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Beware the Woman

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Megan Abbott is the queen of creating an eerie atmosphere, and I was thrilled to receive an advanced copy of her newest novel, Beware the Woman, from NetGalley.

Jacy is recently married and newly pregnant, and she’s thrilled to spend time with her husband in the remote Upper Peninsula of Michigan for the Fourth of July holiday. Her father in law, Dr. Ash, is welcoming and protective of Jacy’s condition in an antiquated way, and soon it becomes more than Jacy feels comfortable with. In a desolate location, plagued with mountain lions and poor phone service, Jacy can’t leave fast enough.

I flew threw this novel and would have easily read it in a sitting if my people had let me. Abbott’s ability to make even the biggest thriller sceptic feel unsettled is a true talent. She’s toes the line with taking things too far, so I wouldn’t recommend this novel to anyone pregnant or who has experienced trauma in child birth. However, I think most thriller fans will approve.


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This book is a MOOD! I was so drawn in by the eerie feel. Such great ambiance, taut writing, creepy and interesting characters. I loved the combination of a woman in the midst of pregnancy, a cabin far from civilization, and mysterious family secrets. The ending was a bit far-fetched, but I didn't mind that. I was so pulled into the story. This would make a great limited series or film.

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WHAT. Did I just read.

Abbott’s books always have an almost feverish quality to them, like they’re being read through that haze when you briefly wake up in the middle of the night before you roll back over and go back to sleep. This one is no different.

When newlyweds Jacy and Jed make a road trip to visit Jed’s father, Dr. Ash, Jacy feels like everything is falling into place. She is in love, they have a baby on the way, and they’re about to spend the next few days nestled cozily in the rural Upper Michigan home.

But almost immediately, Jacy experiences a pregnancy-related health scare, and their peaceful vacation takes a sharp and terrifying turn. Her every move is monitored and directed. Guests and family alike murmur about the traumatic long-ago loss of Jed’s mother. And even Jacy begins to doubt herself.

With no way to reason with her husband or his father - and no other way out of the woodland home that previously felt peacefully secluded - Jacy grows increasingly desperate. And when it seems the clock is ticking, she’ll have to decide if she’s doubting her own reality - or if there’s something far more sinister going on inside this house.

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This story of a young husband and pregnant wife on vacation at his father's remote country house builds slowly, but once things start happening, it moves quickly into a psychological thriller. My only wish is that there be an epilogue, because the ending, although exciting, seems slightly abrupt. Recommended.

Thank you to NetGalley and Putnam Books/Penguin Group for the advanced reading copy.

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This was a super slow burn that culminated in a cut-off finale. It had the vibes of a gothic novel in that a lot of time is spent building the atmosphere and making you wonder what’s actually happening (is it all in their head? Is something sinister actually happening? Etc). That was all very well done and you can feel the sense of dread looming and growing as the novel continues and the danger heightens. There was a lot of time spent on descriptions and in the main character’s head, but I found it very well written. As a woman, many of the events/comments really horrified me and got my blood boiling (hello, HIPAA anyone?!?) but it wasn’t entirely unrealistic (unfortunately) that there could be a person so backwards and sexist who could exist. The relationships were nuanced adds complex. The ending wasn’t unsatisfying in the way that it was left ambiguous, but rather it seemed as though the author actually stopped writing in the middle of a paragraph and never picked it back up. It was STRANGE, to say the least. The ending had the potential to be extremely satisfying if not for the fact that it was so abrupt.

Overall, a 3.5 rounded up to 4, but it was strange. I have no idea how to classify this. A literary thriller? Is that a thing?? Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for the e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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While this was not my favorite thriller, I would say that I was still entertained. For the most part, I would say that I was surprised that this was more of a gothic novel than a thriller in my opinion, so it was a little more slowburn than I was expecting. I didn't feel much was happening in the beginning of the novel, so it felt a little slow, but it picked up a little closer to the end and definitely caught me by surprise. I overall just didn't think that this plot was really that detailed, and I couldn't connect with any of the characters. This was my first Megan Abott novel, and while it probably won't be my last, I wouldn't put this as one of my favorite novels. I will say, I go back and forth about liking ambiguous endings and not liking ambiguous endings, but I definitely thought it fit for this book.

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This was an exciting book and thought it was well written. The author did a great job with the characters. 4 star read!

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I was looking forward to this read. I’d read The Turnout in 2022 and at times I loved it, at times I struggled with it but I knew I loved this authors creative sense of writing so I was excited to read another. If I had to suggest a Megan Abbott book to a friend, this would be that book! It was fast paced, elements of all the thriller and a little bit of mystery thrown in

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.
This one took me a bit to really get into. I wasn’t sure if I was going to like it or not.
Kind of a strange in that ended up being really good.
Though note to myself, never go in a road trip to an in laws again!!

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Beware the Woman by Megan Abbott was freaking spectacular!

I love Abbott's writing and I was thrilled to get the chance to read more of her creative work.
I'm telling y'all she didn't let me down with this one.
This was another well written suspense novel.
Abbott's writing is wonderful. Her storytelling is captivating beyond words!
She sucks you in almost immediately and doesn't let go!
The characters are their story is absolutely addictive.
I thought the novel we done well, it's fast-paced, unputdownable and totally unforgettable!
What more could I ask for?!
An outstanding psychological novel. That I devoured and loved every second of it!
This is one of her best IMO!

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank you to NetGalley and G.P. Putnam's Sons for my ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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“Beware the Women” is the latest psychological thriller novel from Megan Abbott. Newly married and pregnant Jacy travels with her husband Jed to the cottage of Jed’s father, Dr. Ash, for a low key vacation. Slowly, cabin fever and paranoia begin to take over.
This is a slow burn psychological thriller. Not my favorite of Abbott’s, but still very good

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“Beware the Woman” is Megan Abbot’s newest novel. When pregnant Jacy and her husband Jed take adventure to visit Jed’s father. At first everything is going well, but soon Jacy starts noticing that something doesn’t feel right. How well does she really know her husband and his father, and why do they seem to be hiding information from her?

What it got right:
I enjoyed that this book was able to take on a controversial subject (pregnancy, abortion, etc.) without being too ‘preachy’. Everything fit perfectly into the plot and didn’t feel forced or awkward. I liked how it touches on the unspoken female bond and instinct in general compared to men. Women are often told to believe the best in people, but this isn’t always the truth. In the end Jacy realizes that she knows her body better than anyone else, and will stop at nothing to protect her baby.

All medical information in the book was accurate.

What it could improve on:
The ending!!!! I’m the kind of person who prefers a more defined ending instead of an open ended one. I feel the story cut off at a pivotal moment and it didn’t feel like a complete ending. I also felt that if Mrs. Brandt was more upfront with Jacy, a lot of problems could have been avoided.

Otherwise I loved this novel. The story was interesting and did have a few twists that I wasn’t expecting. I would be happy to recommend this book to friends.

Thank you to NetGalley and G.P. Putnam’s Sons for the ARC of this book.

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First, I would like to thank NetGalley, and the author Megan Abbott for this ARC, and the opportunity to share my honest review.

Beware the Woman is a story of secrets kept from those closest to us, and the scary things lurking beneath the surface of people who “mean well”. Jacy and her husband, Jed, go back to his childhood home to visit Jed’s father, Doctor Ash. The vacation starts well, until Jacy starts to notice small things about the family that doesn’t feel right. Hoping to put it down to her own paranoia, she ignores these things until a pattern emerges; a pattern that strikes fear into her core, and she has to escape.

I enjoyed this read. The short paragraphs and Jacy’s narration gave an interesting perspective to the story line. I love thrillers, and this one kept the pages turning for sure! I feel like the end was somewhat abrupt, leaving something to the imagination at what comes next. I would have liked a prologue giving a “where are they now” just because I’m curious, but overall pretty good!

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Megan Abbott's Beware the Woman is a thrilling and captivating novel that is sure to keep readers on their toes.
Overall, Beware the Woman is a fantastic read and a great example of the genre. It is a fast-paced and exciting novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Highly recommended.

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Thank you NetGalley, the author and PenguinGroupPutnam for extending me an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I found this to be a slow-burn read. As the pages turn, you become more and more certain that Jacy and her unborn child are in grave danger, although the source of such danger is unclear - her husband, father-in-law, the creepy caretaker, a mountain lion, all of the above(?). Abbott did a really good job building tension and allowing the reader to feel Jacy's dread and claustrophobia. There is also a strong message about women's bodies, women's choices and the treatment of a woman as a mere vessel for her future offspring.

Overall, it wasn't my favorite of the author's books and the reveal at the ending felt a bit soap-opera-esque to me. I was, however, a unique and quick read.

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This book was a slow burn, which I typically have a difficult time getting through. The twist was a pretty good payoff, but the characters' motivations were a bit odd. Wasn't my favorite of Abbott's work.

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I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about this book based solely on the description. I’m glad I didn’t let that deter me though because I thoroughly enjoyed Beware the Woman by Megan Abbott!
This was definitely a slower burn but never actually felt slow. The suspense was building the entire time and I found myself worrying right along with the characters.
There are certainly deeper themes at play here than just your average shotgun wedding and an overbearing in-law which I truly appreciated. I felt worried, enraged, disgusted, protective all at the same time.
This book is certainly appropriate for the many discussions we are having as a society now.
The only issue I truly had with this book was the ending. It went off the rails a little bit and then came to a screeching halt! I couldn’t believe when I tried to swipe to the next page that it was the end!
If you’re reading this Megan Abbott, please give us an epilogue!!!! I am very invested!

Thank you to Megan Abbott, NetGalley, and G.P. Putnam & Sons for allowing me to enjoy this ARC!

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#BewareTheWoman #NetGalley
Beautifully written. Loved the twist.
Honey, I just want you to have everything you ever wanted. That's what Jacy's mom always told her. And Jacy felt like she finally did. Newly married and with a baby on the way, Jacy and her new husband Jed embark on their first road trip together to visit his father, Doctor Ash, in Michigan's far-flung Upper Peninsula. The moment they arrive in the cozy cottage in the lush woods, Jacy feels bathed in love by the warm and hospitable Doctor Ash, if less so by his house manager, the enigmatic Mrs. Brandt. But their Edenic first days take a turn when Jacy has a health scare. Swiftly, vacation activities are scrapped, and all eyes are on Jacy's condition. At the same time, whispers about Jed's long-dead mother and complicated family history seem eerily to be impeding upon the present. As the days pass, Jacy begins to feel trapped in the cottage, her every move surveilled, her body under the looking glass. But are her fears founded or is it paranoia, or cabin fever, or-as is suggested to her-a stubborn refusal to take necessary precautions? The dense woods surrounding the cottage are full of dangers, but are the greater ones inside?
I personally think that this is a must read book and everyone should give it a go.
Thanks to NetGalley and Penguin Group, GP Putnam for giving me an advance copy.

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I have loved everything Megan Abbott has written, and "Beware the Woman" might be my favorite title by this author yet! I'm always here for a strong female narrator, and following Jacy's journey was a page-turner like no other. Highly recommend.

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Excellent! I'm a huge fan of Megan Abbott's, and this exceeded my already-high expectations. A great page-turner that is perfectly paced and believably spooky. Loved it!

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