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Someone Else's Bucket List

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When 26 year old Instagram influencer Bree Boyd are finds out she has cancer she realizes there are so many more things she wanted to do before she died . For her followers and her family, she records videos telling her family about her bucket list. Now her little sister, Jodie is working through the five items on her sisters bucket list, and posting her adventures on Instagram. Each time she completes one, the airlines who follows her pays off a little bit of the families huge medical debt. Watching Jodie come out of her shell as she follows her sister’s dreams is poignant, heartwarming, and inspiring. I loved this book and the characters! 4 stars. Thank you to NetGalley for the digital copy.

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Someone Else’s Bucket List was a book unlike any other I have read before. I don’t believe there is a story out there like this one, at least not one that I have read. This book gave me all the feels. It covered it all, life, love, family and learning to live again. The dialogue between all of the characters was seamless. I very much enjoyed this book and will recommend it to others.

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Well dang. The second book in so many days to pull a tear or two out of me.

Bree is Instagram famous and has used her influencer status to find her dream travels. She’s dealt the shock of her life when she’s unexpectedly diagnosed with cancer.

Jodie, Bree’s little sister, has always been afraid to take chances.

When faced with the devastating grief of the loss of Bree, her family and bestie are floundering. From the pain, the hopelessness, and the debt.

Then a video Bree scheduled is goes live online and changes everything.

This is a gorgeous exploration of love, loss, and living a full life.

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T Matthews

#SomeoneElsesBucketList #NetGalley

Readers who like stories that require a nearby box of tissues will want to take a look at this novel. It has sadness but also going out of one’s comfort zone in order to meet a challenge.

Protagonist Jodie’s sister has tragically died way too young. The family is grieving which would be more than enough but, in addition, they are being crushed by medical bills.

Bree left behind a bucket list. Jodie is told that someone will pay off the debt if she completes all of the tasks on Bree’s list. She agrees to try and readers will surely root for her as she moves through them. They may especially be interested to see if she falls in love. Readers will also, perhaps, come away with some new experience ideas of their own to complete.

This was a good read. Recommended to fan’s of women’s fiction and those who like stories in which heroines try hard to succeed and learn.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Kensington Books for this title. All opinions are my own.

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This book tore at my heartstrings but I loved every minute of it! It is very similar to P.S. I Love You but the relationship is between sisters and not partners.

When Jodie's sister, social media influencer Bree, dies of leukemia, she leaves behind a mountain of debt and an unfinished bucket list. A bucket list that, if Jodie completes it, a sponsor will pay off Bree's medical bills at the end, leaving her family debt free.

“My dying wish is for you to finish my bucket list. I refuse to die without knowing this list will be completed. And I refuse to die without knowing my family will be okay”…

We follow Jodie over the next year as she attempts to complete Bree' bucket list as her sister challenges her with each item. It's an emotional ride and is heavier at times but I really enjoyed the story.

Look out for this book on May 23, 2023.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Bree thought she had pneumonia and went into the hospital when the doctor asked her how long has she had leukemia Bree thought he was joking because as far as she knew she didn’t have cancer. When she found out she actually did have leukemia she attacked it with her can-do spirit she was an influencer and look at everything in a positive way or sister Jody was the complete opposite. So when Bree passed away and said her last wish was for Jody to come out of her shell and finish her bucket list she was a little hesitant but knew it would help pay off her sisters hospital bills and after all it was her sisters dying wish. Slowly but surely every item she Texar changes her in someway. I totally love this book and love that even after Bree was gone she continued to change her sisters life I love books like this and was not disappointed this is a total five star read in a feel good story I will be reading again in the future. I have never read a book by this author but I definitely will in the future. I received this book from NetGalley and a publisher but I am leaving this review voluntarily please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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I was hoping for a book about family ties and sisters but I could not get into this book. I had to force myself to read a few pages at a time. Reading about cancer became too depressing for me. Needless to say I finally just gave up. Thanks to the author, Kensington Books, and NetGalley. I received a complimentary copy of this ebook. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

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My dying wish is for you to finish my bucket list. I refuse to die without knowing this list will be completed. And I refuse to die without knowing my family will be okay . . .

I loved this story, the characters, the family, the adventure, every bit of it. The author did a lovely job of unravelling the grief that everyone was suffering. I didn't expect the need to have a box of tissues close by.

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This was a hard one. There were things about it I really loved, and then things that I was just over it and did not care to continue so it took me a while to read or I found myself skimming through parts.
I loved the premise and all the characters (both likeable and unlikeable). Jodie had good moments, but personally I found her a little annoying. The situations off the bucket list were alright, but I also felt like some went on forever and after I did not get their purpose at all. I get it, they made Jodie uncomfortable and she didn't want to do it and wanted to get out of it ... Story was great. Concept was great. A good range of characters. I would recommend, but there was enough about it that annoyed me or I wish was slightly different that I had to take away some stars.

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I have no words to describe this book, but simply amazing and heartfelt., Social influencer Bree is dying of leukemia. She has one wish, for her sister Jodie to finish her bucket list and a company will pay off all of her medical debt, Jodie on the other and is the opposite of Bree, She doesn't like attention, doesn't have the "look", but Jodie will do anything to help her family and preserve her memory.

The book was beautifully written and I felt all the feels .My best friend died of leukemia when I was just 16, and my husband is a childhood survivor as well. I cried and laughed all at the same time. I can't wait to read more by the author. This book will stick with me for a VERY long time. One of the best I have read lately, even though it was quite sad. The way the book was written was heartbreaking and so real.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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Man I really didn’t know what to expect from this book. I knew it was going to have some heavier notes to it just based off the description, but it felt heavy throughout the whole book.

I did enjoy the outlook on life it gave. Made me never want to waste a single second of my life that I’m given. It just bordered on being a bit depressing through a large part of it, which made me not want to pick it up and read more at times.

I did however enjoy the romance, friendship and family side of the book. I really enjoyed all the characters and where the story took them. It just took me forever to get into. Not a bad read though!

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This was an emotional roller coaster of a journey. After a heart breaking beginning, a year passes and Jodie and her family are struggling financially and emotionally. I felt the author really conveyed the anguish they were all going through, which made this a difficult read at times.

The grief is still there after the bucket list adventure begins, but little by little we see Jodie taking on life and developing into a stronger person, overcoming things that's she's used in the past to hold back. There's still grief, but the adventure forces her to see some things in a new light, meet new people and develop new relationships, do terrifying things and learn how to live life to the fullest. A story full of grief and family but also hope and life.

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I really enjoyed SOMEONE ELSE"S BUCKET LIST and following along with Jodie on this unusual but ultimately uplifting journey. The premise sold me right away -- what a unique and captivating idea for a story.

The influencer angle did not bother me as it did some readers. I felt it was pretty realistic for a certain crowd.

My one complaint is that the story takes a while to get going. I really wish we had gotten to the bucket list part much sooner. I feel like we could have woven in Bree in brief flashbacks.

Overall, the slow start did not impact my enjoyment of the novel. Jodie is a relatable main character and the other characters are very entertaining. They come across as super realistic and their hijinks kept me turning the pages.

Matthews writes with sensitivity and heart and there are definitely moments of humor to break up the sadness. This novel is perfect for bookclubs.

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This was an emotional read, exploring the stages of grief and the light after dark.
When Jodie's sister, social media influencer Bree, dies of leukemia, she leaves behind a mountain of debt and an unfinished bucket list.. A bucket list that, if Jodie completes it, a sponsor will follow along for the ride and pay off Bree's medical bills at the end.
This was a slow-moving read at times going into much detail of Jodie's adventures. Sometimes heartwarming, sometimes heartbreaking, as Jodie' fulfills her sister's wishes, she learns the true meaning of actually living.

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"Someone Else's Bucket List" is a bittersweet book. It explores grief and continuing on for those left behind when a loved one dies. At times, it was heartbreaking but overall, it left me feeling optimistic.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Someone Else's Bucket List by Amy T. Matthews is such a great book. I loved the concept behind this book so I was excited to read it. The execution of this book completely lived up to the concept that drew me in. Sisters, cancer, an unfinished bucket list—- so much to love in this book. Readers of women’s fiction or romance will love this book. I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher with no obligations. These opinions are entirely my own.

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This book is so good that I do. not even know how to describe it. There is so much sorrow and so much hope in Someone Else's Bucket List.

When Jodie Boyd's sister Bree dies, she wants her sister to finish her bucket list. Bree, a social media influencer, set up a plan that would allow her sponsors to help pay off the crippling medical debt if Jodie completes her bucket list. Sounds like a great plan except Jodie stays out of the spotlight and Bree's bucket list is very public. Bree may have a plan to help with more than the medical debt too.

I love that we get to know Bree in the first part of the book as it allows us to feel a connection with her throughout. Amy Matthews describes her characters pain and exhaustion so well that you can feel it coming off the pages. As the story progresses you can also feel the hope in every word.

Thank you to NetGalley, Kensington Books, and Amy Matthews for a chance to read and review this novel early.

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A very hard to read, very good, very emotional story for those with siblings. I found it to be a hard read, but for all the right reasons. I am hopeful that this can be the norm as opposed to the 'Me Before You' and 'P.S. I Love You' trend. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an opportunity with this title.

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Jodie Byers has always felt out of place next to her vivacious beautiful older sister, Bree— Prom queen, homecoming queen, and successful travel instagram influencer. At 26, Bree is diagnosed and dies of leukemia. She leaves behind a bucket list for Jodie to complete.. If she completes it and retains followers, a sponsor will pay off all of Bree’s staggering medical debt. Some of the challenges are easy (plant a tree), while some are daunting (have a cameo on a Broadway play), and still others seem impossible (fall in love).

<b>I loved this book.</b> The story was well told, with 3 dimensional characters. We get a delightful cast of characters who I wish we saw more, especially Jodie’s dad and Kelly’s mom.

I laughed; I wanted to cry; I did cry.

It was authentic in the treatment of grief. Jodie and her family are deeply entrenched in grief and stress about paying off the medical debt. Jodie just goes through the motions of work, school, home every day. Her mom hyper-fixates on Bree, while her dad seems to have fully retracted into himself.

The bucket list challenge breaks some of this routine and gives them something else to think about. I thoroughly enjoyed going on adventures with Jodie and “Marketing Barbie” Cheryl.

Planned release: May 17, 2023

Content warnings: death, cancer, cheating

Thanks to NetGalley and Kensington Books for the complimentary copy of the audiobook in exchange for my honest review.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book "Someone Else's Bucket List" and all opinions expressed are my own. The book was okay. I didn't find that I was excited to read it each day. Made it to the end just to see what happened.

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