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The Little Village of Book Lovers

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Nina George's "The Little Village of Book Lovers" is a charming and heartwarming tale that transports readers to a picturesque village where books hold a magical place in the hearts of its inhabitants. With her signature lyrical prose and deep affection for literature, George crafts a story that is both a love letter to books and a celebration of community.

Set in the idyllic village of Mont-Village, the novel follows Marie-Jeanne, a young woman with a unique gift: she can see the colors of people's auras and understand their deepest emotions and desires. Raised by her grandmother, the village's beloved bookseller, Marie-Jeanne has always been surrounded by stories and the transformative power of books. As she grows older, she discovers that her gift allows her to match people with the perfect book they need at that moment in their lives.

George’s writing is infused with a gentle warmth and enchanting detail that bring Mont-Village to life. The village itself is a character in the story, with its cobblestone streets, cozy bookshop, and vibrant community. The author’s love for the setting is palpable, and she paints a vivid picture of a place where time seems to slow down and the magic of books can flourish.

Marie-Jeanne is a delightful protagonist whose journey of self-discovery and love is at the heart of the novel. George portrays her with sensitivity and depth, capturing her kindness, wisdom, and the quiet strength she derives from her connection to books and the people around her. Marie-Jeanne’s interactions with the villagers are filled with moments of insight and compassion, highlighting her unique ability to touch lives in meaningful ways.

The supporting characters in "The Little Village of Book Lovers" are equally well-drawn, each adding richness to the tapestry of the village. From the grumpy but lovable baker to the lonely widower who finds solace in poetry, George creates a cast of memorable characters whose stories intertwine with Marie-Jeanne’s in touching and unexpected ways. These relationships underscore the novel’s themes of connection, empathy, and the healing power of literature.

One of the novel’s standout features is its celebration of books and reading. George weaves literary references and book recommendations throughout the narrative, creating a treasure trove for book lovers. The idea that books can be a source of comfort, inspiration, and transformation is a central theme, and George explores it with passion and insight. Readers will find themselves nodding in agreement and perhaps even jotting down titles to add to their own reading lists.

The pacing of the novel is gentle and unhurried, mirroring the rhythm of life in Mont-Village. George allows the story to unfold organically, giving readers time to savor the beauty of the setting and the nuances of the characters’ journeys. The plot is driven by the emotional growth of the characters rather than dramatic events, making for a reflective and deeply satisfying read.

In conclusion, "The Little Village of Book Lovers" by Nina George is a beautifully crafted novel that celebrates the magic of books and the bonds that unite a community. George’s evocative prose, endearing characters, and heartfelt exploration of the transformative power of literature make this book a delight for readers who cherish the written word. Highly recommended for its warmth, charm, and the gentle reminder that sometimes the right book can change a life.

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This was atmospheric and I think was reaching for magical in the writing. It was narrated by Love, and had characters like Death, Logic, Chance, Fate, Wonder and Time. It also had a very old olive true dispensing wisdom. I found the first half of the book rather slow and it didn't really get my interest until halfway through. I enjoyed the story of Marie-Jeanne and how she tried to help others find love through delivering books. Also, I enjoyed how reading books changed the community. The concept of the "bookabus" was fun.

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Maybe if I would have read The Little Paris Bookshop this book would have made more sense for me. I just couldn't get into this book and kept putting it down to read something else. Overall, I can't suggest reading this book because it took me months to finally finish it and I still didn't love it.

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What an eloquently written book! I absolutely adored the read!!! I'd love an actual copy of this one soon!

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She transport you to a time you didn’t know you needed and it’s so well know and vivid that ugh I wanna go there now

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A charming change of pace from heavier literary books about books - this one starts you out with a narrator that will have you smiling and wanting to scoot closer . . . .and you should - Love has been personi-deified for your reading pleasure. From Love (Himself) a reader is provided handy asides, wry observations, promising predictions and his own personal confessions. Through him you meet the characters of this tale (some of whom were hinted at or had tell-us-more-begging cameos in the author's previous book - which I will now hunt down and read!) and a gifted darling who has a talent like no other. Be ready for other personi-deifications, as well.

If you are missing France, want to be reminded of old great reads, or need to freshen up on the wisdom of olive trees. . .you should pack your picnic basket with a baguette, cheese of your choice, and grapes in some form and settle under a likely tree dappled through with sunshine, to read of unlikely but thoroughly satisfying for life love-meets.

*A sincere thank you to Nina George, Random House - Ballantine, and NetGalley for an ARC to read and independently review.* #TheLittleVillageofBookLovers #NetGalley

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Thank you net galley for the advance reader copy of this novel. The characters were great in this and enjoyed the unique premise of this book.

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I was excited to read this as I really enjoyed The Little Paris Bookshop by the author. However, this fell fairly flat in comparison.

It was well written as Nina George is a great writer, I just didn't find any of the characters enjoyable at all. I also thought the plot, which sounded so promising, was not executed as well as I would have hoped.

This just didn't hold my attention.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for a honest review.

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This book felt like the philosophical cousin to a well loved Hallmark movie... if that makes sense? This book had an other worldly vibe, almost like it wanted to be written in a contemporary style, but the way it was set up, prevented it from full committing to that vibe. For me, I think it provided a unique perspective to "dreamy Italian villa romance", that might have been done before. However, I will fully admit that this is not everyone's cup of tea.

In another note, I will say, this book is not a traditional romance, I think it leans more towards women's fiction, and is definitely aimed at an older audience with its gentle tone, and calming themes.

That being said, while it wasn't my FAVORITE, it was something different for sure.

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The Little Village of Book Lovers is a well written story and that's it, The characters and plot were not memorable.

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The Little Village of Book Lovers was one of those books where I enjoyed the premise more than the execution. I wanted to love it. I loved the idea of the story. But somehow, it fell flat for me.

Touched by Love (the spirit) as an infant, Marie-Jeanne can see marks on others where love has touched them too. As a teen, she helps her foster father start a mobile library, in which she is able to use her vision and love of books to pair soulmates together. But while helping others find love, the marks and partner elude her.

Again, I really wanted to love it, but for a short book (270-ish pages), it dragged. It took me days to finish, because I could only manage about 10% before my mind wandered and I switched to a different book. I didn't really care for the narration by Love itself, which really left Marie Jeanne's story as a novella. I had high hopes and think this could have been so much better.

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This was a whimsical story primarily told by Love personified. I don't mind these types of tropes, as I loved The Lovely War, which does a similar thing. Although the focus of this book is romantic love, I think there's a lot more to love than that. That being said, my favorite part was the commentary on the place of books and literature in people’s lives. And I love how books became a way to bring people together and pull them out of the ruts they were in. While this book is not technically a sequel to The Little Paris Bookshop, it is definitely a spin-off from it. Based on the reviews I’ve read, that book sounds even better.

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I really enjoyed the magical atmosphere the author embedded in the book. This book started out pretty slow but it started to get better halfway through. I didn't read the first book that this one is related to, but I didn't feel like I missed anything.

Thank you to Netgalley and Ballantine for the early release copy. The opinions above are my own.

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I would love to live in The Little Village of Book Lovers. It sounded like such a charming place, brimming with big personalities, saturated in gorgeous landscapes, and containing a surprisingly robust literary scene. And Love, of course. Love is so wonderfully present in this little village. This is the kind of magical realism that I love, where the magical element is mostly emotional but definitely still magical. What an absolutely charming story.

Confession time: I thought this book sounded overly saccharine. While I love books about books, the description of this one sounded like it would pull a bait-and-switch on me. I’ve lost count of the number of books that present themselves as a love letter to books, only to drop the very element that attracted me in the first place as soon as the plot kicks in. I always feel cheated.

Thankfully, that’s not at all what happened in The Little Village of Book Lovers. The love and importance of books permeated this story all the way through. On top of that, it’s actually a book about a book within another book about books - The Little Paris Bookshop, which I’ve not yet read but cannot wait to remedy. There were so many wise and beautiful things said about books and stories within the pages of this one. I highlighted so much in my Kindle copy, and I had to immediately order a physical edition, so that I can repeat the process there. Here’s an example:
“Books turn people into time travelers, shape shifters, body switchers, mind readers, and immortals, and therefore books are the last great alchemy of our age.”

Beautiful, isn’t it? For some reason, this book doesn’t have the best of ratings. I’m not sure why, because I thought it was just lovely. Maybe bordering on saccharine, but I thought it toed that line well. The plot never dragged, even if it was light in places. However, those portions felt necessary to weaving the setting and the atmosphere tightly around the reader, and the atmosphere is what made the tale so magical. And then there are the characters.

As I stated above, these characters are brimming with personality. Marie-Jeanne, our main character, is pretty wonderful. She gets an interesting start in life, wrapping her fist around the finger of Love personified while still an infant. This surprising contact with Love shifts her entire life, letting her see Love’s mark on others, which no one but Love itself is supposed to be able to see. Marie-Jeanne is an orphan raised by a childless couple, Elsa and Frances. Elsa is terrified of love, and that fear has made her hard. Frances is balances that out with his softness. When he gets the idea to start a mobile library through their surrounding area, life throughout the village and beyond is never the same.

I loved Marie-Jeanne’s thirst for books, and her unique outlook on life. I loved the elaborate descriptions of the secondary characters, and how this mobile library impacted them. I loved seeing these people change and soften and grow over the course of the story. And I love that the story is narrated by Love, who is unable to look away from the little human that gripped Love in her fist.

The Little Village of Book Lovers is a story I can see myself returning again and again, whenever I need some comfort or to be reminded of the magic held within the covers of a book. And I can’t wait to read more of Nina George’s work. She has a beautiful way with words, and it’s obvious that she absolutely adore books. I feel like I found a kindred spirit.

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The Little Village of Book Lovers is a book for book lovers. It is about a town that gets a book-delivering service and how it changes the characters' lives. The relationship between the daughter and father was adorable. Love becomes one of the narrators. The small-town life and the characters are charming. This was a great book to escape into.

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I tried multiple time to understand this book but it just didn’t make any sense to me, the format, the narrators, the overall magical concept. It just wasn’t for me.

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I was so excited to see a new book from Nina George. The Little Paris Bookshop is one of my all-time favorite books. Sadly, this novel did not have the same effect on me. I am not much for magical realism or fantasy, which is basically the whole premise of this book. I think it was a good idea in theory but maybe everyone doesn't need the back story, (or imaginary novel within the novel.) It was a miss for me.

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I really enjoyed The Little Paris Bookshop, so I was excited to read this one. It turns out that I couldn't remember the tie-in this book has to The Little Paris Bookshop until I got to the end of this one.

To me, The Little Village of Book Lovers felt like a fairy-tale mixed with Jane Austen's Emma. (I haven't actually read Emma, but I have watched some films based on Emma and know the general preface, so this observation could in fact be as stretch. ;) )

I wanted to love this one, but I really didn't get invested in the characters or the village. The story was fine, it just wasn't one that really spoke to me.

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As an infant, Marie Jeanne meets Love and it changes her forever, she has the special gift of seeing Love's potential in those around her. As she gets older, she uses that gift to find love for people that she meets.

When she begins a mobile library, she can take that gift with her but is unable to find that gift for herself. She can pair a chef with a woman who wrote out his menu and a hotel guest with an owner and yet, love illudes her. Nina George has the power to take Love and books and combine them into a powerful and poetic book. I wish I could read this book in the untranslated version.

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Nina George is one of my favorite authors and I always look forward to new translations of her books as she beautifully weaves magical realism into each one.

The Little Village of Book Lovers follows Marie-Jeanne as she discovers and comes to understand her ability to see love and bring soulmates together. The story is narrated by Love with assists from Logic, Fate, and a wise olive tree. I found the first half rather slow but overall, it was an enjoyable read and a lovely companion to George’s The Little Paris Bookshop.

Thank you to NetGalley and Ballantine Books for a digital ARC.

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