Member Reviews

The story revolves around a woman named Tessa Harper who works as a director of beauty and fashion for Quench, a multimillion-dollar empire that focuses on self-care for women. She runs the company with her three best friends.

An interesting chick-lit with lovely characters and an interesting storyline. Would recommend

Thank you to Jennifer Probst, NetGalley and Montlake for the arc of this book.

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Oh my God what a story, I was twisting and turning the whole time wanting them to be together. And the author leaves it up to the last moment to drop some surprises! An amazingly written novel, with a new plot I am sure you haven't seen anywhere else. Loved it so much! I have the urge to find and binge-read everything from Jennifer Probst.

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Absolutely loved this book, I could not put it down. Read in one sitting. The characters were well written and story lines was amazing.

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Unfortunately this book wasn't my cup of tea. Honestly, this series was not my cup of tea.

Leading up to this book, there are hints that Ford and Tessa will be the couple for the third and final book. They act like frenemies, but deep down, we see that they both have crushes on each other.

My biggest qualm about this book is Ford. He was extremely immature and kept making the wrong decisions over and over again. He was unforgivable after they were intimate together. After that, he wasn't a redeemable character for me.

Jennifer Probst was the reason that I fell in love with romance and it pains me that I didn't love this series, and especially this book.

I am hoping that the next series that she writes brings me back!

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Save the Best for Last Jennifer Probst was an enjoyable slow burn romance.

After reading book #3 in this series now I've got to go back. Because I enjoyed reading this enemies-to-lovers story.
This is a beautifully written emotional roller coaster. I found myself so drawn to these characters.
The characters are so real. You feel what they are going through.
My first time reading anything by this author and honestly she hooked me.
I had a hard time putting this book down.
A heartfelt, sweet story. I'm looking forward to reading the two before this one.

These can read as a standalone!

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank You for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this eARC!

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2 stars

The beginning was rocky for me. I found the FMC a little too arrogant, nosy and snobby. And maybe being nosy came with her job of doing makeovers, but it extended to her close friends too. I didn't enjoy reading her point of view a lot.

Ford wasn't a memorable character. If you asked me anything about him, I wouldn't be able to tell you a thing. He just seemed like white noise while Tessa was just so much in the story.

Their chemistry was lacking a lot. Their banter, in no way, was enjoyable. Both of them were out for each others' throats and their was nothing lighthearted about it. The denial was so thick in the first 80% of the book that I felt as if I was drowning in it.

Another thing that I disliked about the story was the convenience of it all. The MCs just happpen to have the same experience, one after the other. The MMC used to think of Tessa as selfish and her friends just happen to drop of hints about her selflessness and kindness.

I would've initially given the book 1 star, but Uncle Bart was a very interesting character through and through. Hell, despite him appearing only a few times, he made a stronger impact on me than the MMC.

Thank you Netgalley and Montlake for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved this book but was also somewhat disappointed with it. Gah, how to explain? As a frenemies-to-lovers novel, it's perfect. Tessa and Ford start off with misconceptions about each other, but as they work together on a project, they realize that there's so much more to the other. Their road to discovery is masterfully told, neither rushed nor unbelievable. Bit by bit, they learn each other until they find themselves happier together then apart.

But Patricia.

Ford has been "in love" with his coworker Patricia for a couple of years even though she quite clearly friend-zoned him. He just knows she's perfect for him and gets Tessa to give him the makeover he thinks he needs to win her. Tessa knows a makeover will work in that Patricia will be blown away by Ford's transformation, but she also knows it can't possibly last. She shares her concerns with Ford, but she's equally supportive of his goal when he reiterates that Patricia is the one for him.

It's not a bad plot, and I'm glad Tessa makes a point to let Ford know that he's enough even without a makeover. That said, as ashamed as I am to admit it, watching Ford's slow transformation from sloppy boy to edgy man is rather hot. But outward appearance aside, Ford can't seem to get past his inner geek in his insistent pursuit of Patricia. Even after he and Tessa share a kiss and, later, intimacies, he can't quite grow the eff up and let go of his childish and--frankly--embarrassing infatuation. The author makes a valiant effort in showing that the stupidity is not Ford's alone but is shared by Tessa, but I just didn't buy it. I don't want to say too much more at risk of spoiling the story, but I just feel so disappointed in Ford. He doesn't deserve Tessa even though they're perfect together. In short, he's an idiot.

And he also still owes her a favor.

I received an ARC of this book for free from the publisher and Netgalley. I'm writing this review voluntarily, and it reflects my honest opinion. Thanks!

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I really liked Tessa and Ford’s story. They have a lot to offer each other and their friends. A great ending to this series. These three stories of this friend group are good ones to enjoy. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC

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Starting of the book was fine..I kind of love the enemies to Lovers trope so much that when I saw this book of Jennifer I had to read it.

Initially I liked the story built up, how Tessa knows what she is doing and have strong opinions of her own, I loved her but on the other hand the male character Ford is grownup child, the character was so poorly written that its spoiled the whole story dynamic.
It's was frustrating to know that he was also deaf to any reasonable reasons ever coming his way for doing the right thing for one's in his life that I Myself wanted to go and pulled his hair off his head and kick is ass.

Looking back the other books of Jennifer which I genuinely loved I had hard time reading this particular book...I guess his was really not for me.

Thank you netgalley and the author for providing this book and I'm actually thrilled to get Jennifer's book for my first review on netgalley (which is actually my first book which I get to read and review).

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Save the Best for Last is the third book in the Twist of Fate series by Jennifer Probst. This book can be enjoyed as a complete stand alone- I think that Jennifer does a good job of adding in the pertinent details/catch up from the previous 2 books- but personally I think that Tessa and Ford's book hits better when read in order.

3.5 ⭐

Save the Best for Last is a nice long slow burn between Tessa and Ford- and these two have had this coming for a while. The story is a kind of enemies to lovers- but since these two have mutual friends and all they don't necessarily hate each other but more like annoyances when forced together. Ford is this kind of awkward but sweet guy, he is successful in his sports centered career but is looking for his HEA and is convinced that his co-worker Patricia is the one. Tessa is an incredibly successful woman with a hard exterior but a sweet and kind heart that she doesn't let show often. When her women centered business decides to add a sports centered segment- Ford is there to help but only if Tessa will work her makeover magic on him so that he can finally find his way out of the friend zone with Patricia... and as they say people make plans but fate laughs.

This was my first series that I've read from Jennifer. I binge read the first two books before starting this one and I've loved the slow build up of tensions and hostilities between Tessa and Ford- so I could see the direction these two were heading. The book is written in a third person POV that does alternate between Tessa and Ford- so it is an adjustment if you are used to the first person POV that a lot of romances are written in.

I had fun reading this book. From first glance these two are total opposites- they already bicker and don't make sense- but as the story progresses and they actually get to know each other they are much more similar and compatible than they would have originally thought. Their banter made me laugh and the tensions that built were perfect. Even with the whole makeover storyline, I liked that there was that underlying message that you shouldn't have to change everything to make another person like you or be happy.

I wish that there would have been a little bit more of Ford's time with the youth center that he and Ryder volunteered at and maybe a little more Tessa's background and how she ended up so guarded. There are moments that hint that there was vulnerability and maybe weakened confidence but I didn't feel like the whole story was there.

Overall, nice addition to the series- I love the continuing saga of Emma and Mike intertwined with Tessa and Ford and the HEA for all the boss ladies at Quench!

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Save the Best for Last is the third book in the Twist of Fate series and follows the story of sworn enemies Tessa and Ford, both of whom we've met in the previous two books.

I found this book to be the best of the series. The barbs and banter, the chemistry and connection, all of it made this a great read. The sexual tension was palpable between these two and I found their connection perfect. Another thing I really liked about this book was how wonderful and rounded the characters were as individuals, with their strengths and flaws laid bare. I found Ford so sweet as a lead - the perfect cinnamon roll hero and complementing Tessa's firebrand personality beautifully.

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**3.75 Stars**

Save the Best for Last is the third book int he Twist of Fate series and it can be read as a standalone. I have really enjoyed these main characters and their friendship which is why I have wanted to continue with this series. This book has a bit of an enemies to lovers feel to it as well as a fake dating vibe.

Tessa and Ford are around each other enough and run in the same circles as their friends are all coupled up, but they just don't get along with each other. Ford enlists Tessa's help to get the woman of his dreams but it ends up turning out much different than either could have imagined.

I liked Ford and Tessa for the most part and enjoyed watching their friendship and relationship grow and evolve. Though they didn't initially get along with each other, they did have an ease with each other and I love how they both shared things that they liked with each other, and I very much enjoyed their surprise when things turned from more of an enemies feel to a we are hot for each other. I didn't really like the makeover aspect of the story because I very much believe believe people should like and appreciate you for you, which ultimately did come through as a message in the story, but reading about Ford trying to change himself for a woman who would never appreciate him was just painful, and that Tessa actually helped people do this was just something I had difficulty relating to and connecting with.

I enjoyed the friendships between the women and the relationship they all had with Mike which has been a highlight for me throughout this series. I think the the book was well written and I generally find the author's books interesting and engaging.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book. All opinions expressed are my own.

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There are moments i really liked in this book. Ford teaching Tessa about sports was probably my favorite part.
Ford felt ..confusing. He seemed more like a player in the first 2 books but that was not him in this book.
I liked Tessa epiphany about her position. Overall similar to other books in the series but just ok.

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Definitely one of the best stories pitting gorgeousness against sportiness. You know gilt against grime. That probably sounds mean spirited and elitist but in SAVE THE BEST FOR LAST Jennifer Probst really flexes her writer muscles and came up with one of the most enjoyable romcoms of this season.

Through candid and heartwarming situations and dialogs Jennifer Probst sets an enthralling stage for this production. The characters absolutely come to life, and each leaves the reader with an indelible memory. Kind of like meeting new friends.

SAVE THE BEST FOR LAST stars Tessa and Ford with a fabulous supporting cast of characters. Tessa is one of the founding members of an organization specializing in helping women meet their potential. At times it seems necessary to change their image, ramp up their confidence. That is the mantra of Quench. And now the company feels the need to add a new focus group, that of women in sports. In general Tessa thinks it is rather amazing what folk do to themselves. Their image of themselves in their youth sometimes follows them into adulthood. And needless to say the peer pressure of friends and society as a whole has the sometimes-heartbreaking ability to drag folk down.

Ford is a guy’s guy. Focused on his career in sports media he could have easily carried the label of a cut to the chase man. If he thinks it, he says it. No room in his life for any glitter. In fact his desired mode of fashion seems to be rather grungy. Black sport team related t-shirts paired with sweats, sneakers, worn jeans – you get the picture. Couldn’t meet two characters on the opposite spectrum of fashion than Tessa and Ford. Both guilty of judging each other. Something they have been doing for years since they share the same group of friends. If they are in the same room the static between them is caustic. Couldn’t help but conjure up images of some common phrases. More than meets the eye meets judging a book by its cover. Never more apparent than with these two.

Tessa should have known better. After all her forte is helping women overcome their lack of confidence in both the workplace and the dating world, doing what she does so naturally. Refining their looks so that their attitude reflects the newer updated version of themselves. Respectfully accomplished after gaining their trust. Goal is to change their image of themselves. Elevate their grit. Give them tools to erase the image harbored from their teens.

In the world of love, that is something she tries to steer in the right direction. Ironically that is where her own life is rather lacking. When Ford voices his desire to attract a lovely woman in his company Tessa reluctantly agrees to extend a helping hand. In many ways this is out of her expertise, helping a man get his woman. But Ford needs help. Rather pathetic in many ways. But loving and caring. So they strike a deal. Tessa helps him get his dream woman and in return Ford helps with getting the sports division of Quench up and running. Each becomes the student. Results should be miraculous. And here’s where the fun begins.

Those of us that grew up in families that devour sports and have their favorite teams will find so many joyous moments in SAVE THE BEST FOR LAST. Each time Tessa is introduced to a new element of Fords world you can’t help but smile at the images and memories they conjure up.

In the end the message of SAVE THE BEST FOR LAST is pulled directly from one of Tessa’s points of dialog which is no one should get to tell you what to love. The right person would never ask. Glorious work of literary art from Jennifer Probst who should be on everyone must read list.

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Romance finds the last member of Quench in an likely fashion with an even more unlikely guy. Enemies become co-workers that become so much more when they figure out that their impressions of each other were way off base. Tessa and Ford will make the readers laugh and will keep them entertained. While not my favorite in the series it was still a great read and ends the series with all three woman getting their HEA.

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This was my first book by Jennifer Probst and I was pleasantly surprised. I came in at the tail end of a series but felt I could read this with no issues. I enjoyed all of the characters. Everyone felt genuine with real world problems. I felt like you could connect with them easily. I enjoyed the storyline very much proving that what you see is not always what you get. People let you see what they want to not always who they really are. I enjoyed seeing the self discovery on all sides. I liked that the story flowed and never felt rushed. I very much enjoyed the book and will definitely check out her back log.

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This was a cute continuation of the twist of fate series. I enjoyed reading about another of the Quench founders. I really enjoyed Tessa's story. I found the writing a little too simplified in spots, but the spicier scenes were really well written! Overall a fun, quick romance.

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A terrific story I didn’t want to put down. From page one I was hooked on the storyline and fell in love with these characters. You have the laughable moments, those that make you want to scream, and of course the heat. The chemistry is explosive and makes it even better. This author really knows how to suck you in and love every minute of what your reading. Click this one and be prepared to fall in love.

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I really like Jennifer Probst’s books. They’re my guilt pleasure books. Slow burn romances with memorable characters. Save the Best for Last was no exception. And being a NY Mets fan, I loved the Mets references throughout the book. Can’t wait to read the next Probst book!

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The third book in this series does not disappoint! I loved the characters, Tessa and Ford, and how they went from arguing about everything to opening themselves up to new experiences. When Ford asks Tessa to help him get the woman he thinks he loves, she does it reluctantly because she thinks they aren’t a good fit, but he is so determined. I loved revisiting the other characters from previous books in the series, but you can read this one as a standalone.

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