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For You and Only You

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this eARC!

My first book by Caroline Kepnes! I'm a huge YOU fan so it only felt right to give one of these books a go. I really loved this! Although, I didn't really care for Wonder, but Joe Goldberg does have a way of making other people seem silly when he talks about them. I've never read a book where I'm in their head and it was off-putting at first but I got used to it. Liked the overall story, it was enjoyable and I will be reading the first three books.

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This is my first experience with Caroline Kepnes, I found myself lost in this story. I liked the premise of Joe, but did not appreciate being in his “head” throughout this book and was reading in circles for a good portion of this story. If I had it to do over, perhaps reading the first three books, may have helped, maybe not. I will say this S.B. needs to beware. I am rating this 5 stars, as I think the book is good, just not for me.

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My Favorite serial killer is back and at Harvard in this newest book! While reading from Joe's point of view I can UNDERSTAND why he murders. I find myself rooting for him.
I suggest reading the other books in this series before this one. They do build upon each other. The author does an amazing job of bringing us into our lovable, serial killer's mind.

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I don't know what it is about Joe Goldberg, but I sure do enjoy reading this series. In this one we see him at Harvard In a writing fellowship and the shenanigans ensue. I keep thinking thinking that he can't continue to hide, but he finds a new place and blends right in. If you love this series then you'll love this one too.

Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced digital copy.

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Oh, Joe. I enjoyed this story and will keep recommending it to friends, but You 4 fell flat for me -- a LOT of inner dialogue that felt like it intervened with the pacing. I wasn't fond of Wonder. But I look forward to the next book.

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For You and Only you starts with our Joe Goldburg joining a writing fellowship at Havard. This premise sounds like it would be the start to a bunch of new characters that would reach Peach status, but it sadly falls short. I wanted to love this book as the last Joe Goldberg novel was one of my favorites. I loved Mary Kay. This one feels like like a more subdued Joe, yes he was crazy and you start to sympathize with him like usual, but he did not feel as dangerous as his last book, and the murders that did happen weren’t thought out as well. Even stalking in the book was not as fun. Wonder the new main love interest did not draw me in, and I feel like she was made to be sympathetic, but she in all honesty was a spoiled brat in the book, and drank too much of the kool-aid. I did enjoy the premise, and there was standout character Sarah Beth. Sarah Beth was interesting and I feel like she saved the book. Sly was also an interesting character. The rest of the fellows fell very short and felt like 2d characters with no real dimension to them. I still believe the book is 3 stars as it is written well and it does play well into your head. I am interested in seeing where the series goes, and I just hope the next main girl is smart like Mary Kay was and not like Wonder since she made the book less wonderful.

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I just reviewed For You and Only You by Caroline Kepnes. #ForYouandOnlyYou #NetGalley

Oh Joe, you are so messy.. haha. Joe is off wanting to be a writer and falling in love and murder.
It did take a bit for the story to get going but overall I enjoyed it.
If there is another book in the future I hope there is more S.B.

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This is the first time i read one of these before they come out and omg i read every single one and? It's been so fun picking joe apart and seeing kepnes advance his character and gray-ass morals. GOING IVY was an insane idea honestly i applaud her for the experiment but oh my god i hated the love interest in this one she's just, not for me. I don't wonder about wonder. But so glad i got a netgalley arc of this? Because? I love this little fucked up series so much<3.

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What can I say about this book? Can i say it gave me a headache? I will say, not in a bad way. Being in someone else's head, the way that Caroline Kepnes puts a reader into Joe's head, is exhausting, stressing and exciting at the same time. Joe is at Harvard for a writing fellowship. He finds Wonder and falls in love. But sometimes a person can't get out of their own way in order to be happy. He obsesses over every little thing. He wants to be happy with Wonder, but it may not be in the cards for them. It's hard to love a character when they're not 100% good. You want them to make the right choices and they don't always do that. What makes a reader look past that, in Joe's case, is he "thinks" he's doing the right thing. It makes me root for him even when he's bad. I will this book 3 1/2 stars because it does take a little bit for the book to get going. It is worth the wait though.

I want to thank NetGalley, Caroline Kepnes, and Random House for this ARC in exchange for a honest review. I look forward to the next book.

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Thank you to #NetGalley for letting me read an advance copy in exchange for an honest review. I am obsessed with Caroline Kepnes’s YOU series, so I had a full fangirl moment when I got approved to read Joe Goldber’s latest adventure, in which he becomes a fellow at Harvard after finding success as a writer. Here, he finds a new object of obsession in Wonder, another fellow who is a born and raised Bostonian and Joe’s ally in a group where they are the only two without college degrees. And, as usual, he will do anything to win Wonder, and give her the life he feels she deserves…no matter who he must take down to do it. Prominiently featuring New England’s favorite coffee chain, this book was as satisfying as a Boston Kreme. I ate it up and cannot wait for the next helping Kepnes serves.

Love, A Goodreads Girl

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Oh Joe what did YOU do to me? YOU were so excellent in the first two books but you got redundant. And it makes me sad…..

I love this series and my last review said while the third book wasn’t my favorite I would be interested in a fourth and sure enough I jumped at the chance .

My issue with this one is it was so slow and long. I would say it took 50% of the book for something to happen and then it would take off and then slow down again. So much potential but then fell off.

What I loved and would have thought would have been great was more of Sara Beth! Awesome idea of the podcast…and that storyline was awesome. Loved it!

What I didn’t like: Wonder….nope didn’t work and then the repetition of all the previous novels . Joe finds someone stalks them to then realize things aren’t happily ever after . But the idea of the fellowship didn’t work for me, it was too literary. And Sly and Glen didn’t work for me

Joe as much as I have followed you from New York, to Washington , to Florida and then to Massachusetts I’m done. It was a great trip but I might have to drop off

Thanks so much to Netgalley and publisher for my review in exchange for an honest review

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I love anything with Joe Goldberg in it and this is no exception. Thank you for this book and all of its spookiness.

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The third book of Joe Goldberg, You Love Me, left readers with the wonder of “Where will Joe go next?”, would he confront his past, continue to try and be a better person? Going into For You and Only You, readers want to see how much Joe as progressed as an individual, especially in his love life. The beginning of the book gives off the similar feelings of Beck, writer girl who in some way needs to be saved. From there, Joe’s actions just didn’t live up to what he’s previously been through. The story felt repetitive up until Sarah Beth, but even then it seemed lacking. The story felt all over the place, Joe didn’t seem as thoughtful as he once was. One mention of his son, almost like he’s completely forgotten about now. The writing didn’t seem to go into depth as it once did in previous books. It felt rushed and I unfortunately wasn’t left wanting more.

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Joe Goldberg is my all time favorite antihero, a guilty pleasure, an addiction I cannot let go!

I screamed a lot as soon as I got the arc copy and had a privilege to find out what kind of new and thrilling adventures await us, where Joe will move and rewrite a new cover story for himself to start over!

The series on Netflix is announced to release first half of new season 4 on February 9th ( yes, it’s earlier than this book’s release date) There’s a small difference about the location between new series and the book:

In this book: Joe restarts his new life in Harvard as an aspiring writer candidate, attracts a famous author’s attention with his talent and get approval to join tight- knit writing fellowship. And wait for it! All of his expenses are paid. But in the series, the producers carried Joe’s adventure to the UK. He will hang out with intellectual Oxford students.

Instead of getting irritated by British snobs, Joe finds himself to barely communicate with a bunch of American, artificial intellectuals. He’s the only pure talent, joining in the pretentious, know it all circle of privileged author wannabes and he is the only one who didn’t graduate from a college! Wait a minute: he’s not the only one. A peculiar girl slurping her Chocolatta steals his thunder! Nice to meet you Wonder!

Joe finds his new Wonder Woman! She’s not pretentious just like the other members of their new writing group! She works at Dunkin Donuts as a manager. She’s living at the same old house with her family, taking care of her needy, grumpy father, her careless sister and her lovely nephew. She likes to read a lot and writes great Goodreads reviews. ( hey Joe, I’m also very popular in Goodreads and I already put my kettle on and bought delicious cookies if you want to stop by! ) But most importantly, Wonder is looking for commitment, pure love as she’s mentioned at several times on her reviews.

Joe’s regular tendencies take over and his stalking obsession, his desire learning more about Wonder’s life give him his new purpose! He can push her to write her first novel. He can kill her darlings for her! He can do anything to earn her devotion! He was unlucky but maybe he has closest chance to reach his own HEA! Don’t you think?

Well, I admire Joe’s extra creative, sarcastic dark humor! I love how Caroline Kepnes designed a special world belongs to him. She takes us to a long tour inside Joe planet and we find ourselves get lost in his rambling mind embellished with rich cultural references, laugh out loud criticism of our modern world! Only bad thing in this book: the intense and continuous rambling of different opinions overshadowed the entire execution. It gets repetitive and it affects the pacing a lot. Joe’s story can be told at least 100 pages shorter. The repetitive cycle disappointed a big Joe rambling fan like me!

The other thing I didn’t much enjoy was the ending of the story. I thought a few alternative endings on my mind but I cannot share it with you for not giving spoilers. But this conclusion wasn’t the kind of Joe Goldberg kind of ending I expected!

I just cut two points because slow burn storytelling, semi satisfying ending and a repetitive cycle push us stay on Joe’s mind too much longer ! I enjoyed the previous book a little more and I have to admit it was so much better than season 3 of the series!

I was expecting a little more from new Joe Goldberg book! And I actually find Wonder a little flat, boring character.

I’m giving three solid stars and giving my hopes up to enjoy the next book a little more!
I’m still so thankful to have this greatest opportunity to have a chance to read this book before the release date as a die hard Goldberg fan ( as it’s tattooed on my left shoulder! )

Special thanks to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group for sharing this digital reviewer copy with me in exchange my honest feedback.

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This is the fourth book in the series and, yes, Joe is back on his sh*t. The thing that I love about these books is peering into his mind. The way he rationalizes stalking, murder, obsession, and controlling every single detail of someone's life is so utterly mind-blowing. Every "up" in his mind is brought down by such simple facts of life, but twisted to be such horrible events. Some of this book seemed more drawn out. Usually he can make us feel like his current obsession is a Goddess incarnate with no flaws (for a while), but immediately it was clear that Wonder was nothing like he was building her up to be. Lacking that made it a little hard to connect to the book, kind of like, "Really, Joe. You picked HER?"
Overall, there was some really good twists. Some I saw coming, some I did not. It wasn't my favorite book of the series, but it I did thoroughly enjoy it! If you (HA) love the "You" series, don't skip it on this wonderful addition.

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A new Joe Goldberg book,! I was so excited to read For You and Only You but I honestly had difficulty reading it. I found myself not reading because I wasn’t enjoying the story as I expected. I don’t feel it was as good as the other books in the You series. It dragged on and was quite repetitive. I felt I was reading the same things over and over. Wonder really didn’t add much to the story-I didn’t feel that she was a strong character. Caroline is an excellent writer but I wonder if the series should be done. Thank you to Random House Publishing,, Caroline Kepnes and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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Joe Goldberg is back - and he’s at Harvard? Caroline Kepnes writes this character so well and there’s a reason the world is obsessed with his twisted mind - it’s brilliant

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Sigh. Joe’s gonna Joe. -Harvard was inevitable -He’s back to type.

Joe’s finally moving in the right literary circles, but of course he feels alienated and anti-social, and seeking to fill his inner void with someone else’s heart.

You know what to expect from Joe, but it was fun seeing him among the literati. Read it all in one sitting. I’d nüchtern him into my veins if I could. I guess I back to type.

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Being like the first 3 books it was going to have the same set up. He meets girl, falls for girl and then realizes she is not perfect and kills girl. I had a hard time getting into this one. It seemed to drag on and I had a hard time staying engaged.

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It’s always a rollercoaster being inside of Joe Goldbergs analytical mind. Reading a story from the killers POV is like seeing an accident; you want to look away and know you should, but you just can’t. Surprisingly, Joe was rather subdued in this installment of the You series and I don’t know how to feel about it. I feel like it was missing something throughout the novel. Joe was very leashed and restrained which is a twist in itself but also makes it not the same as the first three books, but maybe that was the point? Either way I’m not complaining. It’s still a good read and continues Goldbergs insane life. However the ending was rather lackluster. I was expecting a big OMG reveal at the end but I sort of predicted how it would end. Again, not a bad thing though. All in all it was a fun read and I’m still excited to continue the story and see if Joe ever gets caught!?! I think it says something that he’s still loose and attracting all of these shattered souls to his own.

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