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North of Nowhere

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I received an electronic ARC from St. Martin’s Press, Minotaur Books via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

North of Nowhere honestly has a bit of everything; organized crime, family drama, and even disability representation. The action starts on the first page, and does not let up until the end of the story. I had to keep reading to see how everything played out. I hope there is a sequel in the near future that continues all of the characters’ stories.

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I would like to thank NetGalley and Minotaur Books for providing me with an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Look for it now in your local and online bookstores and libraries.

After hiding from their crime boss father in Montana for the past five years, Kristen and Ryan are running again, with a blizzard fast approaching.

This book is non-stop, heart-pounding action, and I flew through it. I wanted to give it five stars, but there were a few things that bugged me. It was a little bit repetitive. You’ve got all of these people tracking the kids, and each time each group comes upon a place where they think the kids have been, they rehash the same observations. I was also more than a little annoyed that these people, who have been hiding from a very powerful crime family, are all using their real names. Like, what? Anyway, normally, those two things would knock a book down to a maximum of three stars, but this one was so good, I had to give it four.

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North of Nowhere by Allison Brennan is a very highly recommended race-against-time survival thriller that is compulsively readable.

After five years hiding in Montana with father figure Tony Reed, Kristin (Kris) McIntyre, sixteen, and her ten-year-old deaf younger brother Ryan, have to run again immediately. Tony has spotted men looking for them, sent by their real father, Boyd McIntyre, head of a Los Angeles crime family. The trio barely escape in a plane, which was shot at by his men. Tony is mortally wounded and the plane is malfunctioning from the gun fire but he manages to land the plane up in the mountains. With a blizzard quickly approaching and Tony dying, Kris needs to use all her learned skills to save Ryan from the men looking for them. Kris is old enough to remember what and why they went into hiding from the McIntyre clan.

North of Nowhere is an extremely well-written, compelling, fast-paced thriller that is un-put-downable. You may have to suspend some disbelief, but with an action-packed plot, characters confronting danger at every turn, and no clear outcome it is a pleasure to keep reading. The chapters are short, which keeps the pace moving swiftly and are told through the point-of-view of different characters. This adds complexity to the already tension-filled plot and ensures the just-one-more-chapter response right to the end.

There is a large cast of characters in the novel, but I found it easy to keep them all straight as Brennan takes care to provide them all with some development. The main characters all are fully realized and feel like real people. You will care about many of the protagonists and wish them well. Some characters you will feel uncertain about for a time, while the antagonists, especially a couple of them, will draw your ire.

Allison Brennan has written another complex, exceptional thriller in North of Nowhere.
Disclosure: My review copy was courtesy of St. Martin's Press via NetGalley.
The review will be published on Barnes & Noble, Edelweiss, and Amazon.

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Looking for an action packed thriller, than look no further. I have been in a thriller mood and this one was too good.

Kristin and Ryan have spent the last five years hiding from their father. You see he’s a murderer and they don’t want to be found by him. Boyd is skillful at tracking so he’s found his kids, but their escape from him has turned deadly. Now stranded in the wilderness, the siblings must find safety before Boyd finds them again.

Take a father who’s the head of a crime family and take his children who are desperate for escape, add in a plane crash and wilderness survival and boom you’ve got a book. Almost like The River Wild meets Lifetime survival and you’ve got an interesting story. You’ve got nature and wilderness to compete in, let alone a maniac father trying to hunt you down.

This story is survival at its core and it definitely had me on the edge at times.

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I had not read an Allison Brennan mystery before, so I’m excited about the opportunity to read and review “North of Nowhere”. This is a fast-paced thriller set in the mountain wilderness of Montana. Kristin and Ryan, sister aged 16 and brother aged 11, have looked up to Tony as their father figure for the past five years. He was a hitman for their real father until he realized their lives were in danger and escaped with the kids; living in hiding ever since.
But Boyd, their true father, has caught on to their trail and is fast behind them as they attempt to escape. Their plane crashes in the wilderness of the mountains, and there’s a severe snowstorm on its way. Also searching for them is the sheriff, Tony’s employer, the kids’ aunt, and a couple more unsavory characters.
The woods are full of hunters, some there to kill, some to save. But in the middle of a blinding snowstorm, it’s impossible to tell who to trust. This is a tensely paced with some heartwarming moments and a few twists that keep you guessing.
Thanks to St. Martin’s Press- Minotaur Books for an ARC in exchange for my honest review. The publishing date is August 8, 2023.

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Kristen and Ryan McIntire were able to escape their crime family with the help of a family friend but now they have been found by their father, Boyd, and during their attempt to allude their father have become stranded in the wilderness during a horrific snow storm but the wildlife and winter conditions are the least of their dangers!

North of Nowhere is a cross between a nature survival story and family drama as Kristen and Ryan battle the dangerous winter conditions while various groups of people are looking for them with different intentions! The story was just okay to me, not terrible but did not hold my interest well! I found most of it predictable but if your looking for a survivalist type story then this could be the one for you! I did enjoy the characters and was vested in their survival.

Thank you Netgally and St. Martin's Press for this E-ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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This was a bit different from the usual Allison Brennan titles I've read in the past but I enjoyed it. Action, betrayal, and intrigue, I was hooked from the first page.

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Okay, so I have to say that this book kind of drove me crazy. The plot was good. A couple of the characters were great. For some reason, it just didn’t hit for me and I think there are a few reasons why, mostly that I like psychological thrillers more than action thrillers. The book definitely has an audience, but it wasn’t totally me.

Loooooong story short, five years ago, two children named Kristen and Ryan ran away to live with a man named Tony. They lived/hid in Montana, working for a man named Nick, and his son, Jason. They think of Tony as their father; their mother is dead, their biological father is a criminal and their grandmother makes their father look like a saint. Then one day, they are found…and into a blizzard they run. Since this wasn’t really the book for me, I’ll go with what I liked and didn’t.

-There were SO MANY CHARACTERS, especially for a story written about people in the middle of nowhere … it’s set during a major storm in one of the most remote states in the country, but somehow about 30 people are involved, all with their own agendas.
-This was a slow burn, of which historically, I’m not a fan.
-The action/crime part of this was huge, when I’d rather have focused more on the core characters.

-I thought Kristen, Tony and Nick were fantastic characters.
-The ending was good.
-The writing was good, and I liked the backdrop of a winter storm in Montana.

Overall this was a bit slow and a bit too “action-story” for me, but it was still a decent book, and if you like thriller books about criminal organizations/families, you’ll probably enjoy it! Three stars.

(Thank you to St. Martin’s Press/Minotaur Books, Allison Brennan, and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my review.)

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This book hooks you on the first page and doesn't let go. It's full of non-stop action, drama and suspense and will keep you on the edge of your seat. A word of caution don't start this book at bedtime or you will be up all-night reading, once you start you can't put it down.
I received a complimentary copy from St. Martin's Press, Minotaur Books via NetGalley and was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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A good book, but just not for me.

A man tries to protect two kids from being captured by their father and grandmother, who run a powerful organized crime group.

Loved the snowy Montana setting, but for me this was just too many people with guns chasing each other around in the snow. I know that many readers will love it - if you're a fan of outdoorsy hard boiled fiction, give it a try.

Not sure if this is typical Allison Brennan, but I'd be happy to try another of her books.

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For five years, Kristen and Ryan lived under an assumed name in the small town of Big Sky, Montana. For five years, Tony had kept them safe from those who should have protected them. But it is all over when Tony notices strangers in town. The children’s father, the head of a crime family, has found them and is coming to take them back. When their escape plan is derailed thanks to someone shooting at the airplane and striking the fuel line and Tony injured, the children strike out on their own, not knowing that a blizzard is about to descend on Big Sky. With their father, aunt, and a local rancher on their trail, it is a matter of time before someone catches up with them. But it isn’t their father, the storm, or the wildlife that the children have to worry about. Something more dangerous than the wildlife and the storm await them back on the ranch. Will the children escape?

I had seen Out of Nowhere floating around the blogosphere for a while. While I was interested, this was a book that I would eventually read in my own time. So, you can imagine my surprise when I got an email from St. Martin’s Press with a widget attached. I was even more surprised when I realized I had requested this book from their influencer program and forgot about it.

North of Nowhere is a fast-paced book set in the state of Montana. The pacing of this book fits the storyline. There was little lag, and the author was able to keep the main focus on the three different storylines.

The main storyline of North of Nowhere centered around the kids (Kristen and Ryan), Boyd, Ruby, and Nick. The story is told through the eyes (3rd person) of Kristen, Boyd, Ruby, and Nick. I am not a fan of multiple storylines or storylines that swap back and forth between characters, but in this case, it worked. The more urgent the storyline became, the more the author switched between the characters.

What I also liked about this book is that the characters were human. Take, for instance, Tony and Boyd. They both were ruthless killers, and they had some psychopathic tendencies. But, and I stress but, they were willing to set those tendencies aside for the kids. Tony did this for five years, and Boyd did it while searching for the kids. Each of the characters, main and otherwise, was well-written and fleshed out.

The storyline of why Tony took the kids and ran was heartbreaking. I did think that the author dragged it out longer than it should have been, but it was all good with me. Kristen did annoy me with her screaming at Boyd, but in her defense, he deserved it. I also was a little irritated with Boyd and how blind he was to everything until it was almost too late. Even I knew who was behind everything.

The storyline with Boyd, his search for the kids, and everything else he did was interesting. I liked how the author first portrayed him as a mob boss going in and getting a job done (getting his kids). But, as that storyline progressed, a different side of Boyd was seen. He genuinely loved his kids and would stay in a blizzard to find them. By the end of the book, I was rooting for Boyd to do the right thing. I wasn’t expecting what happened to him. It took me by surprise.

Ruby’s storyline was complicated. I understood why she helped Tony (she discovered what Frankie was doing to Kristen). I also understood why she shut herself off from the kids (in case a situation like this happened). But, when push came to shove, she was able to face her demons (aka her mother) and help those kids out. Her refusal to do what Frankie wanted at the end of the book was a significant turning point in her storyline.

There were points in the book where I wondered why Nick was involved. But, as soon as he tracked the plane and saw what happened, I understood. Nick was the only one around who could survive the blizzard coming through. Plus, he found Boyd’s story a little fishy and wanted to ensure the kids would be safe. The author put Nick through the wringer in his storyline, but I was happy with his outcome.

The kids’ storyline was complicated and twisty. Kristen witnessed two murders by the time she was eleven. She was damaged because of that. She also knew who was behind the murder of her mother and was terrified of this person. In her five years with Tony, she learned to care for herself. More importantly, she took care of her younger brother, who was deaf.

Let’s talk about Frankie for a minute. The author discusses her quite a bit during the book’s first half. Man, she was cold and was willing to sacrifice/do whatever it took to protect the family and her business. So be it if that meant drugging a ten-year-old to become more cooperative. Frankie becomes essential towards the end of the book. She was scary, manipulative, and just plain evil.

The thriller angle of North of Nowhere kept me on the edge of my seat. The author didn’t let up with it. From the escape to the book’s final scenes, I felt I couldn’t breathe.

The mystery angle of North of Nowhere was well written. There were some things that I figured out early in the book, and there were others that surprised me when the author revealed them. The author kept me on my toes.

The end of North of Nowhere almost seemed anti-climatic. I liked how the author wrapped everything up. I hope that the author writes another book in this universe. There were a couple of surviving people that I would love to read about.

I would recommend North of Nowhere to anyone over 21. There are no sexual situations, but there is graphic violence and language.

Many thanks to Saint Martin’s Press, Minotaur Books, NetGalley, and Allison Brennan for allowing me to read and review North of Nowhere. All opinions stated in this review are mine.

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North of Nowhere was a book of constant action and tension. After hiding from a criminal father, two kids are left to run for their lives when he finds them. I appreciated the backstory and how it was unfurled. There was a balance of likable and unlikable characters. Sometimes I had to remind myself of who was who. There were a lot of people wandering around the forest. The forest as a setting, with its thick trees and incoming storm, was a character all on its own. It through in twists at the characters and really upped the tension. The story was one you wanted to keep reading until you found out how it all ended.

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Sixteen-year-old Kristen and eleven-year-old Ryan escaped their criminal family with their godfather, Tony, five years ago. Since then, they’ve been living under the radar, Tony posing as their dad. Tony’s prepared for them to run if they’re discovered and has all the plans in place. Unfortunately, Tony spots the bad guys with little time to spare and with a wicked blizzard on route.

They end up crashing the small plane in the Montana wilderness and must hike out to their safe house. The bad guys are in pursuit, but there are a few good people out to help them: their aunt Ruby, a former marine and tough lady ready to risk it all for them, Nick Lorenzo, owner of Triple Pine Ranch and Tony’s employer/friend, and Sheriff Kate Paxton. These people had big hearts and couldn’t be bought by Kristen’s criminal family.

North of Nowhere started off with a bang and was action-packed all the way through! I was on the edge of my seat! I needed to know these kids would be safe! Being lost in the Montana wilderness as a terrible blizzard beats down on them was intense, but they were being pursued by hired gunmen and their father, a criminal and murderer on top of everything else. Even worse in my opinion was their evil grandmother! The thought of Kristen and Ryan back with her sent terror into my heart!

I admired Kristen, being tough and determined at such a young age. She cared about her brother so much. Ryan was a sweet, smart kid with a hearing impairment that didn’t seem to hold him back. I rooted for Kristen and Ryan, and I was happy they had good people on their side!

I’m a big fan of Allison Brennan’s mystery/thrillers and this stand-alone did not disappoint! It was the perfect combo of action, suspense, and likeable characters. Also, more than a few unlikable characters! North of Nowhere was one heck of a page-turner!

I alternately read an e-copy and listened to the audio version. I highly recommend either format! Eliza Foss’s performance was excellent! I’ve enjoyed her performance in the past, most notably narrating Allison Brennan’s Max Revere series. I love her rich voice! I listened to my usual 1.5x normal speed and sometimes a little higher when things got intense.

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Allison Brennan has written a book full of white-knuckle moments where this reader was unsure if any of the characters were going to be left alive at the end of the book! North of Nowhere is nonstop action and suspense, and I loved it right up to the last chapter.
Chronologically, North of Nowhere covers 2 days, 2 very intense days in the lives of its characters. I admired Kristen, a 16 year old living her worst nightmare. Suddenly she is forced to make life and death decisions for her and her younger brother. With Mother Nature and the baddies playing for keeps, how can Kristan and Ryan survive a blizzard and stay ahead of those who wish them dead?
Allison Brennan had me riveted to North of Nowhere, up until the end. While the loose ends were tied up, the ending felt rushed. The book just ... ended. I had so many questions about the future of these characters that were left unanswered. This book really needs an epilogue.
4 stars

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Allison Brennan I cannot thank you enough for writing a totally engaging story that made me feel as if I was right there freezing and running with Kristine and Ryan through the dangerous unpredictable paths with my heart in my throat. These characters truly made me feel - some I loved, some I hated, and then there was Boyd who I was ultimately undecided about.
The premise was so very promising - two older children who are living with a close family friend have been on the run with Tony for five years in an effort to escape their evil controlling family. Everything that could go wrong does and they are on a treacherous mountain in a blizzard running from evil. Nonstop action and tension building take over and make it impossible to put the book downuntil the satisfying ending.
The emotions I felt were so very real thanks to Allison Brendan’s writing style. Many many thanks to Allison Brennan, Minotaur Books, and NetGalley for affording me the opportunity to read an arc of this soon to be published book.

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this ARC publication for an honest review.

I just discovered this author, and she was immediately added to my favorite list! I could not put this book down. I loved the setting, the character development, the family dynamics, the morally grey areas, the on the edge of your seat moments...EVERYTHING!

Tony Reed was not a good man, but he wanted to be after saving Kristen and her deaf younger brother, Ryan. Their biological father, Boyd, used to be his best friend who is part of a criminal organization headed by his mother, Frankie (evil, evil woman!). For the past five years, Tony has raised the kids as his own, and has stayed on the right side of the law living in Montana. During this time, he has trained Kristen to be prepared for anything...and the "anything" happens when their location is discovered.

I adored the family bond Tony and the kids created. The love between them was so pure and genuine even if the connection was not one of blood. The fact that Kristen (Ryan was too young to know the true background) knew that Tony had not been a good man but loved him anyway by the merits earned by his actions and devotion to them, tugged at my heartstrings.

Ruby was an unbelievably strong woman despite her family background. Her whole situation was just heartbreaking. Nick's story was also heartbreaking. Like Ruby, his tragedy made him the man he was, to be strong for his son. Ruby and Nick worked so well together, and my romantic heart was hoping for an epilogue where the two of them were together, raising the kids. Fingers crossed, maybe a sequel!

Intense and emotional, this book was a 5-star read for me!

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North to Nowhere was an exciting story of corruption and organized crime. Running for their lives two children, their aunt and a local rancher brave the wilderness to elude pursuers determined to capture the children and kill anyone that gets in there way. Brennan tells the story intertwining threads of love and redemption in her latest.

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Sixteen-year-old Kristen and her deaf younger brother are racing to avoid a treacherous incoming snowstorm and their mob boss father. They soon discover their father isn’t the only one searching for them. Who will find them first, and will they survive?

This book! It had me in a chokehold. All of the action takes place in roughly one day. Kristen and Ryan find themselves in a cat-and-mouse game of survival and trying to connect with those who want to help them. North of Nowhere has plenty of villains who aren’t focused on Kristen and Ryan’s best interest, including some who should only want the best for them.

Throughout this fast-paced and action-packed story, I was rooting for Kristen and Ryan. It’s definitely a struggle for them to know the good guys from the bad guys.

Don’t miss this thrilling story of found family, forgiveness, and survival set in the remote Montana wilderness.

I received a gifted copy of this book. This voluntary review reflects my honest opinion

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I have just finished North of Nowhere by Allison Brennan and here are my thoughts.

Boyd McIntyre is on a rampage. He has finally found his kids Kristen and Ryan after 5 years of being taken by his best friend Tony. Tony took the kids after their mother begged him to get them away from Boyd, a crime boss, a murderer. Boyd shoots down the plane with Tony and the kids in. Now he is searching for his kids as a storm is coming.

Ruby McIntyre is the only person Tony trusts to save her niece and nephew and after receiving a call, Ruby is hot on their trail. Boyd isn’t the only one looking for the kids and depending on who finds them first will be the difference between life and death.

I was super excited to read this one. It sounded fast paced and thrillerific so I was in for that. It was both things! I was blown away by how quick the story moved and how cleverly put together all the elements were included. The book takes place mostly in the present day but the characters in the book have flashbacks which help build the backstory in a pretty exciting way.

The book kind of hits you like bam bam bam bam then it kind of fizzles a bit. That was a bit deflating for me but all the other elements were there so it wasn’t the worst thing. The characters were well put together and I enjoyed the back and forth between some of the characters. Loved Kristen and Ruby for their tenacity in the face of danger. I couldn’t imagine being 16 and trying to save my 10 year old brother.

I am not a fan of wilderness thrillers but this one was worth the read for sure. It was a good cat and mouse thriller with the right amount of burn. I never thought I would read a slow burn, fast paced book in my life but this one managed to pull it off!

4 stars.

Thank you @netgalley and @stmartinspress for my gifted copy

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First line: Tony Reed was alive today because he always listened to his gut.

Synopsis: Sixteen-year-old Kristin and ten-year-old Ryan McIntire-Reed have been hiding from their brutal crime family – headed by their father, Boyd McIntire – for quite a while. Kristin witnessed Boyd kill a rival, and now there are a lot of people who’d like her to die in turn. The kids have been custody of Boyd’s best friend and former second-in-command, Tony Reed, for just that reason. Tony’s been keeping an eye on the kids on his ranch in Big Sky, Montana, for five years. But now their luck has run out, and Boyd’s men have found them. Boyd’s plan is to kidnap them back.

North of Nowhere is a book that I recommend to any mystery thriller reader. This is an atmospheric story - the details of the storm and the area is so detailed that I could feel the cold, see what little they could see, and feel their fear as they worked to get back to safety. It's like the cold wintry backdrop is a character in itself adding to the tension and suspense.

Within the first few pages of North of Nowhere, Tony knows he has been found. I love that he was both aware of what was happening around him and he has a plan.he has been preparing the kids as well, They have been trained to take care of themselves in this dangerous mountain country. So when Boyd comes a knocking, there is no time for questions, no time for discussion, everyone knew their role and they jumped right into action. Tony's main goal is to protect Kristen and Ryan. He borrows his boss’ plane and initiates his plan to get the kids out and to safety. But, something goes wrong and it could lead to the death of all of them.

This story moves like lightening. I enjoyed the chase. And believe me…this is a big chase, over the mountains and through the woods…in a blizzard, no less. And let me tell you, there are some major intense moments where I literally gasped out loud. And just when you think things may be about to settle down, there is another twist and someone’s life is thrown into jeopardy again!

Many thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press, Minotaur Books for Allison Brennan's a fast paced, exciting thriller. I do believe her 2nd book is better than her debut!

Note: I both listened to the audio and read this book. Both are excellent and worth your time!

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