Member Reviews

With all the elements of this story; the masquerade, the 1%er private school, neurodivergent and LGBTQ+ reps, a catastrophic event, plus a wild race to stop the nefarious plans, I feel like I shouldn’t have been able to put this one down. But it kind of felt like it dragged on and was a slow burn. I’m not sure. I wasn’t prepared for a lot of what happened, and I did enjoy it. It just was slow going for some reason.

Waverly is at Webber Academy on scholarship. People think she’s a genius when she really just works ridiculously hard to do everything right. Except for maybe the whole sneaking around with the Dean’s daughter last year until she ghosted her and broke her heart. When Caroline, the popular girl she tutors, laments that she just wants a night off and doesn’t want to go to the ostentatious masquerade ball the academy throws, she suggests Waverly take her place since they have similar builds. With the full face mask, no one will know. Waverly wants to say no, until she remembers that the Dean’s daughter is back from London to attend, and there’s no other way to get in. She can get in, talk to Ash, and get out with closure in no time, right?

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In the heart of New York City, a glamorous masquerade ball transforms into a nightmarish vision of dystopia. In the halls of Webber Academy, where privilege reigns supreme, Waverly, a scholarship student who is both gay and autistic, yearns for a taste of the opulent event. Despite her financial barriers, her wealthy friend Caroline proposes a daring plan: Waverly will attend the masquerade disguised as Caroline herself. The allure of the masquerade intensifies when Waverly discovers that her ex-girlfriend Ash, the dean's daughter, will be in attendance.

As whispers of scandal and mystery swirl through the school following a suspicious incident involving Caroline's tech billionaire father, the party proceeds unabated. But when darkness descends upon the revelers, trapping them within the elegant venue, the true horror emerges—the world is on the brink of collapse. Caught in a web of deceit and uncertainty, Waverly must navigate the chaos and determine whom she can trust. Yet, amidst the intrigue, the seamless facade of the fairy-tale beginning fractures, revealing the harsh reality of impending catastrophe.

While the narrative's pacing may falter at times, Wilde's exploration of the elite's response to societal collapse offers a compelling commentary on contemporary issues. An intense yet uneven apocalyptic survival story, "This Is The Way The World Ends" captures the essence of Wilde's examination of privilege, power, and survival in a world teetering on the edge of oblivion.

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This book was a crazy ride at first I did get how we were going to get to the end of the world. It seem to be just another story about some under privileged kid going to a private school, but that ending save this story for me. We get to see our main character go from a rule follower to someone who will take on the world over all for me it a three star read personally

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The first half of this book was good, strong, and immensely enjoyable. The second half...the author floundered a bit. The story ended up being tolerable, but kind of uneven and objectively not as good as I was hoping for. I will read more by this author, but this one isn't a favorite.

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I enjoyed the first half but did not enjoy the second half. I will be looking for more from this author. Thank you netgalley for the early copy.

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This book was a bit all over the place. I absolutely loved the cover. I appreciate that the author adds diversity to the novel. I just needed a stronger plot and direction for the story to keep me interested.

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I’m not sure how I feel about this one still. I liked it while I was reading it but I found it very forgettable. I did really like the characters and the story line.

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This book was a trip! It was engaging and intriguing. You didn't know who to trust. It was a quick read.
My biggest complaint i felt like the whole bit of her having autism was almost forgotten for a chunk of the book when the party started and chaos began. I know the spectrum has a wide range but based on everything we knew about Waverly from before the party on how she handles overstimulation, all of her actions in the party and how she interacted socially felt inaccurate. But I did love seeing how she was able to prove to herself that she could do so much more than she imagined she could and fought so hard for her friends when she could have just saved herself.

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Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review. A masquerade and a murder - perfect for any entertaining story with socialites and the higher privileged. An entertaining read from start to finish.

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I really enjoyed the first half of This is the way the world ends. The second part really didn't interest me as much. I enjoyed the characters well enough and Waverly's growth throughout the book is great.

Thanks to the author, publisher and Netgalley for this book in exchange for my honest review!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book, as this book has already been published, I will not share my review on Netgalley at this time.

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First, I loved the character building. I could fully understand, and sometimes relate to Waverly. She comes from a low income family and is both autistic and queer.
(The disability rep hits close to home-i so appreciate the author for this!)
The descriptions were also very good, going into beautiful detailing. I could "see" most scenes so clearly.
Secondly, I really liked that this book contains both mystery and sci-fi (my favorite two genres). There is a little romance in it too, but not much! All three fun genres.
Without giving anything away, if you love any of the three genres mentioned, you'll enjoy this book!
It was an awesome adventure packed with excitement. I will watch out for this author in the future!

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This is the Way the World Ends

Autistic student, Waverly attends the prestigious Webber Academy on scholarship. She comes upon a murder at the schools masquerade ball and all hell breaks out from there.

I really enjoyed this story but especially the character of Waverly, she’s different and original, all at the same time. She isn’t like the other students who have everything handed to them. I liked the addition of the blackout and this giving Waverly her chance to shine.

Bonus points for the above because its one of my biggest fears after getting locked in a dark elevator with strangers for 45 minutes!

My thanks to St. Martins Press for this gifted DRC.

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I enjoyed this book. It took me a bit to get into it but after I did it really took off. There were some twists and turns along the way and I really enjoyed them. Overall this book was a great read.

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Unfortunately, I requested this one when my tastes were a bit different and this one just didn't hit with me when I got to it.

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I wanted to love this book. I really really REALLY did. The story, the idea was fantastic!!! The execution, that fell flat.
I had expected this book to pull me right in, instead it didn't. Ok, so I figured this was a slow burning candle. The first half was slow, and I spent a lot of time putting it down, forgetting about it and then picking it back up a few days later.
But there as something off.
I loved that the main character is autistic. It really was a huge postive point for me, but the story, it was just a mess and all over the place.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC

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"Only rich white men would throw a party at the end of the world."

I have mixed feelings about this. As you may know, I have been obsessed with Jen Wilde books since I first read Queens of Geek in 2017. In my review for Going off Script , I even mention that I began anticipating their next release as soon as I finished it. Four years later, I was thrilled to get an ARC of that next book.

I hate to say that it didn't live up to my expectations. Maybe thrillers/end of the world stories just aren't my cup of tea. While this isn't my favorite Jen Wilde book, I still enjoyed it. Once I really got into it earlier this week, I finished it in a few days.

This book will make you anxious. I had to take a few breaks from reading once things started to get intense.

The point of this book was well done, and going back to the epigraph after I finished reading made me tear up. I loved the characters we were supposed to love, and hated the ones we were supposed to hate. There's one death that I know was meant to make us feel something, but I didn't feel close enough to the character to really care.

I enjoyed the mystery aspect of it! There were some things I kind of saw coming, but some I was genuinely surprised by.

Does anybody else feel like they need a map of this place? I was so confused by how rooms and hallways and elevators connected to each other. Also, I need a short story or sequel or something because I have so many unanswered questions!

Overall, while This is the Way the World Ends doesn't live up to the hype I've had for it, it was still a good book and deserves a chance!

Quote is from an early copy and may not reflect the final version.

Huge thank you to Netgalley and Wednesday Books for an ARC of this!

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This Is the Way the World Ends by Jen Wilde takes readers into the world of Webber Academy from the perspective of neurodivergent student Waverly. The gilded underbelly of the academy shows when a murder takes place.

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for sharing this book with me. All thoughts are my own.

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This had a lot of promise. I am not a big YA reader so when I read the premise I became excited. Unfortunately, it just wasn’t for me as it fell flat - the plot was all over the place and it took me a long time to finish.

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This book is strange. It has a lot of different components; queer, autistic, disabled, thriller. That doesn't even get to the plot. Because of this, the book is just ok.

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