Cover Image: The Connellys of County Down

The Connellys of County Down

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I loved We Are the Brennans so getting a chance to review this one was a no brainer. This story is focused on the Connellys:

Tara - an ex prisoner settling back in at home while adjusting to her new normal.
Eddie - a single father with a traumatic brain injury trying to make it through the day.
Geraldine - the one who kept the family together but has her own issues hiding just below the surface.

This book was another perfect family drama that really showcased how far one is willing to go for their siblings. It’s a little slow moving at first but still engaging enough to make you keep turning the pages. There were some great reveals along the way - some I predicted and some I did not; however just like her first book, you just want to hug this entire family. Tara is so loveable as a MC you can’t help but root for her the entire way.

Thank you to NetGalley and Celadon Books for this eARC!

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3.5 stars**

"The Connellys of County Down" is my first novel by Tracey Lange, and I definitely look forward to enjoying her first book. She creates engaging characters from the get-go, and carefully peels back layer after layer until we understand them better. In this case, it's the Connelly family of Port Chester, New York.

Tara, the youngest, is getting out of prison where she served an eighteen-month sentence for dealing drugs. She shares the sagging family home with her brother and sister, one of whom she expects to pick her up. No one's there but the cop who arrested her.. We soon learn how she ended up in jail, how her brother ended up with a traumatic brain injury and how her older sister becomes a hoarder. The depths of trauma they have suffered is heart-rending, but I never doubted for an instant that everything would work out.

Is that a flaw in this novel? I think it is. Here was a great opportunity to dig deep into the family's past and for Tara, Eddie, and Geraldine to find real understanding. The ending comes very quickly, and ties everything up too neatly.

Tracey Lange definitely has a gift for writing and characterization, and I look forward to seeing her build more depth in her stories.

Many thanks to Celedon Books and NetGalley for a digital review copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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I interrupted the book I had been reading for this one and I read it in two days. The book begins with Tara Connelly being released from prison. She was in for drug trafficking, but it is clear that there is more to the story. The officer who helped put Tara in jail ends up driving her home, where her sister, brother, and nephew live. There is some tension between the siblings, whose mother died and father left them after an accident resulted in Eddie, Tara's brother, living with traumatic brain injury . The siblings' difficult childhood has affected their adult lives, and they must acknowledge and overcome some of their behaviors to keep their family together.

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I received a free e-arc of this book through Netgalley.
This book is about siblings who have had crappy childhoods and have managed to stay together and keep going as a family, but they aren't always honest with each other. The book starts with Tara getting out of prison, and it just gets better from there. I found myself caring a lot about each of the main characters and their relationships. It ended before I was ready to say goodbye to them. An enjoyable read.

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This is a heartfelt and honest portrayal of a family consisting of three siblings who each struggle with a plethora of issues but ultimately rely on each other to survive. The main character, Tara, is released from prison after serving a drug charge and she must reacclimatize to life outside and a whole host of unresolved, familial issues. The result is a family drama with some suspense and mystery, making it both well-written and entertaining.

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Solid family drama about three siblings, two sisters and a brother, one of whom has just been released from prison after serving time for a drug charge. Each of the siblings has been affected by their traumatic childhoods but start to work through their issues and the secrets they have been keeping from each other. The writing is very easy to read and I was kept engaged. The main character was likeable and the relationships between the flawed siblings were well developed. I did think that the ending wrapped up the plot lines too quickly and could have been stronger. Some of the issues in the novel could have been more deeply explored (e.g., brain injury, hoarding addiction). Overall, a good family drama read.

Thanks to Celadon Books for this complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.

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I have been waiting to consume something else by Tracey Lange since I read We Were the Brennan's and adored it. One of my favourite reads.

Lange has confirmed that family drama's with complicated sibling dynamics.

I honestly knew nothing about this book going into it.

Our main character Tara is fiercely independent and has just been released from prison. Her brother Eddie is very kind, but people tend to tiptoe around him, and Geraldine is very rigid and doesn't like straying from her routine. These siblings love each other, but don't quite understand each other. They went through a lot of difficult things together. And Lange explore this and I love love loved it. I highly recommend picking this one up as soon as it is published.

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THIS BOOK! Take my heart! This was such a good story. I felt like i was in a movie the whole time. It covers so many topics in such a great way. I loved all the characters. I loved the realness of the family drama and overcoming obstacles. Highly recommend!!!

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A long long time ago there lived 3 little wee ones. Their names were Geraldine, Eddie, and Tara. They went to the countryside to find a castle, but in order to get there they had to trench through the forest. Little did they know, many traps, and snares were awaiting them. Only one of the three would help them carry on. This tale is about discovering who is the glue, the key, the most loving of the three.

Gosh, I really appreciate this book. 🍀 Tracy Lange has figured out how to ensnare my heart, walk me through messy family dynamics, and leave me with the answer to why we still face our families problems head on. We love first. We do whatever we can to make it to the castle. If you love reading about family drama, loyalty, and unexpected love, this is what you need to add to your tbr stack.

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Thank you Netgalley. This book was okay. I couldn't really get into it that much. Didn't feel connected to the characters.

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I really enjoyed Lange's first book so was thrilled to receive an advance copy of The Connellys of County Down. I'm a sucker for an Irish family and the saga behind Tara and her siblings does not disappoint. The characters and their relationships all rang true and the plot moved along quickly.

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honestly, i have been trying to finish this novel for 2 months now...

i just have no desire to continue to pick it up. i dont find any of the characters particularly endearing

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Such a great opening to the story… this was a fabulous and easy read. Following Tara, Eddie, Little Con-Man and Geraldine’s family vibe and relatable sibling quarrels (to an extent of course ~ minus the jail and drugs😂)

Tracey’s writing is smooth, captivating and I’m finding that I am really loving family dramas more than I thought I would. And the cover ~ just simply beautiful! 💜🌿

I was lucky to be selected to participate in a Celadon collab called “Celadon’s Read Together” where I was paired up with 3 other Bookstagrammers to read this advanced printed copy of the novel and chat along the way.

Lucky enough, I was also granted access via NetGalley to both view the ebook galley AND listen to an early audiobook version.

Thank you to Celadon + NetGalley, the author Tracey Lange and the publisher, because I truly enjoyed this book and am writing this review as an unbiased opinion.

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Another amazing, compelling, drama-filled sibling saga from author Tracey Langue. As a fervent fan of her first book, I was so excited to get to know this new family. The action started on page one and gained steam with every chapter. If you enjoy stories about big, messy families struggling to move forward without breaking apart, you will love this book and this author.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing a copy of this book.

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Family drama is not my thing...

Tracey Lange has convinced me that they are enjoyable.

"The Connellys of County Down" surprised me!

I dove into this book not realizing that I would be so entranced by the plot that I would finish the entire book in forty-eight hours.


This family is messy. It's the kind of disaster that is so bad that you can't rip you're eyes away.

The Connelly's are full of secrets and drama. That's putting it simply.

I mean, the first chapter is all about one of the Connelly's being released from jail.

Yeah, I know, hot start to the story. I can promise you that from that moment moving forward it all gets more dramatic and more secrets get spilled. It is so messy.

I think that was why I loved this book. This family was messy but the story showed that the bond that they had with each other was difficult to break and that they were devoted deeply to one another. It's a book that shows how hard and how rewarding relationships with siblings can be.

The Connelly siblings will devastate you. They will make you smile. They will break your heart. They will make you frustrated. They will make you want to give them hugs.

But most importantly, the siblings will make you realize the lengths that you would go to protect your family and appreciate the bond that you have with you're own blood.

Thank you Celadon Books for the advanced copy of this book. Special shout out to the group of buddies who read this amazing book with me. Reading this with you guys was tons of fun. I am sorry my poopy mail services delayed our buddy reading for the longest time. I hope you will accept my friendship in the future.

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I just finished "The Connellys of County Down" by Tracey Lange, and I have to say, I loved it! This was my first read for the #celadonreadstogether, and it did not disappoint.

The story follows the Connelly family, who are a complete mess in every way possible but still deeply care for one another. I was hooked from the first chapter and enjoyed Lange's writing style. I particularly appreciated the easter egg she included from her other novel.

While the ending was a bit too tidy for my liking and felt a bit like a Hallmark move, it didn't take away from the overall enjoyment of the book. I loved the flawed characters and their complicated relationships, and the story kept me engaged until the very end.

Overall, I highly recommend "The Connellys of County Down" to anyone looking for a heartwarming yet messy family drama.

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What a lovely book! I enjoyed reading The Connellys of County Down by Tracey Lange. If you are looking a well-written family drama, pick up this book. I felt like I really got to know each of the Connelly siblings well as I read this book and thought the family dynamics were very true to life. From the very first chapter, where we meet Tara as she is leaving prison I was drawn into this story. One of my favorite books this year. Add this one to your TBR!

When Tara Connelly is released from prison after serving eighteen months on a drug charge, she knows rebuilding her life at thirty years old won’t be easy. With no money and no prospects, she returns home to live with her siblings, who are both busy with their own problems. Her brother, a single dad, struggles with the ongoing effects of a brain injury he sustained years ago, and her sister’s fragile facade of calm and order is cracking under the burden of big secrets. Life becomes even more complicated when the cop who put her in prison keeps showing up unannounced, leaving Tara to wonder what he wants from her now.

While she works to build a new career and hold her family together, Tara finds a chance at love in a most unlikely place. But when the Connellys’ secrets start to unravel and threaten her future, they all must face their worst fears and come clean, or risk losing each other forever.

The Connellys of County Down is a moving novel about testing the bounds of love and loyalty. It explores the possibility of beginning our lives anew, and reveals the pitfalls of shielding each other from the bitter truth.

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I’m a little late to the party, but I just finished the Connellys of County Down this weekend! I really enjoyed the book. I was such a huge fan of her last book, We are the Brennans and they were similar in style and content.

Tara has recently been released from jail after serving 18 months for a drug trafficking charge. She moves home to Port Chester, NY with her older siblings and her nephew. But she disturbs their routine with coming home. Her brother, Eddie is excited and her sister, Geraldine is conflicted. Their parents were out of the picture very early and Geraldine took care of everyone. She struggles with mental health and has been falling behind at work.

Tara has to follow all the protocols for her release; checking in with her case manager, drug tests and getting a job. But it’s hard with her record and she cannot go back to work as an art teacher. She also has reconnected with an unlikely (and dangerous) to her release, but she can’t help herself.

I think if you enjoyed Orange is the New Black, you would really like this book. It definitely gave me similar vibes. I really loved the family dynamics, they all care for each other, but they are all deeply flawed. I also loved that the book takes place in Westchester; I’m very familiar with all of these towns!

Thank you so much to @celadonbooks and @tracey_lange for my gifted book and for putting together the read along! It was fun to have a group to discuss with.

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A page turning novel about how things are not quite as they seem. I definitely had a hard time putting this one down and will be reading We Are The Brennan’s. Does anyone know, are these the Brennan’s who own the pub in this book?
Lange did a great job of bringing the read along on a journey that was unexpected and both heart breaking and heartwarming. It provides a different perspective on the lives of people we may view as criminals and I appreciate that. One of the strengths of this novel is the way Lange delves into the inner lives of Tara, her siblings, and her nephew, revealing their motivations and vulnerabilities. The only inconsequential problem I had was with the pacing – the last part of the book felt a bit rushed and could have benefited from more space to elaborate certain plot points. Nevertheless, The Connelly’s of County Down is definitely worth picking up.
This is a #CeladonReadsTogether initiative. @CeladonBooks grouped me with 4 other Instagram Book Influencers and we were to read this and discuss it together.
Thank you also to @netgalley @Celadonbooks for the opportunity to read and review this book, plus the opportunity to join an author discussion last night with @tracey_lange.

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We Are the Brennans was one of my favorite random choices of books so I was very much looking forward to this book. Lange does family drama so well, and the Connellys were another perfectly imperfect family group - Tara, who was just released from prison for a crime she may or may not have committed; Geraldine, the high-strung older sister who needs control; and Eddie, their brother with a traumatic brain injury and a 10-year old son. I enjoyed spending time with the actual Connelly family and watching them interact and get themselves in trouble with their lack of communication, though I did have a couple problems with the story. First, the romance made absolutely no sense to me since it happened way too fast and for no discernible reason. Second, I felt that a huge plot point was left hanging around Roland after so much buildup around him. I both read and listened to this title and preferred reading as I had an idea about the mannerisms and voice of each character and the narrator was a bit too monotone for me. Big thank yous to Celadon Books, Macmillan Audio, and NetGalley for the early access to this title for my honest opinions. 3.5 stars

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