storytelling skills shine, throughout the book. Midway through, I discovered that it's the second book in a series, and I am eager to go back and explore the first book.

Whether you're a devoted fan of Sandra Kitt's work or simply enjoy a good romantic story, this one is a must-read! I highly recommend it!

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A chance encounter leads into the sweetest love story for Eden and Beck. For each other and themselves.
I enjoyed the evolution of the characters most in this story. This read more like a contemporary read than romance in my opinion. There was a strong focus on the home life battles of our main characters.
There is a 3rd act spiff that ends quickly enough so you aren't aching.
Overall I thought it was a fine read. I likely will not read again tho

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The time of your life is a beautiful love story between Eden Marsh, a 3rd-year law student determined to help others at the detriment of herself, and Beck Dennison, a journalist who struggles with feeling loved. After meeting at the wake of the late Everett Nicholls, they're suspicious of one another because each have been left millions. The story is a journey for each - separately and eventually together. It is a beautiful love story of two people who are faced with and overcome unfortunate circumstances. It's a beautiful love story. Highly recommended.

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*I was given a copy of this novel by Netgalley in exchange for a review

Standard romance novel. It was slow to get going. The characters were not very engaging. But a solid ending and ultimately heart warming novel. I would try another book by this author.

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Eden Marsh and Beck Dennison meets at a memorial for a mutual acquaintance and then they meet again at a will reading where they have inherited a good amount of money. Their different family problems brings them together along with an intense attraction neither saw coming.
I enjoyed this read. Sandra Kitt is one of the best when it comes to romance!

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I really enjoyed this book so much more than I thought I would. It had great character development and I enjoyed following along on their story! I would definitely recommend this book.

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The Time of Your Life (The Millionaires Club #2 ) was a great read by Sandra Kitt. Beck Dennison is at his stepfather’s funeral, and doesn’t recognize a beautiful woman. He will find out more about her, and that includes her relationship with Everett Nicholls. He didn’t expect that he would gain an inheritance that made him a millionaire. He gets suspicious when the beautiful woman gets a generous inheritance as well. Eden Marsh is mourning the loss of her mentor. She finds herself attracted to Beck while he tries to comfort her. This starts a long list of misunderstandings that could bring them closer together or tear them apart before anything can start. I enjoyed reading this book and cant wait to read more by the author.

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I was gagged! Of boredom! Like it was dragging! And i was so excited bc the cover eats!! Maybe ill reread and give it a chance! Very generous with the stars ngl!

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This was a multicultural romance where the two main characters are brought together by the death of some they both held dear. It's beautifully written and represents POC well. I am usually a more of a chase than romance and a little more of a drama through the book, but I did still enjoy this one.

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The Time of Your Life is a great romance novel. I love the main characters, Beck and Eden, how they met and the progression of their romance.

I didn't like the pace, it was very slow, and took away some of the excitement for me.

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This book was everything and I truly enjoyed it. It was a little different from what I normally read but had so much spice, sweet moments, and angst to keep me hooked. I cried when Beck and Nora finally had it out about what happened when he was a kid. I enjoyed Eden so much. She was so open, kind, and giving. Her relationship with her sister was frustrating but I think she handled it well. Getting to see Eden and Beck’s relationship grow was a pleasure. I loved everything about this book!

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Slower pace and a little hard to get going, but the character Development was worth it. Kitt had a fantastic way with words. The way that Beck and Eden came to meet was kiss face! A little bit of romance with the perseverance and the character story.

Read as an ARC and would recommend. I did not read the first in the series and plan to go back.

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Eden and Bek both had deep ties to the deceased Everett Nichol, however neither knew about the other, As they are both dealing with this sad times they are getting to know each other better. FOr me this book was unreaistic. THere was not enough in there to mke this a great book for me It did not hold my attention. I have read other books by this wuthor and loved them. The one just didnt do it for me.

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When Everett Nicholls dies, he leaves his fortune to his step-son, Beck Dennison, and the law student he was mentoring, Eden Marsh. Unsure of each other, they are trying to figure out where one another stands while also dealing with the new issues that are arising. The ones that they’ve been ignoring, but now that they’ve inherited a fair amount of money can no longer be ignored.

This is the second novel in The Millionaires Club series, but I don’t feel like I was missing anything by not reading the first one. The concept intrigued me and I thought I’d get pulled in by some drama with a touch of slow-burn and enemies to lovers. I was led astray as the two MCs seemed to set aside their questions and differences quick and there was a lack of drama that really made it hard for me to get invested.

At the beginning, it felt incredibly dialogue heavy. It did seem to get better, but it didn’t feel like the the balance of show verse tell ever balanced out. I don’t think I ever got to actually know the characters and learn about them. Eden and Beck stayed kind of flat for me in a way. I never seemed to really get to learn about them and connect with them which really left me struggling with this book.

There was also a mention of COVID that really caught me off guard. It felt sudden and out of place where there were no other details to make me think that was going on. I hated this and really wished that it wasn’t there at all.

This simply wasn’t the book for me. I wasn’t able to connect with the characters nor was I excited by the story that felt entirely anticlimactic. If you want minimal drama, low stakes romance, give this a shot.

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