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For You and Only You

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Oh Joe.

That's always my take when these books start and end. It's not the best installment and some things were telegraphed pretty early on. But these books are a guilty pleasure, and you go in knowing that, knowing that some hints of truth will be dropped among the very deluded and psychotic Joe (who STILL thinks it's everyone else).

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I literally couldn’t put this book down from the moment I picked it up. I am obsessed with Joe Goldberg and this whole journey. I will be so so sad when his journey is over. I loved how this book was a different take from previous books. Not to give too much away but it definitely has Joe questioning some things. This book has so many twists and turns it left my head spinning and holding my breath to find out what happened! I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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This was torturously long and boring. Caroline, I promise you can give Joe a rest and try something else. We won’t miss him.
thanks to NetGalley, Random House and Caroline Kepnes for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Really enjoyed! I’ve never read any of the You books but enjoyed the Netflix series. This book did not disappoint. The show got Joe Goldberg’s voice spot-on and FYAOY was compulsively readable, twisty, and overall a fun ride. Thank you to the author and publisher for the ARC!

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Joe is back and he has a lot of observations in this installment. And of course he finds a new girl, Wonder. The plot was interesting but it didn’t capture me as well as the previous ones. As long as Joe is around though, I will be following his escapades.
Many thanks to Random House and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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It hurts so much to say this was a 2 star read for me. I just feel like this was a copy and paste book with a few details changed. I don't think I will be continuing on with any more books in this series.

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FOR YOU AND ONLY YOU brings us back into Joe Goldberg’s web of hopelessly devoted inclinations and murderous tendencies. Kepnes expertly tackles the world of writing and publishing as our favorite antihero encounters some of his literary peers in a Harvard fellowship.

With an ivy league backdrop, love quickly leads to obsession, elitist ideals test allegiances, and egos are on full display. Joe is ready to be the next Salinger, but as usual, there are bumps along the way. His new passion is a girl named Wonder. He will do anything to make them the author couple others envy. And no matter how warped his perspective is, I can’t get over how the author makes it disturbingly logical. This is the beauty of this series. I know what Joe does is wrong. Yet, I find myself justifying it because of that thread of truth to what he says.

As each page flips by, it is clear to see Kepnes keeps leveling up and in the best way. Her writing oozes wit and brings to life characters with the ability to encapsulate the best and worst in us all. Every time I enter back into Joe’s world, I know I am in for one wild ride, and this is no different.

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I have to admit, I’m a huge fan of the “You” series on Netflix, and up until this book, I’ve followed the story exclusively there. It’s to my understanding that the show takes a different turn than the books but when this latest in the series came out I was really intrigued and so excited to be chosen for an ARC copy. Lucky for me, even without reading previous books in the series, I was able to follow along and understand where this new one was taking me. I adore Joe’s voice and wit, and found myself loathe to put the book down. The only thing that kept me from five stars was that I felt I was in Joe’s head a little too much, although still loved the book!

**Thank you to NetGalley, Random House, and Caroline Kepnes for an ARC of this book!

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I've loved every Joe Goldberg book until this one. This hurts to say but it's definitely my least favorite. I felt it was missing the witty Goldberg I've come to love and the other characters really just lacked any personality.

Thank you Random House and NetGalley for the copy.

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For you and Only You - I loved the movies but just couldn't really get into the books. I am not much into series, so that could be why. I may give it a try another time.

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The latest installment in the You series, For You and Only You, by Caroline Kepnes, does not disappoint. Pontificator and murderer Joe Goldberg receives a writing fellowship at Harvard University and creates more mayhem in Cambridge.

Fresh from living in Bainbridge Island, Washington, and then Florida, he's written a book and caught the attention of an esteemed literary author, Glenn Shoddy. He joins the motley crew of writers who all want to be published. There he meets working-class Wonder, a manager at a Dunkin' Donuts and aspiring writer. And that's where all the trouble starts.

With the fourth book, you'd think the antics of Joe and his musings about the world would be old hat. Somehow, the author makes this book as fresh as the first one. You never know what's going to happen or what interesting characters Joe will encounter. And you've grown accustomed to Joe taking other people's futures into his own hands and that will continue in unusual, stealthy ways. Plenty of surprises appear in this book.

I really liked the idea of an ensemble group of people in a writing group. They've all come for their own reasons and from varied backgrounds. There's a rivalry between all of them, and yet Joe finds that Wonder understands him and he her. They're, as he says, in this together. As you will soon find out, he will do anything to ensure that his latest lady love and her book gets the TLC and attention it deserves.

Towards the end, though, the book slows down. I'm not sure that I really liked the ending. It wasn't explosive, and I cannot imagine how the author will position Joe next, but I'm there for it. I wouldn't say that it's a let-down, but it almost felt that way. The wind hasn't been taken out of his sails because Joe always seems to rise from the ashes, but it wasn't what I expected. But I know that the author can come up with something unexpected and take Joe in another fresh direction despite my misgivings with the ending of book four. Here's to book number five!

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“For You and Only You” is Caroline Kepnes’ fourth novel in the Joe Goldberg ‘You’ series. This story followed Joe Goldberg to Harvard’s prestigious writing program. Joe finally feels like he’s in a place where people will appreciate him for his mind and not his background…..or not. His fellow students all seem to be pretty snobby, until he meets Wonder. Could she finally be the soulmate he’s been searching for?

Honestly I loved this. I loved all of the novels Caroline Kepnes has written and I’ll continue to follow Joe wherever he goes. There’s not many times when I’ve read a book after watching the TV series (and at this point the books and show are drastically different), but these stories are even better than the show in my opinion. These books always manage to be witty, exciting and messed up all at the same time.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing for the DRC of this novel.

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This review is all about my personal experience and thoughts on the book "For You and Only You" by Caroline Kepnes. Unfortunately, I didn't manage to finish reading it. Reading preferences can differ, and this review is based solely on my own taste.

"For You and Only You" promised to continue the suspenseful and twisted tale of Joe Goldberg, a character known from the previous novels in the series. However, my experience with this book left much to be desired, and I made the decision to abandon it before reaching the end.

One of the most significant issues I encountered while reading this story was the writing style. Caroline Kepnes has often been praised for her unique narrative voice and the ability to get inside the mind of a disturbed protagonist like Joe Goldberg. However, in this installment, the writing felt repetitive and lacking the freshness and depth that initially captivated readers. Furthermore, the plot failed to hold my interest. While the concept of exploring Joe Goldberg's further exploits may have seemed intriguing, the execution fell flat for me personally. I found myself becoming increasingly disinterested as the plot unfolded.

Additionally, the character of Joe Goldberg, who was once a fascinating and complex anti-hero, became increasingly predictable and less compelling. The depth and psychological complexity that made him intriguing in the earlier books were noticeably absent in "For You and Only You." Instead, he seemed to be following a formulaic path, devoid of any surprises or genuine character growth. As a result, the book failed to evoke the tension and page-turning quality that I had anticipated.

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I love classic Joe Goldberg. I realize that you aren't supposed to like a stalking serial killer, but I said what I said. From his wit, his obsessive behaviors, to his cunning plans, Joe is just entertaining. Unfortunately I feel like Joe is losing his edge. In this book Joe is trying to be a better person, and spends most of the book striving to be good. We want classic Joe, not a reformed Joe. At about the 60% mark I considered DNF'ing this book, I even put it aside and read something else. But I've read the first three books and wanted to finish this one so I picked it back up. In the last 40% we saw a small glimmer of classic Joe, and the book ended in a way that makes me think there will be another one.
I really like this series as a whole, and while this one is my least favorite of the series; I'm hopeful there will be a fifth book where we get "good" ole classic Joe.

Thank you to @netgalley and @randomhouse for the gifted copy of this book.

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Thank you to the publisher for giving me access to a digital ARC of For You and Only You by Caroline Kepnes. I will start off this review by saying that I absolutely loved the book, You. It was and still remains one of my favorite thrillers because of the fact that it is told from the perspective of the stalker. At the time that I read You, I had never quite read anything like it, and I thought Caroline Kepnes was a genius for the way she wrote it. This is probably why I have continued to give her books a chance, even though I have been disappointed by all of the subsequent ones, including the standalone Providence. I am going to set aside For You and Only You for now and consider it a DNF. I just can't get into this one. I gave Hidden Bodies 3 stars and You Love Me 2 stars, and this one just isn't doing it for me right now. The story seems repetitive and too reminiscent of the previous two that I did not enjoy. Maybe I just need to consider Caroline Kepnes a one and done author for me. I really wish that I loved this one, or even liked it, but for now, I am going to pass. Thank you again.

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This is my first time reading one of the books from the "You" series, I am a fan of the show on Netflix and was excited to read a new installment. The fourth book and the fourth season on the show do not follow the same storyline, which is great because I wasn't a fan of season 4 and thankfully I enjoyed book 4 of the series.

In FYAOY Joe is participating in a writing fellowship at Harvard, convinced he has written a best seller. There he becomes obsessed with another "autodidact". Joe, meet Wonder.

Joe will kill for Wonder because that's what love is. The book ends with one attempted murder and two followed through, but felt more like reading a drama featuring a serial killer vs. reading a thriller.

Things I loved: Joe's inner monologue - he makes me laugh out loud with some of his dry snark, the writing fellowship/fellows, and "GoodReads Girl".

Things I didn't love: Two kidnappings that felt unnecessary, the overuse of "autodidact" (13 times in the first 5 chapters alone), Wonder as a character (unlikable and overly sensitive).

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Thank you NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the advanced reader's copy of this publication.

A YOU fan! Thank you for continuing the story.

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Great writing and pulled me back into the world of Joe Goldberg. This book reminded me of the original story.

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I’ve been a fan of her “You” series from the very beginning and this does not disappoint! Putting Joe in a position where he has to be judged by others is the best… and coming from a writers workshop myself I can attest that it is quite the experience (though I enjoyed it a lot more than him). She’s the best.

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4.5 stars!!!

This is my second favorite book in this series, though I might be bias because it's set in my hometown of Boston. Joe continues to be Joe showing everyone that you can like unlikable characters and how easy it is to root for someone who has questionable morals. I love morally gray characters, and I love them even more when I can see their motives behind things and Caroline Kepnes does that best. Another great book about the lengths someone who is truly awful will go for someone he loves.

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