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The Thing About Home

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The Thing About Home by Rhonda McKnight was both a moving and heartwarming story. It was the first book that I had the pleasure of reading by this author. The thing that I particularly enjoyed about The Thing About Home was that the author, Rhonda McKnight, brought some of her own family history into the pages of her book. It married modern elements with deep rooted family traditions that had taken root in the south and had survived for generations. It was well written, well plotted and had very likable characters. The pace was perfect. The Thing About Home was told in a dual timeline that was easy to follow and understand.

Casey Black, or Casey B., as she was known by her millions of followers from her social media influencer page, had orchestrated a gala event to renew her wedding vows with her husband, Drew. It had taken her over seven months to plan for it. Casey had eloped with Drew ten years ago. She never had the big wedding that every girl dreamed about. That was all about to change. Everything about Casey and her big day was perfect. She was beautiful, her dress was stunning, her hair was exquisite and the church was overflowing with guests and family. What could go wrong? Everything! Drew, her husband of ten years, had just informed Casey that he could not go through with renewing his vows to her. What was he saying? Not only couldn’t Drew renew his vows with Casey but he wanted a divorce. Casey was in shock, embarrassed and humiliated. She left the church and went home to her apartment. Casey proceeded to make matters even worse than they were. She decided to face her followers and that backfired right in her face. Her whole world was crumbling right before her very eyes. What was she going to do?

Casey decided that she needed to get away. She packed some of her things and headed south in her Mercedes. Casey was going to seek out her father’s family. Her father had died before Casey had even been born. Her mother had only told Casey vague tales about her father and his family. Casey was determined to find her father’s family and learn her history. She headed for Georgetown, South Carolina. When Casey finally arrived in Georgetown she discovered that it was founded in 1729 and that it was the third oldest city in South Carolina. Now all she had to do was find out if any of her father’s family still lived there. When Casey decided to get something to eat she met a tall and very good looking man standing behind her in line. After starting up an impromptu conversation, Casey asked this stranger if he knew of any members of family with the last name Black. When he told her that he didn’t, he helped her find the tax office so she could find out if her father’s family owned property in Georgetown. At the tax office, Casey discovered that indeed an Edward and Ida Black did own property on Choppee Road. It was a 300 acre farm.

When Casey finally reached The Black Farm she was introduced to a woman who appeared to be nearly one hundred years old. As Casey stood in front of this woman, she realized that she had finally met her grandmother, Mrs. Ida Black, a grandmother she had been denied knowing for all 36 years of her life. Within no time, Casey began to refer to her grandmother as Granna. Through her grandmother and all the rest of her father’s family, Casey began to learn about the part of her history that her mother had denied her from knowing about her whole life. She had a grandmother! Casey came to love her Granna very much. Coincidentally, the tall, dark and handsome stranger that Casey had met at the restaurant, was her grandmother’s farm manager, Nigel Evansten. Every bit of Casey’s vulnerability, curiosity, honesty and passion would be tested. Could her grandmother and her Aunt Thea fill in the gaps about her father that Casey had longed to discover for as long as she could remember? What would become of Casey’s attraction to Nigel? Could Casey see herself living in South Carolina or would home draw her back to the hectic, complicated and competitive life she had know? Casey would soon learn that “Home is not a place- it’s a feeling.”

I really enjoyed everything about this book, The Thing About Home. It had drama, suspense, mystery and a true sense of family. Casey found her way back to a family she never knew she had. She discovered her roots, her culture, her family and her history. Mostly, she rediscovered herself and what was important to her. I loved the characters in this book and would have been happy if it went on forever. I didn’t want it to end. The Thing About Home was about family, self-discovery, a legacy, friendship, history and culture and a few hidden secrets. Rhonda McKnight is a master storyteller. I can’t wait to see what she writes next. I highly recommend this book.

Thank you to Thomas Nelson Publishers for allowing me to read The Thing About Home by Rhonda McKinght through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This was an enjoyable story with some very heartwarming and touching moments, yet others that knew just how to break your heart. I wasn’t that crazy about the writing itself but I felt compelled to keep reading to find out how Casey’s journey towards discovering more about herself and her roots would end. Overall a good book with some lovely characters and a beautiful backdrop of the South Carolina low country.

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This is a book you don't want to miss! It's a beautifully written story that is full of love and family. Once you start reading it, you don't want to put it down.
I received a complimentary copy from Thomas Nelson--FICTION via NetGalley and was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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This was slow going, and I ultimately stopped at 39% (after skimming for some time). I understand it picks up about halfway through, and I may revisit down the line--but right now, for me, it's just too slow paced for my taste and interests. I have enough other items on my TBR list!

I received an eARC of the book from the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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This is a good book. The main character is Casey. She is a social influencer. Her father died when she was teenager. After her husband asks for a divorce she goes to the town where her father grew up. Her father’s family has a three hundred acre farm. She finds her grandmother journal, she finds lots of stories about her family and makes feel like she belongs.

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I received a complimentary copy from the publisher and all opinions expressed are entirely my own.

This is my first book by Rhonda McKnight and she now has a fan from me. The book follows Casey Black a social media influencer with a momager that is protective . Her life changes when what is supposed to be vow renewal and seen by her followers goes in shambles when her ex-husband Drew walks away . To escape her embarrassment she goes to South Carolina’s Lowcountry hoping to find long-lost family. While meeting her family she discovers more of herself , her family history and culture. It was a brilliant book on how healing always finds us , love finds us and how Casey found love with Nigel . This is a perfect read for fans of single parent romances . Recommend it

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With a perfect blend of history, culture, family, faith and food, readers will find this story of family enchanting. I did not initially care for the heroine at the beginning of the story but am happy I stuck with it. Her journey of self-discovery was engaging, enfolding into something unexpected and beautiful. Ms. McKnight has a lyrical writing style that is full of heart and will appeal to readers.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book from Netgalley and the author/publisher. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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The Thing about Home is Rhonda McKnight's story about Casey Black a social media influencer. Casey's public vow renewal goes astray and suddenly Casey is headed south from NYC to the SC Low Country. Add in some family secrets and a dose of romance and you've got an entertaining summer read.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy of The Thing about Home . This book is available now!

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Rhonda McKnight has a way of hooking you on the very first page and not letting go until long after you’ve reached the end. In The Thing About Home Casey B is a social media influencer who gets humiliated on social media. Somehow, Ms. McKnight managed to do a jilted married bride that worked perfectly.

But it was when Casey returns to her roots in South Carolina that kept me engaged and wondering how the story would end. You get extended family, Southern cooking, a swoony new love interest, and faith. It’s a perfect combination that will endear readers and have them checking out Ms. McKnight’s backlist.

*I received a complimentary copy from the publisher via NetGalley. My review was not required nor influenced.

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i loved this story of family, history and self discovery. i didnt want it to end.
Many thanks to Thomas Nelson Fiction and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Casey Black has been living the picture-perfect life...on social media. But her real life isn't quite as shiny and perfect, and it can't stay hidden forever. This vow renewal is supposed to be the wedding she never had and a way to show the world her perfect marriage. Or it was. Until her husband showed up moments before the ceremony, which would be normal, except for the "I'm sorry, I can't do this, I want a divorce" part. All while millions of fans were waiting to watch Casey and Drew renew their vows, live on instagram. Now Drew is gone and Casey is left to pick up the pieces. Unable to handle the stress, Casey breaks down on an Instagram live before finding herself on a road trip to look for her father's family while avoiding her controlling manager who also happens to be her mother. And what she finds at the end of that trip will change her life forever.

The Thing About Home is rich with history and shares the pain Casey's family has experienced throughout the years. It's a tale of a woman who finally finds her roots and where she belongs while uncovering the secrets of the past and finding herself. And she just might find love again while she's at it.

I wasn't a big fan of Casey at first, although I loved Nigel from the very first time they met. However, her journey took her through an incredible amount of growth and I found her much more likeable as time went on. As for the side characters, the Black side of the family as amazing. I absolutely adored Granna. She was the grandmother everyone should be lucky enough to have! She had experienced so much hurt, but she was so upbeat, caring, and constantly doling out nuggets of wisdom to those around her. I also enjoyed the historical aspect Odessa's story added to the novel.

I did notice a few allusions to possibly sleeping together before marriage, and there were a few instances of mild language, if that is a red flag for you. Overall, The Thing About Home was a beautiful story and I was sad to see it end.

*I received a complimentary copy of The Thing About Home through the publisher and NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own. My positive review was not required.

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I picked this novel based on how the cover looked and the title. I normally never go blind into books but I’m so glad I did. The novel starts off with influencer Casey Black, arriving to her very public vowel renewal ceremony. Her husband ends up leaving her and that gets her to take a break from social media and learn about herself. She decides it time to go to South Carolina and learn about her father’s side of the family where she is welcomed with open arms. This book had me hooked and I was rooting for Casey the whole time. I read it in one day and could not put it down.

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This was a lovely book about discovering where you come from. The main character, Casey had so many questions about her father's family and had never really had the opportunity to meet any of them to get to know more. After a life changing event, she decides there's no time like the present and sets off to discover more about her roots.

As Casey is nursing wounds from her disastrous life in New York, she is also thriving under the attention of her grandmother. Casey just needs to figure out what her long-term goals are so she can decide how to approach her future.

This book is full of wonderful moments where Casey sees things that aren't readily observable. She reads a journal from her ancestors and it helps to driving home her work hard mentality. Overall, this truly was a lovely piece about families and the loyalty attached to it.

Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC. I voluntarily chose to review it and the opinions contained within are my own.

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This wonderful book about home lets you know home is not a place it is a feeling. Casey Black goes back to her roots to figure out life after her husband decided not to renew their wedding vows. Casey goes back to South Carolina and falls in love with the big farm and falls in love with Nigel.. Casey’s mom kept some family secrets from her.This book was a great easy read. I can’t wait to share this novel with my book club.

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I really enjoyed this story! It was timely, engrossing, and definitely kept me reading until the end. The characters popped right off the page and the relationships grew naturally. The complaint I had was the secondary timeline. I saw how it was supposed to fit in, but truly I don't think it brought much to the story and seems quite interruptive. Otherwise, definitely a recommended read! I listened on audio and loved the narrator. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book! It was a very well rounded story, where you learned about Casey, her family and their history, and also her romantic relationship. You learned about each character in detail and I felt like I was a part of the Black family. That is how well the author drew me into the storyline. I definitely recommend this book!

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I have been a fan of Rhonda's books since the beginning. And although I've enjoyed all of her books, this one has been my favorite. I finished it earlier this month, a few days before release day, and I have been having the hardest time putting my feelings down about this book without it sounding like every one else. This woman knows how to write a story that will have your emotions all over the place. The writing style and flow was just brilliant, and I just could not put it down. IT was such a great mix of romance, contemporary fiction, drama and historical fiction. If i did a top 5 of favorite books, this would be one of them. And the way Casey's character evolved and grew was like no other I've read in a while. I Can't stop thinking about these characters nor this book.

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I am totally in love with the Southern Charm type books! This one had that plus so much more. Finding lost family, finding oneself, meeting a new love… so many great things!

Contemporary Fiction can be hit or miss for me but this was definitely a HIT!

Thank you so much to @tlcbooktours @tnzfiction @authorrhondamcknight for having me on this tour!

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I received a complimentary copy of this book. The opinions expressed are completely my own.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading "The Thing about Home " by Rhonda Mcknight! This story reminds that life is not always going to be kind and go the way you want it to, but always stay the course and don't give up. Sometimes you have to visit the past to live your future. And most importantly, love conquers all.

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I really wanted to love this book. The description sounded great, and just like something I would enjoy. But try as I might, I really struggled to enjoy this one as much as I expected. When I started though, I was immediately drawn into the story. I think when it switched to the historical parts of the stories, I just failed to connect with that part of the story. This could definitely be my frame of mind while reading though... as the historical part takes place in a time in the past that is hit or miss for me anyway. They writing was great, and as I said I really found myself enjoying the contemporary parts of the story... just something about the historical aspects didn't click with me. But you know, that happens sometimes... especially as a mood reader! I enjoyed the parts I did enjoy enough that I hope to go back again in the future when I'm feeling more in the mood for this type of story and see if I like it more than!

While this one didn't capture my attention like I'd like, it's a well written book and one to check out if you enjoy dual timeline novels.

**I received a complimentary copy for consideration. All thoughts are my own.

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