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The Thing About Home

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Casey Black has her social media empire implode when her husband leaves her just before their vow renewal ceremony in front of a crowded church and her followers online. Everyone is badgering her to find a way to fix the mess. Instead, she leaves New York to find her lost family in South Carolina.
Her journey is one of discovering not only family but herself and love. In doing so, she begins to reinvent herself and uncover things that she either never realized or had forgotten about in herself.
A rich story, filled with the history of Casey’s family in the South as free slaves and as brave men and women in trying times.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This novel explores how when everything falls apart, life may perhaps just be beginning. It’s a cozy, easy read that packs a wallop of a lesson. How do we come to terms with our life choices, who is to blame when things spiral out of control and how do we open our hearts up to an unexpected life that just might bring us joy? Pick up this book, if you’re in the mood for a lite read that carries weight.

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Even though being or following an influencer is not my thing, I did enjoy this book as it does give you a little peek behind that curtain and how hard it is to keep your life perfect at every moment.
Casey is stood up at the alter by her already husband. She had a huge production planned for this renewal of vows. Her audience had all tuned in and then he told her he couldn't do it anymore. She had a melt down and lost viewers and sponsors, her life fell apart.
How do you pick up the pieces of your life when the ruining of it is a very public thing. I found the idea of the book interesting, but really had a problem with how disjoined it felt. I don't know if it was just me not warming up to Casey because I felt like she was a bit spoiled and really thought everything and everyone should do things her way all the time. And yet I didn't see much changed by the end.
I would be interested in trying another of Rhonda McKight's books as I think she has some really different ideas for content. I just struggled with her story telling. .

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I enjoyed this book. The author did a great job of connecting you with the characters. The main character is left at the altar and is trying to piece her life together. This takes her on a journey to South Carolina. She meets her father’s family, and she learns a family secret. This story shares family drama, forgiveness, family history, and lots of love. I loved the history shared about South Carolina and its surrounding areas. I look forward to reading more books by this author.

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This was unputdownable. It was such a good read. I can't wait for more from this author.Home is not a place—it’s a feeling.

Casey Black is a social media influencer whose husband of seven years left her at the altar. She flees NYC and goes to the Lowcountry to find her family. She also finds her great-grandmother's journals and learns a lot about her past.

I really enjoyed it,

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The Thing About Home is a very well written book. I throughly enjoyed the plot, characters and setting. I definitely recommend this book. My thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for my advance ebook. This is my unbiased review.

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It took awhile for me to get into this book, but once I did I enjoyed this Southern romance. Casey Black impulsively goes to South Carolina to learn about her family after being left at the alter. Once there, Casey not only learns about her family but finds her true self.

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This is the first book I've read by Rhonda McKnight and it was really enjoyable - I do love a low country setting!

Casey B is a social media influencer, who ruins her career and loses followers during a 10 minute live rant after her husband runs out on her just before their wedding vow renewal - which was also supposed to be live streamed. After her meltdown, she decided to head south and learn more about her father's people. As she discovers her new family and a new romance, she also finds her true self.

There is a 2nd storyline going through this book, too - Granna gives Casey the journals of their ancestors and she learns more about them settling into freedom and their trials after the Civil War.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author and publisher for a temporary, digital ARC in return for my review.

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This was such a sweet Southern romance! I enjoyed the characters and the setting, immensely! The cover is also very pretty and would definitely draw me to the book in a store!

Thank you so much to the publisher for the digital ARC in exchange for my honest opinions. All thoughts expressed are completely my own.

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Highly recommended for fans of inspirational novels.

Casey Black is an intriguing protagonist with a successful past based on her appearance. It was super fascinating to see her make the journey (literal and figurative) to her father's hometown in SC and get to know the family she had missed out on. Since she grew up with her mother, she is only now getting to know her father's side of the family. Her 99-yr-old grandmother is a wonderful character, and Casey also meets other fascinating people.

We also have an 1800s storyline involving Casey's ancestors Elijah and Odessa. In this way, the family farm also becomes like a character in its own right. The author does a great job handling the dual timelines and they both fit the narrative.

As past secrets come to light, Casey learns a lot about herself and develops a heartwarming maturity.

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What a lovely story from a new-to-me author! I go back and forth on Southern stories—sometimes I love 'em, sometimes they don't quite connect with me. But this one seeped right into my soul as I read. I'm not a huge fan of influencer/social media culture, so I wasn't sure how I'd feel about the heroine at first—but instead of feeling a disconnect, I related to her in so many ways. I loved journeying alongside her as she connected with her family and her roots. I wasn't quite as into the hero in this book as I am in some (which I think has everything to do with personal preference when it comes to my type haha!), but I don't think the romance was the true focal point of the story anyway. It's very much a story of a woman looking deep inside herself—and into the roots she's never had a chance to discover before—and finding new belonging, new purpose . . . and yes, some new romance on the side, too. :) With a cast full of fun and intriguing side characters, this story kept me hooked all the way through. And I'm eager to read more by Rhonda McKnight.

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THE THING ABOUT HOME by RHONDA McNIGHT is a well written and inspirational split time romance novel in which we follow,the heroine, Casey Carter (nee Black) from New York to South Carolina, to search for her father’s relatives. It is here that she finds reality and unconditional love from her ninety-nine year old grandmother and countless other Black family members, whom her mother has never mentioned to her. It is here that she learns her mother’s secrets and also, as she reads Odessa Black’s journals, family history that goes back to the late 1800’s, with stories of slavery. In spite of the recent emancipation, racism and attacks on blacks were rife in the South at that time. In fact, even in the modern world of super models, racism was also rife.
I like to see how Odessa and others worked hard to establish themselves as successful women of colour, and we see how sucessful Casey B has become as an influencer with a large folowing, after starting out as a model.
After being rejected publicly by Drew Carer, her husband of seven years, and showing her grief and vulnerability on video, she starts on her journey of self exploration. Will she find what she is looking for in the South Carolina Lowlands? Will she ever allow herself to fall in love again?…..
I was given a free copy of the book by NetGalley from Thomas Nelson. The opinions in this review are completely my own.

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Casey Black is an Instagram Influencer with millions of followers. She's about to have a seven-year vow renewal when her husband walks out minutes before the ceremony is about to start. She goes home, goes live on Instagram and in one ten minute segment virtually destroys her career. Needing a break from her life, she goes to South Carolina to find out about the people she came from. There she meets the grandmother she never knew and finds more than just herself, she finds her true purpose and it's not with Instagram.

Granna, as she calls her grandmother, teaches her how to cook, how to grow plants, and more about who she really is. With the help of Nigel Evanston, she learns farming, and that not all of life needs to be lived online. There are experiences to be had simply by living them.

Granna gives Casey some journals and diaries of her grandmother, Odessa, and her grandfather, Elijah, that describe the incarnation of the Black family. The hardships, the victories, and the daily-ness of life post-war in the 1860s and beyond.

Throughout the book, Casey has had to make some hard decisions, but coming into her own and standing on her own two feet makes her who she is by the end of the book. Besides Casey, Nigel, and Granna, there are some characters who become family members to the reader, especially Aunt Thea who knows someone connected to the family to do anything that needs to be done. She is a great resource for workmen, mechanics, cooks, whatever you need, Aunt Thea knows who does it, and it's always a family member. That kind of resource is invaluable.

Rhonda McKnight has written a stellar book that at times frustrates, always engages, and inevitably compels the reader to continue. It's hard to put down, hard to let go, and destined to become a favorite book by Rhonda's readers. Five Stars, Two Thumbs Up, and a glass of sweet tea without too much ice.

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The Thing About Home is a heart warming story that begins with in NYC with Casey Black, a model/social media personality, as she undergoes a very public breakup with her husband. Knowing she needs an escape from her current situation, she decides to set out to learn more about her late father's family in South Carolina that she has never met. This is the first book I've ever read by author Rhonda McKnight, and I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. Ms. McKnight is a gifted storyteller, and her ability to set the scene during each chapter left me not wanting to put this book down! This book focuses on love, family, resilience and has beautifully written chapters from Casey's and her ancestors points of view, and yet still feels very current. If you are looking for a heart warming escape, that leaves you highlighting more than one beautifully written phrase, this is it. I also loved the way this book touches upon grief, as it is shown in many forms and not always as you would expect. I'd highly recommend this book, and I look forward to reading more from this talented author.

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This was absolutely beautiful! The plot was well-paced and captivating from start to finish. The characters were well-developed; complex, and intriguing. I highly recommend this beautiful telling of the power of home, friendship and love. Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the advanced copy of the book.

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I loved loved this new to me author! Just wow!
From the beginning I was absorbed in Casey B's journey. It was awesome!
I have a good feeling that readers will fall in love with this delightful character and eventually adopt her into their lives. I definitely did!
My favorite thing about this book was that it was told in Casey's point of view and in my opinion it made it that much more dynamic and powerful.
Family is everything and there's definitely no place like home. Home is where the heart is. Or that's what I was told. In my opinion it's actually true.
I didn't want to put this book down. Yes, I know I say this about every book I read but you know what? It's true. This year has been awesome for good books and I'm adding this one to my list!
I'm buying it for my keeper shelf.
5 stars for a job well done! I highly recommend!
My thanks for a copy of this book I was NOT required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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The Thing About Home by Rhonda McKnight is superb novel.

I was fully immersed in the life of Casey, wanting to uncover her past and her secrets, turning pages to stay up with her present, and hoping that she will find peace and healing in her future.
Casey is a strong, independent woman who I admired on so many levels.
As a reader, you will root for the characters, you will smile, and you will cry.
I thought the writing was amazing. McKnight kept me engaged and honestly had me wanting to stay up late to see how this story played out!
This is one you wont want to miss.
My first time reading anything by this author and I'm very impressed. Can't wait to read more!

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thomas Nelson,
Thank You for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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This is a beautifully written, inspirational, heartwarming story. Casey Black began modeling at age 2 and continued until she was 27. Upon giving up modeling, she became a well-known social-media influencer with millions of followers as well as many sponsors. Her mother was her agent and handled all her business dealings.

When a huge online planned event didn’t come together as expected, Casey completely falls apart, while online live to the horror of her mother and resulting in the loss of many followers as well as sponsors.

Through her devastation and total shock of the unexpected outcome of the carefully planned and promoted event, Casey knew she needed to step back and take a break from social media, so she gets out of New York City, where she lives and drives to the hometown of her late father, Georgetown, South Carolina. Her Dad died before she was born, and she knows very little about him or his family.

Having grown up with only her mother, Casey learns what a large, loving, supportive family is. She meets many relatives she didn’t know she had, including her sweet 99 year of Grandmother. As she hears about the lives of the many who came before her, the timeline of this fascinating story reverts to the 1800s when great-grandparents, Elijah Black and his wife Odessa lived and raised their large family on the very farm her grandmother lives on now.

There are so many moving parts to this captivating, heartfelt story. Some very unexpected twists and turns, old secrets are revealed, tough decisions are made and along the way, Casey makes important discoveries about herself. I could hardly put this book down until the very last page was turned. I absolutely loved this book and will be thinking of Casey and others for a while.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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