Member Reviews

This book grabbed me from the moment I read the title. I found it to be a great option for book clubs or anyone looking for a gripping read. I enjoyed how the author took three completely different women, and wove their lives together. I further appreciated the level of detail taken to include their background before all becoming entangled with the same man. The entire story, including aspects of every part of the characters’ lives -social, work, and family - was marvelous.

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I loved, loved, LOVED this book from the very first sentence and read it in one sitting. Jessica, Samanta and Anna are women with one huge connection: either a past or present (or both) with Jake, a social media tech mogul who is about to take this company public. But every woman has a secret (or a few), and must weigh how much of a toll their revelations will take on their children, their careers, and themselves.

Anna and Sam are the main characters, and they are developed in a thorough, realistic way. Even Jake is never positioned outright as "the man to hate," but Dunlop allows the reader to draw her own conclusions as the story goes on. It is a bit neatly packaged, but in this messy world where women and mothers are constantly getting passed over, ignored, and taken advantage of, it's nice to have a story that ultimately gives us hope.

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Fast-paced, contemporary revenge story. Modern women, where readers can recognize either a bit of themselves or a bit of women they know in each of the three women.

All three have ties to a public figure who is about to take his company public, and this is the story of self-discovery and self-reflection and friendship because of the terrible man.

It's good and it's's all too familiar for too many of us.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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I really want to love this book but I’m 10% in and I can’t get pasted the missing words or missing chunks of letters. I look forward to reading this in print when it publishes.

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I WANTED to read & love this book, but something must be "off" in my copy because every other word is blank and/or a typo and the pages don't line up on my kindle. I look forward to reading it properly in March!

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Andrea Dunlops writing drew me right in and kept me reading late into the night .Told from different points of view the women each a compelling character the man who manipulated them did them wrong.A delicIous read an author and a book I will be following.#netgalley #zibbybooks

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In the vein of Whisper Network by Chandler Baker, Women are the Fiercest Creatures by Andrea Dunlop is about the overlapping lives of three women who are wronged by the charismatic CEO of a growing technology startup who has cut them out of his company’s history.

Anna Sarnoff is still reeling from her divorce from tech darling Jake Sarnoff. She tries to pick up the pieces of her life after being ejected from the company that she helped Jake build, not to mention her marriage. She constantly takes the high road in co-parenting their two sons with her ex-husband who threw her over for a younger woman. Yes, she still loves him, but she refuses to just be cast aside.

Then there’s Samanta Flores-Walsh, a successful local entrepreneur who also happens to be Jake’s college girlfriend. Jake and Samanta have some unfinished business, only part of which is the huge, unacknowledged role Sam played in what is about to become a billion-dollar public company.

And then there’s Jake’s much younger new wife, Jessica, who’s struggling as a new mom, while her husband grows increasingly distant.

This is a quick and enjoyable read with female characters who are strong and empathetic and flawed. They are nuanced and well-drawn, and you will enjoy each of their stories as they unfold, spilling secrets along the way.

Women Are The Fiercest Creatures releases March 7, 2023. Thank you to NetGalley and Zibby Books for the advance copy.

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This book grabbed me from the start. I enjoyed the alternating viewpoints and the strong female characters. I could not put it down,

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Women are the Fiercest Creatures might be a great book for you if you can relate to any of the following situations: Have a controlling MIL, still fantasize about reconciling with your ex, have friends that don’t realize they make racist remarks, feel underappreciated for your work, second guess your parenting skills, get twisty about social media, pondered why some people have such an impact of your mood… This book is face based, and draws you in quickly. Its well written, and the characters are both cringy and delightful in varying degrees. While it isn’t a mystery, there are plots twists and turns that make it a “page-turner”. The epilogue provides a far amount of closure, eliminating the frustration of an unresolved ending.

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A book that’s hard to put down! Andrea Dunlop’s story is about three women who are connected by their relationships to a successful tech entrepreneur. Sam was the college girlfriend of Jake Sarnoff. Now a successful yoga studio owner, history has been rewritten to exclude her contributions to his tech startup. Anna, Jake’s first wife, is trying to recover from their unexpected divorce and being forced out of the company they grew together. Jessica, the younger new wife, is struggling to cope with a new baby and a husband absorbed in his work.

Each character is written in a relatable manner. The author’s interpretation of marriage and women’s roles in society are witnessed in today’s world. The contributions women make in a marriage and behind the scenes are often under appreciated by society. Dunlop’s novel highlights the value each woman contributes and the self worth these women come to realize.

A fun, quick read where parts of me were reflected in each character.
Thank you to NetGalley and Zibby Books for the opportunity to review this title before its release.

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This novel on the surface seems as though it could only take place in cities such as Seattle, San Fransisco, maybe LA. but look closer --behind the closed doors--and you will find women are the same everywhere. They support their husbands till they can't anymore. They raise their children even when they are ungrateful teenagers. Women who just want to fit in and make friends while everyone is secretly judging you while you judge them.
Samantha, Anna, and Jessica seem to have lives and homes straight of Pinterest dream boards, only to be facing new struggles every day. Without or without a faithful man at their side.
It parallels marriages functioning like businesses and how even a tech savvy CEO can only reach such successful positions because of the woman in his life who spent sleepless nights to help get him there.
There are many times our three "wives" don't feel like they matter when in fact....women rule the world.

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Thank you for granting me access to this book. I hate dropping spoilers but I just have to share appreciation for this being one of the few novels that deliver on the title premise.

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I went into this book having the highest of hopes. it has an incredible title, and seemed to be about three strong women navigating divorce, co-parenting, and/or unrequited love with elegance and class. this was not that book.

to start positively, I thought the 3 female main characters were fine (albeit a little immature and incompetent), and the writing was slightly better than average. the book had a great pace and was not confusing to follow along.

what bothered me the most was how each of the three women bend and broke to please main character jake (ex-husband of one, college boyfriend of another, and current hubby and baby daddy of the last). it absolutely did not sit right with me and i was flabbergasted why i was reading about such weak female characters, when this was supposed to be uplifting and inspiring for women.

of course some of the interactions and issues in the book are representative of real life, and women get stuck in positions they cannot get out of, but for all 3 of them to go down this pattern and not advocate for themselves (until the end) or stand up for each other was really odd to me. the book and characters were very surface-level and several plot devices were utilized in such an insincere way that it made me not believe any of the ‘character development’ that was happening. and the fact that each storyline wouldn’t have existed if not for the MALE main character…. gag.

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Four friends have stolen aboard the Titanic. They're after the Rubaiyat - a book inlaid with priceless jewels. Josefa is a charismatic thief, Hinnah a daring acrobat, Violet an outstanding actress and Emilie a talented artist.

It is Josefa's plan, but she needs all of their skills. Despite their very different backgrounds, in a world of first-class passengers and suspicious crew members, the girls must work together to pull off the heist of their lives.

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Impressed with the idea of this story. It’s modern and interesting. Minus the missing letters in the ARC I did find the story to be thrilling. A good mix of various characters.

Thanks to NetGalley for the copy for the purpose of the review!

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We love a novel where the woman sticks it to the man!

We follow 2 women, Anna and Sam, both of whom are exes of tech mogul, Jake Sarnoff, as they navigate their feelings surrounding his company. As his company is preparing to relaunch, bringing in billions of dollars, his exes are feeling wronged since they each had a special hand in the development of his company.
Anna is divorced from Jake and is struggling to come to terms that he left her and their two boys for a younger woman. Sam was his college girlfriend who holds a mysterious piece of his past.

What happens when all pieces of Jake’s post collide with his present?

I loved reading about two women who are strong and capable, each in their own right. This story covers a lot of modern day issues in a very informative and entertaining way.
The ending felt a little rushed and there were some areas where I wish I would have had more of the story but overall this was a fun, quick read!
The biggest thank you to Net Galley and Zibby Books for an eARC of this book in exchange for a review!!

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Three strong, intelligent women. One charismatic man they have all fallen for. As their lives become more intertwined and he seems poised for greatness, all three women can feel the foundations crumbling and know the status quo is not going to last.

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WOMEN ARE THE FIERCEST CREATURES—what a great title, one that grabbed me from the start. The story centers around three completely different women, all of whom have been involved with an ego-maniac, the super-techie Jake Sarno. Author Andrea Dunlop spins the emotional story of a man who refuses to give himself to any one of the three, but he will not completely let them go of them either. The women, triggered by a possible kidnapping, begin to support each other, and their innocent actions become the trigger-point for revealing his deceit and his despicable character.

All three female characters are likable, maybe even like some of our friends, and I found a bit of myself in each one of them. Dunlop speaks to the journeys that all women take, and the feelings and emotions of each season of life flow through her writing. The story moves at a fast pace, and smoothly eases from scene to scene. This would be a great book club read.

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Andrea Dunlop is a sharp, savvy critic of the Pacific Northwest, tech culture, and what it means to be a woman in the modern world. I'm a huge fan of this novel, which does an incredible job of making each character distinct and nuanced. The setting is beautiful, and the ending will leave you haunted.

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4.5 stars

“‘What your body is doing right now is more powerful than all of the wars ever fought, any feat of strength ever performed.’ She looked at Jessica, whose eyes were dutifully closed. ‘Women,’ Sam said, ‘are the fiercest creatures.’”

Full of feminism and body positivity, Women are the Fiercest Creatures is a quick, propulsive read. Each character was fully developed with just the right amount of flaws to keep them real. The through line of the tech company felt fresh and relevant while allowing each character’s story to unfold on its own.

Read if you like:
Dual POVs
Feminist literature
Rich people behaving badly

Thank you to Zibby Books for access to a digital ARC through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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