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The Woman Inside

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I’m such a fan of Nordic crime. It took me a little while to become invested in the book, but once I did, I couldn’t put it down.

Bill is such an odd character. He is trying to take care of his little girl after his wife dies and he loses his job. He is not a good guy and has done questionable things, but I still wanted to like and root for him. I can understand why he does what he does but that doesn’t make his actions

None of the other characters are all that likable either. I think the struggle for me in the beginning was there are multiple points of view and once I was able to figure everyone out, I was able to enjoy the story. Even though I didn’t like anyone, I was connected with the story.

There was a lot of tension and suspense as I tried to figure out everyone’s true intentions and tried to figure out where this one was heading.

It read like the other Nordic crime novels I read and kept me guessing until the end.

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Terrific book! The characters are flawed but worth rooting for. Their dilemmas are understandable. The twists are great, and make sense. Five stars!

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The intertwining storylines are a blast as everyone sort of fits into this puzzle. But the blurb is pretty vague, maybe on purpose, to keep the mystery of the characters cooking. So, don't dive in knowing too much. Let your mind wander through the mystery and just soak it in. Rating this one is a bit tricky for me – I think some folks will enjoy it, but I found myself a bit bored now and then with the whole procedural vibe. If you're into those slow-burn Nordic Noir mysteries, this book might just hit the sweet spot!

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I finally had a minute to read this one. I have to be honest and say I did not enjoy it as much as the first book I read by this author (A Nearly Normal Family, which I really enjoyed), but I was a bit surprised at the ending ... the whodunnit it so to speak. I liked the ending twist, just not as much as a Nearly Normal Family.

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The Woman Inside is the 2nd book from MT Edvardsson

"A couple is found dead in their house. A widower, his tenant and an old friend are all connected to their death."

The story is told through several POVs. Bill - the widower. Karla - the girl renting a room from Bill. And Jennica - a girl in a complicated relationship. There are also interview updates from law enforcement and the media.

I was over Bill pretty quickly. What an awful person. You want to feel some sympathy because he's a widower. But he was using her to remain a child - playing video games, online gambling. He used his film degree to work in a movie theater - taking tickets. Such a man-child. Karla makes some bad choices. Jennica makes some bad choices. It takes a while to get to the actual event. All the time you're yelling at Bill to grow up and take care of his family. The ending is a surprise.

Fans of Nordic crime fiction may enjoy this one.

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Thank you to NetGalley, M.T. Edvardsson and Celadon books for the free ebook in exchange for an honest review.

This book reminded me in the beginning of The Housemaid which was kind of nice, if not a bit slow paced. But I loved the twists in this novel and the end half was amazing. I loved the twists.

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3.5 stars rounded up

The Woman Inside is a multi-POV mystery, with some thriller elements, that I enjoyed! I really appreciate multi-POVs in mysteries and thrillers because I love having insight into the minds of the different characters and what their thought processes are throughout.

I felt invested in the story and the outcome of the characters, however I did find that this one was a bit slow and I needed to force myself to pick it up a few times to get through. Though there were definitely parts throughout that were fast paced and kept me turning pages quickly!

Thank you to Celadon books for my copy!

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Thank you Celadon and NetGalley for the eARC of The Woman Inside! All opinions in this review are my own.

I cannot emphasize how good this book was! It opens with the ending and you spend the whole book trying to figure out which characters are trustworthy. Not only does The Woman Inside have short chapters (my favorite), they are also interspered with police interviews and articles written about the crime. If you are looking for a book that will be difficult to put down, check out The Woman Inside!

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I got immediately sucked in from the beginning but at times it seemed a little slow for me. I think it can be a quick, mindless read for most people. Worth giving a shot!

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I really liked this book, it was different than anything else I've read which was a breath of fresh air. I will be recommending this to my friends, and auto buy this author!

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When a wealthy couple is murdered in an affluent neighborhood, detectives set out to find a motive among a select group of seemingly random people with connections to the couple.

When I first started this one on audio, I was a bit confused as to who was who. There are quite a few characters, and some of the names and descriptors are very similar to one other. Once I started to get a handle on the premise and the characters involved, I found myself intrigued and invested in what was happening. While this is not the twistiest of books, and I was able to accurately predict most of the plot line, there were some really fun smaller twists that I did not see coming.

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This was a good domestic thriller! I liked the multiple POV's and timeline. It was entertaining enough and had no big surprises and unlikeable characters.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC

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A maid curious about the mysterious wife upstairs...? Hmm, sounds eerily like a hit novel.

Something I loved - multiple POV's. I will die on the hill that multiple POV's are far superior. Also, multiple writing styles - newspaper postings as well interrogation excerpts.

Something I didn't enjoy - the length of the book that should have been about 100 pages less.

The MC's were strong and really moved the book along. I especially loved Jennica with her pet named Dog - who is a cat.

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I really enjoyed this one. It kept me on my toes and wanting to read more. I read it in 2 days. Was the overall writing a little more surface level, yes, but it still kept me guessing until the very end even though it didn't have the super big twist at the end I was expecting. The multiple POV and mixed media made the chapters fly. The story felt well put together and it makes me excited to see what's next for this author.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advance copy of The Woman Inside by M.T> Evdardsson in exchange for my honest review and opinion. I loved the previous books by this author and was beyond excited to read/review this. This is one of those books that make you go OMG did I really just read this? It's got so many twists and turns that your head will be spinning! It's SOOOOOOOO good and be prepared for one heckuva ending!

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I love when a book starts with a high suspense situation and then bounces to the past spends the rest of the story explaining how it got to the present. The suspense and secrets that followed kept me invested so it was a quick read. I enjoyed the multiple POV’s, and it was interesting how the characters ended up being connected. Karla’s was the one that I was invested in the most. She was dealing with the sick wife trying to decide whose “orders” to follow. I thought all the characters were well developed and I liked the friendship Karla made with Bills daughter. I did not see the ending coming and I liked how everything was explained and not rushed.

Thank you @Netgalley and @celadonbooks for the gifted copy.

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I wanted to love this one - it was good and I would recommend to police procedural readers. I just didn’t connect with the characters and found them uninteresting.

Interesting synopsis ans suspenseful read, especially near the last few chapters.
The who dun it and how it all went down was surprising but the end kind of fell flat for

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Oof, not a fan of this read. It was too long and drawn out. There was a lot of unnecessary filler info and I found myself bored. I didn’t like the characters. This just wasn’t for me

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A very intriguing premise and an amazingly articulated execution! Would love to read more by M.T. Edvardsson. I enjoy books where each character has a secret and there are other elements that make the plot delivery very tense...this one offered that and so much more!

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3.5 stars.

I am behind on writing this review. It did take me quite a bit of time to read this book due to how drawn out it is and needed to be in the mood to read a more in-depth book. We get POV from three characters and the excerpt of the interrogations. The story line is great, I did enjoy the different POVs. I just felt the build up to figure out everything was long, and the ending seemed rushed. The story line definitely made it worth finishing this book to see what really happened and how it would end, but it took me too long to read it as it was a slow and drawn out it some parts.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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