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For You and Only You

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Joe Goldberg has made a comeback and is ready to hit the streets of Cambridge, Ma. Joe has earned a fellowship at Harvard with one of his most admired authors.
Joe meets Wonder in the Havard writing fellowship and in true Joe fashion he falls head over heels in love with her immediately.
Joe is charming and Witty which is why we all have come around to loving him so Wonder had no choice but to be taken by his charm. Us fans all know Joe's ways and what comes next for Wonder just from his previous relationships.
I will say I did find wonder, a bit boring. She seemed way to young with no direction. I think thats why Joe was attracted to her-because she was different from his previous lovers he had fallen in love with.
I absolutely love Caroline Kepnes series about Joe Goldberg, and each one I love more than the last. I will admit I was foaming at the mouth a tad while reading the entire
I must say this one was definitely one of my most anticipated books and it did not disappoint.

* The biggest thanks and appreciation to @randomhouse & @netgalley for this digital ARC.

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Review: Thanks to NetGalley for the eARC of this book in return for my honest review. I really hate to say it because I loved this series, but I did not care for this book…how many times can Joe “kill” without being caught? He isn’t even sneaky about it! Don’t get me wrong, I really loved the other books in the series, but this one just didn’t do it for me. I wish the book would have had multiple POVs from both Wonder and Joe. I would have loved to hear what Wonder’s thoughts were about Joe. I felt it dragged on a little too much and I HATED Wonder…although I think we were supposed to hate her. I am glad that I read the book and I will buy the physical copy when it comes out to support the author, but this one wasn’t for me…

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I thought the fourth book of this series was bound to fall into the same pattern as the last three, but this one does a good job of breaking the mold, even if you think there’s no way it could. It always amazes me how the author is able to make you root for Joe even though you know you shouldn’t. The writing is as good as it’s ever been, it pulled me in from the start. Overall, a great installment in the Joe series, if you enjoyed the past three books, you’ll enjoy this one. I’m excited to see what Joe could possibly get up to next.

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I had been waiting to get to this one on my TBR list and it did NOT disappoint. If you are hooked on You, even the series on Netflix, don’t miss this next installment. Joe is 🔥. I was hooked like with all Caroline Hepnes books!

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This book was an enjoyable read! Fans of the previous books will most likely enjoy this sequel as well. In this entry, Joe finds himself in Boston, joining a fellowship at Harvard. While this series can get a little repetitive narratively, it's always entertaining to read Joe's inner musings on different locations that he visits and on the various people that he meets along the way. That's the main draw of this series for me, and this book did not disappoint in that! I'll be patiently waiting for the next book to see what the future brings for Joe!

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I like how Joe’s voice really comes through in these books, however I had a hard time getting into this fourth book in the series. Not as much murder as the others and I didn’t find the characters to be as likeable.

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Honestly, this book was my least favorite of the series. To me, it was a bit long, and compared to the first two, I didn't find myself as engaged and excited to keep reading. I had to take breaks in between, whereas in the first two, I stayed up all night to finish. I am super interested to see how the Netflix show plays out, as there were a lot more differences between book 3 and season 3.

In the final installment of this series, Joe has moved to Boston to participate in a writing fellowship at Harvard. Here he meets a girl named Wonder who is the most similar to him. The rest of the people in the program are in one way or another elite. It becomes pretty clear Wonder is going to be Joe's love interest who he fixates and obsesses over. The question becomes, will she be the one? Compared to his previous love interests, Wonder was the least interesting. Beck and Love were always my favorite as these had the most personality. For me, Wonder fell a little flat from his usual pick. The ending also fell flat for me, and I wish there was a book 5 simply to give Caroline Kepnes another chance to redeem herself. As mentioned before, I really enjoyed books 1 and 2, so i figured the last book would really be a grand-slam kind of ending.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing for my complimentary copy.

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Our favorite antihero is back in the fourth book in the Joe Goldberg series and he’s back with a vengeance. This one finds Joe traveling to Cambridge where he’s managed to secure a place in an elite fellowship, thanks to his unpublished (fictional/autobiographical?) novel that caught the eye of the writer running the Harvard program. Finally, people who might understand and appreciate him. There, among the small group, he finds Wonder Parish. Might she finally be the one?

Like the previous books in the series, this one is chock full of sly literary references, subtle dark humor and plenty of bloodshed.

Highly recommended.

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I was lucky enough to get to read this in advance of its publication! I love Joe’s inner monologue as usual and of course love that it was set in Boston. The book follows Joe’s journey writing his very own book which is pretty interesting, but it’s not as murder-y as I wished it would be. Still a good read and unique writing style!

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I was very excited to read this book as I loved Joe's character in the previous books. However this book seemed to give lots of long, rambling, unnecessary insights into Joe's mind, which didn't aid in the story progression in any way. I found the long winded ramblings too much towards the end of the book, which was very unsatisfying and anti-climatic. There were many other directions that the ending could have taken to make it more interesting. Overall I was let down by this book and enjoyed the others in the series much more.

ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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What can I say? If Joe went to Mr. Roger's neighborhood, I would read that too.

For You and Only You is the 4th in the You series. This seemed so fitting for Joe; whose whole life has been surrounded by all things book, has not only written a book but was accepted into a fellowship program. He can't wait for .his fellows to read his pages and swoon at his masterpiece.

There is one fellow in particular that catches his interest. and in true Joe fashion, all of his motivations turn toward his new amore and he won't let anyone or anything stand in his way as he "helps" her realize her potential.

This is the Joe we have all come to know. Missteps and miscommunications and near misses until finally, the love of his life disappoints him one time too many and he sees what was always there, she just isn't the one for him and maybe she doesn't deserve all that he has done for her.

There are lots of ancillary characters, most don't really make much of an impact other than to give the others context. However, when one of them catches Joe at his own game, this little love story almost comes to a premature end.

As usual, there were lots of great book, film and music references., which always make me smile. (Shouldn't there be a joe Goldberg book club list somewhere??? All these great references would surly make for a great reading challenge.)

Rounding to 4 stars because really, it's Joe.

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If you're a fan of these books, and have been waiting for Joe Goldberg's next series of misadventures, this is an enjoyable read. It's better that the last installment, which I found to be the weakest. However, it does suffer from one of the same problems-- it's too long, and meanders meaninglessly in places. This book (and the last) would have been better if it had been edited down by about 20% or so. I cannot recall if the first two books in the series had this issue,
Overall, it's fun to read some of Joe's bizarre ideas, and marvel at how he twists things to suit his perception of himself and the world around him. I do find it interesting that on occasion he says something that resembles wisdom or truth, only to turn it around into a terrifying justification for the way he lives his life. I think that's the brilliance of these books. That being said, while Joe is Joe, his new female love interest was a very uneven, unlikable character. Not that unlikable characters are a bad thing-- they can be great if intentional, but I didn't get the sense that this was deliberate, just that the character was poorly written. We are supposed to believe in her "tendency to love" and her goodness, but when her flaws and nastiness come out they don't feel real, and the drama isn't earned-- it just makes her seem unhinged, and very irritating.
The ending of the book was mildly disappointing to me, and abrupt, but still better than the last one. I wouldn't rave about this book but it's a decent read if you're missing the Netflix series!

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Thank you Netgalley and Random House for the ARC. I was so excited to see I was approved for the latest installment of this series. Caroline Keynes is a phenomenal storyteller and her latest book was just as amazing as the others. I always love a good internal monologue from a snarky main character, such a Joe himself. This was a total bingeable read, one I devoured in two days!

My only complaint about this book: that it ended! I want more!! I definitely recommend this book to others and am anxiously waiting for the next book in the series!

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Thank you NetGalley, and Random House, for this ARC in the YOU series, For You And Only You. As always, Caroline knocks it out of the park! (Fenway!!)

This story’s location is set in Cambridge/Boston a town I lived in for many years, so it was very nostalgic for me.

I love how snarky Joe continues to be. His humor is above and beyond, regardless of his murderous ways. The acedemia setting is one of my favorites, and I know the Harvard campus well, so this is cool!

The fact that we all love a murderous psychopath makes me laugh! Thanks for another great novel!

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Well, what do you know, Joe is back and I'm starting to be a little over it.

Joe Goldberg has moved to Massachusetts and after being invited to a writing fellowship at Harvard. What an accomplishment for Joe, a lifelong book lover! He used to sell books now he is going to write them. But he is also ready to fall in love, be obsessed, share some of his humor, obsess some more, and do what Joe does!

Joe has been an interesting character to follow. I was blown away when I read You. I thought it was fantastic and could not get enough of Joe. But now, I'm ready to break up with Joe. This book, although great in parts, was slow and a tad boring in other parts. It also felt long, and more editing would have been nice. I didn't care for Wonder, his love interest. He usually falls in love with more interesting (and annoying) characters. You picked the wrong love interest here, Joe.

This has been a great series, but I just wasn't feeling this one as much as I expected I would. I went in waves this book where I really enjoyed it, then was bored by it, I was annoyed, I found some passages brilliant, I enjoyed Joe's observations, then I was back to twiddling my thumbs. This must be how Joe feels on a daily basis.

Joes moves around a lot, one must when you leave bodies in your wake, but it would be nice to see Joe go back to his roots, have a bookstore, and be a little more rooted. It was nice to see goodreads mentioned!

Although I was all over the place with this book, I still enjoyed it.

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Thanks to NetGalley for allowing me to read this in exchange for an honest opinion.

This was by far my least favorite of the You series. It was so slow, the kills weren’t even exciting, and the main love interest had little to No character development? It felt honestly like a complete departure from the other three books. Always clever writing, but overall not for me.

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I’ve read ever book in the You series and was excited to get an arc of this. The first two books in the series were great and last one was decent but this one was just ok.

The character development was excellent but the story just kept going and going and going. 200 pages into it and I was well bored and it took a week to read it because it just dragged on. The story should have ended earlier then it did but unfortunately it didn’t.

And the relationship between Wonder and Joe from the beginning was just wrong. Joe needs an intellectual and not a coolata drinking baseball watching Goodreads reviewing chick who is completely wrong for him. The whole thing felt forced and wrong.

If there is another book in the series I’ll give it a shot but I hope it’s a lot better than this one

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Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for the chance to read this uncorrected proof. I have enjoyed entering the mind of Joe Goldberg since the first book was released and while I really did want to love this book, I found it somewhat lacking. I didn't get the same sense of urgency from Joe that I have in other books and the character development of the supporting cast was minimal. I understand this book was an uncorrected proof and I think through the editing process, it will become a wonderful addition to the series.

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“The royal moments are supposed to be the fourteen cookies that come after the meal, the cherries on the top of sundaes. They’re rare for a reason.”

Joe Goldberg is back and this time he’s in Boston🍀

The book goddesses were looking out for me when I was approved for this ARC from @netgalley. I have no idea how I pulled that off, but believe me when I say I screamed from joy. BEST holiday present ever.

You is one of the few series that I re-read once a year. Caroline Kepnes’ writing style is fantastic, always filled with relevant pop-culture references and fun quotes. I will say, I am getting a bit nervous that the You series will become overdone with too many books, but until that happens, I’ll continue to indulge.

For You & Only You was another great Joe installment. This time around, Joe has joined a fellowship at Harvard, where he meets his next love interest, Wonder. I’m a Massachusettes native (as is Caroline), so I loved all of the local references. I felt like this installment was much tamer in the violence category that other ones, which was neither a negative or positive. I just can’t believe he keeps getting away with all of his crimes!

Has Joe learned from his past mistakes? Guess you’ll have to find out for yourself…

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Thank you so much to NetGalley, Random House, and brilliant author Caroline Kepnes for this latest ARC in the YOU series, For You And Only You.

This story’s location is my home! I enjoyed Kepnes’ observations of Boston cultural and academic tidbits; as well as her general musical references peppered into the narrative.

This book contains a sympathetic, brilliant, snarky, observant, bad-boy-who-isn’t; academia, books, writing; and general human nature social and romantic BS!
How I adore the world Kepnes continually creates.

There were some differences between this slower-paced book and the tightness of the previous in the series, but I still rate it five stars.

Wonder also seemed less potent of a love object to me, but none of this lessened my reading pleasure because I was given the gift of hanging out again in Joe’s head for a few days!
He is my one of my favorite characters ever created and I hope to read more of him (and listen on audiobook, and see on television adaptations!) to come.

Previous review copied below as it all remains true to me:

“5 stars as usual for the latest in author Caroline Kepnes’s You series. You Love Me is just as delicious to read as the preceding books were!

In this and all of the You books I am astounded, awed by the author’s ability to show perfect insight into an intelligent and slightly askew but sensitive male mind.

Joe is my dream man - a sympathetic sociopath - because of his socially-satirical, sarcastic, snarky, *aware* brain; and it amazes me that a female author can so accurately create such a male voice and character.

Caroline Kepnes is also an astute observer through Joe of the hypocrisy inherent in weak human nature, as well as the mercurial condition of romantic love.

I am a huge fan of this book and Caroline Kepnes, and I hope that Joe never dies.”

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