Cover Image: Heir of Uncertain Magic

Heir of Uncertain Magic

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The Heir of Uncertain Magic is the second book in the Whimbrel House series. The story picked up where the first book ended. I really liked the first book so it was good to be back with the characters. This series is more historical fiction than fantasy but it was whimsical enough. In this book, we got to learn about Merritt's family issues and how he deals with his new magical abilities. Also, Hulda and Merritt's relationship is so cute and lovely. I thought this is a duology but apparently, there is going to be more and if I am not mistaken the next book is going to focus on Owein. I can't wait to learn his story. If you like whimsical and cozy stories you should definitely check out this series. Thanks to NetGalley and 47North for an ARC in return for my honest review.

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An excellent sequel that continues in the same sprit as the first book. In this instalment the plot is very different since Hilda is no longer working for or living with Merritt and they are dealing with the aftermath of everything that happened in the first book. On top of all of that Merritt is dealing with his new powers and trying to come to terms with his past. We see all of the wonderful characters from the previous book again and the budding romance continues to develop organically. I was happy to return to this world and learn even more about it. The ending of this book sets up even more mysteries to uncover, so I will definitely keep an eye out for a third book!

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Does Merritt find himself with a quiet, stable life at Whimbrel House following the events of the first book? Of course not! There are always new adventures to be had when magicked houses and magical genealogy are at play.

The second book in the Whimbrel House world carried on the story of our many familiar beloved characters and even that of some not so beloved. The story line continues seamlessly from where the first book left readers, with Merritt back on the island trying to understand his new talents and understand all his family, the lost, the found and the newly discovered. Hulda navigates the age old struggle of women wanting both a career and passion while Owain just tries to understand having legs for the first time in centuries.

The Whimbrel House series is a wonderfully cozy read with magic, adventure, and villians that will not lead you astray. Charlie Holmberg never fails to build worlds that are at once comforting and familiar yet somehow still magical and new.

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I loved the first book and the sequel was just as much fun! I was dying to see what Merrit would get up to now that he had discovered his magic and so couldn't wait to read!

I liked the mystery plot which allowed Merrit and Hulda's relationship to blossom alongside Merrit's magic!

When will people leave poor whimbrel house alone!

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Thank you to NetGalley and 47North for an advanced e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest and unbiased review!

The first book in this series, Keeper of Enchanted Rooms, for lack of a better term enchanted me, so I was so excited to review an advanced copy of the second in this series!

And while it was lovely hearing from Merritt and Hulda, Owein and Baptiste and Beth, this book did suffer a bit from second book syndrome, where the stakes have changed a bit for the worse and most of the information feels like a bridge to what comes next.

Book one had a truly sinister antagonist and a delightful magic setting. Here in book two, that antagonist is gone and the magical house is technically no longer magical. The stakes feel lower and the whimsy feels slightly dampened. Merritt is trying to grapple with his own history and new magical abilities (by the way the title of this second book feels very spoiler-y and I hope it didn’t spoil anything for anyone looking at the series who hasn’t read book one yet!) but this doesn’t feel as fraught as book one did.

The romance between Merritt and Hulda is a great amount of swoon and sweet injected into the mysteries of the story. The state of their relationship at the end of this story feels a bit abrupt, but I love their relationship and look forward to seeing what happens next with them.

Was hoping we’d get a bit more insight into Beth and Baptiste’s characters, but apart from a little tidbit of Baptiste’s history, I found myself wanting more. Hopefully future books explore more!

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3,5 stars.

Reading this took me more then a month, and not necessarily because it was bad, but the first book was more enjoyable imo and the story only really picked up pace in the last 60-ish pages. While I still enjoyed this very much and hope to be able to enjoy the last book in the series aswell, I hope that story becomes a bit more entertaining again.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Everything the occupants at Whimbrel House thought they knew gets flipped on its head after a run-in with a madman magician. Merritt Fernsby is left grappling with a power he never knew he had, Hulda Larkin is questioning her place at BIKER after being manipulated by her closest friend, and Owein now finds himself in the body of a dog instead of haunting the walls. They will each have to learn their new place in the world while, once again, facing a dangerous threat.

After the disappearance of Hulda's boss/friend, Myra Haigh, Hulda finds herself up for the now-vacant position of BIKER's director. Competing against her is a rival from their London branch, who seems curious about Whimbrel House and who Hulda believes can twist the emotions of those around them. With everything crumbling down and the target's on their backs, Merritt and Hulda will have to pull out all the stops if they hope to get through the chaos unscathed.

I recently read the first book in this series, and it became one of my all-time favorites, so I had high hopes going into this one. I'm happy to report it delivered everything I wanted and more. My favorite thing about this series is the characters. I love the little family they've formed and how they all look out for and care for one another so much. We got more development with Merritt and Hulda's relationship, which gave me a toothache with how sweet it was. I adore them together. I also loved following Owein and getting to see inside his head. He tugs on my heartstrings; I never want anything bad to happen to him. As for the plot, I thought the mystery was done well, and it was interesting learning about new sects of the magic system. Holmberg has a knack for writing well-paced, entertaining stories with just the right balance of whimsy and darkness, and I'll be crossing my fingers hoping for more of this series.

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I love this book so much. It is a light urban fantasy that provides a whimsical view into the everyday life of a dynamic cast of characters. It includes a hint of 'murder mystery', reflects characters dealing with trauma, and addresses adjustments to a life where everything you once new was a lie.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an e-arc.

I've really liked this part of the series. I will buy a physical copy and continue with the next books!

It was, to me, even more interesting than the first one, probably because we got to know the characters even more. I cared for them and really, still, loved their relations. A well, and believably, written romance, great friendships and a further exploration of family trauma are sprinkled with cozy and feel-good moments in a ratio that worked really well for me.
The mystery, found family trope and the fact that we're learning more about the magic system along with our characters were also great.

To be perfectly honest, I cannot really think of any drawbacks of this book. If you liked the first part of the series, I'm sure you'll also love this one!

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Compared to the first book, not my favorite. The magic seemed lacking. This was more of just a mystery, which I may appreciate more if I hadn’t read and been attached to the first book.

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Heir of Uncertain Magic is the second book in The Whimbrel House Series. And if I dare say so myself... this one is even better than the first one, Keeper of Enchanted Rooms. Especially on an account of predictability. I do prefer to be surprised and not quite knowing where the story is going to lead and I have to say that this book does a bit better job at it than the first one.
I found it easy to read, entertaining and fairly absorbing story, full of magic, history (family and magic), drama and adventure. The book combines all of them into just under 300 pages of story and leaves some space for the third book to come. Will there be another one? Time and magic will tell.
For now, less chase some whimbrels...

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Big thanks to Netgalley, 47North and Charlie N. Holmberg for the ARC.

If you need an escape from the angst and horror of the real world, this cosy little historical fantasy is a soothing soul salve complete with low stakes family drama in a unique world of magic where one of the main characters is a dog possessed by a child ghost who used to possess a house. And while that last sentence might sound absurd, I soaked it all right up. Holmberg clearly loves dogs and it shines through in her characterisation of Owein who is one of the MVPs by far. Recommend for people who like dogs and cosy fantasies — remember to read the first book, Keeper of Enchanted Rooms first.

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"Well. I apologize that the men in your life have been muttonheads, but then again, I suppose I should thank them--." - Merritt

It was so good to be back at Whimbrel House with Merritt and Hulda. The first book in the series implied a budding relationship between them, and this book was all about them deciding what to do with their shared experiences and how (and if) they wanted to move forward together. This book also explored Merritt's magic more deeply and showed his experiences in learning how to use it.

"They had never really done anything pertaining to routine courtship, unless one considered fighting for one's life in a dank basement routine courtship."

Once I got through the first half of the book it was difficult to put it down. Hulda and Merritt had to face some pretty heavy difficulties with their professional work, family relationships, and their shared relationship. This series has been fantastic so far and I already can't wait for the next one to release!

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Heir of Uncertain magic is a fantastic and sweet follow up to Keeper of Enchanted Rooms. Full of magic, world building, found family, mystery, and a bit of suspense and romance, the second book (in what I'm hoping is at least a trilogy) was like a warm hug. It's a quick read, and a soon as I'd finished it I picked up the first again for a reread.... and then reread this one. Charlie N. Holmberg has a magical way of immersing the reader in her world. The characters feel real and developed, and the society and environment comprehensive. I hope the teaser at the end means that a third will come along soon! I can't wait to revisit these characters

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Such a delightful follow up to the initial Hilda and Merritt tale. I love how the story of their love, the family that Whimbrel House has created, and the mystery of Myra and BIKER progressed. I’m looking forward to the next adventure from this group.

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Merritt Fernsby and Hulda Larkin survived a magical serial killer and are now trying to move on. But things are not all fine at BIKER ...

The world building in this series is brilliant, with an intriguing magic system. The plot is fast and the characters endearing - a fun and cosy fantasy!

I received a copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review

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Another wonderful Holmberg book! I just loved this story. Merritt, Hulda, and Owein are some of my favorite characters, with all their quirks and humor.

This story left off right after the end of the first, and I loved seeing how each character progressed. Seeing Merritt’s frustration with his new-found magic, and eventually his learning how to use it, was so much fun. I loved the changes in Hulda, as she loosened up slightly and learned to let go and love. And Owein is just so much fun, I wish there was a whole book about him!

The suspense and intrigue of this story kept me turning the pages, and I couldn’t wait to find out what happened next. The parts with Merritt and his mother brought tears to my eyes, while the big chaotic scene toward the end had me laughing and speeding through the pages, trying to see what was going to happen. Absolutely fantastic!

I can’t wait for more in this series! I need more of these characters!

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I loved the first book in this series so was very excited to get the arc of this one, but unfortunately this fell a bit flat for me.

The story continues where book 1 left off, with owein in the body of a dog, merrit learning he has magic, and hulda and merrit starting a relationship. We find out early on that Myra has gone missing so the sister company LIKER has sent a few staff over to audit the company and appoint a new director.

The book focussed heavily on Myra being missing and on what was happening at BIKER which to be honest it didn’t interest me at all. I was so bored while reading that I was losing focus and struggling to pick it back up. I don’t think the ridiculously long chapters helped with this either, I an a fairly fast reader and most chapters were taking over 30 mins.

The writing itself was good and the characters were well fleshed out, I think it was the plot I wasn’t keen on, It just lost all the coziness from the first book that I loved. I was hoping for more focus on merrit and Huldas new relationship and on Merritts relationship with his family.bI also expected to like owein being a dog but I really missed the house being enchanted. I think that was a key factor in my enjoyment of book 1.

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First, let me just say that I loved The Keeper of Enchanted Rooms. It was a breath of fresh air in a crowded historical fantasy genre. Our favorite characters are back for this installment, and Dennis-the-Menace-as-a-house is know an adorable dog (Owein). We also have some new characters from across the pond at LIKER (the London version of BIKER). There was a lot of exposition, not a lot of action in the first half of the book, and I honestly felt myself becoming bored. Hulda and Merritt both do a lot of fretting without really doing anything for a while. When the action picks up, it picks up quickly, though. Overall, I didn't love this sequel as much as the first book, but I enjoyed seeing the characters again, and the magic system invented by Holmberg is so fresh and entertaining that it makes up for some pacing issues.

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I really enjoyed the first book of this duology. It was so cozy and whimsical with just enough of a beginning romance for me. I couldn't wait to see the progression of Hulda and Merritt's relationship. I liked their romance growth and how they worked through their feelings and didn't make it too dramatic. I like that the magic in this story has consequences although I wish I could have seen Merritt get to utilize his magical abilities in more mischievous ways. Sadly book two lost all its charm and whimsy. The house is no longer enchanted and this book took on a more mystery plot which isn't my cup of tea. I didn't really care about Myra from book one so I wasn't invested in the mystery of finding her. I wanted more of a romance development and that seemed more of a subplot. I ended up giving this one 3 stars.

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