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The Couple in the Cabin

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The Couple in the Cabin by Daniel Hurst is another amazing psychological thriller exploring the depths of human emotions. The story starts with a simple husband-and-wife relationship and takes a steep turn with some intense turns. Grace's character was wonderful, with all the secrets that are buried deep in her heart. Every scene was on another level. The book is fast-paced and a definite page-turner.

The climax was a little bit expected, but the character's true identity was a cherry on top. It hits you like a wave, making reading a wonderful experience. Definitely, the book deserves 4 stars. Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with an opportunity to read and review the book.

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Whoa talk about wild ride! This book just shows how one decision can change your whole life. Crazy and I don’t use that word lightly!!

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Great story!
I listened to the audiobook version of this and absolutely loved it!
Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for letting me review this audiobook.

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The Couple in the Cabin was another great read by Daniel Hurst. Grace thought she was happily married to her husband Dominic. That is until she came home early one night and caught him with another woman in the cabin at the bottom of their garden. She is angry and hell bent on getting revenge. She quickly locks the couple in the cabin while she tries to figure out what to do with them. They deseprately try to get free while Grace is trying to figure out what to do next. She uses her previous experiences since this may not be the first time she has done something like this. I enjoyed reading this book and can’t wait to read more by the author.

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Wow! I could not put this one down! What happened to the cheating husband and his girlfriend is pretty extreme! I was glued to this gripping story wondering all the while if they would make it out alive. But even if they would survive ... some things you just don’t get over. This story takes the saying of “some folks get what they deserve" and runs with it to the extreme. Yikes!

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This was very good and I would read anything from this Author. I enjoyed the storyline and the characters very much.

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The premise of this book caught my attention, but the book itself fell a little flat for me, it has a lot of potential but it was quite slow and repetitive. I did not feel compelled to keep on turning the pages - 2.5 stars

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There were quite a few similarly pitched thriller type books like this one released on audio simultaneously therefore it was important that they stang out to be remembered. This one absolutely did. It was a hauntingly cryptic and at times, frighteningly spooky read. Don't listen with the lights off, you've been warned!!

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As usual another absolute cracker of a read from Daniel. Short snappy chapters to keep my interest. He writes books I don't want to put down.

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I am a thriller addict. I can never get enough, and I am always looking or the next book that will suck me in and not let me go. Daniel was always a step ahead of me with this one! I couldn't quite unravel the plot, and I loved it. I am not a huge fan of flashbacks/time jumps in books, but honestly the twists and turns were so good it didn't take away from the reading experience. I loved the duel POV, getting to experience the events from both perspectives is so immersive! The ending got me, I didn't see it coming!

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“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” This statement is played out in The Couple in the Cabin. Grace finds her husband in a compromising position with another woman in his cabin located in their garden. Once she witnesses this deceitful duo, it is game on! Is Grace unhinged, or are her actions understandable considering the circumstances? Is she a damaged soul or a diabolical genius? I enjoyed every twisted second of this tale of revenge, deception and betrayal. The narrators expertly brought the story to life while adding an element of unease and intrigue. Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture Audio for my audiobook.

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I was given a NetGalley widget for this one a year ago and I just got around to reading it and dangit it was so good. I am so thankful for the opportunity to have consumed this wildly relevant fictional tale, which felt not at all fictional, more like historical fiction, due to the times. The cover initially was what drew me in, but I'm so thankful to have stuck with it because the outcome was magical. I always love listening to audiobooks and when they sweep me off my feet, I'm just utterly captivated! I always really enjoy multi-cultural thrillers, for I embark on a journey through a land unknown to me, while still getting spooked.

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I went into this not reading the blurb, as I prefer going in blind.
What would you do if you came home to see your husband with another woman?
I am sure that has gone through many women’s minds giving the most gruesome answers but if it happened in reality would they actually act on those thoughts? Probably not.
This book is told from both Grace the wife, and Dominic the husband's points of view with Grace also taking us back to when she was ten.
As the book progresses it gets more intense and the plot twist was a shock.
It was a short book that kept me gripped throughout.

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Cardboard characters acting crazy, revenge taken to murderous extremes-- by multiple characters (!), women prostituting themselves to get what they want (a trope I particularly loathe), a cabin in a backyard that locks from the outside and has no windows that open (what? who would design such a cabin?), childhood grudges taken to wild lengths... all of this makes for a pretty silly book. Daniel Hurst can now be taken off my list.

Netgalley and Bookotoure Audio generously gifted me the advance audio version of this novel. Narrators Eilidh Beaton and Matt Bates did a good job with the melodrama they were given.

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This has been sitting on my Audiobook To Be Read Shelf for quite some time. And after I finished dipping in and out of my last audiobook from library (Listen to Me by Tess Gerritsen. Which I am currently reading, FYI, as I enjoy reading Tess Gerritsen novels rather than audiobook, but I got a good way into it), I wanted some short and fast to listen to as I have requested a LOAD of audiobooks from my local library this month and I wasn’t in the mood to start a podcast binge (that will be next month, I suspect).

So, I plumped for this, which has a precise that sounds deliciously twisted.

Grace and Dominic have been married for quite some time and happily so. Or so Grace thinks. Instead of staying in a hotel after a work’s event as she planned, she comes home to discover Dominic’s clothes thrown on the floor – as well as women’s clothes. Not her clothes, but someone else’s. There, she discovers the two in his work-cabin at the bottom of the garden and, without thinking, she locks the naked pair in. Then, she goes back into the house, goes to bed and then, in the morning, goes to work as if nothing has happened…

Well, this is an addictive audiobook listen. I whizzed through this so fast, even I’m a little surprised how I flew through this. And on a normal speed – who knew?!

It’s one of those holiday thrills that you read by the pool or beach and you just can’t stop as it’s so much fun. I had so much fun with this. The writing was gripping, the narrators of the audiobook were ace, and the twists and reveals were out of left field but they just worked. Yes, some of the twists were easy to see coming and, at times, this does edge into the realms of the ridiculous (the couple trapped in the cabin are naked THROUGHOUT the entire story. Something I had to remind myself over every few chapters), but that didn’t take away from my enjoyment.

I think back to my reading/audiobooking of Fairest by Marissa Meyer, where the lead is telling their version of events, believing they are the hero of this story and you, as the reader, believe them until several very subtle things happens and you release that, even though they still believe they are the hero, they’re actually the villain, and it’s almost the same here. At the start, readers have clear lines of who’s the victim is here, but as the story progresses and we hear from both Grace and Dominic – both in the present and several chapters from their pasts – you begin to release that the line might not be as clear cut…

I have two more of this author’s works on my radar – The Holiday Home and The Doctor’s Wife – and if they are anything like The Couple In The Cabin, I am going to be in for a thrill.

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2.5 stars. I thought the premise of this book made it sound like a great psychological thriller. Unfortunately it fell a little flat. I do think it had potential, but it was kind of repetitive and boring. The tenseness just felt like it was missing. I did enjoy the telling of the story by bouncing from past to present. This kept the story more interesting.

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This was a juicy thriller that kept me guessing. It’s about a married couple- the wife comes home early from a function to find her husband and his mistress in a cabin he built for an office. She flies into a rage and locks them in. How long will she keep them in there with no food or water? 👀

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My thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for sending me a free audio arc of The Couple in the Cabin in exchange for my honest review. This was so good! I seriously enjoyed the outlandish and fast-paced nature of this book. It's ridiculous, shocking, and entertaining. I have come to find that I can eat up Daniel Hurst's books like candy. No guilt, here. I enjoyed the dual-perspective narration as well as the flashbacks to provide character details in the present timeline. Absolutely a delicious read. I hope to read more from this author!

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Wow, this was a brilliant book. From the very start, I was hooked. I couldn't put it down, so I listened to it all in one sitting. I listened to the audiobook and loved the cast. It really added to the brilliant sense of atmosphere and tension that the author created. It was a fantastic storyline with lots of unexpected twists and turns. It's a fantastic page turning novel. The characters were brilliant very well developed and mysterious. There were plenty of things going on and great hidden secrets. It definitely had my heart racing, and it was exciting until the very end. The ending was fantastic, but I won't be giving anything away. If you loved thrillers, then this book is a must-read. I can't recommend it enough.

Only the highest of praise goes out to the author and publishers for creating a very exciting book that had me on the edge of my seat throughout. I will definitely be looking out for more books by this amazing author.

The above review has already been placed on goodreads, waterstones, Google books, Barnes&noble, kobo, amazon UK where found and my blog today under ladyreading365

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This audiobook had a lot of promise and was very enjoyable for the first half ot it. A woman comes home unexpectadely to find her husband with another woman in the cabin in their garden. Without pausing to think about it, she locks them in, naked and without food or drink. As the story unfolds the reader finds out that this is not the first time she has locked in someone close to her. The plot then becomes slighlty unbelievable but I still enjoyed listening to it until the end.

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